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Magic, New Mexico: Timeless Topper (Kindle Worlds Novella) (My Crazy Alien Romance Book 3)

Page 6

by Donna McDonald

  “You want me to dress like the God of Thunder?” Alfred asked in disbelief.

  Thor’s masculine chuckle filled the hallway as he continued to clean up the water.

  Alfred looked at Thor and rolled his eyes. “I’m a fish, Coach Rime. I wouldn’t even look like that if I took steroids every day for a hundred years. Fish don’t grow muscles as humans. We stay lean,” he said and headed to the kitchen.

  Rime shook her head as she watched Alfred walk away. “No wonder the cat left this morning.” She looked at Thor. “I’m helping Alfred get a woman. Well, he got her but then he woke up next to her in bed and didn’t know what to do with her. He ran and then she left and then I got stressed… the rest you know. I can’t believe I froze poor Alfred.”

  Thor leaned on the mop and grinned. “Was the woman in his bed naked?”

  “My assumption is that she was,” Rime answered as she sipped her coffee. “She came as a cat and he took a cat to bed. Alfred just didn’t react like a normal male to finding an attractive, naked woman sleeping next to him. He panicked and came to find me.”

  Thor shook his head and laughed more softly. He didn’t want the fish to hear. “What’s a Priestess of Icela doing playing matchmaker in Magic, New Mexico?”

  Rime sighed and shook her head. It was so tempting to lay her truths at this handsome man’s large, steady feet. His presence in her life would definitely keep men like Director Quest away. “I’m not doing anything on purpose, Thor. I’m just here on vacation.”

  Thor chuckled louder. “Right. Does your vacation include checking on your brother and his infamous witch mate?”

  Rime dropped her gaze. “How on Earth did you figure all that out?”

  “You have Stark’s eyes, but actually it was all the people in town talking about how much you act like him. They’re a bit intimidated by you, but they also like you. They treat me pretty much the same way.”

  “Stark and I were born together. I’m only a little older. I wanted to see this place he’s chosen before I contacted him.”

  “You’re a lot more beautiful than he is,” Thor teased, wanting to see her smile again.

  Rime giggled. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry if I found out your secrets too soon, Priestess. It’s the Star Ranger in me. I can’t stop myself from solving every mystery I come across. Everyone in town is talking about you staying with Alfred. The only reason Stark hasn’t come to investigate is because Topper’s near her time to deliver and he’s afraid to leave her side. I told him I’d check to see if the cat shifter—who was reported missing yesterday—was at Alfred’s. It’s getting harder to hide what I know.”

  “Was it wrong of me to want to do my own exploring? I also didn’t want to take Stark’s energy from his mate during her fragile time. Icela opened a portal and told me to come here, so I came. I didn’t even pack any belongings because she gave me no time to do so. Alfred has kindly taken care of all my needs, even finding me new clothes, though we had to settle for those normally worn by men because of my size. As far as I can tell, women don’t get very tall here.”

  Thor gaze dropped to her tan pants and rose to the blue shirt which strained against her breasts. “Your femininity is still evident to all with eyes, Priestess. No one would ever guess those clothes weren’t yours. Alfred’s a good man to take care of you.”

  “Yes. A very good man,” Rime said, finishing her drink. “That’s why I have to help him.”

  The very good man chose that time to lean out into the hallway. “Breakfast is nearly finished, you two. Wash up and come eat.”

  “I think the floor in your hallway is going to be alright, Alfred. I got most of the water mopped up,” Thor said.

  “Thanks for doing that. Come eat now, God of Thunder. Its not what you’re used to in Asgard, but my food is nourishing,” Alfred said, disappearing back into the kitchen.

  Thor turned and grinned at her. “I’m never going to live down that myth. So Coach Rime…”

  Rime felt bad for letting him find out her name from Alfred. “It’s just Rime. Alfred insists on adding that title.”

  “Did you mean what you told him, Rime?”

  “About what?” Rime asked.

  “That I looked like the kind of man a woman would want to take to bed.”

  Rime crossed her arms, tapping her empty cup on one of them. “I did, but I was merely making a point.”

  Thor grinned at her. “Really? I was hoping you were being truthful. I would very much like to be the kind of man you’d allow to meet your needs in bed or outside of it. I find myself most willing to do so. There has been no one for me since my female died. She was not my mate in the normal sense, but you’re the first who has tempted me to find such pleasure again.”

  “There are so many Earth females and you seem…” Rime waved a hand at his body.

  Thor ducked his head and gathered up his things. “Sadly, I do not have any sexual reaction to them, no matter how appealing they think they are. My body has just not been interested—until you.”

  Rime refused to think about that—didn’t want to yet. “We should go to breakfast, Thor. I’ve already upset Alfred enough this morning,” she said, turning on her heels before she got anymore tempted to believe him.

  Chapter 8

  “Are you sure about this?” Alfred asked.

  Thor shrugged. “Are you comfortable?”

  Alfred ran a hand over the soft shirt with its tails hanging out over snug fitting denim. He felt strange, but not bad. “The shirt’s nice. Pants feel a little constricting.”

  “They will soften with repeated washing and wearing. Soon you’ll like they way they hold you and make you aware of you mating organs.”

  Alfred dropped his gaze from the fitting mirror. He hated looking at himself. “Mating organs. Stark talks like you do.”

  “I’ve known the General a very long time,” Thor said. “Would you like to try on others?”

  “Aren’t three enough?” Alfred asked.

  “For now probably,” Thor confirmed. “Do you require financial assistance with their purchase? I have funds reserved from my work in Alaska.”

  Alfred shook his head. “No. I have money… but thank you for the offer. It was enough that you saved me from freezing to death this morning. That’s really all one can ask from someone named after a myth.”

  “Freezing you was genuinely an accident. Rime would harm herself before she’d ever allow harm to come to you,” Thor said sincerely. He waved at the outfit. “Wear that out of the shop. We’ll have them pack away your normal clothes with the rest of the purchases. This will tell you if you have chosen well before you wear the others.”

  “Very well,” Alfred said, fighting not to be depressed. He missed his dapper red suspenders and top hat.

  “Why so glum? It’s not like Rime—your Coach Rime—is asking you to change everything, Fish Man. She’s just asking you to broaden your choices enough to include things your cat might find appealing. Obviously, your cat shifter likes you the way you are, or she wouldn’t have allowed herself to shift into a naked woman with you. Females do not bare themselves to men they don’t like and trust. This is a truth on any planet.”

  Alfred nodded. “But I hurt Jeannie’s feelings when I panicked. I didn’t mean to do that. The only females I’ve ever known have been fish.”

  Thor laid a hand on Alfred’s shoulder in male support. It was the way of his people and he was starting to like the fish shifter more than he’d expected to. “Every change you’re willing to make will show your female that she is important to you. Achieving your goal is far more frightening than the mere pursuit. Once you have her interest again, you must become vulnerable enough to admit your feelings. There is no more intimidating a creature than the woman your heart has chosen, but she also holds great rewards for your bravery with her.”

  Smiling, Alfred put the rest of his purchases on the counter. “Thanks for that, Thor.”

  “I speak only the t
ruth, my friend,” Thor assured him.

  “Alfred? Is that you?” the sales person asked in surprise. She giggled as she checked out his new clothes. “You’re sure looking great today.”

  Stunned, Alfred raised his gaze to Thor’s who merely shrugged. He looked back at the sales woman. “Thank you, Karen. How is business going?”

  “Wonderful. I’m so glad you came to my shop instead of the others.” Karen smiled at him as she rang up his purchases. “It’s movie night at the library this weekend. If you’re going, I can save you a seat.”

  Alfred smiled. “I’m not sure about my plans for the weekend yet.”

  Karen sighed. “Are you and Jeannie dating then? Someone said she spent the night with you. I don’t like to gossip, but you’re buying new clothes, and that usually means a man is changing for the woman in his life.” She leaned over the counter and stared at him. “I’ve never been into all those alpha predators around here. I just didn’t want to miss my chance to date you if you were still on the market. Know what I mean?”

  “Not really,” Alfred admitted. It took all his will to keep his face from turning red. “My relationship to Jeannie is a private matter between us. I will keep your kind offer in mind. I’m glad you think my new clothes look nice, Karen. I wasn’t sure about them. That’s why I brought Thor to help me.

  “Well, they look great on you,” Karen promised, finishing the transaction. “I hope you come this weekend. I’ll save you a seat just in case. Think about it, okay?”

  Not sure how to respond to such enthusiasm, Alfred smiled at Karen before he and Thor exited. He looked up at the man who dwarfed him in every way. “Why didn’t she invite you?”

  Thor chuckled. “My size intimidates all creatures. Only a female sure of her own power could take me on. Since my sexual urges have recently returned to me after many years of being absent, I now diligently seek an outlet.”

  “I thought you found your outlet when you met Rime,” Alfred said matter-of-factly.

  Thor smiled. “Perhaps I have, but a reluctant female is never a good investment of your time and energy. To have just a little of Rime would be torture. What if your cat refused to shift to human in your presence? Now that you’ve seen her naked and in her most vulnerable state, can you ever go back to not wanting to see her like that again?”

  “No, I can’t,” Alfred said, making some internal decisions. They were remarkably easy this morning. Maybe the clothes were helping. He turned to Thor and bowed his head. “Thank you, God of Thunder. You’ve been nearly as helpful as Coach Rime. I can’t believe I paid for therapy all those years when I just needed to wait for aliens to invade our town.”

  “Alfred, if my presence here was an invasion of Earth, I promise you would know it. Glacierians explore other cultures. We do not invade. In fact, we annihilate invaders on our planet and on those we choose to protect,” Thor said.

  Alfred laughed. “I believe you, Thor. I believe you. You look like you could annihilate anyone.”

  “That’s a fine compliment, Alfred. Thank you.”

  They walked in companionable silence back to Alfred’s house.

  There were some things a fish had to do alone, no matter how many helpful others currently swam in his fish bowl with him. He straightened the shirt and checked his human appearance in the mirrored fish tank in the store. It was difficult adjusting to his new look, but he was starting to adapt to it. He looked down when a cat yowled at his feet.

  Stooping, he brushed his fingers over the familiar’s head. “Hello. Where did you come from?”

  “Horatio, where did you run off to? Oh, Alfred. Hello. Is Horatio bothering you?”

  “Not at all, Constance. Horatio and I are friends. He recently helped me with a little problem I was having. I don’t suppose you’d allow him to accompany me on an errand this afternoon, would you?”

  Alfred watched the witch drop her gaze. Silent communication passed between her and Horatio. Constance giggled when she looked back at Alfred. “Horatio says you’re going to need a lot of help to win Jeannie back after your reaction this morning.”

  “I had a panic attack at a very bad time.” Was no humiliation private in this town? Closing his eyes, Alfred sighed. “I know I reacted badly, but I must try to fix this.”

  “Of course you must,” Constance said, patting his shoulder. She reached out and ran her hand over a three story cat tower with a bell hanging off the top platform. “This one’s very nice. She can invite girlfriends over to play.”

  “But no males,” Alfred said firmly.

  “I guess convincing her of that will be up to you,” Constance said.

  “Does Horatio like catnip?” Alfred asked.

  “Yes, he does, but he absolutely cannot have any right now. He gets on a bender and disappears for days after he has it. Then he comes home all scratched up and lethargic. With Topper nearing her time, Horatio and I have to be conservative with our power. No partying too hard for him right now.”

  Alfred arched an eyebrow at the black cat. “Sorry, Friend. I now must withdraw my catnip offer. Your witch has spoken.”

  Horatio turned away and licked his paws pretending not to care.

  “Buy him a squeaky toy. He loves to decimate those,” Constance whispered.

  “Done,” Alfred replied. He looked down at his new friend. “I’m having a cat door installed at my house. Come by whenever you wish. I’ll make sure to keep some milk on hand for you.”

  Horatio bobbed his cat head and wove around Alfred’s legs affectionately. Alfred noted the denim did not show the cat hair afterward. That was another plus for wearing jeans, wasn’t it?

  “Nice look, by the way. You seem relaxed and very masculine in those clothes. I like that look on you,” Constance said, carefully choosing her words. “Has Jeannie seen you today?”

  “No, but I’m going to make sure she does this afternoon,” Alfred said. “It was lovely seeing you both. Horatio, want to tag along with me?”

  One meow later, Alfred had arranged delivery of a complete set of cat staples and several bags of food he had the pet store mark out the ingredients for. He was going for the ignorance-was-bliss approach.

  Then he arranged a different sort of delivery to be sent to the bank where a certain cat worked. Maybe Horatio didn’t get to have catnip, but maybe Jeannie might like some.

  When he got back to his house, Rime was sitting in a chair reading. Nearly twenty cats lounged on his furniture, tables, and floor.

  “Apparently word of the cat door spread rather quickly,” she told him.

  Alfred looked around in stunned surprise. He lifted a hand to his head, wondering what to do. “I’m going to need to see a witch about this,” he said. “Don’t worry. She doesn’t live far away.”

  “Are you sure someone like Constance can’t help me?” Alfred asked, letting a very heavy Topper lean against him as they walked up his porch steps. “I like your new youthful appearance. It suits your energy most of the time. Now really isn’t one of them, though.”

  “It would take Constance longer and I needed a break anyway. Stark got an emergency call from his planet about an unexpected portal opening just outside of Magic. It was all I could do to force him to leave and take Thor with him to investigate it. Now then,” Topper said, breathing hard as she faced Alfred’s front door. “We need to put some limitation on the entrance so only the cats you give permission to can drop by whenever they feel like it. Smart felines are among the most arrogant of animals. It’s why Gaia makes them be familiars. It’s very humbling to serve the greater good of everyone.”

  Topper lifted her hands and closed her eyes to call the power to her. A sudden chorus of loud yowling erupted just as the door swung open to let the cats flee in terror. They divided around Topper in two streams, running and yowling as loud as they could as they escaped.

  “They felt me here and knew to be warned.” Topper told him. She turned to the cats. “You’re all being rude to Alfred,” Topper yelled at th
em as they felt. “Don’t come back unless he invites you.”

  “Huh…” Alfred said, watching the mass exodus. “That was much easier than I thought it would be.”

  Topper stared at the beautiful woman now staring back at her. “Hello. Who are you?”

  Alfred cleared his throat, determined to be the kind of man Thor said he could be. He would not let his two female mentors come to blows if he could prevent it. He sincerely hoped his peacemaking wouldn’t mean his death today since he’d spent a considerable amount of money to win back the one cat he wanted here.

  “Topper, this is Coach Rime. Rime, this is Topper, Magic’s head witch. Topper’s going to put a charm on my front door to limit the cats coming in without express permission.”

  Rime nodded mutely at Alfred’s introduction. Her gaze dropped to the witch’s very large protruding belly. When she raised it again, the woman was all but scowling at her. This was the female Stark bound his life to? It was difficult to believe this frowning, red-haired child-woman was the mature female her brother had described to their parents as his mate.

  “Aren’t you going to ask why I’m so big so soon?” Topper asked.

  Rime was startled by the question. “No. It’s not mine to question the miracles the Goddess bestows on her chosen ones.” She pointed to Topper’s middle. “Your daughter is definitely one of Icela’s miracles. I can feel the Goddess’s energy from here. It’s very different from yours which is also substantial. If I had to make a guess, the energy differences are why she’s in such a hurry to leave your body. Your daughter doesn’t want to harm you any more than it takes to find her way into the world.”

  Rime grew alarmed when the witch put her hands to her eyes to wipe tears away.

  “Thank you. Oh Goddess, that makes so much sense. What a relief to know. Look at me,” Topper said in honest shock. “A few kind words from a stranger and I’m in tears. No one in Magic understands what I’m going through. No one. I want this done as much as my daughter does, but I’m just so worried. The kind of magic it takes to grow a baby is a bit out of my league.”


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