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Model Bride: A Hotwife Novel

Page 14

by Lexi Archer

  Which was a problem because I was allowing myself to be carried away when that was the last thing I should be doing, damn it.

  A knock on the door brought us back to reality. I pulled away from Nathan and smiled hesitantly. Now that we were here, now that the moment was upon us, I found myself wondering if he would actually go through with it. We hadn’t actually signed anything. The money hadn’t changed hands yet. We were financing our honeymoon mainly through the payment Mike had sent over.

  Shit. Mike. He was supposed to meet us here too. He was supposed to meet us after Liam’s crew got here, but I had a sudden spike of fear shoot through me. What if he decided to show up early? What if he got here with a film crew or something and didn’t take no for an answer when we told him to fuck off? Liam promised to bring some “friends” along to make sure we didn’t have any trouble, but that didn’t help us that much if he wasn’t here when Mike showed up.

  “Ready babe?” Nathan asked.

  It seemed like that was a rhetorical question though. I could tell he was ready from the way his cock was throbbing as he pressed against me, though I was sure that part of that was from how we were making out just a moment ago. He went over to the door before I could tell him about my fears of Mike being on the other side of the door, but then to my relief he looked through the peephole before he opened the door.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. He wouldn’t be opening the door if that was Mike on the other side.

  A guy who looked like he was in his mid-thirties stepped through with a smile on his face. He shook Nathan’s hand and then to my surprise he came across the room and wrapped me up in a very unexpected bear hug. Not unwanted, exactly. Just unexpected.

  “You must be Vanessa,” he said once he’d set me back down on the ground.

  “And you’re Liam?” I asked.

  “None other than!”

  Liam looked pretty good, and I found myself wondering if he was the one I’d be having my “fun” with this evening. That seemed to be the MO for guys operating these sites from what Nathan told me and from what I’d experienced with Mike. Yeah, I don’t think I’d mind it one bit if Liam was the one who ended up being the guy.

  More guys came streaming in after him carrying bags and camera equipment and whatnot. Nathan stood back with his arms crossed watching everything with an unreadable expression on his face. I wondered if he was having second thoughts now that we were actually here in the moment. I searched deep within wondering if there was any shred of reluctance in me, but found nothing. No, I was ready to do this. Ready and looking forward to it, even.

  I just hoped Nathan still felt the same way. My eyes ran down his body and I saw that his cock was still rock hard. That seemed to be a good indication of where things were going, at least.

  “So how long have you guys had this fantasy?” Liam asked, though I wasn’t really paying attention to him. I was more interested in Nathan’s reaction and in the guys who were bringing in equipment. It seemed like there was a lot of stuff involved in putting together a production like this. A lot more than what Mike had used with his “audition tape.”

  “We actually just realized it was a thing a couple of months ago,” Nathan said. “But we’ve had some fun exploring it ever since.”

  “Well this is going to be one hell of a bit of exploring for the two of you tonight!” Liam said.

  And then I forgot completely about any conversation they might be having because another guy came in behind the crew toting in equipment. A guy who was tall and muscular with slightly darker skin, though I found myself having trouble actually placing what race he might be. Not that it mattered. He was gorgeous with broad shoulders, an obviously muscled body under a tight T-shirt and jeans that hugged his body, and he had an easygoing and confident smile that seemed to dominate the room.

  Nathan trailed off as well and stared as the guy looked around the room and then his eyes came to rest on me. If anything that smile got broader and he was moving towards me. He held out a hand and I shook it, feeling an electric spark as we touched.

  “You must be Vanessa,” he said. “I’m Devon. Very nice to meet you!”

  “What gave it away?”

  He looked me up and down and I blushed. Of course. I was still in my wedding dress. That would be one hell of a giveaway. There was more to him looking me up and down though. There was an interest, a hunger there, that made it absolutely clear to me with that one glance exactly who this was.

  Devon was to be my partner for the day, and I couldn’t wait! Damn!

  “So is this the lucky guy?” Nathan asked, walking over and taking Devon’s hand. “I didn’t know this was going to be an interracial scene!”

  “Yeah, makes it easier for us to repackage this later after the whole pay-per-view angle is exhausted. We try to squeeze as much as we can from these videos, repackage them and put them on different sites with different hooks.”

  “Fair enough,” Nathan said.

  Nathan shook Devon’s hand with an easy smile and I watched my husband for any sign that he was upset at this turn of events. I suppose it was one thing to fantasize about seeing me with another man, one thing to see me blowing another guy on a video that I never intended to see the light of day, but another thing entirely to try and put a smile on your face and shake the hand of a man who was going to be railing your blushing bride in a matter of minutes.

  I tried to imagine how I would feel if I found myself in a similar scenario and I found myself marveling that Nathan was taking this so well. If the situation was reversed then I would be sorely tempted to scratch the eyes out of whatever bitch had the audacity to imagine she could get with my guy without consequences.

  Which probably made it a good thing that I wasn’t the one sharing my husband. That he was the one with the fantasy of sharing me. If we were in the reverse then this wouldn’t be happening in the first place! Was that a double standard? Was it unfair? Yeah, just a little, but I didn’t care because this worked for us.

  So far.

  “So is everything planned and ready to go?” Liam asked.

  “You mean with Mike?” Nathan asked.


  “Are your guys ready to go if things go south?” Nathan asked.

  “Of course they are. Who’s going to do the honors of telling him he just got screwed over?”

  Nathan looked over to me and grinned. I smiled right back. This had been the thing I was looking forward to the most before Devon walked through the door and I completely forgot myself, but I was still looking forward to my first starring role of the evening even if it was a starring role that wasn’t going to be captured on camera.

  “I think it’s only fair that Vanessa here does the honors considering she was the one he double crossed,” Nathan said.

  “Fine with me,” Liam said.

  It took a few more minutes of setup and then everything was in place. There was Liam, a camera guy, Devon, and a couple of guys who looked like they were just there to provide some muscle. I had a feeling those were the guys who were an insurance policy of sorts in case Mike decided to get a little out of control when he realized we were screwing him over.

  “So how are you guys going to stream this live anyways?” Nathan asked. “Seems like a lot of bandwidth for you to use crappy hotel wifi or a cell connection.”

  Liam laughed and some of the camera guys behind him working on setting up chuckled as well. “What makes you think we’re doing this live?”

  I blinked. Well that was a little unexpected. What would make us think they were doing this live? “Oh no real reason. Just that you were sort of billing this as a live pay-per-view experience,” I said.

  “Yeah, I guess I could see where you’d make that mistake,” Liam said. “We’re not doing anything live though. No, all of this is going to be recorded ahead of time and then tossed up on the web when we have enough money from people.”

  “So how are you going to handle people talking while the show is goi
ng on? I thought the whole point of these online things was that people could participate?” I asked.

  It still felt a little weird talking about Internet porn like that. I’d gone from knowing practically nothing about the stuff to taking a crash course when it became pretty damn obvious I was going to be participating directly in the stuff. If I was going to be a part of this world then I wanted to make sure I was going into it with both eyes open from here on out. The last thing I wanted was to find myself being taken advantage of out of ignorance like with Mike.

  Liam shrugged. “There’s no way we’d actually be able to stream something like this in HD without paying out the ass to afford it. Better to record it ahead of time and then plant some guys in the audience who make requests at just the right time that you’ll then oblige.”

  “So the whole thing is fake?” Nathan asked.

  “Well yeah, the whole thing is sort of fake to begin with. The only thing that’s making it worth the top dollar we’re charging is that the one thing we’re not faking is you giving up your first time to another man instead of hubby. You’d be amazed how many lonely guys out there with wives who don’t indulge this fantasy are willing to pay top dollar for a genuine experience like this.”

  I resisted the urge to open my mouth and say something. After all, wasn’t my husband one of those guys with that sort of fantasy? Though I suppose he differed from guys who didn’t have an outlet for the fantasy in one major way. His wife was willing to go through with the fantasy. I was so okay with indulging this fantasy that we were filming our first time indulging. I suppose that made me a little different than the guys Liam was talking about, but it still didn’t seem fair to be so dismissive of guys who were stuck with a fantasy that was a little screwed up by its very nature. I could definitely understand where a girl was coming from if she decided she didn’t want to participate.

  Not that I planned on spending much time worrying about that. I had plenty of other things to worry about. Like the fact that I was about to fuck another man. On camera. Yeah, that was far more pressing a concern than thinking about my husband’s solidarity with other guys who had this fantasy.

  “So do I need to do anything in particular to keep up the charade?” I asked.

  “Nah. Just do what comes natural with you and Devon. We’ll make sure the plants know to ask questions that make it seem like whatever you’re doing is responding to a request.”

  While we’d been chatting the camera crews finished setting up and it looked like everything was ready to go. Almost everything. There was still one important part of the performance that we hadn’t gotten to yet. Mike. He was due to arrive any moment now, and amazingly enough I found myself getting more nervous about how he’d react than I was about the idea of fucking another man for my first time.

  That wasn’t the only source of nerves either. I was about to fuck another man on camera. I was about to let this group record my first time and put it up on the Internet. Liam admitted that they were going to repackage this video and try to recycle it as many ways as possible to squeeze as much profit out of it. My face was going to be forever associated with a porn video and it was going to be on the Internet for all eternity, or at the very least until civilization collapsed and the Internet went with it.

  Something told me there weren’t going to be stone carvings of my porno performance for far future archaeologists to find or anything like that, but this was going to last long enough to have a lasting impact on my life. It’s not like I was planning on running for public office or taking a job as a teacher or something else where being in a porno might have a detrimental effect on my long-term employment prospects if it was ever found out, but still. It was going to be out there.

  I’d spent a lot of time thinking about this when we were getting ready to do this and I was mostly okay with it, but I couldn’t help but feel a little bit of panic when we were here in the moment and it was about to actually happen. I forced myself to take a couple of deep calming breaths. It helped that Nathan was right there with me. He seemed to sense that I was having a tough time and his hand reached out and intertwined with mine.

  Yeah, suddenly things felt a lot better with my hand in my husband’s.

  I thought we might have to wait a little while before Mike showed up for the first part of the performance, but no sooner had everyone set up than there was a forceful knock on the door. We looked at Liam and he grinned at us and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled, uncertain, and then I made my way over to the door feeling all eyes in the room on me in my wedding dress.

  I threw the door open and Mike was standing there with a stupid grin on his face. His eyes ran up and down my body and if anything that grin grew even wider. I hated it, but I felt a little thrill as he looked me up and down. I felt some of that forbidden pleasure that I’d felt the first time around. The same forbidden pleasure that had led me into all this trouble because it had me losing control the first time around. I had no plans to lose control this time, though.

  I had no doubt he was thinking of all the fun he’d had with me the first time around at my “audition” and was thinking about all of the fun he could look forward to having with me again tonight when he knew everything was on the table.

  There was no doubt in my mind that he’d try to be the one to get me in the sack. He didn’t strike me as the kind of guy who would have a good looking model coming in to do the actual deed. No, he was such an egotistical prick that of course he’d be the only guy in the world who could do things properly. There was only one guy with a camera behind him, a red dot on the front of the camera showing it was recording everything.

  I caught subtle movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned and saw Liam gesturing to one of his own camera guys who raised his own camera and started recording everything. It looked like he wanted to get all of this for the show as well.

  Me glancing over was enough to draw Mike’s attention as well. He followed my gaze and the look on his face when he realized I wasn’t the only person in the room was priceless. Confusion passed across his face to be followed by disbelief and then anger. His face started to turn red as he turned back to me.

  “What the fuck is that asshole doing here Vanessa?” he asked, his face going from a shade of deep red to deep purple that really didn’t look good on him at all.

  “He’s here to shoot the video, of course,” I said.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? We had a deal! I gave you five grand to shoot this video!”

  “And that’s nothing compared to what Liam is paying us for the video,” I replied.

  “You can’t do that. We had a contract!”

  I smiled. Now we were coming to the part of the evening I’d really been looking forward to. The part where I got to take the lawyering and turn it around on the asshole who’d taken advantage of me with some shady contract lawyering of his own.

  “You sure about that Mike? Because I’m pretty sure that in the text message I said I wanted that five grand to talk. I was pretty clear on that at every step of the way, and that’s something that Liam and his lawyers tell me would totally be binding if you decided to take us to court but you’re not going to because then I might be in a mood to go after you for what you did with your shady contract and Liam says he’d totally pay his lawyers for that just to screw you over.”

  Mike stood there, his mouth working silently as he looked at everyone in the room. In particular his eyes fell on the two guys Liam brought as hired muscle who were standing with their arms crossed leaning against the wall without a care in the world. One of them idly stretched showing off his muscles. Mike looked back at the camera guy, the only other person with him, and that guy shrugged. It was obvious he wasn’t going to be any help in a fight.

  While all of this was going on, while Mike was realizing just how much he’d been screwed over, his face was alternating between several shades of purple and red that didn’t seem at all healthy. I wondered if he was going to have a coronary sta
nding in the doorway which would’ve put a damper on the festivities.

  “Go ahead Mike,” Liam said. “We’ve got our cameras on. Add an assault charge to everything else I could potentially sue you for. It’ll be fun!”

  “This is bullshit. I paid you fair and square,” he said.

  “You paid me to talk to you about shooting your video, Mike. I’m standing here talking to you about shooting your video, and the answer is no.”

  The anger stayed on his face for a beat longer and then he deflated. In an instant he was completely defeated, which was so much fun to see. I was going to have to ask Liam for a copy of that so I could watch the moment where he realized he was completely and utterly screwed over and over again. I figured it was the least I was owed considering the shit he’d pulled with me.

  “Anything else, Mike?”

  “No,” he muttered.

  “Good. Nice talking with you Mike. If you ever want to chat again let me know, but it’ll require my usual fee.”

  That seemed to get a rise out of him. He opened his mouth and his face started running through the lower end of the spectrum again, but I didn’t wait to see what he would say. I slammed the door in his face and locked the deadbolt with a satisfying click.

  Let him stand out there in the hallway and get mad at a closed door. A closed door that was hiding the moneymaking video he’d so desperately wanted. That was what the asshole got for trying to screw people over.

  I took in a deep breath, let it out, and grinned at all the guys in the room.

  “That was fun! So are we ready to get started?”

  19: Dirty Honeymoon

  I sat back in a hotel chair that Liam had moved next to the massive king bed. They’d been nice enough to pay for an upgrade to a suite with the big bed which was a nice touch, though I guess they needed the extra space if they were going to be shooting in here.


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