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Pigsty Princess

Page 31

by Nancy S. Brandt

  “Gentlemen, the Sahdeer and I are going to retire for the night. I trust you will make yourselves at home.”

  Raulin tipped his head toward her. “Good night, my dear Sahdess. Sleep well.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Mariana and Orlando rode side by side as they led their group of supporters toward the palace. The bonding had given Mariana a clear sense of her Sensitivity, and while she wasn’t sure what she could do yet, she could also feel Orlando’s Blood Sensitivity—the Ability to feel the power other people had.

  It was a little disconcerting to sense all that, but at the same time, she felt as though she’d been looking at life through a smudged window and bonding with Orlando had cleaned off all the grunge.

  “Princess, we’re getting close to where the guards will be able to see us.”

  George Evan and Andreas, being the best horsemen, had ridden ahead, and Andreas came back with the news. “Perhaps now would be a good time for you and my son to break off and ride ahead.”

  “Yes, Sahdeer,” Mariana said.

  Andreas beamed at her. “I wish you’d call me Andreas, or even Father.”

  Orlando rolled his eyes. “Let’s not push this yet. You and I still have a few issues to work out before the two of us start coming to holiday meals.”

  “Maybe we should wait to see if the Princess survives,” Kylan said. He and Brother Raulin joined them at the head of the party.

  “Princess,” the Abilities Trainer said, “I think it would be wise to have the two of us ride in with you.”

  “A show of strength,” Orlando said. “I agree.”

  Raulin raised his hands as though in defeat. “I don’t know how strong you will look with a celibate monk and an old man with you.”

  “I’m not as old as you think,” Kylan said, “but King Jonathan will recognize if I stand at the Princess’s side, it means she knows her power. It may give him a reason to refuse the challenge and graciously step down from the throne in favor of his daughter.”

  “You know he’ll never do that,” Raulin said. “He’s too concerned with his image with the people.”

  “Be that as it may,” Kylan said, “she needs us with her.”

  “Of course.” The monk bowed his head in agreement. “I would never let my niece put herself in this situation without me.”

  “Perhaps the whole Brotherhood should stand with her.” This came from George Evan.

  Honoria shook her head. “It would be best all the way around if the existence of the Brotherhood remained a secret.”

  “So, you two being with me will be explained how?” Mariana asked.

  Now the monk gave her that roguish grin that would have gotten him in all kinds of trouble had he chosen a different life than one of celibacy and service to the Elements. “You are my niece,” he said. “As a man who dedicated his life to the study of the Elements, I would be the perfect person for you to turn to with your questions. Me and Kylan, of course.”

  Before Mariana could respond, Orlando raised his hand. “Someone is coming. I believe it’s the Cognate Prince.”

  Everyone except Mariana, Orlando, Raulin, and Kylan took their horses into the woods. The area near the palace was a bit hilly, providing many places where her friends and their animals could safely hide. This was the reason the palace has such high lookout towers but even the guards wouldn’t be able to see past a bend in the road.

  “Mariana.” Ramone called as soon as he’d rounded the corner and saw her. “Father got word from his lookouts that you were coming and sent me to escort you.” Then the Prince noticed the three men accompanying her. “Kylan, Uncle Raulin. I didn’t expect to see you here.” He pushed his glasses up. “What is happening?”

  “What did your father tell you?” Raulin asked gently.

  Ramone furrowed his brow in confusion. “He only said Mariana was coming home, and I should make sure she arrived safely.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” Mariana asked. “I rode here from the village without running into any danger. As you can see, I am well attended.”

  Her brother took off his glasses and cleaned them. “I think something more than a joyful homecoming is happening here. Father led me to believe Orlando wouldn’t be with you. In fact, I think Father believes him to be dead.”

  “That is clearly not the case,” Orlando said. “We would like to see the King.”

  “Mariana? What has happened?” Ramone asked.

  “Ram, my darling brother. Father lied to me. He lied to all of us. I am not an Insensitive. In fact, I am a Chaos Sensitive.”

  Ramone narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. His thinking face.

  After a moment, he said, “If that’s true, you are the strongest Sensitive in the kingdom.” While that would mean that he wouldn’t take the throne, he didn’t sound angry or even hurt by this revelation.

  “It’s true, Your Highness,” Kylan said. “I have been under orders from the crown for these last eight years not to reveal what I know.”

  “Why would Father keep something like this a secret?” Ramone asked.

  “I think you know,” Orlando responded, and Raulin agreed.

  “Ramone, you above all others know how important the throne is to your father. I believe he didn’t want anyone to know what your sister is because he wanted to make sure he stayed King as long as possible and so you could have the throne after him.”

  “Ursula is stronger than I am.” Ramone said this, too, with no sign of irritation. “When the time came, I intended to offer the crown to her.”

  “You would do that?” Mariana asked. “The whole kingdom expects you to take the throne.”

  “Mari, they expect it because that is what Father tells them. Do you think I haven’t been paying attention to what goes on in our family? I’ve seen how Ursula’s Abilities are manifesting. She isn’t stronger than I am yet, as far as I know, but by the time Father leaves the throne, she probably will be.”

  “And that doesn’t bother you?”

  He narrowed his eyes and shook his head as though confused. “Why would it? The First Law is clear. ‘He who has the power shall rule.’ If Ursula is the most powerful, than she should rule.” Suddenly, his face brightened. “Or you. If you truly are as Kylan says, then you should be Queen.”

  “Father will never allow it.”

  “Father is King, but he has to obey the Law.”

  “Actually, he doesn’t,” Raulin said. “The only way to force him to admit to Mariana’s claim is for her to challenge him and win. At this point, few people in the kingdom know what your sister is, and the rest would never agree to her sitting on the throne given what they believe about her.”

  “Ramone, will you help me? I need to see Father and Mother, if only to confront them about their lies.”

  Her brother thought about this silently for some time, and Orlando said, “We might need another plan if Ramone refuses, and I don’t blame him if he does. He has too much to lose if you don’t win the challenge.”

  “I don’t have as much to lose as my sister does.” Ramone moved his horse so he was between them. “I will never be King because when it is my time, when Father abdicates or dies or whatever happens that I would take the throne, I fully intend to give it to Ursula. However, if Mariana is the strongest, then she should, by rights and by Law, be the Queen.”

  “So you will help me?” Mariana reached for her brother’s hand.

  “My loyalty is to Valborough, and I think you would be a great Queen.”


  Clearly the King was expecting her. The audience chamber was set up as though a dignitary from a neighboring country had arrived instead of his daughter. Both of Mariana’s parents sat in their thrones at the far end of the room, requiring her to walk the entire length knowing their eyes were on her.

  Her siblings, except Ramone, of course, were arranged to the right of her father, all seated on their own smaller thrones. Mariana noticed the chair she usually occupied was missing, with
her new niece and nephew in cradles next to their mothers.

  Mariana saw all this from a hidden room Kylan led her to.

  “You need to make an entrance,” he said. “Show them you are not afraid.”

  “But I am.”

  Orlando squeezed her hand. “I’ll be right beside you.”

  “You are the rightful Queen of Valborough,” Raulin said. “Don’t let the King or the Queen make you feel anything different. Hold your head up and use what you’ve learned.”

  Mariana swallowed and nodded. “I will try.”

  Her uncle hugged her. “You can do this.”

  They left her and Orlando in the room. Mariana watched through the peephole as Kylan and Brother Raulin entered the audience chamber.

  “What is this?” The King’s voice was muffled, but Mariana could clearly hear his words. “I was told my daughter has returned to the palace.”

  “I’m sure that comes as a surprise to you,” Raulin said, “as you ordered her and her husband to be killed.”

  “Father?” Liliana spoke up, but the Queen gave her a glare, and she dropped her eyes to her hands.

  “I don’t have to discuss my commands with you, Monk,” Jonathan said. “You gave up your claim to the throne the day you took vows to serve the Elements. Why have you left your cloister?”

  “The fate of Valborough is in question, and I felt it was my duty to be here in person.”

  “The fate of Valborough? That seems a bit dramatic. Haven’t you embraced a simplistic life?”

  “But not a deceptive one, my King.” Raulin bowed his head slightly.

  “Sire,” Kylan said, drawing the King’s attention. “Perhaps it is time you faced the truth about your Abilities. We know they are failing you, and the First Law is clear. If someone stronger were to appear…”

  “And you are here to tell me my brother should take the throne in my place?”

  Raulin laughed, and Mariana wondered how it was possible he was so calm.

  “As I said, brother, I have not embraced a deceptive life. I gave up my claim to the throne to serve the Elements. And you know as well as I do I am not here on my own behalf.”

  “And on whose behalf do you think you’re here?” the King asked. Mariana wondered if she heard fear in his voice or if that was her own imagination.

  “I think it’s time,” Orlando whispered, taking her hand.

  She nodded once, took a deep breath, and focused her feelings on the candles that made the audience chamber as bright as a sunlit afternoon. The feat was not as difficult as starting a fire, as the flames were already there, but just finding each individual light took a concentrated effort of will.

  When she held them all in her mind, she sent a small burst of air to each one, extinguishing them and sending the room into darkness.

  Gasps and exclamations of surprise and possibly fear went up from her family. She and Orlando hurried to the entrance to the chamber as she felt Fire Sensitivity push against her Ability, trying to relight the candles.

  In an instant, she released her hold on the two lamps next to the entrance door and they burst into flame, illuminating her.

  “Father,” she said, keeping her voice as strong and steady as she could. “Mother. I have come to take my rightful place in the family.”

  As she walked with Orlando behind her toward the throne, the two large candles she’d lit floated next to her. Raulin, with Kylan’s help, had taught her this simple trick. She suspected her suppression of the rest of the lamps was being supported by someone else in her troop but she couldn’t take the effort to figure out who. What she was doing took all the will she had.

  Flowers Honoria had brought from the royal gardens swirled around Mariana’s feet and lay down a path on the long blue carpet spread from the doorway to the throne platform.

  Ramone walked behind his sister, next to Orlando. The rest of the party followed behind. When they reached the thrones, the rest of the candles relit, bathing the entire room in yellow light.

  Liliana smiled at Mariana, but the Queen glared at the Princess and she sobered. Ursula and Victoria didn’t look up from staring at their hands, and it was clear Victoria had been crying from the handkerchief in her lap.

  “Father,” Ramone said when he reached the steps leading to the King’s throne. He dropped to one knee and rose again. “I have found Mariana and her husband. They have much to talk to you about.”

  “I see that,” the King said. “I also see my Abilities Tester has been away from the palace without my permission.”

  Kylan stepped forward and repeated the knee drop Ramone had done. “Your Majesty, I wasn’t aware I was a prisoner in the palace, needing your permission to come and go as I will.”

  “And had I needed your counsel?”

  “There are many worthy advisors who come and go from the palace every day, sire. This has never been an issue until today. I merely went to see the Pro…” Kylan’s voice trailed off.

  “He came to see me, Father. I wanted him to confirm I am not the Insensitive you told me I was.”

  All the Princesses in the room gasped. Liliana moved as though she would stand, but a jerky hand motion from the Queen put her back in her seat.

  “You let her believe she was less than a full Princess, Jon,” Raulin said. “That was unworthy of you.”

  “What do you have to say about this?” The King stood. His wife touched his arm as though to calm him, but she said nothing. “You have wanted to believe all these years you could have had the throne, and it was only because of your commitment to the Elements you didn’t try.”

  “The time for all that has passed, Brother,” Raulin said. “You are King of Valborough for now, and I am not here to challenge you. I am here to see my niece is not denied what she came here for.”

  “What is that?” The King sat back on the throne. “Do you want me to admit I kept your Abilities a secret?”

  Mariana blinked. “That would be a start, yes.”

  “I didn’t tell you what Kylan told us when you were tested. You were a child and were not ready to take on the responsibility of being a Chaos Sensitive.”

  “I’m not a child anymore, Father. I am a grown woman, married and bonded.”

  The Queen’s face grew red. “You bonded with that man?”

  “Orlando is my husband and heir to the Geindara Estates. He is also a Blood Sensitive.”

  The King stared at Orlando. “It seems the pig farmer married our daughter falsely.”

  “No, sire, I did not. Years ago, I was banished from my father’s home, and I denounced any rights I had to inheritance. I came to you and to Mariana as a plain pig farmer.”

  “But a Blood Sensitive,” the Queen said.

  Orlando took a deep breath. “Among the common people, Your Majesty, Sensitivities are not important. I rarely came in contact with nobles and had no occasion to use my Abilities. As far as my neighbors and friends were concerned, I was a commoner.”

  “But when you married Mariana, surely, you knew what you are,” the Queen said, “and consequently, you must have known what she is.”

  “Did you know what I was before now, Mother?” Mariana asked.

  “Mariana, I am the Queen. Understand that…” the Queen began, but Mariana interrupted her.

  “Oh, I understand. I understand you lied to me and to the whole kingdom. You let me think there was something wrong with me. You even let me believe no man would want to marry me because of my…problem, so I would be more willing to let you sell me to that deformed monster, the Sahdeer of Valentine.”

  “Now, see here, Mariana,” the King said, standing, but Mariana whirled on him.

  “Tell me what I have wrong, Father. Oh, perhaps I left out the part about you losing your powers and your hope if I bonded to an old man whose powers were also waning, I would never be a threat to your reign!”

  “What?” The King stared at her, but the color drained from his face.

  “Losing your powers? Father
, is this true?” Ramone stared at him.

  “Of course it isn’t true,” the Queen said, standing up. “Apparently, our trust in our Abilities Trainer is misplaced. Kylan has been spreading treason, it seems.”

  “I don’t believe it’s treason to speak the truth, dear sister,” Raulin said. He stepped between Mariana and the throne. “However, Jon’s weakening powers are not the issue here. If your daughter is a Chaos Sensitive, then she is stronger than you are, brother. By rights, and by Law, she should be named Queen.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Alexandria stood up. “If there should come a time when my husband is no longer King, my son will take his place.”

  “Mother, the First Law…” Ramone started, but she interrupted him.

  “The Elements take the First Law. You are my son, the heir to the throne of Valborough. From the moment you were born, I knew one day you would be King.”

  “You knew I would be the strongest?”

  “I didn’t care about any of that. I saw you, my son, and I knew.”

  “You had three daughters, Mother.” Liliana stood and took a few steps toward Ramone. “It is possible one of us would show great Abilities. In fact, isn’t it true Ursula shows potential to be a greater Sensitive than he is? And Mariana is a Chaos Sensitive.”

  The Queen shook her head. “We don’t know what Ursula’s power will be when her Abilities fully manifest.” She came down from the platform and tried to take Ramone’s face in her hands. “You are my son. Everything I have done, I have done to protect the crown for you.”

  “Mother?” Liliana stared at the Queen. “You knew Mariana was stronger than Ramone when she tested with Kylan, and you never thought to protect the crown for her? I don’t understand this.”

  “No,” the King said. “It wasn’t about Ramone. It was about me. I am the King of Valborough, and I wasn’t going to let you or anyone else take that away from me.”

  “I was a child,” Mariana said, “and you cared more about your crown than you did about making sure I got the training and education I needed to use my Abilities safely? You were even willing to let the kingdom believe your wife, the Queen, had slept with a commoner rather than tell the truth about me. All because you cared more about yourself than about your children or even your kingdom.”


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