AspenTrilogy (Boxed Set)
Page 32
He dropped his hands to the waistband of her jeans, and she inhaled a sharp breath. He kissed her neck, nipped her shoulder as his fingers popped open her button. The zipper on her jeans let out a long, slow hiss as he lowered it. He worked the jeans over her hips, kissed her back and the curve of her waist as he pushed her clothing to the floor.
She stepped out of them.
His warm hands trailing across the bottom curve of her butt nearly undid her. He traced across her curves, over the lace of her panties. Sensation after sensation burst inside her as he spanned his fingers around and down the front of her hips, pulling her against him once again.
"I want to touch you," she whispered.
"Not yet."
He came from the side of her hip, slipping his fingers beneath the edge of her panties, and she stiffened in anticipation of his touch.
At her reaction, he paused. "Is this okay? Do you want me to stop?"
"Yes," she whispered. "No. Please don't stop."
It was his turn to suck in a breath. He traced his fingers across her mound, to the slick valley between.
Someone kill her now because she wasn't sure she could handle this much pleasure.
"God, you're sweet," he whispered as he slipped a finger inside.
She slid her hands down the wall, no longer able to maintain that form with her muscles softening beneath her. "Scott." Her world spun crazily out of control, and she needed him to hold on to. She turned, wrapping her arms around his neck as he claimed her lips in another passionate kiss.
He scooped her up, carrying her farther into the house, into a darkened room. He deposited her on a smooth leather couch, wrapping a soft cotton throw around her. "Don't go anywhere." The light from the foyer caught his features as he smiled. "This might not be when I'd planned to make love to you, but I'm a man who knows how to improvise." He made his way through the dark toward a fireplace and knelt on the floor.
Her heart flipped at his comment. "You'd already planned to make love to me at some point?"
He glanced at her over his shoulder, the muscles in his strong back contracting. "I've pictured it many times."
His answer stole her breath. "Were we good?"
"Damn good." The kindling caught fire and a warm glow filled the room. He walked back to her, a cocky smile on his lips. When he held out a hand, she took it. She wanted this so badly, but being with him like this still felt a little dangerous.
He dragged the blanket with them, spreading it on the floor in front of the crackling fire. With a firm grip, he pulled her into his arms, her breath vacating her lungs as he wrapped her in his embrace. "Mmm..." He laid her down on the blanket, following her to the ground as he gazed into her eyes. "You sure you want to do this?" He cradled her head in the crook of his arm, brushing her hair away from her face.
Renewed excitement built inside her. "Why do you keep asking me if I'm sure? Can't you tell how much I want you?" She ran her fingers over his cheek and into his hair. "I want this."
"You just seem too good to be true. You were always out of reach in school, you know?"
A laugh escaped her. "I'm surprised you remember me from school. You were popular, older, and couldn't have much use for a timid little sophomore."
"Trust me. I remember you. I have a very clear picture of you in a short blue skirt and a tight white sweater. First football game of the season. I couldn't take my eyes off you."
She smiled. "I remember. My mother had a fit about that skirt."
"I can see why. It gave me all kinds of wild ideas about you. I had my eye on you all night, but you were always firmly entrenched with your little group of friends. Besides, you were one of the untouchables." He placed a heated kiss on her lips as though to remind himself he had full access to her now.
She ran a hand up the firm skin on his back, loving the feel of him beneath her fingertips. "What do you mean untouchable?"
"A good girl. Not one a guy could sneak out into the woods with and have his way. You were pure. Not for me. All the guys agreed."
"You talked about me?" She'd had no idea. She'd always thought she was too shy to attract attention. "What did you say?"
"I didn't say anything. Not about you. Not to those guys. But every one of them wished he could get close enough to you to steal a kiss or more if he could get away with it."
"Including you?"
"Trust me. I'd thought about it, but I'd never taint you that way. You were better than that."
"And look at me now. Not a good girl at all." She grinned.
He traced an eyebrow. "You're still a good girl. I can tell."
"But I'm sleeping with you on the first date."
"I do have a small problem with that. We should build a relationship first. That's the way respectable people do it."
He was serious. She laughed. "How do you know what people do behind closed doors?"
He lifted a shoulder and let it drop. "Guess I don't. Honestly, I don't really care what anyone else thinks but you. I want to make you happy."
"You already know how I feel." She tugged his head to her, kissing the man who'd never stopped haunting her dreams.
"I want this to be perfect."
"It is. This night couldn't be more wonderful." She dragged his hand to her breast and kissed him again.
He needed no further encouragement. He shed his jeans and boxers exposing every glorious inch of him. An electric thread of excitement curled through her in anticipation. Kneeling over her, he slipped his fingers beneath the elastic of her panties. She tightened her muscles as he leaned forward and kissed the skin between her belly button and the top edge of her underwear. The erotic gesture left her panting for more.
He slid her panties down her legs in a painfully slow way, his gaze flicking between her eyes and the part of her he'd exposed.
He grinned as he flung her panties behind him and crept forward over her body, sliding a hand up her legs, between her thighs. "Touching you is like touching heaven, Angel." He settled beside her, his hand seeking the center of her once again.
She ran a tongue across her bottom lip before biting into it to keep from moaning.
"You like that?"
She raised her brows in a show of unbridled passion and whispered, "Yes."
"How about this?" He spread her legs wide, massaging her mound before slipping two fingers inside her.
She gasped and bucked against his hand as a delicious shiver overtook her. "Yes."
He dipped his head, kissed the inside of her thigh.
She inhaled a surprised breath when she realized where he was headed. "Scott."
A moment of panic ripped through Katy. No one had ever been that intimate with her. She tugged on Scott's hair, but he gently pushed away her hands as he ran a tongue along her crease.
"Oh…my…God," she said on a ragged breath.
A wild current surged through her, singeing her with its raw power. She bent her knees, digging her heels into the soft blanket. He delved inside her, a whimper escaping her lips.
He had to stop. She couldn't take the intensity, the white hot passion that threatened to consume her.
She felt it coming. Everything she'd experienced that night had been leading her to this point, she realized. Her muscles contracted of their own volition as a blinding heat spread rampant through her body. She cried out as she went taut, held that feeling for a delicious moment, and then collapsed into a pool of satiated wonder.
He smiled as he scooted up next to her. He was the devil, obviously capable of stealing her soul.
"I've never…"
"Good." He gathered her into his arms, and she didn't resist. She knew at that moment, she'd never be able to resist him again.
She sighed and smiled as she laid her head against his chest.
"Don't get too comfortable. I'm not finished with you yet."
"Okay." Whatever he wanted, whatever he needed, she was at his mercy. But she needed a moment to catch her breath.
No doubt, this sexy lover of hers would be relentless.
And she wanted him that way.
A naughty thought urged her forward, and she slipped a hand between their bodies, wrapping her fingers around his shaft.
Power pulsed beneath her touch, and an intense ache to take him inside rolled through her.
He pulled away for a moment, grabbing his jeans and fishing a condom from his wallet.
She wondered how often he'd opened that wallet for the same reason, but then pushed away the thought before it ruined her evening.
He slipped the sheath of latex over himself and settled between her legs. She relaxed, allowing her body to take his full weight. The solid length of him pressed against her apex, giving her a hint of what was to come.
He kissed her, hard, leaving her breathless. As he pulled back, she opened her eyes, finding herself trapped by his gaze, but not wanting to be anywhere else.
He pushed forward by slow degrees, sensations shattering inside her, around him. She kept her gaze on him until he filled her completely, then she arched her back and let her eyes close as she released a sigh of pleasure.
Sweet Mary. What was this intense thing she'd discovered with Scott?
He slipped out and then buried himself again, filling her with awe. Each stroke built toward the same powerful emotions she'd experienced earlier. She welcomed the waves of passion, craving more, and looked forward to the sweet release she knew would come.
He didn't hand it over easily. More than once, he let her get close before he slowed things. It wasn't until she begged for mercy that he gave it to her.
Several times. Over and again until Scott finally tensed. He plunged deep within her as he inhaled, holding himself above her in some kind of rapturous limbo. A fierce expression spread over his features before he collapsed on top of her.
"Ah, Katy-Angel." His shuddering sigh almost made her come again. He rolled to his back, pulling her against him, holding her in place with a muscled arm.
Contentment and something close to bliss flowed through her.
* * *
Katy woke the next morning buried in layers of brown and tan blankets in Scott's bed. She couldn't remember how many times they'd made love the previous night. Twice in front of the fire, not including when he'd… And two, no, three times after they'd climbed the stairs to his bedroom. Or maybe four.
She didn't know. Didn't care. All she knew was she couldn't have imagined a better place to find herself that morning.
Scott popped his head inside the door, met her gaze and grinned. "Breakfast?" He wore nothing but his boxers, most of his magnificent body available for her to feast on.
Her smile grew bigger as tantalizing scents filled the room. "You're spoiling me."
"It's what I intended." He set a tray filled with bacon, poppy seed muffins, and slices of aromatic oranges, complete with coffee on her lap and climbed in bed next to her.
She picked up a piece of crispy bacon and took a bite. Heaven. She held it out for him, and he gobbled up the rest, nipping her fingers in the process. She laughed.
He pulled off a chunk of muffin and stuffed it in her mouth. "Oh, that's good." Almond flavoring dissolved on her tongue.
He let her finish her muffin before he set the tray aside, except for the plate of orange segments. She took one and plopped it into her mouth and the citrus flavor exploded on her tongue. "Why does everything taste so good?"
"Sex," he said and bit the tip off his orange. She raised a brow as he encircled her nipple with it and then licked the juice off her.
A tight curling sensation wrapped around her insides, and she sighed.
He slid his strong arms around her and tugged her back down on the mattress. "It's Sunday. I think we should stay in bed all day."
His comment jerked her out of her reverie. "Oh, no." She pushed him back. "What time is it? I have to get home."
"About twenty to nine."
She squeezed her eyes shut. "Damn it." She sat upright and searched for something to cover herself with so she could get up. "I have to get home. My friend Sienna will be at my house at nine, and I have to beat her there."
"Call her and cancel."
She glanced at him looking ruffled and sexy lying back against his pillow. What she wouldn't give to have the whole day to linger in his bed with him.
"You don't understand. She comes over every Sunday morning, regardless. We usually get coffee in town, but if I'm ill or whatever, she still comes. It's like our girl time. I'd…I'd feel bad if I cancelled at the last moment." There was absolutely nothing around that would be useful as a cover. Her pillow. But that would be ridiculous. "Do you have a robe or something?"
"Uh-uh." He gave her a mischievous grin.
"I need to get up. Are my clothes still downstairs?"
"I expect they are." He rolled his eyes as though thinking. "Coat, sweater, jeans…bra are all in the foyer. I think your panties made it to the living room."
She widened her eyes at his teasing. "This is a serious matter."
He lifted his hands, giving her an innocent look. "I agree. You're free to gather your clothes, and I'll drive you home whenever you're ready."
She bit her lip, trying not to smile back at him. Her bad boy had surfaced again. "You're going to make me walk across the room butt-naked in front of you, aren't you?"
"You could stay in bed with me."
She tossed her pillow in his face in order to give herself a head start. She'd barely made it out of bed when his whistle followed behind her. At the doorway, she glanced back to find a huge grin on his face.
"Very nice," he called after her as she hurried down the stairs. She wanted to be angry with him for not helping her, but she couldn't. She was in too good of a mood.
She quickly gathered her clothes and headed into the great room to retrieve her panties.
He was dressed and downstairs before she finished. He helped her into her coat before donning his.
"I've changed my mind. You are not a gentleman," she tossed at him as he drew her into his arms.
He grinned. "Like I said." He leaned in, kissing her, swirling her thoughts until her smart comeback disappeared.
She sighed when he pulled away. "I wish I could stay."
"Me, too."
* * *
They didn't make it in time.
Clouds heavy with snow hovered overhead as Sienna stepped out of her little green truck. Scott pulled in to Katy's drive right behind her. Katy cringed as Sienna turned to see who'd arrived. Her eyes widened as she flung a long lock of straight black hair over her shoulder. Katy didn't need anyone to point out that her friend only did that when she was annoyed.
"Shit," Katy said under her breath. Instantly, she could hear Sienna warning her about her language. She really did need to watch it.
"What's the big deal? You made it here on time. It's not like she'll be pissed because you kept her waiting." Scott put his SUV in park.
A heavy breath fell from her mouth. She walked a tight line of not letting Scott know how greatly her friend disapproved of her being with him. "It's…you wouldn't understand."
He scrutinized her. "What? You don't want her to know you spent the night with me?"
She closed her eyes and tried to separate her anxiety from her feelings about their time together. "Thank you for a truly wonderful evening. Everything was amazing."
"Still trying to protect your reputation?"
"Something like that." She tightened her resolve and opened the passenger door, preparing herself for the fallout with Sienna.
"It's a bit late for that," he said as she shut her door.
She panicked when he followed her out.
He met her at the front of his truck. "I wish you'd let me get your door for you."
"Sorry," she said, her breath freezing in front of her. She glanced from him to Sienna, and he followed her gaze.
He stepped forward to her friend. "Scott Beckstead." He extended a hand. "Sienna, right?"
Her friend's wary gaze softened a bit, but didn't quite lose its sharpness. "Right." She shook his hand, and then looked at Katy expectantly.
"Uh…okay. I should get going," she said to Scott.
"Yeah, I'd better let you get to your girl time." He pulled her in for a scorching kiss that melted her toes and left her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Call me later?"
"Yeah." She nodded and waited for him to get in his truck and leave. It gave her a few moments to compose herself before Sienna ambushed her.
When his SUV was well down the road, she turned to her friend. "Let's go inside. It's freezing out here."
Neither spoke until they were in the house and Katy had shut the door. "Want some tea?" she offered, knowing it was a futile diversion.
"What…was…that?" Sienna looked truly disgusted.
"Scott." Katy took off her coat and hung it in the closet, trying to ignore her friend's obvious disapproval.
"I can see that. I thought you weren't going to see him again." Her friend tossed her jacket on Katy's couch in a haphazard fashion.
"Obviously, I changed my mind." She headed into the kitchen. The moss green and lavender accents always had a way of soothing her.
"Obviously, you slept with him." Her friend tossed the barb with such attitude that Katy recoiled. She might as well have called her a slut.
Katy exhaled and grabbed her teapot from the stove. The simple routine allowed her a minute to plan her next words. "I don't really expect you to understand, Sienna. But I like him. And he likes me."
Sienna stood near the sink. "He's using you."
Her words stung like a frigid winter wind. She turned to her friend. "What if I'm using him?" After all, she'd been the one to instigate sex between them.
"I'm sure he'd like you to think so. That way when things don't work out, and you're left with a broken heart, it's your own fault." Something terribly ugly spewed from her cat-like green eyes.