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The Crown Jewels

Page 13

by Honey Palomino

“As My Lord stated, Madam Rose, everything is going to be alright.” He patted the top of my head softly. “Is there anything else I can do, miss?”

  “Yes, Bertolf,” I said. “I need a ride to the airport.”



  Bertolf entered my room, Willy in tow.

  “The Dog has had been fed dinner, My Lord,” he said. I always laughed when Bertolf referred to Willy as The Dog. He’d been unable to hide his disgust when I brought the three-month old puppy home from America. But Willy loved Bertolf right away, once he figured out that he was the one that retrieved the food from the kitchen. He followed him everywhere. Bertolf warmed up to him eventually, training him and making sure he had the best diet and exercising him when I wasn’t around. I could tell he loved him, even if he’d never admit it.

  Willy was the only thing that had kept me grounded these last few years. The only thing in my life that was constant, and always there for me, and the only thing that actually brought me any comfort.

  He wiggled over to me and jumped on the bed, his black velvety ears flopping around as he rubbed himself all over the duvet. Bertolf wrinkled his brow. We’d had many arguments over whether The Dog was allowed on the bed or not, but I was in no mood to listen to him today. As far as I was concerned, Willy was a part of the family and could go wherever he pleased.

  “Thank you for feeding him,” I said.

  “Sir, your company has been requested by Madam Rose. She asked me to pass along the message.” Bertolf went around my room drawing the curtains. The sun was just beginning to set, the orange and red rays of the last moments of this awful day finally fading away.

  “Thank you, Bertolf,” I said, my mind a million miles away. Jewels wanted to see me. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. If I had to speculate, things didn’t work out in my favor. She was entirely too anxious to get rid of me earlier. If she wanted to see me now, I was pretty sure it wasn’t to fuck my brains out.

  I felt like an ass thinking about fucking her now, but whatever. You can’t take the toad out of the Prince.

  “Is there anything else, My Lord?” Bertolf asked.

  “Yeah,” I replied, my cock coming to life in my pants. “Walk Willy before bed tonight. Bring me a bottle of champagne. Make that two. And bring me my condoms.”

  Bertolf stopped short at the door and turned to raise an eyebrow at me.

  “Sir, with all due respect, I don’t think —,”

  “—just do what I say. I don’t need a lecture. Champagne. Condoms. Got it?”

  “Yes, My Lord,” he replied, backing out of the room.

  “Thank you, Bertolf,” I said, as the door closed behind him.


  I knocked on Jewel’s door quietly. The soft sound of her feet padding across the door to open it made me smile. I heard the lock slide open and then her beautiful face was staring up at me.

  “I learned how to lock the door,” she said sullenly.

  “Hey,” I said, holding up the bottles of champagne and two crystal flutes. “Maybe this will help?”

  “That sounds good,” she replied, nodding. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Just ask, and your prince appears, My Lady,” I said, tipping my imaginary hat. She looked miserable and I wanted nothing more than to put a smile back on her face. It almost worked, but instead of a smile, one corner of her mouth just subtly turned up.

  This was going to take some work, I thought. I was used to making girls smile. It was easy, and I was fluent at it, their tinkling laughter serving as some kind of validation of my manliness. That, and of course, my skilled cock.

  But at the rate things were fucking up around here, I was starting to think my cock wasn’t ever going to get close to Jewels. Making her laugh was the only thing I had left.

  The door closed behind us, and the intimacy of being alone wrapped around us like a blanket we couldn’t shake. I couldn’t look at her without yearning for her. By the look on her face, she felt the same way.

  And yet everything was against us.

  “Will —,”

  “Jewels —,”

  “Ladies first,” I said.

  She nodded, her face serious, her lips pursed together, which only made me want to pry them apart with my tongue.

  “I’ve decided to leave. I’m going home tomorrow.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. It’s best I go home. I’ve done nothing but cause trouble since I arrived.”

  “That’s not how I see it.”

  “That’s how your mother sees it,” she replied, her green eyes flashing in the light from the fireplace.

  “My mother is wrong.”

  “She doesn’t seem like the kind of lady to admit she’s wrong. Did you see the way she looked at me, Will? I kept expecting her to order me hanged or banished to the dungeon!”

  I smirked, closing the distance between us. I put my arms around her, pulling her in as close as she would let me.

  “You’re so dramatic. Listen, I don’t know what’s going on,” I began. “Someone is obviously trying to fuck with us, but we’ll figure it out. I know you didn’t take the crown, because I saw you leave the vault on the tapes. We’ll just let the police handle it. They’ll figure it out, they’re very good. They came to take fingerprints today, right?”

  “Yes,” she replied. Her voice was muffled against my arms. I pulled back a little, putting my hand under her chin and lifting her beautiful face to me. “Stop worrying. I promise, everything is going to be just fine. There’s no need to leave town. It’s almost your birthday. Your father would be devastated if you left.” I didn't tell her that I would be too. There were some things she probably wasn't ready to hear.

  “I could use a glass of that champagne,” she muttered.

  I laughed, and turned away, opening the bottle with a loud pop. The golden liquid foamed and fizzled, spilling out onto the floor. She giggled lightly and my smile widened. Now we were getting somewhere.

  “Let’s sit down,” I offered, gesturing to the long sofa in front of the fireplace. We settled in next to each other, looking at the flickering flames dance in the fireplace.

  “I have to tell you something, Will,” she whispered, turning to me. Her voice took on a sense of urgency and she stared into my eyes. “It’s important.”

  “Alright, hjärtat, what is it?”

  “It’s about our past, Will. I wasn’t entirely honest with you. I should have called you. I should have told you,” her words were rushed, jittery, and I put a hand on hers to calm her. “But I was so hurt, so upset.”

  “What, Jewels? Tell me.”

  “Three days after you left, I got my period,” she said, biting her lip. “I was never pregnant, Will.”

  “Oh!” I exclaimed. “Well, that’s delightful!”

  “It is?” she replied, a flash of pain in her eyes.

  “No, hjärtat, that’s not what I mean. I mean, that means you didn’t have to go through with a painful procedure, or whatever you would have felt afterwards.”

  “Yes, I agree. I was relieved. But all these years, I’ve felt terrible for not telling you.”

  “That’s okay, love, I’m just glad it all worked out.”

  “There’s one more thing…”

  “What’s that, hjärtat?”

  “The money. Sally and I used it to go to Hawaii for Spring Break,” she said.

  I burst out laughing.

  “That’s perfect! I love it! That’s exactly what I would have done.”

  “I should have told you, Will, I’m sorry,” she said. Her eyes filled with tears, and I stopped laughing.

  “Jewels, you don’t owe me an apology. If anything, I’m the one who can never apologize enough. I left you all alone, like a total asshole. I could spend the rest of my life making it up to you now, though,” I said, my eyes raking down to her full thick lips. I’d never wanted to lick them so badly in my life than right now. I watched as she sipped
her champagne and found myself mesmerized as I watched the tip of her tongue lick a bead of champagne from her lips.

  “I have something to confess to you, too,” I said.

  “You do?”

  “Yes. I was never enrolled in calculus.”


  “I know. It was all a ruse to get to know you. I noticed you in the library and I watched you until I found an opening. When I saw you put up the flyer, I’d found my chance. I wasn’t taking calculus, or physics, so I lied.”

  “Wow. No wonder you were so awful at it,” she whispered. We laughed together, the tension gone from the air.

  My cock ached painfully. Her eyes shot down towards my lap and she groaned.

  “How did we get here, Will? What are we supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know,” I replied, caressing her hand. “But I do know three things.”

  She blinked slowly, her lips parting seductively as she listened.

  “One,” I said, reaching up and putting a finger to her lips, “there’s nobody here but you and I. We can do whatever we want, and I’m pretty sure we both want the same thing right now.” Her lips parted wider, her tongue darting out, stinging it.

  “Two,” I continued, my cock raging now between my legs, “our parents aren’t married yet. That means that this is only as taboo as you want to think it is. Personally, I don’t give a fuck, married or not. But that seems to be a sticking point for you. But right now? Tonight? We’re just two consenting adults, with no commitments and no rules.”

  She gasped, and I smiled as I watched as a slow familiar blush crept up her neck. My eyes darted down to her nipples, the hard pebbles that greeted me only causing my cock to swell even more.

  “Three,” I said, running my finger over her lips seductively, watching with hunger as they moved under my touch, “I know you want to see them again.”

  “See what?” she asked, her eyes narrowing.

  “The Crown Jewels.”

  Her laughter peeled through the room, echoing off the ancient brick walls like the most beautiful music I’d ever heard.

  Success. I’d made her laugh. Her shoulders relaxed, and I watched as her breathing returned to normal. She turned away, looking into the fire before turning back to me with a smile.

  “You were always good at that,” she whispered.

  “Good at what?” I asked.

  “Making me laugh. Making me forget everything else existed except for you and me and whatever we were laughing about,” she said, growing quiet. “I miss that,” she whispered.

  “That’s not the only thing I’ve missed,” I growled, pulling her to me and kissing her passionately. I couldn’t hold back any longer. Her lips. Those eyes.

  This time, there was no resistance. No question. No hesitancy. We melted into each other’s arms, our lips and hands free to explore, free to make up for all the lost years between us.

  Gently, I pushed her back until I was lying on top of her, my body begging me to sink myself into her as fast as I could, but my mind telling me to slow down.

  We had all night and I intended to make sure I explored every last inch of her incredible body, but restraint was something I was running very short on.

  She writhed below me, her body pressing up against mine eagerly, her mouth opening, inviting me deeper into her. I moaned against her, kissing her over and over, my hunger surging to painful peaks.

  My lips trailed down as I ran my tongue along the length of her slender neck. She groaned, her hands sinking into my hair, pulling me closer. My head dipped down, my tongue sliding along her collarbone, over the tops of her creamy mounds. I slipped my hand inside her silk blouse, inside her lacy bra, pulling out her beautiful breasts, my mouth engulfing her hard nipple.

  “Will,” she murmured, “oh, Will…” She arched her back, her head falling back as I devoured her, my tongue swirling around her tightened nipple, her warmth intoxicating, my heart beat pounding in my ears.

  I broke away, and leaned down, scooping her up in my arms and carrying her to the huge bed. I laid her down gently on it, and stood back up as I began removing my clothes.

  She reached out and I shook my head slowly.

  “Not yet, hjärtat,” I whispered. “I say when…”

  Her eyes widened, the lust I felt coursing through my veins reflected in them. She bit her lip again as she watched me undress.

  I stood in front of her, naked, hard, starving for her. She watched me carefully as I knelt on the bed, reaching out to unbutton her silk shirt. The tiny round buttons reminded me of the first time we’d been together, and I smiled at her.

  “It’s been way too long, hjärtat,” I said, as I pushed the shirt from her shoulders. “I’ve imagined fucking you a million times, Jewels. A million different ways. In a million different places,” I whispered before brushing my lips against hers quickly. My hands traveled down her arms, outlining the swell of her breast with my fingertips, and trailing down her stomach and to her side. I grasped her skirt in my fingers, drawing the long zipper down slowly. The flesh of her hips came into view as the fabric parted.

  “Lift,” I demanded. She obeyed with a barely discernible moan.

  “Good girl,” I whispered, smiling as her lips parted, her tongue darting out once more to moisten them.

  “Do you remember the fun we had, Jewels?” She nodded.

  “Yes,” I agreed, “me, too.” She whimpered below me, her back arching up towards me, a silent plea.

  “Do you remember the things I used to do to you, hjärtat?” She nodded silently again. I laid on top of her almost naked body, the only thing left between our skin was the soft lace of her underwear. I reached down, unfastening the tiny clasp between her breasts, pulling it apart to reveal the beautiful breasts that had haunted my nights. My hands caressed them, pinching her hard nipples until she gasped.

  “Do you remember our safe word, hjärtat?”

  “Yes,” she replied, breathlessly.

  “Tell me,” I demanded.

  “Will,” she said, her voice quivering.

  “That’s not it, now is it?” I said, pinching her nipple just a little harder. It was taking all my strength to tease her like this, but it was worth it to see her squirming again under my fingers. “Tell me, Jewels.”

  “Cinderella,” she said, with a daring smile as she met my gaze. She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever known, the one that got away, the single woman that I couldn’t forget, and she was lying naked in front of me once again, writhing under my touch.

  Somewhere, somehow, I’d done at least one thing right. I wasn’t sure which path I’d taken to make this possible, in fact, I didn’t give a fuck how it happened, but at that moment, in the fire lit darkness of the Blue Room of Drottningholm Palace, I was a blessed man.

  “Very good,” I said. “Now, take off your panties.”

  A slow devilish grin spread across her face, and she reached down, pulling the sides of her panties down and over her luscious thighs.

  “You’re a fucking goddess,” I growled, smiling down at Jewels as I slipped on a condom. I reached out, caressing her face again before I lowered my head to hers, our lips colliding together, her thighs parting, welcoming me, wrapping around me as I slid into her. Her smooth warm center enveloped my cock, one delectable inch at a time.

  We moved as one, our hips dancing, our limbs tangled together as I kissed her deeply. She felt better that I remembered, our bodies fitting together like they were made for each other.

  I reached down, wrapping a handful of her long auburn curls around my fingers and gently tugging. Her eyes flew open, as I pulled back on her hair and thrust into her deeply.

  “Tell me, hjärtat, say it,” I insisted. “You know how I like to hear it. You know what it does to me.”

  “Fuck me, Will, please fuck me,” she begged. I watched her face as ecstasy washed over it, making me feel like the luckiest man in the world knowing I put it there. I let go of her hair, my hands reaching
down and grabbing her hips, my fingers sinking into the delicate flesh as I held on to her. Slowly, I pushed in deeper, staring into her eyes as I took her.

  I wanted to make Jewels happy. I wanted to give her more pleasure than I felt myself. More than anything, I wanted her to feel the joy I felt when I looked at her.

  My cock swelled, and I thrust into her harder, deeper, over and over and over until we were both sweating, our bodies slick with the fruits of our desire. Faster, harder, I began pounding into her as her breath quickened, her chest rising and falling faster and faster as she thrust against me, her sweet pussy quivering and spasming around me.

  Her entire body stiffened around me, and the blush against her cheeks deepened, the firelight dancing across her bare skin as I hammered into her, her body crashing over the edge, pulsing around me, pulling me with her until I exploded inside of her, waves of sweet release washing over me. My name fell across her lips, her whisper so sweet to my ears.

  Gently, I pulled away from her, pulling her into my arms. She rested her head on my chest, and I inhaled deeply. The heady scent of our sex, the soft fruity smell of her hair, and the earthy, wooden smoke from the fire lured us to sleep.



  When I woke up the next morning, my body was still singing from Will’s touch. I reached over to touch him, and he was gone.

  I sighed and turned over, the event of last night replaying in my head. I was relieved to tell Will there was never a baby. Not that that seemed to even matter anymore. So much had happened since I’d arrived, the things that occurred ten years ago seemed completely irrelevant.

  But somehow, he’d managed to take me right back there. I’d almost forgotten we were in the castle last night. The way he touched me, the way he talked to me, the way he moved inside of me - all of it brought me back, reminding me of just how he affected me, the way he made my body feel alive in a way that I’d never felt since.

  I wanted him again. Now. And he was nowhere to be found. Reluctantly, I rose from bed. My suitcase sat by the door, a silent reminder of my plans to leave.

  Did fucking Will change anything? It certainly didn’t change the fact that someone had tried to plant Vicky’s crown in my room. It didn’t change the fact that our private moment had been plastered all over the world for everyone to see.


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