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The Alpha's Demand (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 2)

Page 25

by Martha Woods

  “That is surprising. I always thought you were perfect.” We both laugh as I place my hand on his shoulder for a moment, wishing I could stay longer. But I need to remind myself about my real mission here, so I lower my hand again.

  “I’ll be by in the morning,” I say before I turn and walk down the long driveway to the main road.

  * * *

  “What took you so long?” I ask Morgan as I slide into the rental car. We look like secret agents, dawning sunglasses and tired expressions.

  “If you have already forgotten, Princess, I don’t particularly like being awake during the day and it’s a much brighter world outside the Kingdom,” Morgan says before peeling off down the road. Despite the heavily tinted windows, I could tell he was having issues with the sunlight.

  “Well, let’s make this quick. What have you learned?”

  “On the floor is some info l I dug up on a human named Tony Yung,” he says as I take a moment to pull a thin folder from below my feet. A single page rests inside with chicken scratch on both sides.

  “And what is so special about Mr. Yung?”

  “He was supposed to hand over a token he inherited from his father, oh about twenty years ago. Slimy fellow has been evading our scouts for years. But it seems the man has gotten greedy and fat in this city. Owns a successful restaurant and several properties around town. I’m sure he’s keep it out of reach, but close enough that it’s been beneficial for him,” Morgan explains as he turns down a narrow alleyway into a small parking spot behind a townhouse.

  “And this place is?”

  “Where I’m sleeping today. Take the car and do what you need to do, but I’m not much of an escort if I can’t get a decent day’s rest,” Morgan admits as he steps out of the car without another word. I roll my eyes as I climb into the driver’s seat and pull away from the building after jotting down the address.

  Wanting to get more information on Tony Yung, I head downtown to scout out his restaurant. Parking on a main road, I get out and start ideally walking down the congested sidewalk. With it being tourist session, it’s easy to blend in with the crowd. When I reach the Thai restaurant, I sit at a table outside, close enough where I can see inside but hopefully not apparent enough to be noticed by the owner if he is around.

  As I enjoy an order of Thai tea and pad thai, I closely observe every person walking in and out of the restaurant. For it being early afternoon, I’m surprised by the sheer number of people who are dinning in. None of the other restaurants close by are experiencing anywhere close to the same number of customers, and for it being a Tuesday many of the customers in the restaurant are drinking wine.

  As I glance back down at the table, I notice a wine glass has been placed before me and is already full of a golden colored liquid. I trace my fingers around the rim of the glass as I stare through the liquid. Even though I rarely drink while on a job, I can’t help but have an overwhelming feeling that if I drink the wine, and maybe an entire bottle, I’ll feel so much better. My hand twitches, causing the glass to topple over and shatter on the ground. The sound draws the attention of several people walking by, but I pretend not to notice. I pull a few bills from my wallet and leave it on the table before I get up and walk away.

  The further I get away from the restaurant, the better I begin to feel. It becomes obvious to me that the token is somehow effecting the wine, making it more desirable regardless of the time of day. I roll my shoulders as I step into a shop to catch my breath and clear my head. Even now, the desire still rests inside me, my thoughts slowly trying to influence me to go back. I distract myself by searching for a few new outfits to use during my stay in the south.

  With shopping bags in hand, I make it back to the rental car without any more issues. The feel of the air conditioning is welcoming as I look over Tony Yung’s other properties in town. Making my way to each, I scout out a few storage buildings and finally end my search at an old, brick townhouse situated on a very wealthy street.

  “Looks like Mr. Yung has it made here,” I whisper under my breath as I step out of the car and take the steps to the front door. As I look through the glass of the front door, it’s easy to tell that the place is empty, but clean. When I test the door knob, I’m surprised to find that it’s unlocked. But as I crack the door, the unwanted sensation fills my body once again as my mind is quickly filled with thoughts of returning to the restaurant and enjoying a bottle of wine.

  Bingo, I think as I pull the door closed and quickly make it back to the car. Without a doubt, I’m confident I have located the location of the token. Its call is strong. Stronger than most, I ponder as I make my way to a familiar internet café. I have several memories of going to this place with my uncle. There are only a few ways to send a secure message out of a big city, and that normally includes going to places that are owned by the Kingdom.

  “Anastasi!” I hear my name yelled from the back of the café once I step through the door.

  “Lucy?!” I yell back as I welcome a strong figure into my arms. The woman lifts me from the ground and spins me around as though I’m as light as air. “I would have never imagined you still being here? How is your family?” I ask as she sets me down and drags me behind the counter. Thankfully the place is almost empty, but the few people that are at computers look up momentarily to see if there is going to be another outbreak of emotion.

  “The clan has never left, despite the increasing numbers of numerous races in the city. Speaking of, you stink of death,” the werewolf replies as she pulls up a stool for me to sit in. I can’t help but laugh as she quickly sets to making me a cup of tea. I wanted to protest that it was too hot, but I wouldn’t want to ruin this traditional greeting for Lucy. As a child, I often played with her children in the forest, hunting animals or playing horrible pranks on each other.

  “My escort isn’t a fan of the day light,” I admit as I watch her work. She turns her attention from me as she assists a customer with a drink order and eventually comes back to me.

  “Does this mean you won’t be around for the rest of the summer?” she asks as she finally sits down across from me. I shake my head and take a small sip of the tea to show my respect. It’s overly sweat, but I like it.

  “I’m in town for business, then I’ll have to return to my family. But speaking of family, where are your offspring these days?” I say with a smile. Werewolves are known for their large families, something I always thought was miraculous.

  “Wild and gone as the wind, I suppose. A few still live in town, but like young people do, they are traveling the world and meeting with other clans. Though, like all families, they will eventually come back and settle in with spouses of their own,” she rambles on as she looks around the room. I sit in silence for a moment as I ponder her words. The idea of settling down isn’t something I can fully comprehend, or ever appreciate. Till the war is over, I’ll never be able to rest.

  “Lucy, I need to get a message to my mother. Do you mind if I use your computer?”

  “Now you’re starting to remind me of your uncle. Always here for business, never to just visit.” She reaches for my hand and holds it for a moment. “Of course, Princess. You are always welcomed here.” I smile at her despite the mentioning of my uncle. Lucy quickly retrieves a laptop from the back and allows me a few moments alone. As I open my emails, I find a message from my mother, already detailing perspective buyers I’m to contact and arrange meetings with. I print the list and reply with the details surrounding the token I’ve discovered. I hope my words are convincing enough that this trip is worth my absence.

  As Lucy settles in beside me with a plate of fresh baked bread between us, I can’t help but sigh. “Lucy, I’m going to need some supplies. Even though I wish this was a social visit, not much of what I do these days doesn’t consist of a higher purpose.” Lucy butters a piece of bread and hands it to me.

  “What’s mine is yours,”

  “And what’s mine is ours,” I say, finishing the slogan of t
he peaceful races.

  Chapter 4

  “Anna, it’s good…who is this?” Darien asks as I stand on the front porch of his house with Morgan by my side. I can’t help but smirk as I go to explain his appearance with me, but Morgan speaks before I have a chance.

  “Anastasi’s boyfriend…”

  “My business associate…” I glare at Morgan, tempted to take off sunglasses and really look at him, but instead I punch him in the arm, sending him stumbling down the stairs. Not bothering to look to see if he is okay, I turn my attention back to a very confused Darien. “Morgan has been appointed my business associate by my mother for this trip. He will be assisting us today with the appointments. And no, he is not my boyfriend. He wishes to death that I’d give him the time of day, but he has yet to understand that will never happen,” I explain as I try to give Darien my best smile. Though I can’t ignore the round of laughter that escapes Morgan’s mouth from the ground below.

  “What appointments?” Darien asks as Morgan composes himself and takes his position by my side.

  “I’ve taken the liberty to invite a few gentlemen to the house to discuss their interest in your parent’s work. I figured here would be as good as of place as any.” I can tell Darien doesn’t like the idea, but the longer we stare at each other, or at least the longer I stare at him through my sunglasses, the idea seems to settle with him.

  “Please come in,” he eventually says as I move past him and into the house. I can hear Elizabeth and John laughing as I follow the sound and eventually see them sitting in the formal living room. Cartoons play on the TV as they lounge on the couch.

  “Lizzy, I’m hungry,” John says to his sister as their faces continue to watch the screen, unaware of the small group that has crowded in the doorway.

  “Just a little bit longer, John. Darien promised he would take us out to eat once Anna comes by,” Elizabeth says.

  “Then let’s eat,” I say loudly, catching their attention. Their shocked expression is priceless as they leap from the couch and meet us in the doorway. “Elizabeth and John, I’d like to introduce you to my traveling campaign, Morgan.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” Morgan says as he bows deeply. The children look at him curiously and I try my best not to laugh.

  “You’ll have to forgive, Morgan. He is very European and hasn’t spent much time in America. Perhaps, John you’d like to teach him how to give a hand shake,” I say.

  For a moment, John looks at Morgan unsure what to do, but eventually he sticks out his hand and Morgan returns the gesture by lightly shaking it. John seems to relax as Morgan mumbles a thank you.

  “I told them we would get something to eat when you got here, but when is our first appointment?” Darien speaks up as he looks between Morgan and me. I could only imagine what he thought of both of us wearing sunglasses inside. And it didn’t help that Morgan was still dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.

  “I believe Mr. Lindenberg will be here shortly. Would you be okay with Elizabeth and John having lunch with Morgan? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind bring something back for us to enjoy,” I suggest as I look over at Morgan. His experience is hard to read but I can tell Elizabeth likes the idea by the way she keeps watching Morgan.

  “Sounds good to me,” she quickly says as she pulls John after her towards the front door.

  “But you didn’t even ask what I wanted to eat,” Darien yells as he follows the two into the front room.

  “Are you sure about this, Princess?” Morgan whispers into my ear before I follow them. I turn to him and realize how close he is standing by me. If he could breath, I would have felt his breathe on my face.

  “Do this one thing for me Morgan, and I promise I won’t ask you to help me as I secure the toekn,” I suggest as I step away from him and look to see Elizabeth and John putting on shoes. “And make sure to pick up my package while you’re in town. I plan to get the token tomorrow.”

  “As you wish,” Morgan mumbles as we walk back to the front door.

  “Now Elizabeth, I expect you to look after Morgan for me. Make sure you tell him every little thing you’d like from the grocery store and anything you might need for the house. Okay?” I tell the two as they face me. A huge smile crosses Elizabeth’s face, and even John looks excited to go on this excursion.

  “This really isn’t necessary,” Darien says softly as I turn my focus back to him.

  “Don’t worry, Darrien. Morgan is my most trusted companion. More importantly, I insist.”

  “Well, I guess it’s okay since you insist.” Darien takes a moment to quickly embrace both his sister and brother before they both take either of Morgan’s hands and lead him out of the house. I can tell Morgan isn’t thrilled about the idea, but at least it gives me alone time with Darien.

  “Want to set up in the dining room?” I ask as I turn and begin walking back into the house when Darien catches my hand. I look up and then realize how contorted his face looks.

  “Thank you, Anna,” he says softly as his grip tightens on my hand. “They haven’t been willing to get out of the house lately so it’s nice to see them interested in doing something.”

  “Of course, Darien. I will do anything to help while I can,” I say as I pull him towards me. “Now come on. Time to get your game face on.”

  It isn’t long before the doorbell rings and Mr. Lindenberg arrives. For the next few hours we meet with several buyers. They each present their offer, coupled with reasons why they would be most suited for the task of managing Darien’s newly acquired business. I take the time to explain to Darien how important his parent’s work is, and that by allowing someone else to continue their work, it will allow for his parent’s legacy to continue. In my mind, I know how important for these trade routes to stay moving and I need someone I can trust to both manage these routes and pass along any tokens they discover to me and my family. Though this business matter has a lot of money riding with it, I’m more concerned about the security and stability of this business in America.

  After each meeting, I take the time to escort each client back to the front door, allowing me the opportunity to speak with them privately. It is my way of establishing a mutual respect between them and my people in the event Darien does choose them to succeed his parent’s work. Though I don’t want to appear threatening, I have the feeling that more than one of the prospective buyers leaves with that feeling.

  It’s late in the afternoon when we finish with the appointments. I settle in at the dining table with a tall glass of sweet tea for both of us. I can tell Darien is overwhelmed by all the offers that now sit before him. I watch him for a few minutes as he sifts through all the papers.

  “You don’t have to make a decision today,” I speak up, bringing Darien out of his thoughts. He notices the drink in front of him and takes a long drink of it before looking at me.

  “I just don’t know how I’m going to make a decision. They all seem very nice and their resumes are very impressive. I just wish I knew more about my parent’s work to make the right decision,” Darien admits as he pushes the papers aside. I start collecting them all and I flip through a few before I find the one I want.

  “This is the one you’re going to choose,” I say as I hand him back one piece of paper.

  “And what makes this one so special?” he asks as he looks over the name again.

  “One reason is because Mr. Walters is offering you the most money.” Darien smirks at the comment as he sets down the paper and takes another drink of his tea. “The second reason is because he is the most familiar with your parent’s work, and I know him from his dealing with my family. I believe you can trust him the most out of all of them.” Plus, he is someone I can control easily, but these are words I don’t share with Darien.

  “I trust you, Anna. But I’m going to wait till next week to make a final decision,” Darien admits as he stands and stretches.

  “I think that is a good idea. No need to finalize anything toda
y,” I agree as I stand and walk to his side. We lean against the dining table as we both place our focus outside.

  “Remember that one time I caught a toad by the back pond and chased you around for almost an hour, trying to get you to touch it,” Darien speaks out, a wide smile crossing his face.

  “Oh geez. That was terrible. I don’t know what I was more surprised by, the disgusting toad or that fact you held onto it for so long. I was sure you had caught a nasty disease after that and couldn’t think of you putting your hands on me after that,” I say as I chuckle while I recall the memory.

  “And what about now?” Darien asks as he slides his arm around my waist. I’m surprised by his words as he pulls me towards him and reaches his hand towards my face. For a moment, I wonder if he is going to kiss me and then I realize he is tugging at my glasses.

  “Darien, please don’t,” I stammer as I step away from him and place both hands on my glasses to secure them tightly.

  “I’m so sorry, Anna…I didn’t mean to upset you,” he quickly says as he places his hands on my waist.

  “No, Darien, I understand,” I try to explain as I force myself to breath steadily. I place my hands on his shoulders as I try to look into his eyes. “I just have a strong sensitivity to people touching my glasses.”

  “I just wanted to see your eyes,” Darien says softly as his eyes start to travel to my lips and back to where he thinks my eyes are.

  “Well, I only wear them during the day,” I reply when I hear the front door open. I give him a weak smile, wishing I just had five more minutes alone with him, as I step away from him and start moving towards the front room.

  “Darien? Are you home?” I hear a female voice call out. I stop suddenly and glance back at Darien as recognition crosses his face.

  “Monica?” he calls out as he quickly jogs past me. I take a moment to compose myself back into the warrior I am before I slowly make my way towards the front door.


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