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Devious Love (Bay Falls High NEXT Book 3)

Page 15

by Jaxson Kidman

  The swirl of pleasure danced in my core and my toes curled tight.

  I felt it… it…

  I opened my mouth but knew I had no words to speak.

  That’s when Xavier made his next move.

  In one single motion, he took his fingers from my body and moved closer to kiss me.

  My lower half began to shake like there was an earthquake on the beach.

  I wanted to scream at him for stopping, but I couldn’t find the words.

  And by the time I did, Xavier was moving on to the next part of his plan.

  That was pushing his jeans down and taking me.

  This time with his body.

  His perfect thickness touched me with a one second warning.

  I broke the kiss and put my head back again.

  There was no preparing for that first feeling of…


  That was the only word I had left.

  He took my body with his and my entire body went limp on the bed.

  I felt like a puddle of goo as the pleasure exploded through me.

  I swore I felt my hair tingling… all the way down to my pink toes.

  And everywhere in between.

  His hands touched the backs of my legs and moved up to my hips. There he held tight as he drove himself forward over and over, making me never want to have a night alone again in my life.

  When his hands crept up to the sides of my body, I wasn’t sure if I should laugh from being tickled or just keep groaning because of how good it felt.

  Xavier literally picked me up and moved me up my own bed, placing my head on the pillows, never leaving my body for a second.

  Holy. Freaking. Hotness.

  I wasn’t sure how much more I could take…

  Xavier hovered over me. I was blanketed by his body. I could only smell his skin. I could only see him. His face. His eyes. His body. If I looked down, I saw what his body was doing to mine… and I could feel it.

  I put my hands to his back and let my fingertips gently slide down all those muscles…

  I heard the sound of my phone vibrating against the nightstand.

  I ignored it.

  I was busy.

  Then it vibrated again.

  And again…

  I reached with my left hand. My body wanted nothing to do with my phone but I knew it was Gia.

  “What’s wrong?” Xavier asked as his dipped his mouth to my neck.

  “Gia,” I said in a breathless voice. “Text…”

  Xavier didn’t stop moving.

  I looked at the phone.

  “Fuck,” I whispered. “Xavier… she’s outside…”

  “Tell her to take a swim,” he said.

  “I can’t. We’re supposed to…”

  Xavier grabbed my phone with his right hand and threw it off the bed.

  I laughed.

  He looked at me and smiled.

  Then he kissed me.

  Ohmygod, can this guy get any hotter?

  I heard the knock at the door and I jumped up from the bed and grabbed the top comforter.

  “Who is it?” I called out.


  “Oh, shit, right,” I called out. “Give me a second…”

  I looked at Xavier and pointed to the bathroom.

  “Go,” I whispered. “Get fucking dressed.”

  He knew how good he looked… and he liked standing there…

  “Now,” I whispered.

  Gia knocked again. “Winter? I’m coming in.”

  “Wait!” I called out.

  Xavier grabbed his clothes and walked to the bathroom.

  Gia opened the bedroom door before I could get dressed.

  So it was just me with my comforter around my body, hoping everything was covered enough.

  “Oh. Hey.”

  “Hey, Gia,” I said.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I was, uh, just relaxing,” I said. “I need to get dressed.”

  “Oh,” she said. “Sorry. I just… I was outside…”

  “Yeah, I lost track of time,” I said. “My bad.”

  “Where’s…” Gia shook her head. “I thought…”

  “Gia, just give me a minute,” I said. “I’m naked under this comforter.”

  “You were relaxing naked?” Gia asked. “What the…”

  I heard the bathroom door open.

  My face turned bright red.

  Xavier came out, fully clothed.

  Gia nodded. “Oh. I get it now.”

  “We lost track of time,” Xavier said.

  Gia looked at me. “I should have known. Silly me.”

  “Just be glad you didn’t come to the door a few minutes ago,” Xavier said. “You would have caught your brother doing some wild things with your best friend.”

  “My brother…,” Gia whispered.

  “We have to talk about everything,” I said to her.

  “We can talk right here,” Xavier said.

  “No,” I said. “Not my bedroom. Not after…”

  “I’ll be outside,” Gia said. “I can’t believe this…”

  She walked out of the bedroom and left the door wide open.

  I turned and looked at Xavier. “Was that necessary?”

  “No,” he said. “But it was fun to do. You might want to get dressed, Winter.”

  Xavier walked up to me and kissed me.

  Then he exited the bedroom.

  I stood there alone, clutching the comforter around my body.

  I looked at the bed.

  More than ever, I wished Xavier and I could just be in my bed and never leave.

  Reality awaited.

  For all of us.

  I sat on the second step and pulled the bottom of the hoodie over my knees.

  Xavier and Gia stood apart.

  I was kind of in the middle.

  Just a spectator to this event.

  “Where do we start, sis?” Xavier asked.

  Gia didn’t look impressed. “Sis? That’s how you want to do this? You just want to be the same cocky asshole as always? Just act like nothing is wrong?”

  “I didn’t say nothing was wrong here,” Xavier said.

  “You’re my brother,” Gia said. “Like… a real brother.”

  “Isn’t it technically half-brother?” Xavier asked. “Same mother, different father?”

  “I don’t think that matters,” Gia said.

  “I think it does,” he said.

  “Who cares?” I called out. “You two are related. You’re brother and sister. It doesn’t matter how it actually works or not. Should I describe what childbirth is like? Where you both came from?”

  “Winter’s right,” Xavier said. “This doesn’t really matter.”

  “Then what does, Xavier?” Gia asked.

  “Look, you can hate me if you want. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t make this happen. Let me ask you something, Gia. How do you think this makes me feel? My father slept with your mother. Your mother had me. And I was raised to believe my mother was my mother. How confusing is that to say?”

  “Your mother isn’t your mother though,” Gia said.


  “Your mother is… I don’t know. Your stepmother? The woman who raised you?”

  “My mother is the only person who gave a damn about me,” Xavier said. “Even if she didn’t give birth to me.”

  “My mother cared too,” Gia said.

  “She sold out,” Xavier said.

  “Don’t fucking say that. Your father was a scumbag.”

  “He still is,” Xavier said.

  “Okay, you two agree on something,” I said.

  “How long have you known?” Gia asked.

  “A little while.”

  “And you didn’t say anything?”

  “Wasn’t sure what to do.”

  “Now what?” Gia asked.

  “First things first… you have to get away from that Troc.”

“Xavier,” I said.

  “What?” he growled.

  “I’m not leaving Talon,” Gia said. “I don’t care what anyone says about him. I love him. It’s crazy to feel that way. I don’t care.”

  “My sister is sleeping with a Troc,” Xavier said.

  “Yes, she is,” Gia said. “You have to get over it. Plus, he’s helping you all out.”

  “For money,” Xavier said.

  “Still,” Gia said.

  I finally stood up. “Okay. We can’t fight over every little thing here. That’s not the point of this.”

  “Then what is the point?” Xavier asked.

  “You’re family,” I said. “Get over the bullshit. Think about what your parents did to you both. You two have a chance to be brother and sister.”

  “She’s with a Troc,” Xavier said.

  “This is a waste of time,” Gia said. “You’re the same asshole as always, Xavier. I can’t believe Winter is with you.”

  “Don’t bring me into this,” I said.

  “You don’t know what I’ve done for you,” Xavier said.

  “Excuse me?” Gia asked. “What you’ve done…?”

  “Last summer,” Xavier said. “Do you remember Matthew?”

  “Who’s that?” I asked.

  “What do you know about him?” Gia asked.

  “I know everything,” Xavier said.

  “Hello? I’m talking…”

  They weren’t listening to me.

  “Matthew all but tortured my sister,” Xavier said. “He would mess with her. Call her names. He would fuck with her head. Get close to her only to hurt her. He knew how to get to her anxiety and mess with her runs. He kept pushing at her. He went too far.”

  “How do you know that?” Gia asked.

  “I know everything about you,” Xavier said. “Matthew wasn’t the only one I stepped in on.”

  “What did you do, Xavier?” I asked.

  “I lost my edge and went to talk to Matthew,” Xavier said. “When I was finished with him, we agreed he would tell everyone he fell down a hill while running. And he would leave Gia alone.”

  “That’s why he stopped bothering me?” Gia asked.

  “Yeah,” Xavier said. “And then there was those two girls. Rebecca. Veronica.”

  “You… what…”

  Gia looked ready to cry.

  “I just gave them a warning,” Xavier said. “And if Talon does anything to hurt you, Gia, I’m going to kill him. The Troc thing pisses me off… but if you’re happy…”

  “You really did all that?” Gia asked.

  “I did,” Xavier said.

  She jumped forward and threw her arms around his neck.

  They hugged.

  “I’ve got your back, sis,” Xavier said. “I just don’t want things more fucked up than they already are.”

  “I don’t think we can stop that from happening,” Gia said.

  “I know,” Xavier said. They broke their hug. “If I said something sooner, maybe you wouldn’t be fooling around with a Troc.”

  Gia laughed. “You’re going to end up best friends with Talon. I know it.”

  “That will never happen, sis,” Xavier said.

  We all started to laugh.

  It felt good to see them connecting.

  It was a happy moment.

  And those seemed hard to come by anymore.

  Chapter 16

  A Story You Never Saw Coming

  Xavier spent the night and had to sneak out in the morning.

  It was actually kind of fun to see.

  When he left, I poured myself a cup of coffee and stood out on the deck alone and took it all in.

  I knew where things were going.

  Or at least I thought I did.

  It was up to us now to figure the rest out.

  There wasn’t much more for me to remember about what had happened before the accident.

  I had bits and pieces in my head. The rest the guys filled in for me.

  It shouldn’t have been a shock that everyone in my life wasn’t who they said they were.

  My father though… that was a surprise.

  He always seemed content with his life.

  What he did.

  How he did it.

  I thought about Leslie. The nurse at the hospital who had been taking care of me. My father and her were a thing.

  Was she part of it?

  I shook my head.

  It didn’t mean much now.

  What we needed to do was figure out who was following us, why, and then stop it.

  I heard the sliding glass door open behind me and I turned my head to see my mother coming outside, a cup of coffee in her hand.

  She lifted her cup and lowered her head.

  “Long night?” I asked.

  “Just got in not too long ago,” she said.

  “Walk of shame?” I asked.

  “More like the drive of questioning,” she said.

  “Oh, you’re fancy about it now?”


  “You stayed the night.”

  “To sober up,” she said.

  “You sure?”

  “Do you want to hear all the details about my night?”

  “No,” I said.

  My mother leaned against the railing. “I love this view.”

  “I’m getting used to it.”

  “You’ve been lingering around here for a while now,” my mother said. “What’s the plan?”

  “I didn’t realize I needed one,” I said.

  “Well, you came with a plan,” she said. “That didn’t work out though, did it?”

  “It changed as needed,” I said.

  “And now you’re with one of the guys that tried to kill you. You really are my daughter.”

  I took a deep breath. “There’s been changes.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.”

  “No,” I said. “They didn’t do anything. I got the whole story mixed up. I actually lost some of my memory in the accident.”

  My mother touched my arm. “Winter, are you being serious? If so, we need to call the doctor then.”

  “Look at you caring about me,” I said with a smile.

  “This isn’t about caring about you,” she said.

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Oh, fine, it is,” she said. “This is serious.”

  “I’m fine,” I said. “I’m figuring it all out. Something happened. I’m not completely sure what though.”

  “Are you in trouble?”

  “If I was, what would you do?”

  My mother thought about it for a second. “Good question. I’m not sure.”

  “Then don’t worry about it,” I said. “Just let me stay here and figure things out.”

  “I like it better when you had a story to tell,” she said.

  “So you like me less now?”

  “A little,” she said.

  “You know, you’re lucky I can handle your attitude,” I said.

  “I’m lucky?” my mother asked.

  We looked at each other and smiled.

  I wanted to believe that under all that crazy bitch attitude, my mother did have a spot in her heart that loved me.

  I went back inside to give her some privacy after her long and regretful night.

  I checked my phone and was happy to see a text from Xavier.

  He wanted to see me again. Already.

  I liked that.

  There was another text message waiting for me.

  One that surprised me.

  It was from my father.

  He was back home.

  Xavier and I held hands as we walked toward the large building.


  Back to the grind.

  For a minute.

  I figured it was easier to just handle Bevil face to face.

  Get this over with and move on with my life.

  No, I hadn’t called my father yet. I just sent a quick text that I was busy.

  He wanted me to come back home to the castle. Which was probably the smart thing to do…

  What I knew and remembered about him now though, I wasn’t sure I wanted to see him.

  Easton and Noah were ahead of Xavier and I.

  They entered the building first.

  When I stepped foot inside, I let out a long breath.

  This place was dead to me.

  It had been for some time.

  Everything that needed to be done had been handed in before the accident. I had worked my ass off to make that happen. From the second I realized my father was involved in Aldrich and Roland’s cash scheme, I wanted out of the castle and out of BFH.

  I didn’t panic react either.

  I knew how to plan and make things happen as need be.

  Although I didn’t plan for the accident.

  That was an attack on me.


  “Look who it is,” Easton called out.

  I turned my head and saw Evie and Darcy.

  They stood shoulder to shoulder, looking like the rotten bitches they were.

  And to think, I basically created them.

  That’s why they hated me so much now.

  I turned them into this.

  I took my hand from Xavier’s and walked up to them.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Just admiring you,” Darcy said. “You finally did it.”

  “Did what?” I asked.

  “You got one of the three,” Evie said. “You’ve been talking about it for a long time.”

  “What else did I talk about?” I asked. “My memory is fuzzy.”

  “No, it’s not,” Darcy said. “I don’t believe you for a second.”

  “Okay, fine,” I said. “You’re right. I faked it all. I set up the accident on my own too. I wanted to screw everyone over. That’s how fucking crazy I am. And now that I remember it all, I know all your secrets. All the secrets… and I don’t care. I don’t have any myself. If you fuck with me, I’ll deny remembering a thing. But I can still fuck with you. I owned you two once before. I created you both. And I can destroy you in a second. So if you want to do this… if you want to step up and take me on, then do it. But just remember…” I stepped closer to them. “I’m crazy enough to crash my own vehicle and fake losing my memory just to prove a point. Think you can compete with that?”

  They both stepped back.

  Their faces were bright red as they turned away.

  They locked their arms together and walked with speed.

  I hated those bitches.


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