War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 29

by Michelle Breon

  Dr. Williams shook his head. “You realize that the patient may die in the next few hours.”

  “All the more reason that she needs to see him now. All I have to do is tell her of her diplomatic immunity status and you won’t be able to restrict her. If she knows nothing, you may be able to limit her visits.”

  Dr. Williams acquiesced. “Alright. You drive a hard bargain. I will let her visit, provided she does not stay long and she is accompanied by only one other person.”

  “Thank you.”

  The two returned to the room. “I apologize for the delay. Dr. DeWitt has assured me that you are the only family he has here. I will allow you to see him briefly, but only two at a time.”

  Dr. Scott Williams led the way through the maze of hallways to the CCU wing. After the sonic shower, which Jason explained killed most bacteria, microbes, and viruses, everyone followed him into the waiting area outside Nik’s private room. “Just two,” he said as he opened the door.

  Without hesitation, Angel pushed past him into the room and over to the bed where Nik lay. She picked up his hand. “Nik, I’m here. Can you hear me?”

  Her mother appeared across from her at Nik’s side, picking up his other hand.

  Dr. Williams spoke softly behind Angel. “The sedative has not worn off from surgery. I do not know how long it will be before he will wake up.”

  Angel nodded, content to sit and be near him for a while. Every few minutes Angel called to him, the tone in her voice changing from calm to pleading as time passed.

  After an hour, Mary left, allowing Gillian to come in. Gillian changed places later with Mischka, then Mischka with Jason. Curious, Jason picked up the chart and read it. Dr. Williams had made extensive notes after the surgery. Jason set the chart down and left the room. As he entered the waiting area, the others looked at his ashen face.

  “How is he?” Mary finally asked.

  Jason’s simple answer summarized Nik’s condition. “Pray.” He excused himself and quickly left the room.

  Gillian looked to Mary and Mischka. “By the Gods,” she whispered. They all looked back at Angel, sitting motionless beside Nik’s bed.

  Jason returned later with Morgan. Gillian saw Morgan’s arrival and left Nik’s side to allow Morgan to come in. As she passed Morgan at the doorway, she whispered, “See if you can convince Angel to eat.”

  Morgan nodded and crossed the room to pick up Nik’s hand. “I brought you a clean gown. Has he moved at all, sweetie?”


  The anguish in Angel’s voice tore at Morgan’s heart. Surely she had not fallen in love with her bodyguard? Morgan looked across at Angel and knew the answer to that question. “Have you eaten anything?”

  “No. I’m not hungry.”

  “But you have to keep your strength up for him, so that you can help him when he finally wakes up.”

  “I’ll eat when he is awake.”

  “Angel, he wouldn’t want you to wait for him.”

  Angel turned finally to look at her, tears brimming in her red streaked eyes. “He’s laying here because of me. He took the shot intended for me. I will wait for him.” She turned back to Nik and called to him again.

  Morgan quickly excused herself, the lump in her throat overwhelming. She closed the door behind her and looked at the others.

  “Well?” Gillian asked.

  Morgan shook her head. “You do realize . . . .”

  Everyone shushed her and Jason motioned towards the camera. Morgan understood and changed the subject. “I heard on the news that they have three suspects in custody. Apparently Nik reacted so fast that no one else was hurt.”

  They began waiting and pacing the tiny room again. Jason and Mischka headed out to find something to eat for everyone. While the men were out, Mary helped Angel change out of her bloodstained clothes.

  They had just left when Dr. Williams brought another man in the waiting area with him. “She’s in there,” he said, indicating Angel.

  “That the guy who saved her?” The burly man spoke with a slight accent. His dress shirt and slacks gave away nothing as to why he might be there.

  “Yes. He’s her bodyguard,” Gillian volunteered.

  The strange man turned to her. “And you are?”

  “Elder Gillian of Llanelyn and grandmother of the Cerato of Llanelyn.”

  “I’m Detective James Smith, Chicago PD. I need to talk to . . . her.” He flashed an official looking badge.


  “She witnessed the shooting today, ma’am. I need to know what she knows.”

  Gillian nodded. “Let me take you to her. Thank you doctor.”

  Dr. Williams left and Gillian walked through the door the detective held open.

  “Cerato, there is someone here to see you.”

  Angel did not move. “Aiy.”

  Detective James assessed the young girl before him. Her demeanor and tear stained face bore witness to more than just the young man being a bodyguard. “Ma’am, you were there at the shooting today?”


  “What did you see?”

  “It came from behind me. I didn’t see anything.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Aiy. Nik said something as he launched at me. That is all I know.”

  “Has he said anything since then?”


  “If he does, please let me know. And if he wakes up, see if you can find out what he saw. There is a recorder in this room, so all he has to do is talk. I’ve got three suspects, but I can’t hold them long without a witness.”

  When Angel remained silent, Gillian indicated that she would see to it and escorted the detective out of the room. As the door closed behind them, Angel whispered. “Please wake up Nik.”

  The detective handed Gillian his card before he left them. Mischka and Jason returned with some sandwiches. Mary took one in to Angel, hoping the smell would tempt her to eat.

  Mary set the sandwich on the table next to Angel, then walked around to pick up Nik’s other hand. “I brought you a sandwich.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “You really need to eat something.”

  “Mama, please.” Angel turned to look at her. “Tell everyone to leave me alone. I . . . .”

  Nik’s hand jerked just then and Angel swung around to him. “Nik, I’m here. Time to wake up now. Come on Nik. Come back to me.” She held his hand to her cheek and leaned closer to his face.

  Mary gasped as his eyes fluttered open.

  “I must be in heaven . . . for my Angel tis here.” His cracked voice was barely more than a whisper.

  “Oh Nik.” Angel started to cry tears of joy and hastily wiped them away.

  Mary motioned for the others to join them. When Jason saw that Nik was awake, he left to find Dr. Williams.

  “Nik, everyone is here. How do you feel?” Angel asked.

  “Like I … got shot.”

  “Do you remember anything about the shooter?” she asked anxiously, remembering the detective’s request.


  “Can you describe him?”

  “Aiy. Tall, athletic build, dressed all in black.” Nik spoke in halting phrases, pain evident in his face.

  Dr. Williams and Jason arrived then. Mary and Gillian moved aside to the let the doctors in. “How do you feel?”


  “What is your name?”

  “Nikolatai Landis.”

  “Do you know where you are?”

  “A hospital.”

  “Good enough. Can you tell me what hurts?”

  “Right shoulder, chest, stomach, back.”

  “I need you to squeeze my hand as hard as you can.” Nik’s fingers moved a little. “Good, now squeeze her hand.” Angel nodded as his fingers moved against hers.

  Jason took position at Nik’s feet. “Nik, can you press against my hand with your right foot. Ok, now the left foot.”

  Dr. Williams listened to Nik’s hear
t and breathing as best as he could. “Everything seems ok, but you need to rest and recover your strength. I will have the nurse bring you something to help you sleep. Do you have any questions?”

  Nik tried to shake his head, winced, and simply said, “No.”

  “The rest of you will need to leave so that he can rest.” He looked directly at Angel.

  “Can I stay?”

  “Especially you.” He motioned for the nurse to come over.

  “Angel,” Nik rasped. “Please go rest. For me.”

  “All right, Nik. But I’ll be here when you wake up. I promise.”

  The nurse injected the medicine and Nik closed his eyes. As the doctor indicated that everyone should leave, Angel leaned down to Nik. “Pleasant dreams.” She kissed his cheek, then whispered “Amourité” into his ear.

  On the other side of the door, Angel turned to the doctor. “How long will he sleep?”

  “At least six hours.”

  “Then I will be back here in five hours. Please be sure that the detective who was here earlier gets a copy of the recording from his room. Nik described the attacker.” At the doctor’s nod, she continued. “Thank you, for everything,” she said with such sincerity that the doctor nodded. She left the waiting area, followed closely by her family.

  Jason led them to a waiting transport pod on the hospital roof. The drive to the house was quiet, each lost in thoughts of the day. Morgan and Mary settled Angel into her usual bedroom, then joined the others in the sitting area.

  “Ok, would someone please tell me how long you’ve known that Angel was in love with Nik?” Morgan inquired of the group.

  “Since earlier today when we saw her at the hospital. I’m amazed that we never saw any sign before now.” Gillian thought back over the past few months, but could not remember seeing any sign.

  “And does anyone know how he feels?”

  “Aiy,” Mary chimed in. “His first words tonight were to her.”

  “He’s loved her since before this all started. Why else do you think I would assign him to guard her?” Mischka picked up Gillian’s hand.

  “So what do we do now?”

  “As I said before,” Jason said, “Pray. He has a long road to recovery.”

  “Did Dr. Williams tell you the truth about his injuries?”

  “In brief, yes.” Jason explained the full extent of Nik’s injuries. “The laser must have been high powered and at close range. It burned a hole all the way through his heart, flash burned both lungs at different areas, and punctured both intestines in several locations, before finally partially severing his spinal cord. Because Nik fell through the beam, his injuries were compounded. Either because he fell or because of the damage, the good tissues surrounding the laser cauterized wounds ripped open, causing massive internal bleeding. In truth, he should be dead.”

  Silence fell on the room at his last words.

  “By the Gods, Angel would soon follow him, from what I saw of her today.” Her mother shook with fear at the thought of losing her only child.

  “Nik is in the best of care. Dr. Williams and I have had several discussions today. The fact that he woke up at all shows he is strong and is fighting. Time will tell the full tale. I recommend that everyone get some sleep. Angel will be eager to get to the hospital.”

  Morgan led them to the spare bedrooms and everyone fell into an exhausted sleep. Morgan set the wake up alarm on the computer to ensure that she was up before Angel.

  Angel awoke and jumped out of bed. She checked the time and found that she had overslept. Quickly, she washed her face, dressed in a clean gown, and joined the others in the sitting area. Mary handed her a bowl of warm raspberry scones and they headed for the waiting transport pod. Everyone had fresh scones and synthesized juice for breakfast on the way to the hospital. Jason landed on the rooftop again and took them to Nik’s room.

  Impatiently, Angel hurried through the sonic shower, eager to get to Nik. No one stopped her as they neared his door. She crossed to his bedside and picked up his hand. “Nik, I’m here. Are you awake?”

  The nurse came over. “He hasn’t stirred yet, miss. You’re here in time.”

  Mary came in and sat with Angel, both waiting patiently for Nik to awake. Angel held his hand to her cheek, willing her strength into him.

  Almost an hour later, Nik clasped her hand and he opened his eyes.

  Angel leaned forward. “Nik, wake up now. I’m here.” She called his name a few times until his eyes focused on her.

  “Tis my Angel, come to me again.”

  Mary motioned for the others to come in.

  “Good morning, Nik. Feeling any better?” Jason asked with professional authority.


  “I’ll go get Dr. Williams,” the nurse said as she left the room.

  They answered Nik’s questions as best as they could until the doctor arrived. He and Jason repeated the procedure from the day before, with stronger responses from Nik. Then Dr. Williams asked them all to leave, including Jason.

  He pulled a chair up next to Nik. “I expect you have some questions for me.”

  Nik asked about the severity of his injuries and the doctor explained everything. “You will need to both rest and work hard to recover your former strength. It may be an uphill fight all the way. Do you have anything worth fighting for?”

  “Aiy,” Nik responded. “She’s not hurt, right?”

  “Not a scratch. You’re going to encourage her to take care of herself.”

  “I always do.” Nik grinned at him. “How long am I going to be in here?”

  “I’m not sure on that. It depends on how quickly you grow stronger. There is only so much the nanites can do. But you’re going to have to do everything that I tell you, understand?”


  “Small repair bots that are stimulating your body to heal itself at each point of injury at the cellular level. They have enough power for maybe a month.”

  Nik nodded. “So what do I have to do first?”

  Doctor Williams listed off several things. Nik grimaced at the bland diet and inquired when he could start exercising again. “Not for a while. Give your body time to heal first.”

  Finally, when Nik had no further questions, Dr. Williams left, giving the nurse his orders for the day where the patient was concerned.

  While the others waited for Dr. Williams to leave, Jason excused himself. He checked the local newscast, then headed for the main office to confirm his fears. When he returned, he pulled Mischka aside.

  “Mischka, I have a problem that I hope you can help with.” At Mischka’s nod, he continued. “The hospital is besieged by the media. They are clamoring for a statement from the family. Any chance one of you might be able to say something?”

  Mischka looked around at the women. He was not sure if they could handle such a crowd as Jason described. “I will. What do I need to say?”

  “The official word from the hospital is that he is in critical condition. The administrators do not want to lower his status as of yet.”

  “Aiy. This I can say, as his grandpadret. May the Gods forgive my lie.”

  “We’re hoping that the media will leave the hospital for a while and allow everything to settle down. Let me go arrange a time.”

  Jason left, returning as Dr. Williams came out of Nik’s room.

  “You may go back in now.”

  Angel hurried through the door before he stopped speaking, followed closely by Morgan and Mary. Gillian waited for Mischka.

  Jason explained the media situation to Dr. Williams and they agreed to join Mischka at the press conference. Gillian offered to join as well, but Mischka convinced her to stay with the others. “In case they need you,” he said, the tone in his voice implying the worst.

  The morning passed quietly as Nik dozed off and on. Morgan left in the afternoon to return to work, with promises from Gillian to call if anything changed. Soon after Morgan had left, the detective arrived again. A
ngel and her family left the room so that the detective could talk to Nik in private.

  “Do you remember anything about that day?”

  “Never will I forget it.”

  “Do you recognize any of these men?” The detective showed him several pictures.

  At the third one, Nik stopped him. “Aiy, tis him.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Aiy. I got a good look as I fell.”

  The detective nodded and tucked the pictures away. “We have him in custody, but we don’t think he was working alone. No one else has come forward to claim responsibility.” He paused, but Nik remained silent. “How did you know he was there?”

  “I saw the shadows move. The sergeant in charge had assured me that no one would be behind the speakers. When the shadows moved, I feared the worst and took action.”

  “Son, our officers have analyzed the footage from many cameras. There was no way you could have seen behind the dignitaries. How did you know he was there?”

  “As I said, I saw the shadows move.”

  “There’s a rumor going around that there is a conspiracy plot to assassinate one or more of the dignitaries that were there that day. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”


  “There are some who think you might be a part of the conspiracy. You’ll have to do better than shadow talk.”

  “Tis the truth.”

  The detective asked several more questions, trying to find holes in Nik’s story, trying to break him down and get him to admit anything. He was amazed that Nik could remain outwardly calm, with only a hint of anger in his eyes. “Is there anything else that you can remember about that morning?”

  “Nothing,” came the terse reply.

  Detective James turned his jacket lapel over, displaying a familiar insignia to Nik. “You’re sure there was nothing else you want to tell me about?”

  “Turn off the recorder in this room.” The detective reached behind the bed and flipped the green switch on the wall. “And your personal recorder. Now the backup recorder. And the lapel recorder. And . . . .”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. I’m clean.”

  “Is the one in your shoe broke today?”

  The detective chuckled and tapped his shoe on the floor. “You were trained well.”


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