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Winning the Surgeon's Heart

Page 13

by Annie Claydon

  ‘We should pick something that we love. Something we’d go that extra mile to achieve, because that’ll show through in our presentation.’

  ‘Yes, that’s good.’ Hannah thought hard. ‘I wish my head weren’t so full of all the different options. I can’t stop thinking for long enough to know...’

  ‘Me too.’ Matt stared at the ceiling. ‘I suppose we could always get drunk.’

  Hannah chuckled. ‘Yeah. If I’m drunk enough to unclutter my head, then I’ll have a twenty-four-hour hangover. That’s not going to help much.’



  Happily she hadn’t voiced the first thing that flew to mind. But the general principle was a good one, they couldn’t plan their way through this. They had to find something that took them out of the mire of pros and cons.

  ‘Exercise sounds good. I’d say running, but my knee’s still a bit shaky.’

  ‘What about swimming?’ He grinned suddenly. ‘Although you might not be able to keep up...’

  They’d effortlessly leap-frogged their way to a conclusion, each relying on the other’s ideas. This was a good way forward. Hannah got to her feet, making for her bedroom.

  ‘Don’t bank on it Matt, if I have to cheat to get ahead of you then I’ll have no hesitation in doing so. I’ll see you down there.’

  * * *

  Matt was already in the pool when she entered the large, tranquil space. They were alone here, and the empty corridors had attested to the fact that the other contestants were probably in their rooms, busy hammering out ideas. Maybe they should be too, but they’d always relied on each other rather than follow the crowd.

  Hannah slipped off her fluffy hotel robe, and got into the pool. Maybe he was watching her, but she felt no self-consciousness. She wanted him to.

  ‘Ready?’ He was treading water, ripples splashing over his shoulders. He really did have great shoulders. His skin seemed almost golden under the overhead lights. Maybe exercise would quench the urgent need to touch him, although Hannah doubted it.

  ‘Yes. Ten laps?’

  He shook his head, motioning towards the clock above the door to the changing rooms. ‘What about ten minutes? No competing, just push at our own personal best.’

  Because he knew he’d win. Hannah decided to see his suggestion as generous, rather than patronising, because that was certainly the way he meant it.

  ‘Okay, ten minutes.’

  It was ten minutes of hard work. Hannah swam regularly, and it was obvious that Matt did too. When their time was up, he waited for her, bobbing up and down in the water.

  ‘Any ideas yet?’

  ‘Nope. You?’

  ‘Nothing. Another five minutes?’

  She nodded pushing off from the side of the pool.

  This time she waited for him, because Matt had not only passed her but managed to squeeze extra laps in as well. ‘Anything?’

  He grinned at her. ‘Another five?’

  ‘You’re on.’

  They were both slowing now. After five more minutes of concentrated swimming, Hannah was tiring and her knee was beginning to throb a little.

  ‘That’s enough, Matt. I can’t do another five...’

  ‘Me neither.’ He swam to the side of the pool, boosting himself up out of the water. It was an exercise in perfection, and Hannah watched as he grabbed the towelling robe from the seat where he’d left it. Then he sat down, waiting for her to collect her robe and join him.

  ‘What have you got?’ He picked up a towel, rubbing it vigorously across his head, and Hannah peeled off her bathing cap.

  ‘I’ve got... Nothing. I’m still out of breath...’

  ‘You’ve got something. I know you have.’ Matt’s smile, and the look in his eyes was as intoxicating as when he’d kissed her. Taking her away from everything she thought she knew...

  Suddenly a thought shot into her head. ‘Sam was born with a cleft lip and palate. You’ve noticed the scar?’

  ‘Only because I’m a surgeon. Someone did a very good job.’

  ‘Yes, they did. His was relatively minor, but it’s more common than a lot of people realise, about one in seven hundred babies. He had feeding difficulties, though, and it was a struggle for a while. A lot of kids have much more severe problems, ear infections and speech difficulties.’

  Matt nodded. ‘What kind of project would have helped him?’

  ‘I don’t know... The surgery and care Sam had was marvellous. A lot of kids are hesitant about taking solid food, and they and their parents have problems with the way that people treat children with any disfiguring condition.’

  ‘So we concentrate on support, rather than medical treatment. You think that’s the best way to spend the money?’

  ‘Yes, I do. We can make more of a difference there, the money will go further.’

  ‘I agree. So we’ll go for that?’

  He hadn’t suggested anything himself. If it were up to Hannah to spend the money, that would be her choice, but this team was made up of two people.

  ‘No. I’ll hear your ideas first.’

  He shrugged. ‘Sam’s important...’

  ‘Yes, he is. Come on, Matt, what’s important to you?’

  ‘I guess...’ Matt thought for a moment. ‘Young people like Mia. We have all the facilities to give them the best medical care, but it’s difficult for them to stay positive. They have to really stick at the exercises.’

  ‘It would be really good to help them.’

  ‘It would be really good to help kids like Sam, too.’

  They were at an impasse. Neither wanted to let go of the projects that were so close to their hearts, but neither could deny the other’s. Hannah stared out over the water, the overhead lights reflecting on its surface. It was restful. A luxury that wasn’t always available in the busy wards of the hospital...

  ‘A sensory room?’ Matt suddenly voiced the idea that had been forming in her head.

  ‘Yes! We could create an area that can be changed to meet different needs. Anyone benefits from being relaxed and happy, babies like Sam and youngsters like Mia.’

  ‘Maybe a pool...’ Matt was grinning now.

  ‘Earth to Matt. That’s far too expensive.’

  ‘So what if we build a capacity for expansion into the plan? Raising extra money is a possibility, isn’t it?’

  ‘I guess so.’ Hannah was almost breathless from excitement. ‘I want to start now, Matt. I mean this very minute...’

  ‘Me too.’ He jumped to his feet. ‘You reckon we have our idea?’

  ‘Yes, I do.’ A thought occurred to Hannah. ‘What do you think the hospital board will say?’

  ‘We can’t worry about that. We’re both medical professionals, and we understand what’s needed and what can and can’t be done. We have to just make the decision the best we can.’

  ‘Yes. You’re right.’

  They’d done it. Together. His ideas and hers, twined together in something that felt like an embrace. Hannah slipped on her canvas shoes, and together they hurried away from the pool and up the stairs.

  The media room was locked and she rattled the door handle impatiently. The unit director appeared from the adjoining room, where cameras and microphones were being set up, in readiness for tomorrow.

  ‘Sorry. It’s closed until tomorrow.’ He was eyeing their robes and grinning.

  ‘We’ve been swimming. And we need the internet.’ Matt returned his stare.

  ‘Like I said. No internet until tomorrow at ten o’clock, we’d like you to spend this evening deciding on your projects. After that you’ll have twenty-four-hour access.’

  ‘But we’ve already decided.’ Hannah tried to reason with him and he shook his head.

  ‘Okay. Thanks anyway.’ She heard Matt’s voice behind her and fel
t him tug lightly at her sleeve. He was right, no one was going to be allowed into the media room tonight, and they should go back to their suite.

  Hannah followed him into the lift, looking up at him dejectedly. ‘So what are we going to do now? It’s fourteen hours until the media centre opens and we can’t start researching.’

  Matt chuckled softly. ‘How about we just dream a little more, then?’


  THE HEAT WAS oppressive tonight, and when Hannah had showered off the chlorine from the pool, she slipped on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. When she walked into their shared sitting room, Matt was on the house phone, just ending a call.

  ‘You managed to get a line out?’

  He laughed. ‘No, I was just ordering some drinks.’

  He was wearing a faded pair of jeans that had been washed and worn until they were like a second skin. She’d seen him work his body so many times now, and there was always something new to like. His strong arms, slicing through the water in the pool, or straining to support his weight when he tackled the climbing wall. Those long legs that seemed to eat up the miles. She’d seen him talking to people and the way that his quiet manner put them at ease, had watched him and Sam discussing the world, nodding solemnly to each other as they came to a conclusion. But her favourite version of Matt was this one. Relaxed and smiling, his eyes seeming very blue against his tan, and sparkling with ideas. She fetched a pad, and started to make a list.

  ‘What do you think about building?’ The drinks had arrived and he was swirling his thoughtfully, allowing the ice to clink against the sides of the glass.

  Hannah put down her pen. Aspirations were one thing, but this was way beyond their budget. ‘Building. You’re serious?’

  ‘I’m not sure yet. But prefabs are low cost and very configurable. We could make a space that was exactly as we wanted it.’

  ‘Prefabs?’ Hannah shot him a pained look. ‘The only thing I know about prefabs are that my old school had a few of them tacked on to the main building. They were far too hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter.’

  ‘They’ve come a long way since then. I worked at a hospital in Glasgow that had some prefabricated wards and they were great. Clean and modern and very comfortable.’

  ‘But...they’re too expensive for us, aren’t they?’

  ‘Yeah. But what if we could approach a manufacturer, and ask if they’d like to donate to a high-profile charitable project—’ Hannah started to laugh and he gave her a reproachful look. ‘Hey...this is being filmed for TV, it doesn’t get more high profile than that. And lots of manufacturers use donations to gain publicity. It’s tax-efficient...’

  ‘You make it sound almost do-able.’

  ‘Almost can be stretched a little, can’t it? What do you say to phoning round a few suppliers tomorrow and just testing the water. I could do that while you investigate some of the cascade lights you were talking about.’

  ‘Okay. I’ll put it on the list.’ Hannah scanned the paper in front of her. ‘So we have exercise and therapy equipment, different kinds of lights and a sound system, along with a new building and... What about an outside area, where kids can play in the summertime? We could have a play fountain, Sam loves the one in the park near us.’ They were moving in the realms of the impossible, and somehow it all seemed possible.

  ‘Sounds good. Anything else?’

  ‘That’s enough for the time being. We’ll be lucky to get half those things into our budget.’

  ‘Then we have to prepare the presentation. In three days.’ Matt chuckled.

  ‘Oh, yes. I forgot the part about the three days.’ Hannah grinned at him. ‘Maybe we’ll have to forgo sleeping.’

  ‘In which case we should probably get an early night. Although I think it’s going to be too hot to sleep tonight.’

  Dreams and hot nights. And Matt. The man she couldn’t have, because they’d both agreed that romance wasn’t on their agenda. But maybe fantasy was.

  She’d never made the first move before. But the look in Matt’s eyes told her that he wouldn’t push her away. Even if he couldn’t stay with her tonight, he’d make his regret into something delicious, as he had when he’d slow-danced her to his front door. Hannah stood up, walked over to the sofa and sat down next to him.

  For a moment they didn’t touch. And then he curled his arm around her shoulders, and she snuggled against him.

  ‘This is nice.’ She felt him drop a kiss onto her brow. ‘Really nice.’

  If she had any doubts, she should stop now. She could stop, and Matt would understand. That very fact chased the what-ifs away. They couldn’t change each other’s lives, but that didn’t mean that the next few hours had to be spent apart. She reached for him, and he was there. When she kissed him, he was so deliciously there that everything else melted away.

  ‘Hannah...’ He broke away from her, his eyes dark with desire. ‘Are you sure? This can’t change anything between us...’

  ‘But do you want it?’

  ‘Can you doubt that?’

  She moved closer to him, feeling the strong beat of his heart under her hand. ‘Then I’ll be plain, Matt.’

  ‘Please. I like it when you speak your mind.’

  She leaned forward, whispering in his ear. Words for him alone that made him almost choke with surprise.

  ‘All that? In just one night?’

  ‘If you can’t stand the pace...’

  ‘Just try me, Hannah. Only you’ll be coming first...’ The world tipped as he got to his feet and gathered her up in his arms, carrying her across the room and into her bedroom. There was no stopping him now and...

  ‘Wait! Matt do you have condoms?’

  ‘No.’ He hesitated for a split second, and then put her down onto the bed, kneeling in front of her. ‘I don’t want to wait, Hannah. But I can improvise... Trust me, we’ll be safe.’

  ‘I trust you Matt.’ She reached for the lamp beside the bed, flipping it off. ‘We’ve done this before. Led each other in the darkness.’

  He smiled. ‘Yes, we have.’

  The bedroom gave a stunning view of the city through floor-to-ceiling windows. Matt closed the heavy drapes, shutting out the lights that stretched across the horizon. He was just a shadow now, caught in the gleam of the lamps from the sitting room, and when he shut the door she could see nothing. But he was there. She could feel his fingers caressing her cheek and his lips on hers. He pulled her T-shirt over her head, and Hannah tugged at his jeans and heard the sharp sound of the zipper.

  He laid her down on the cool sheets, and she felt his skin, warm and firm beneath her fingers. And then everything seemed to focus on his touch, and the darkness and exquisite pleasure.

  Just Matt. Only his hands, and his mouth, finding each and every place that made her shiver. He was guided by each catch of her breath, each whimpering cry that tore itself from her lips. Precise and careful, his fingers showed no hesitation, no mercy as they travelled across her stomach and down between her legs...

  Fireworks in the night. Losing herself in the loud clamour of desire, and then finding him there, still holding her, his body warm and strong next to hers.

  ‘Nice one, Flash...’ His lips touched her ear, as he whispered the words and Hannah shivered, aftershocks still running through her body. Her mind was a blank, just pleasure and satisfaction and the warm presence of the man who had given her these gifts.

  She could feel his erection, impressively hard against her leg. And then one thought came rushing into the vacuum, urgent and complete.

  When she pushed him over onto his back, he let out a groan of relief. Maybe he’d thought she might just curl up in his arms and go to sleep, but that wasn’t what teammates did. As her fingers explored, she felt the urgency of his desire, and she whispered in his ear.

  ‘I’m not leaving you behind,

  * * *

  Matt liked sex. It was straightforward and uncomplicated, because he always made it that way. But this was different.

  Complex, multifaceted, and more satisfying than he’d ever realised. When Hannah had come, it had been a dizzying triumph, marked by her cries in the darkness and the feel of her skin, suddenly burning against his. When she’d tipped him over, making it very clear that she was about to take him where she’d just been, he’d felt profound thankfulness and sudden, unrelenting need.

  They hadn’t even gone all the way, but it seemed further than he’d ever been before, venturing into unknown territory. If he’d been able to think, that might have worried him, but thinking was out of the question at the moment. He was helpless in Hannah’s hands, his body responding to her and only her. He came hard and fast, and in the sudden agony of desire he could hear her low purr of pleasure.

  And then came the new pleasure of seeing her. It seemed like another first time, as uniquely pleasurable as the last, standing under the shower together, letting it cool their bodies. He wanted another first time now, more than he’d wanted it before.

  ‘I’ll go downstairs...’ He kissed her, feeling her hands caress his back, along with the cascade of water. ‘I’m sure I saw a condom machine in the cloakroom downstairs.’

  ‘Mmm. We can go all the way next time.’

  The thought that there was more propelled him out of the shower and he scrubbed his hair dry, finding his jeans and T-shirt on the floor by the bed where they’d been discarded. Hannah followed him, wrapped in a white bath towel, and the only thing that could slow his haste was stopping to kiss her.

  ‘Hurry up.’ She looked up at him, and he found himself transfixed in the warmth of her golden-brown eyes. ‘Go...!’

  ‘Then let me go.’

  She knew the ties that bound him. Her eyelids fluttered downwards and he was free. Matt threw an exhortation over his shoulder, telling her not to move one inch, and hit the corridor, making for the lift at a run.


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