War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 28

by Michelle Breon

  The Prince wished them well and left.

  “Are you ready to leave?” asked Joel, even though he knew the answer.

  “Aiy,” Angel said and the Chancellor agreed.

  Joel led them to the transport pod and swiftly put the pod into motion, setting the autopilot for their hotel before turning to them.

  Angel held up a hand to stop Joel. “Let me see if I can explain.” At Joel’s agreement, she turned to the Chancellor. “The Chantis Accord that the Drotz orator spoke of today was signed several years ago by many planets. It was an agreement to cease trillium harvesting and warhead production immediately. Trillium is too volatile to mine by machine and must be mined by hand. It is also highly destructive. Chantis was a planet that was bombed by trillium warheads until the planet exploded. I believe it was a Bengali colony. The Bengali championed the Accord. And if I remember correctly, the trillium processing plants on the Drotz homeworld showed recent development and both Parrhesia and Llanelyn have significant deposits of trillium in the planetary crust.” She turned back to Joel. “My guess is that Drotz wants Parrhesia for the trillium and the people to mine it by hand. Free labor on a defenseless planet, so it should be easy to conquer. And the other two delegates who left with the Bengali Ambassador also have been affected by trillium, the Cresch and the Jallock delegates. What I don’t know is why the Bengali Ambassador was so angry.” She paused and smiled at Joel’s stunned look. “Did I miss anything?”

  Joel recovered from his surprise of her accurate analysis to add, “Only that the Bengali Ambassador lost family on Chantis. Where did you learn all of that?”

  “Part was from your President’s analysis of the three planets from our original meeting. There was also a recent article in the Times on the Chantis Accord. It didn’t take much to put the clues together.”

  Joel chuckled. “Remind me not to play trivia games with you. I only hope that the orator does not see that article.”

  Angel remained silent, recalling the reasons that Gods had chosen her included her memory and logic abilities. Now she understood why.

  “Can you show me this article?” the Chancellor asked.

  Angel accessed her datapad and recalled the article that Ian had forwarded her. The Chancellor read it quietly for the remainder of the trip to the hotel. Once the transport pod had settled, he returned the datapad to Angel.

  “Still I would not have put all that together. Come, let’s go inside. I’m sure Joel is needed elsewhere.”

  Nik and Pieter were waiting in the lobby. “Tis all over the news that the Peace Conference broke up today. Rumors have everything from busy delegates to a fight. What did we miss?”

  Joel shook his head and quietly said, “Not here. Retire to one of your rooms and talk there.”

  “My suite is large enough for four to rest comfortably,” Angel offered.

  Joel nodded. “Until tomorrow morning then.”

  They said good night and headed to Angel’s room. The Chancellor let Angel explain again as he finished rereading the Times article. Once they had answered all of Nik’s and Pieter’s questions, they talked about the press conference the following day for several minutes, then changed topics to happenings on their home worlds until dinner time.

  Much to Nik’s silent relief, Angel decided not to join Cecelia and her friends for the evening.

  Someone brushed past Nik in the crowd at the press conference and he felt a slip of paper shoved into his hand. He looked for the person but they had already disappeared into the crowd. Nik surreptitiously glanced at the tiny slip. It simply read “11pm Geppies”. Nik crushed the paper and slipped it into his pocket. He would have to leave Angel in the care of her aunt and uncle for a few hours, but only an emergency would make Mischka’s contact seek him out.

  “Why don’t we stay with your aunt and uncle tonight? The hotel room is boring, though I do not want to join Cecelia and friends.”

  Angel looked at him, sensing a tension that had not been there earlier. She agreed, hoping that would ease his tension. Nik found a vidphone and Angel called Aunt Morgan, who immediately agreed. She also called Joel’s office to let him know that she would find her own transportation to the sanctions meeting the following day.

  After everyone was in bed, Nik slipped out of the apartment, re-enabling the alarm system after he exited. He hurried through the dark streets, avoiding as many people as he could. He reached the entrance to the underground and hurried on, his senses sharpened by the sense of danger he always felt here.

  Roth was in his usual place, in a shadowed back corner.

  “Time is of the essence. Tell Peterson that Operation Blackfriar is compromised. There is a leak.”

  “Why not pass that to me earlier?”

  “Had to verify the source. I was not able to find out anymore.”

  Nik rose. “Peterson meaning the general?”

  “Yes.” Roth rose as well. “Nothing can stop it but the damage may be contained.”

  Nik nodded and left the way he had come, noting that his contact left by the back door. He could not reach Joel for several hours, so he decided on a different path. He hurried to a different section of town, to Ethan’s training center. Several of the trainers had previously indicated that Ethan rarely left the training center, frequently sleeping there, when he slept at all. Nik looked into the scanner and the door opened for him. The usual sound of sparring matches could be heard down the hallway, but he ignored the training when he noticed Ethan in his glassed in office.

  “Nik, it’s a bit late. I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.”

  “You once said that you collect information to help protect people.”

  “Yes. I know that labels us as spies to some people, but I do whatever I need to in order to protect the people I am charged to protect.”

  “Aiy.” Nik told him about the message and who it was for. “I thought you might know more.”

  “Nope, but I want to. Who is your source?”

  “I cannot say. Tis a reliable source.”

  Ethan assessed Nik’s nervous demeanor, shortness of breath, and the time of delivery. He drummed his fingers for a few seconds then said. “Must be someone in the Underground. If you say he is reliable I’ll trust your judgment.” He thought for a moment. “Sounds like the military tried something that failed. Guessing by the current events, they tried something against the Drotz.”

  “I’ll get the message to General Peterson. My client will see him tomorrow.”

  “Will she not question your source?”

  “Aiy, but she trusts me. General Peterson may not though.”

  “If he presses, just tell him what you told me. He is savvy enough to not force the issue.” Ethan changed the subject to other happenings, passing on additional information regarding the Drotz. His gamble on recruiting Nik had already paid off with this information. He would continue to cultivate Nik’s trust. He needed the information that Nik’s client had, the tidbits that never came through the official channels or that the media found out.

  The main room lights came on as Nik deactivated and reactivated the alarm system. That meant it was six in the morning and Jason would be awake soon. He heard stirring in the master bedroom and went quietly to his room where he fell into a light sleep.

  Nik waited until they were en route to the meeting before he told Angel the message.

  “Where did you here that?”

  “From one of your grandpadret’s sources.”


  “Last night.” At Angel’s surprised look, he continued, “Yes, I left the apartment. He signaled me and tis only when urgent that he contacts me. He can be trusted.”

  Angel took it all in quietly. The Nik she had known did not keep secrets and sneak out to meet strangers in the dead of night. “Then we should relay the message to Joel.”

  “You can. Twill sound more trustworthy coming from you.”

  “I just hope we are not being played for fools.”

As the allied diplomats filed into the conference facility for the economic trade sanctions discussion against the Drotz, Angel pulled Joel aside, allowing the Chancellor to continue into the chamber. “Goesh muirnon. May I speak with you for a minute?”

  Joel noticed her nervousness and followed her to a quiet corner. “Good morning. I see you found the Embassy Building. What’s up?”

  “Does Operation Blackfriar mean anything to you?”

  Joel’s eyes narrowed. “It might. Why?”

  Angel noted the change in his expression. She relayed the message.

  “Who told you this?”


  “And where did he get this information from?”

  “A reliable source.”

  Joel looked to Nik who nodded grimly. He considered the source and the method of delivery. Concerned though he was with the origin of the message, he trusted her not to be involved. “I won’t press any further though I probably should. Thank you.”

  Angel nodded. “I hope twas helpful.”

  “Yes.” They filed into the meeting chamber, where Joel left them with the Chancellor.

  Angel watched as Joel spoke rapid fire to the Secretary of Defense. Phil Casey calmly entered something on his datapad and handed it to his assistant. The assistant hurried from the chamber. Joel remained with the Phil instead of returning to Angel’s table.

  The assistant returned a few minutes later to stand quietly behind Phil without interrupting. Angel returned her attention to the speaker and tried to concentrate on the expected limiting effects the sanctions would have.

  Almost at the end of the day, another person caught the assistant’s attention. He left briefly and returned with a datapad, which he placed in front of Phil then stepped back. Phil glanced down, then pushed the datapad to Joel. Joel glanced down and Angel noticed the tension drain from his face. She hoped that meant good news.

  Finally all the dignitaries left the chamber, eager to return to their lodging for the evening. Unfortunately, nothing had been agreed upon. Joel caught Angel and Nik outside the room with the Chancellor. “Danku,” he said very quietly.

  Neither pretended not to understand what he was thanking them for.

  “Glad we could help,” Angel said.

  Joel merely nodded and led them to the waiting transport pod.

  Angel remained quiet during the drive to the hotel. Joel seemed preoccupied with whatever had happened. The Chancellor nodded off to sleep, while Pieter and Nik discussed hand-to-hand combat techniques.

  Angel suspected that more was happening in the universe than just these meetings. Ian had talked at length about spies and intelligence collection for several days. Angel had managed not to show the parallels of the discussion to the Apaugallas, though Ian hinted about them several times. First the mercs, the hidden benefactor who had sent Steven, Nik’s recent disappearances at odd times, and now this. All of these minor incidents added up to something, she just was clueless as to what.

  Angel shivered slightly. She glanced to Nik. Perhaps tonight they should stay in, and maybe, just maybe, she could coax him into revealing his feelings again.

  When Phil finally checked his messages around midnight there was the expected cryptic message. “Extraction successful. Next time use my men.” He typed out a reply and headed for bed. “Not my idea. Let’s chat.”

  Chapter 16

  A Shot in the Dark

  A mere hour after they arrived back at the hotel, the President’s assistant vidphoned Angel that the trade sanction discussions were extended for an additional day of meetings. Once Angel agreed to stay, the assistant punched a few buttons on the console and indicated that the rooms had been extended to cover the duration. Before disconnecting, she stated that the President would hold a press conference the morning after the discussions and wanted Angel in attendance, along with the others. Angel merely thanked her politely and waited until the vidphone had disconnected before grumbling. Tired of the endless, ineffective discussions, Angel wanted to go home.

  Ethan vidphoned the morning of the press conference, the encrypted transmission appearing as a failed call. When Angel left the room, Nik accessed the transmission, decrypted it, then deleted it. The message contained a single word of warning in the usual cryptic Ethan style, “Beware.” Nik wondered what trouble to expect, hoping that Ethan would call back or contact him later and explain more.

  Nik tried to talk Angel out of going to the press conference, but she refused. “I would need to give them a reason better than you have a bad feeling about this. If you know something Nik, then tell me.” Another secret. He had changed and she grew more concerned with each secret. Though she still trusted him, he was definitely doing things he did not want to tell her about.

  Nik relented and he left her long enough to add a few weapons and don a lightweight protective jacket underneath his usual tunic. The press conference was to be held outside, on the steps of an old courthouse. The following reception and banquet would be inside the courthouse. Which meant Joel’s security outside would be light and he needed to be prepared for anything, until she was safely inside the building.

  As they arrived at the area, Nik looked around, assessing the area’s vulnerabilities and strengths. He checked in with Sergeant Wilson, who informed Nik that everything looked calm and showed him where everyone should be so that Nik could choose his observation point. He saw Ethan, though neither indicated that they had seen the other. Within minutes, Ethan passed by him and handed him a slip of paper before melting into the crowd. Nik glanced at the encoded paper, slowly deciphering the message using the code Ethan had told him to memorize. He double checked the paper once, then stuffed it into his pocket. The message simply read, “Target is your client.”

  Angel took her place on the top step with the other dignitaries, while Nik stood several steps down with the other bodyguards. Nik chaffed at the inadequate view of his position, hoping Ethan was having better luck. The speeches began and Nik continually scanned the areas that he could see for any sign of danger.

  A shadow moved for an instant behind the line of dignitaries. Nik felt, rather than saw, the movement of someone back there. Instinct took over and he launched himself up the steps. “Angel, get down,” he called in their native language as he ran forward. Nik pushed her backward, wrapping his hand behind her head to cushion the impact. And he felt the silent, deadly laser shot as he landed on top of her.

  Angel landed heavily. “Nik, get off of me.” When he did not move, Angel pushed at him. “Nik? By the Gods, Nik. Are you all right?” Angel kept calling to him, unable to move from under his weight, oblivious to the chaos around her.

  The other dignitaries had scattered and a small crowd gathered around. Someone called for a doctor while others called for the police. Soon strong hands rolled Nik off Angel. Angel stayed by him, using her hands to hold pressure on the profusely bleeding wound in his shoulder and calling his name.

  The paramedics arrived and loaded Nik onto a stretcher. The police arrived and pulled her away, finally allowing her to ride in the ambulance pod with him to the hospital, under police escort. Angel remembered little of the harrowing ride through the heavy traffic. Nik’s heart arrested once during the drive and the paramedics shoved her aside to tend to him.

  At the hospital, Nik was whisked into surgery and the hospital security guards locked her into a private waiting area. Angel fretted the entire time, pacing, not knowing if Nik would survive or not.

  Several hours later, the guards unlocked the door and Gillian entered followed by Mischka, Mary, and Jason.

  “Angel, what happened?” Gillian asked, holding her close and wiping the girl’s tears away.

  Angel related as much of the shooting as she could remember, fresh tears flowing as she remembered Nik’s lifeless body on top of hers. After the story, Mary and Gillian held the distraught girl while Jason left to find out Nik’s status.

  Minutes later, Jason returned with another doctor.

“Cerato, this is Doctor Williams. He worked on your bodyguard.”

  Angel straightened up to meet the doctor. “How is he?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Wispy gray hair ringed his mostly bald head. He was dressed in same loose fitting shirt and pants of the medical personnel Angel had seen.

  “The laser burned his heart, right lung and several other organs, causing much damage as it went. He is stable but in extremely critical condition. The next few hours will decide his fate.”

  “Can I see him?”

  “I’m sorry, but only immediate family members are allowed in the CCU. Are you related to him?”

  “No, he is my bodyguard and my friend.”

  “I’m sorry. I will have someone let you know if his status changes.”

  Angel started to say something but Jason interrupted her. “Doctor, may I speak with you for a minute, one colleague to another?”

  Doctor Williams followed Jason out into the hallway. “Jason, you know the rules as well as I do.”

  “Scott, do you know who you are speaking to in there? That young girl is the Cerato of Llanelyn and its official representative. He is her bodyguard. Both are diplomats, and as such are above all rules.”

  Dr. Williams looked into the room. “That young girl cares more for him than just as a simple bodyguard. If she causes a scene, it will do him no good.”

  Jason nodded. “Be that as it may, you cannot refuse her.”

  “What about the others?”

  “Her mother and grandparents. They will help to keep her calm and they can also claim diplomatic rights, since the grandmother was the Cerato for almost thirty-six years.”


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