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Dangerous Love (Moon Light Wolves Book 2)

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by Jasmine B. Waters

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Book 1: Origins

  Book 2: The Ritual

  Book 3: The Hunt

  Book 4: The Betrayal

  Book 5: The Journey

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  WARNING: This eBook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This eBook is for sale to adults ONLY.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  Dangerous Love

  Blue Ridge Bears | Book 2

  Jasmine B. Waters


  Dangerous Love


  The Coven Box Set (1-5)

  Exclusive Book For You

  Dangerous Love

  Chapter 1

  “I broke up with Jake,” Thea said into her cellphone, briskly walking to her car as she left the hospital, trying not to break down in tears. She probably shouldn’t have broken up with her boyfriend in such a public place, which also just so happened to be his workplace. But she’d had enough, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She needed to end it–for her sanity and happiness.

  She heard her best friend, Annie, inhale in surprise over the phone. “You really did?” She asked her, and Thea knew that she was more than a little surprised.

  Thea had been saying that she was going to break up with Jake for the past two weeks, but she never did. She just thought that he would change, and they could go back to how they used to be. But he didn’t. In fact, he grew worse–and he’d become more than a little rude to her.

  Their relationship wasn’t always bad. It was actually perfect–up until the Elders had shown up at Thea and Annie’s place, threatening to take Thea away and wipe her memory because she knew too much about shifters. Of course, there was also the threat that they could just take care of Thea so that she wouldn’t be a danger to their society anymore, which made Thea panic with fear. Having your life threatened before your eyes was a lot to deal with.

  Thea hadn’t been able to forget the frightening experience, and there was more than one night where she’d woken up screaming, afraid for her life. Jake, of course, noticed something was off–but he didn’t really handle the situation well. He was annoyed with Thea just wanting to stay inside her house and not go out with him–and he definitely didn’t understand why she was acting weird out of nowhere.

  And it’s not like Thea could tell him. First, he would think she was absolutely crazy. Second, she would never put Annie or any of the rest of the shifters in that type of trouble. Because, in her little town in Maine, shifters were basically everywhere. And the second any other humans found out about what they really were, that they could turn into wolves, she knew that hell would descend on both sides.

  So, after continuously hearing Jake telling her to get over whatever experience she had and get back to normal, she decided to end things. She knew that he didn’t understand the full story, and maybe if he did things would be different. But she was more than a little upset over how he was treating her, regardless of whether he knew the whole story or not.

  She wouldn’t stand for it.

  But now she was crying in the hospital parking lot, almost regretting that she’d just ended things with him and stormed out of the place.

  “Are you crying, Thea?” Annie asked her over the phone, concern creeping through her voice.

  “I know that I needed to end things,” she told Annie, sniffling and trying to find her car through her tears. “But I already miss him, which is horrible.”

  “Do you miss him–or do you miss the relationship?”

  Thea sighed, knowing that Annie was right. She didn’t miss the Jake she knew now. She missed the Jake that she first fell in love with. Maybe this was a long time coming, and it just took a horrible situation for Thea to see it clearly.

  “You’re right, as always,” Thea told her, finally locating her car and briskly walking over to it. “Are you home right now?”

  “Yep, Lukas and I are making dinner,” Annie informed her. Thea smiled, loving the new comfortable relationship Annie and Lukas were in.

  Lukas, a former rogue that had come to town after hearing of a murderous group of rogues on a rampage, fell hard for Annie–and Annie fell hard for him, regardless of the situation they were in. It wasn’t a romance that was supposed to be, yet they survived the battle against the murderous Kaiser, growing stronger in the process. Since Lukas had saved both Annie–the alpha pack’s daughter–and the alpha, himself, Lukas was given the opportunity to join the pack and leave his rogue life behind.

  Thea, for one, was downright giddy that Lukas had decided to stay. He not only was a stable and loving partner for her best friend, but Thea also now trusted him with her life. When the Elders came to fix the “problem” they had–i.e. Thea–Lukas had protected her from the very beginning, risking his life to get her to safety and away from the Elders. Even though the Elders eventually left, and nothing too bad came out of the situation, Thea would never be able to repay him, though he consistently told her that she really owed him nothing.

  Hann, Annie’s father and the alpha of the Moonlight Pack, assured Thea that the Elders would not be coming back for her. Thea had never questioned Hann, and he had always been like a second father to her since she was a child, but she didn’t know if Hann could keep the Elders away forever.

  “Okay, how about you two, me, and Kato go out for drinks tonight after dinner?” Thea asked her, sniffling slightly. “I need alcohol and a drunk night with my best friends, if that’s okay.”

  “That’s definitely okay, hun,” Annie told her, her voice going soft. “And it’s a plan. Are we talking any rebound sex with a stranger?”

  “Probably not,” Thea admitted. She didn’t know when she would get over Jake, but she did know that hooking up with some stranger would just make her miss him more. She envied the people that were able to move on by hooking up with others. “I just want to get drunk with you guys and have fun.”

  “Then it’s a plan,” Annie told her, and she could hear Lukas talking in the background. A slight stab of sadness entered her heart as she realize
d how happy Annie and Lukas were together.

  Thea sniffled and tried to hold back another wave of tears that threatened to break free. Living with a happy couple in love was definitely going to be hell.

  Chapter 2

  Kato couldn’t get Thea out of his mind. Which was all kinds of wrong.

  For one, she was his best friend. He couldn’t be having these kinds of thoughts about her. It was wrong–and it put their friendship in a weird area, not that Kato would ever admit to her what he was really thinking or feeling. Secondly, she was a human. And that was probably the biggest no-no that Kato could think of.

  But, instead of listening to Hann talk about different alpha leader activities that he did on a daily schedule, Kato was currently zoning off and thinking about how he felt when he’d held Thea in his arms after the whole Elder incident. What was wrong with him?

  “You okay there, Kato?” Hann asked him. Kato immediately snapped back to the present, beyond embarrassed that he had completely zoned off in front of his alpha. That was enough for Kato to realize that he wasn’t in his right mind.

  “I’m sorry, Hann,” he confessed, sitting up in his chair that he was slouching in before. He dragged his hand across his face, attempting to rub away the exhaustion from the way Thea was keeping him up at night in his mind and his dreams. “There’s just been a lot that’s been going on recently, and I’m a bit out of it today, I guess.”

  Kato hated lying to his alpha, but he couldn’t really tell him how he was feeling about Thea, could he? Though Hann would probably be more understanding of anyone else in the pack. Hann, himself, king alpha and leader of the Moonlight Pack, had married and mated with a human woman. His mate successfully carried a child to term, resulting in Annie, Kato and Thea’s other best friend who was also a halfie. However, Kato was told that Hann’s wife died during childbirth, as many humans do because their bodies cannot hold a shifter to full term without consequences.

  “I know life here in Maine has been pretty hectic lately,” Hann responded, rubbing his beard. “Which is one of the reasons I want to start giving you some advice about being an alpha of a pack. More so than I’ve been doing before. I want there to be daily sessions and hours where I teach you all about what you can face when you’re an alpha.”

  “Me?” Kato asked, stunned. He knew that Hann had always liked him, and there were many rumors around the pack that he wanted Kato as his heir when he retired or died, since Annie could not be the alpha because she was a halfie–and because he knew Annie really didn’t want to be the alpha. But, Kato never really thought Hann was serious. Now though, with a serious Hann looking at him–which was incredibly rare–he realized that maybe Hann wanted him to be the next alpha after all.

  “Yes, you,” Hann told him, his serious face turning into that laid-back smile Kato knew so well. “You’ve got what it takes, Kato. And, possibly most importantly, you’ve got heart–and that’s something that every good alpha needs. You need to be strong while also being compassionate, and you need to be a leader that everyone can rely on. Since you were a young boy, you’ve been a leader, son. And, I would be honored if you would be my heir when I eventually get sick of you all.”

  “Hann…I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes, and we’ll go from there.”

  Kato smiled, wanting to run over to his alpha and give him a hug from the joy that was bursting within him. He couldn’t wait to tell Thea. That was the one good thing about Thea knowing about shifters now–he could tell her all about his day and not hide it from her anymore. Even though Thea and Annie had both hid the fact from Kato that Thea knew about shifters all along since they were in high school.

  “Yes,” Kato told his alpha, his smile wide, and his heart full of pride.

  Being an alpha of a pack was the top level any regular shifter could get. Of course, some shifters decided that they wanted to become alphas through the alpha battle–where they challenge an alpha to a duel to the death–with the only survivor being the new or remaining alpha. But being chosen to be the next alpha by the current alpha? Only a few privileged people experience that.

  And now Kato was one of them.

  Chapter 3

  Thea started drinking the minute she got home, much to Annie’s chagrin. She didn’t care, though. She just wanted good food and alcohol to help her get over the whole Jake breakup. She wanted to numb the feelings that she was having for just a few hours, knowing she would have to deal with the fallout eventually.

  But tonight, she didn’t have to. Tonight, she was going to get drunk with her best friends.

  Annie and Lukas refused to drink until they were finished cooking, so when Kato walked through the front door, Thea literally attacked him with a hug and telling him he took forever to get there. All Kato did was laugh slightly as he held Thea, who was now slightly tipsy.

  “Finally, you’re here,” Thea told him, slurring her words, hanging on to him as they walked to the kitchen so that Kato could greet Annie and Lukas.

  “Sorry I’m late, Thea,” Kato said, letting go slightly to hug Annie a hello and give a friendly back slap to Lukas. “You’re never going to guess what Hann told me today.”

  “What? Is something wrong?” Annie quickly asked, fear setting in her face. Annie was still shaken about everything that had happened with Kaiser trying to kill her father, and also almost killing her. They’d lost only a few of their shifters in the battle, but both Kato and Annie still felt their deaths close to their heart. Hann, the alpha of those lost souls, felt even worse, and Kato and Annie had been trying to help him through the hard times.

  “No, nothing’s wrong,” Kato quickly assured her, sitting at the kitchen island with Thea as Annie and Lukas continued to cook dinner for everyone. “He officially and formally said that he wants me to be his predecessor and become the next alpha when he retires. He says that he’s going to make an official announcement to the pack at our next pack meeting.”

  “Kato, that’s amazing,” Annie smiled at him, walking over to where he sat and giving him a big hug.

  “Congrats, man,” Lukas told him, smiling as well and shaking his hand. “You’re gonna be a great alpha.”

  “I’m so proud of you,” Thea told him, feeling tears prick her eyes as she hugged him. The amount of alcohol she had drunk was making her emotional, but she didn’t care. She laughed with Kato as he hugged her back, wiping away her tears. At least she wasn’t crying about Jake anymore.

  “Oh, did you hear?” Annie asked Kato as she stirred the food she was cooking on the stove. “Thea broke up with Jake today.”

  Thea groaned and put her head on the kitchen island counter, feeling a fresh batch of tears about to overtake her. “I need more tequila,” Thea told them all, her voice muffled.

  “What? Why’d you break up with him?” Kato asked her, concern in his voice.

  “Shut up, I know you’re happy about this,” Thea told him, coming up for air and wiping away the moisture from her eyes. “You’ve hated Jake since the day you met him.”

  “Well, the guy’s an asshole,” Kato said, not seeing Annie’s pointed glare at him that was trying to tell him to shut up. “And he’s not even a good doctor. I’m a good doctor. He’s mediocre, yet he thinks he’s the best thing that’s ever walked into the building.”

  “Kato,” Annie tried to warn him. It didn’t help.

  “And the guy isn’t good enough for you,” Kato continued, oblivious to Annie’s warnings. “Which is something I’ve been telling you for a while now, you know.”

  “Kato,” Annie tried again.

  “You know what, you’re right,” Thea said suddenly, sitting up straighter with a new purpose in her mind. “Jake has always been an asshole, and I deserve much better.”

  Both Annie and Lukas swiveled around, surprised to see Thea’s sudden change of heart. Before Kato had come in the front door, she was crying about life without Jake. Now,
with just a few words from Kato, she was like a changed woman. Kato just smiled at her, making Thea smile back at him with the biggest smile she’d had on her face all day. Maybe all week.

  “Wait, did he do something to you?” Kato asked, understanding suddenly filling his brain. “Has he been abusing you? Mentally abusing you? Did he cheat on you with someone else?”

  “Kato,” Thea said, trying to calm him down.

  “Oh, I’m gonna kill him. He’s gonna regret the day he even looked at you wrong!” Kato stood up, as if about to leave and find out where Jake was, so he could teach him a lesson.

  “Kato, calm down,” Thea reassured him, pushing him back into his seat. “He didn’t do anything to me like that. It’s just…well, I’ve been a bit off since the Elders came to town, and it’s just taking me a little bit longer to get over it than I thought. And Jake, well, he couldn’t understand why I was acting a bit sad and not like I used to, and I couldn’t tell him why, of course. But the way he was acting? I just couldn’t deal with anymore. So maybe it’s my fault, or–”

  “No, it’s not your fault, Thea,” Kato told her, growing serious with rage over the way Jake was to his best friend. “Never say that again.”

  “Okay,” Thea smiled at him, then smiled at Annie and Lukas, who were just finishing up cooking their dinner. This was exactly what she needed tonight. Her friends picking her up and reassuring her that her breakup decision was the right one to make. Even though her mind kept on replaying the hurt look Jake had in his eyes when she let him know that she couldn’t continue their relationship. Even though she felt desperately lonely, and had since the Elders threatened her, even though she had friends and family all around her vowing to protect her.

  She couldn’t explain the loneliness that she felt inside, and she was scared to tell anyone what she felt. She didn’t want them to worry, especially because there was still so much else going on. The pack was still getting over the deaths of the loved ones that they lost, and Annie was still adapting to the fact that she almost died–and that she almost lost her father. Thea didn’t want to demand any attention when she felt like she didn’t even deserve it.


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