by Ed Douglas
Lampiya Dhura pass, 281
Lancet, The, 323
Landor, Henry Savage, 316
landslides, 29–30
Langchen Tsangpo, 70
Langdarma, 47
Langtang massif, 80, 151, 217, 461
langurs, 29
Lansdowne, Lord, see Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry
Lanzhou, Gansu, 311, 312
Laozi, 451
Last Glacial Maximum, 36, 38
Last Home of Mystery, The (Powell), 450
Laurasia, 21
Lavi fair, Rampur, 270
Law, Edward, 1st Baron Ellenborough, 248, 379
Lawrence, Henry, 238, 247–51
Lawrence, Honoria, 251
Lawrence, John, 234
Lawrence, Thomas Edward, 430
Lazarists, 297, 309, 344, 380, 382
Le Bon, Gustave, 102–4
Lee, Robert Edward, 106, 107
leeches, 356
Leh, Ladakh, 77, 161, 276, 280, 380
Leipzig, Germany, 37
Lende river, 170–71
Lenin, Vladimir, 106
Leontevsky, Zachar Federovic, 301
leopards, 29, 213
Lepcha people, 334, 337, 338, 397
Lester, James ‘Jim’, 521
leucogranites, 19
Levi, Daniel, 463
Lévi, Sylvain, 44, 102–4, 322, 431
Lhamo Thondup, 438–9
Lhamo Tsering, 506
Lhasa, Tibet, 41, 51, 52, 53, 77, 290–319
ambans, 136, 146, 167, 196, 201, 292, 376
Aufschnaiter in (1946–1950), 456–7
Bailey’s visit (1924), 404
Barkhor, 52, 475, 497–8
cement industry, 497
David-Néel’s visit (1924), 313
Desideri in (1716–21), 95, 135, 161, 205, 303–4
Drapchi prison, 475–8
Drepung monastery, 132, 134, 135, 402, 455, 483
ethnic groups in, 296, 306
Ganden monastery, 132, 134, 455, 475
Garu nunnery, 473, 474, 475
Gould mission (1936), 435–6, 491
Grueber’s visit (1661), 94, 158–9
Gutsa detention centre, 474
Harrer in (1946–1951), 456
Huang mission (1933), 434–5
Huc’s visit (1846), 297–8, 307–9, 379
Jokhang, 52, 54, 56, 89, 307, 475, 496–7
Joughayetsi in (1686–91), 158–9
Kishen Singh in (1878–9), 288
libraries in, 454
Manning’s visit (1811–12), 292–4, 303
McGovern’s visit (1923), 405–6
Nain Singh’s visit (1866), 287
Norbulingka, 348, 402, 474
OSS mission (1942), 433, 492–3
Pereira’s visit (1922), 405
Potala Palace, 94, 134, 148, 293
Reid’s visit (1949), 492
Reting monastery, 73, 131–2
Richardson in, see Richardson, Hugh
Riots (2008), 480, 494
Samye monastery, 55, 56, 73, 475
Schäfer expedition (1939), 433–4, 436
Sera monastery, 132, 287, 305, 438, 455
Shol prison, 486
Thomas’s visit (1949), 492
Tibet Museum, 41
Tucci’s visit (1948), 455
Uprising (1959), 472, 475, 501, 502, 503, 509, 518, 519
Van der Putte in (1728–1731), 208, 294
yarab choesang, 304
Younghusband expedition (1904), 392–3
Lhatse, Tibet, 58
Lhodrak, Tibet, 131
Liberia, 339
Library Cave, Dunhuang, 43–5, 61, 62, 65, 74
Licchavi dynasty (c. 400–750), 48, 51, 84–5, 103
Lifanyuan, 203
Life, 500
Limbu, Ramyata, 329
Limbus people, 334, 342
limestone, 22, 25, 28
Limi valley, Tibet, 155
Lindbergh, Charles, 421, 485
lingam, 10
Linnaean Society, 217
Linnaeus, Carl, 322
lions, 41, 421
Lipu Lekh, 414
Lissanevitch, Boris, 469–71, 514, 517
Lissanevitch, Inger, 469
Lissanevitch, Kira Stcherbatcheva, 469
Liszt, Franz, 229
Litang, Kham, 203, 288, 506
Littledale, St George, 313–16
Littledale, Teresa, 313–16
Liu Lianman, 510
Liu Wenhui, 487
Livingstone, David, 295
Lloyd, Peter, 461
Llullaillaco, 354
Lobsang Drakpa, 130–32
Lobsang Palden Yeshe, 6th Panchen Lama, 129, 136, 138–50
Bogle’s visit (1774), see Bogle, George
Bhot Bhawan, 147
cartography and 204–5, 208
death (1780), 148, 167, 297, 299
Explanation of Shambhala, The, 208–10
Gorkha Kingdom, relations with, 164, 166, 167
Shambhala, search for, 210, 302
Lobsang Rampa, 318
Lohit valley, 330
Lokha, Tibet, 505–6
London Aero Club, 420
London, England, 255
Long March (1934–1935), 437, 487
Longchen Shatra, 399
Longju, Arunachal Pradesh, 503
Longstaff, Llewellyn, 366
Longstaff, Tom, 366–7, 372, 395, 396, 412
Lord Bentinck’s Nose, 230
Losar, 47, 132
Lost Horizon (Hilton), 78–9, 429, 430
1937 film, 429
lotsawa, 70, 71, 87, 143, 483
Louis IX, King of France, 75
Loveday, Raoul, 365
Lowe, George, 465
Lubum Ge, 131
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 219, 239, 247, 260, 284
Ludlow, Frank, 398, 402–3, 407, 436, 493
Ludwig I, King of Bavaria, 229, 256
Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi, 365–6
Lukla, Nepal, 520
Lungkar Shan, 58
Lungshar, 407, 437
Lungtok Gyatso, 9th Dalai Lama, 290, 292, 293, 300, 377
Lungton Nyonpa, 142
Lusar, Tibet, 312
Luther, Martin, 132
Lutyens, Edwin, 228
Lytton, Lord, see Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert
Ma Bufang, 411, 437, 438–9, 487
Ma Qi, 438
Macartney mission (1793), 170
Macaulay, Colman, 384–5
Macdonald, James, 390–91, 392, 397, 485
MacDonald, Ramsay, 422
MacGregor, George, 260
Mackworth-Young, Gerard, 71
Macleane, Lauchlin, 140–41
Macleod, David, 254
Macmillan, Harold, 513
Madagascar, 22
Madhesi, Nepal, 525
madhyamaka, 131, 486
Madras, India, 382
Magar people, 108, 113, 114, 115, 116, 186, 187, 233, 334
Maha Bodhi Society, 484
Mahabharata, 6–7, 8, 10, 12, 30, 40, 89, 184
Mahakala, 91
Mahakali river, 172, 195, 233, 264
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 1, 12
mahasiddha, 45, 60, 157, 207
Mahendra Shah, King of Nepal, 107, 460, 512–15
accession to throne (1955), 107, 470
China, relations with, 460, 514
Chushi Gangdruk, relations with, 506, 515
Coapman, relationship with, 517
coronation (1956), 110, 480, 492, 514
coup d’état (1960), 500, 512, 513, 514, 517
general election (1959), 460, 501
Koirala, relationship with, 500, 501, 512, 514, 515
Lissanevitch, relationship with, 470, 471, 514
Ratna, wedding to (1952), 512
Tsum documentary affair (1964), 519
United Kingdom, relations with, 512–13
; United States, relations with, 460, 515
Maillart, Ella, 464
Main Central Thrust, 25
Makaibari, Darjeeling, 342
Makalu, 28, 423
Makwanpur, Nepal, 95, 116, 122, 193, 196
mala, 477
malaria, 14, 84, 124, 148, 189, 213, 327, 339, 378
Malaspina, Alessandro, 216
Malaun, Nepal 194
Malaya, 339
Maldives, 22
Malhotra, Inder, 467
Malla dynasty (c. 1201–1779), 94–8, 99, 116–25, 458
architecture, 96, 99, 147, 161
artisans, 89–92, 99, 147
Desideri’s visit (1721), 95–8
Grueber’s visit (1662), 94–5
Hovhannes’ visit (1686), 161
Kartik Naach, 83, 85, 94, 96, 119
Kathmandu, fall of (1768), 121–3, 137, 163, 214
Kinloch expedition (1767), 123–5, 149, 189, 214
minting of currency, 83, 121, 163
theatre, 96, 121, 125
Malla, Kamal, 109, 259
Mallory, George, 211, 371–5, 508
death (1924), 370, 371, 372, 375, 403, 423
Everest expedition (1921), 211, 371, 372, 401, 411, 464
Everest expedition (1922), 374
Everest expedition (1924), 370, 371, 372, 375, 403, 406
Kallas, description of, 386
Mallory, Ruth, 371
Malthus, Thomas, 240
‘Man Who Would Be King, The’ (Kipling), 354
Mana Pass, 76
Mana, Uttarakhand, 222
Manasakhanda, 15–17
Manaslu, 110
Mandala of Sherlock Holmes, The (Jamyang Norbu), 317
Mandarava, 473
Mangsong Mangtsen, Tsenpo of Tibet, 52
Manichaeanism, 45, 54, 55
Manjushri, 91, 100
Mannerheim, Gustaf, 394
Manning, Thomas, 290–94
Manuel I Komnenos, Byzantine Emperor, 74
Many-Splendoured Thing, A (Han), 470
Mao Zedong, 109, 456, 459, 478, 482, 488
Dalai Lama, meeting with (1954), 482
chauvinism, views on, 489
Chushi Gangdruk and, 505
Civil War (1927–1949), 455
Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), 478
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (1954), 502, 503
Great Famine (1958–1961), 499, 505
Himalayan frontier and, 502
Hundred Flowers Campaign (1956), 489
India, relations with, 502, 505
Indian War (1962), 261
Koirala’s visit (1960), 510–11, 524
Nepal, relations with, 460, 510–11
Nixon’s visit (1972), 516
On Guerilla Warfare (1937), 516
Panchen Lama letter (1950), 495
‘Seventy Thousand Character Petition’ (1962), 496
Soviet Union, relations with, 509
Tibet annexation (1950–1951), 457
Maoism in China
blank slate, human nature as, 479, 499
Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), see Cultural Revolution
Great Leap Forward (1958–1962), 502
Hundred Flowers Campaign (1956), 489
Maoism in Nepal
Communist Party, relations with, 109
Insurgency (1996–2006), 80, 121, 516, 523, 525
statue destruction (2007–8), 106–8, 523
Mapham-pa, 59
maps, 202–26
Maraini, Antonio, 454
Maraini, Fosco, 453–4
Maratha Empire (1645–1818), 123, 173, 185, 187, 190, 197, 220
Margary, Augustus Raymond, 384
Markham, Clements, 139, 148, 149, 208, 213, 294, 339
Marley, Bennet, 193, 195
Marpa Lotsawa, 87, 89, 143
Marques, Manuel, 76, 77, 222
Marston, Annie Westland, 310
Marsyangdi river, 115
Martindell, Gabriel, 194
Marton, Andrew, 410
Masherbrum, 26
Mason, Kenneth, 358–9
Masson, Francis, 322
Masto, 112
Matterhorn, Alps, 351, 359, 361–2
Mattiussi, Odorico, 76
Maurya Empire (323–184 BCE), 43, 63, 112
Max Planck Institute, 37
Maxim guns, 391
Mayum La, 59
Mazeno pass, 364
McClelland, John, 330, 333
McCormick, Robert, 326
McGovern, William, 405–6, 407
McIntyre, David, 423
McMahon, Henry, 399
McMahon Line, 499, 459, 503, 504
McNab, William, 340
Meade, Charles, 354
Mecca, 54, 156, 296
Mechi river, 194, 195
medicinal plants, 29, 154
Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, 227, 235, 238
Mekong river, 28, 40, 346
Melong, 455, 482, 485, 488
memes, 149
Menon, Krishna, 495, 504, 505
Merkl, Willy, 427
Merrell, George, 460, 461
Meru, 14, 56
Mesozoic period, 21
Messner, Reinhold, 362, 369, 519
Metcalfe, Charles, 191, 195
Mexico, 357
Meyer, Frank Nicholas, 346
MI5, 519
migmatites, 24
‘Migtsema’ (Tsongkhapa), 131
Milam glacier, 261
Milam, Kumaon, 261–5, 281, 288, 353
Milarepa, 60–61, 66, 73, 87, 142, 215, 457
Miliband, David, 494
Mill, James, 176, 240
millenarianism, 377, 431, 479
Miller and Lowcock, 332
Ming Empire (1368–1644), 76
Minto, Lord, see Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Gilbert
Minyak, 87–8
Mir Qasim Khan, Nawab of Bengal, 122, 123, 211
Mirgin La, 337
Mirror, 455, 482, 485, 488
Misch, Hans Peter, 426, 428
Mishmi hills, 330
Mishra, Gajraj, 196
Mitchell, Reginald, 422
mitra, 265
Mitra, Rabindrinath, 467
Miyo Langsangma, 215
Modi, Narendra, 106, 342
Mogao Caves, Gansu, 42–54, 55, 61, 62, 65, 74
Moheyan, 57
Moira, Earl of, see Rawdon-Hastings, Francis
Mondrian, Piet, 430
Mongke Khan, 75, 88
Mongols; Mongolia, 42, 66
Altan Khan (1542–82), 133, 134
Dzungar Khanate (1634–1755), 135–6, 161, 204, 299, 305
Il-Khanate (1256–1353), 88
Khoshut Khanate (1642–1717), 134, 202
Mongol Empire (1206–1368), 43, 73–4, 75, 86–93
People’s Republic (1924–1992), 434
Qing Mongolia (1635–1911), 148, 203, 288, 300, 301, 308, 309, 316, 393
Tsangpa, relations with, 144
Yuan Empire (1271–1368), 43, 75–6, 88–93, 130
Monlam Chenmo, 132, 402
Monrad-Aas, Ingvald, 367–8
Monserrate, Antonio, 76, 78
monsoon, 1, 27
biodiversity and, 29
Guge collapse and, 77
failure (1769), 125
leeches and, 356
mountaineering and, 419, 440, 461, 463, 464
Montagu, Ivor, 423
Monte Rosa, Alps, 353
Montgomerie, Thomas, 285–7
Monyul, 209
Moorcroft, William, 268–78, 327, 378
Moore, Thomas, 149
Moravia, 310, 455
Morley, John, 1st Viscount Morley of Blackburn, 367, 395, 396, 397–8, 399
Morning Post, 255
Moro, Simone, 520
Morris, Jan, 459, 468
Morshead, Henry, 408
mortars, 509
Mosley, Oswald, 422
p; Mount Cook, 356
Mount Everest, see Chomolungma
Mount Everest Committee, 369, 400, 408, 418, 421, 423, 465
Mount Fuji, 343
Mount Kailas, see under Kailas region
Mount Machhapuchhre, 29
Mount Meru, 56
Mount St Elias, 365
Mount Teide, 214
Mountain is Young, The (Han), 470, 480
Mountain Travel, 517
Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 461
Moyes, James, 313
Mr Deeds Goes to Town, 429
Mrayul Thangyye, Tibet, 65
Mughal Empire (1526–1857), 113, 160, 207, 209
banking system, 160
Battle of Buxar (1764), 211
Battle of Plassey (1757), 123, 149
Bengal famine (1769–73), 128
ice trade, 177
Jesuits in, 76
jizya, 162
Malla dynasty, relations with, 95, 122–3
Nader Shah’s invasion (1738–1740), 123
Rohilla in, 16, 269
sannyasi resistance, 137
Siege of Delhi (1804), 176
taxation in, 182
Tibet War (1679–84), 161
wool trade, 276
Mugu, Nepal, 155
Mukherjee, Syama Prasad, 106
Multan, Punjab, 281
Mumm, Arnold, 367, 395, 396
Mummery, Fred, 360–64, 424, 427
Munich, Bavaria, 256, 352, 425
Munsyari, Kumaon, 265
Murong Nuohebo, 49
Murray, Kimble, 342
Murree Brewery, 351
Murshidabad, Bengal, 128
musk, 18, 64, 70, 138, 156–63
musk deer, 29, 156–8
Mussolini, Benito, 102, 451, 452, 454
Mussoorie, Kumaon, 200, 226, 328, 352
Mustagh Pass, 372
Mustang, Nepal, 506, 511, 515, 519
Muztagh Ata, 508
Myanmar, 2, 46
Mysore Kingdom (1399–1948), 176, 219
Nader Shah Afshar, Shah of Persia, 122
Nag Panchami, 101
Nagadeva, King of Khasa, 111, 112
nagas, 29, 85, 100
Nagchu, Tibet, 311, 313
Nagtso, 72
Nahan, Himachal Pradesh, 194
Naini Tal, Kumaon, 200, 328, 352
Nako monastery, Himachal Pradesh, 453
Nalagarh, Himachal Pradesh, 194
Nalanda monastery, Bihar, 55, 56, 85, 87, 89
Nalapani fort, Khalanga, 192–3, 194, 200
Namcha Barwa, 2, 24, 25
Namche Bazar, Khumbu, 459, 521, 523
Namgyal dynasty (1642–1975), 334
Namgyal Tashi, 472–3
Namri Lontsen, 48
Nanda Devi, 352, 356, 357
Longstaff expedition (1905), 367
Moorcroft expedition (1812), 271
Shipton-Tilman expedition (1934), 412–16, 461
Webb expedition (1807–8), 266
Nanda Kot, 367
Nanga Parbat, 2, 24, 424
Buhl expedition (1953), 468
Harrer expedition (1939), 455
landslide (1841), 29–30
Merkl expedition (1934), 426–7
Mummery expedition (1895), 349, 360–64
Westland Wapiti fly past (1931), 421
Wien expedition (1937), 428