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Art of Survival: Part One (A Stern Family Saga Book 5)

Page 6

by Monique Orgeron

  Something changes in his eyes sending me a warning. “How old are you?”


  He leans in over the table and lowers his voice. “Because I plan on having you suck my cock over and over, but I am not into children.”

  “I’m eighteen.”

  He bursts out laughing, “You’re a fucking liar, that’s what you are. Eighteen my ass!”

  His voice turns serious. “Now, how old are you?”

  I know I shouldn’t, but his voice demands me to and for some reason I feel obligated to tell him the truth.


  “Now that’s more like it. I’ve been watching you.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you know?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t know, I felt you.”

  “You felt me?”

  Nodding my head, with a mouth full of food, I wait until I swallow and tell him, “I sensed you were there. You know I saw you the first day but after that, I walked around with a sense of you being there.”

  “Were you scared?”



  “Look Mister, you know my age now and you don’t want me, so I guess we’re finished.”

  I go to stand but he stops me. “Sit down.”

  Without knowing why, I do as he says and sit back down.

  “I want you or I wouldn’t be here. You’re very beautiful.”

  I simply blush but it sparks more questions from him. “You don’t think you are?”

  I giggle like an innocent school girl. “I know I’m pretty but not as pretty as Laura.”


  “My friend. She’s the beautiful one.”

  “Yes, your friend’s beautiful but not like you. You’re underestimating your beauty. I don’t think I have ever seen a more beautiful woman…” He clears his throat and corrects himself, “Girl, in my life.”

  “What do you want Mister?”

  “I told you, I want you.”

  “Well you can have me for a price, but we have already established you don’t want an underaged girl.”

  “You won’t always be this age.” He shrugs his shoulders looking sure of himself. “I can wait.”

  “Wait?” I start laughing, “Like, you’re going to sit around, waiting for me to be legal.”

  “No. I never just sit around waiting. I will use the time to teach you and make you mine. Then, when the time comes, I will own you; body and soul.”

  I swallow hard, scared but too pissed to care. “I might be for rent, but I am not for sale.”

  “I’m not offering to buy you. I propose you allow me to take care of you.”

  “Why me? Why not Laura?”

  “Because I’ve watched you all. You’re the smart one. You’re level headed, and you didn’t allow that boy back there stop you from what you wanted.”

  I can’t help but smile. “You like that huh?”

  “I like that you didn’t allow him to dictate to you. But you will listen to me. I’ll guarantee it. Life will be simple for you when all you have to do is what I tell you to.”

  He leans over again. “I think I might like your defiance the most.”

  Looking him straight in his eyes I tell him, “I’m not interested.”


  “For one, you’re older and I’m not interested in older men.”

  Laughing out loud he tells me, “I’m thirty and little girl, I can promise you, you have no idea what a real man, not a boy, can do to you.”

  My skin becomes flushed and I begin to feel warmer. His smile rises as he continues, “Did I get to you little girl? Am I making your panties wet? I bet you no boy can do that to you.”

  I find my voice and ask again, “Why me? You can have any woman I’m sure. You’re handsome and it looks like you have some money. There has to be hundreds of women out there that will be happy to be with you.”

  “Oh, I plan on having them too, plenty of them. But I need and want more. I want you.”

  “I’m still not interested.”

  He crosses his arms over his chest and his brows pinch from aggravation. “You will have to give me another reason besides our ages.”

  “I won’t leave my friends.”

  “They would leave you.”

  “Not Laura. Me and Laura are family.”

  I stand readying myself to walk away when he tries one more time.

  “You will be mine, little girl. I feel sorry for you.”

  That got my attention, I turn and ask him, “Why?”

  “Because your friends will abandon you and it will be your friend’s decision when you become mine.”

  I turn back around and walk off. I don’t see or hear from him for days more, but I know he’s there. I can still feel him.

  Life continued on, until one night, I was down a secluded alley, giving a blow job to a john. I felt the second he was near, but I didn’t stop. If he wanted to watch fine, let him watch. But the john stopped me.

  “Hey, who’s there? I’m busy here.”

  My man in a suit shows his face, leaning one shoulder on the wall. “Sorry, I can wait. Go on.”

  I look up at him from my knees, feeling ashamed. He makes eye contact with me, but it’s broken by the john yelling, “Come on girl, you heard the man, finish me off. Looks like you have another customer waiting.”

  Without thinking anymore, I wrap my mouth around the small dick and begin again. The man in the suit just stands there watching, burning a hole in the back of my head. I’m working the man so good that he starts making noises, moaning out as a warning to his soon release. The next thing I hear is him scream as his dick is ripped out of my mouth. My suit guy is beating the shit out of my john. He beats him so hard and doesn’t stop or let up. I can’t stand here and watch this. Out of pure fear, I take off running as fast as I can, not stopping until I find the spot I was supposed to meet Billy and Laura at, but they’re not here. Confusion takes over, where did they go? Shit! Sitting down with my back against the wall, I decide to wait for them. I’m too far from Earl’s to walk there by myself and I don’t have enough money to get me there. Afraid and alone, I try to rest for the night.

  The morning sun wakes me. My eyes blink open and I look around, noticing I’m still alone. I can’t believe they never came back. Billy and Laura have never abandoned me without leaving me close to Earl. An hour passes and I’m getting more pissed, then another hour. Nearly four hours pass before Laura and Billy return, laughing like they had a great night without worrying about me.

  I stand from the ground yelling, “What the fuck, Laura?!”

  Her laughter stops. “What Katie?”

  “You never came back! I was scared something happened to you.”

  She comes closer wrapping her arms around me. “Shh, I’m here now Katie. You know I’ll always find you. I’m here.”

  I’m starting to calm down when my mysterious man in the suit makes an appearance. I notice he’s wearing the same clothes from last night, looking disheveled and tired. Billy yells at him,

  “Hey man, not now. We just woke up dude, the girls need time.”

  Suit guy looks straight at me and tells Billy, “I’m not here for them, I’m here for her. Who’s in charge?”

  Billy gets in front of him blocking my view. “You can talk to me, man.”

  They start talking but I can’t make out what they’re saying. Finally, Billy turns holding an envelope in his hands. He walks to me and Laura and asks me, “Is that dude for real?”

  “Why, what did he say?”

  He shows us the envelope, it’s packed with money. Billy looks at me and says, “He offered me and Laura twenty thousand dollars to let you go.”

  “He what?!” Laura and I say at the same time.

  “Yeah man, he says we can have the money if you go with him, claims he wants to take care of you. That we don’t ever have to worry about you with him. He claims he’ll make sure you have the best
of the best.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about.? No! No! I’m not for sale.”

  I watch as Billy stares down at the money with hungry eyes, then I look over to Laura and she’s eyeing the money the same way. Billy’s trance is finally broken. He looks up and says he wants to talk to Laura alone. They walk off, leaving me alone with my suit man staring at me.

  Deciding to break the ice when I notice again how rough he looks. “You’re wearing the same clothes you were in last night. You look tired.”

  “I am tired. I stayed with you last night to make sure you were safe.”

  My mind’s racing with what he just said. He watched over me. I had forgotten all about the john he beat up last night until I see his knuckles are bloody.

  “What did you do with the man from last night?”

  “You never have to worry about him again.”

  He’s speaking to me gently, almost like he cares but then it feels like he thinks he already owns me. I’m so confused with all the contradictions of feelings. I’m about to tell him I wasn’t worried about the john, I was worried about him. But before I can say anything, Laura comes back and throws her arm around my shoulders, interrupting.

  “Isn’t that nice. He was worried about your virtue. I think it’s rather romantic. Then he stayed with you to make sure you were safe.”

  “There’s nothing romantic about me. I simply made sure to watch over and protect what belongs to me.”

  “I don’t belong…”

  Laura stops me from going off. “Come here.”

  She pulls me to the back of the alley. “Listen to me Katie, this is your chance.”

  “Chance for what? You’re just thinking about the money!”

  She roughly grabs my arms. “Listen to me, forget the fucking money! Look at that man.”

  My eyes glance back up to him.

  “Look at the way he watches you. I would give anything for a man to look at me like that. He wants to take care of you. Billy asked him if he was some kind of pervert. He knows you’re underage and says he won’t touch until you’re older. He won’t let anyone else touch you either. He said he does not want to trade you or pimp you out. He doesn’t even want a stag film. He’s the real deal Katie.”

  She pauses to look at him herself. “He’s good-looking too. Shit girl, the man has money. Like I said, this is your chance Katie. He’s your Prince Charming.”

  “What about you Laura? I don’t want to leave you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I have Billy and he said with the money, we can get off the street. You know, get a little, cheap apartment or something.”

  I watch as Laura looks toward the ground then rises with a look of despair. “Listen Katie, I’ll be fine, but I want this for you. You weren’t made to live like this. You deserve to find some happiness and he might be your only chance.”

  Laura wraps her arms around me pulling me in tight. “We will see each other again, Katie. I promise, but you have to go.”

  After talking back and forth, I decide to go. After all they’re practically pushing me into his arms Laura hands me my backpack but when suit man sees it, he hollers out, “She won’t need any of that. Everything will be brand new.”

  Laura tosses the bag down on the ground then tells me, “You heard that? Everything brand new.”

  With a wink of her eye, she hugs me tight again. Turning our backs to the guys, she digs in her pocket and hands me her rosary.

  “Here Katie, I want you to have this.”

  “No, I can’t take your rosary.”

  “Yes, you can, and you will. Look, I know things have changed between us since we met Billy, but I want you to know, I love you Katie. I always will. When you need me, hold the rosary and pray. I’ll hear it and start praying with you. Like I’m right there with you.”

  We’re both in tears, holding each other.

  She hugs me tighter and whispers in my ear, “I could never have made it without you. You’re my sister, remember that.”

  Her tone becomes more serious as her tears fall on my shoulder. “Please forgive me. I only want what’s best for you and I am so fucked up right now Katie. I’m no good for you. I need you to go and be happy. But don’t ever forget me or that I love you.”

  She kisses my cheek and runs off, leaving me standing holding the rosary. I put it in my pocket and turn towards my future, hoping to God this is the right decision.



  The hours pass, and I am still not ready to see Catherine. Knowing the minute, I do we will have to come face to face with the truth.

  The doorbell rings and Jeffery announces Cherry’s here. No need for me to move, she’ll find me. I’m still outside on the veranda when I hear the sounds of her high heels. The clicking stops and I know she’s thinking of what to say or do. With my back turned to her I tell her,

  “I’m not ready old friend.”

  “Who are you calling old?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Damn, Sorry Cherry.”

  The clicking of her heels lets me know she’s coming closer. From behind, she lays her hands on my shoulders, letting me feel her comfort. Reaching back, I lay my hands over hers, and pull her down over me. When her face is even with mine from behind me, I let a tear fall and whisper,

  “I’m not ready.”

  She kisses my cheek and squeezes me. “You are Theo. You are the only man I know that is more than ready.”

  “We didn’t have enough time.”

  “I know Theo.”

  She pulls away from me and walks around to my front. Bending down, she positions herself between my legs, reaching out to hold my hands and tells me,

  “Theo, you take all the time you need. You hear me? Because when you see her, there is no going back. She will need you to be the strong one. But I know you will be.”

  “There’s nothing like avoiding the inevitable.”

  She smiles and says, “Nope. I mastered avoidance remember? I left. You need some pointers, I’m here for you.”

  I can’t help but try to cut the dreary mood we’re in. “You know Cherry, I can see straight down your blouse. It’s still a great view.”

  She slaps my hand and stands. “I’m glad I could help. These babies are at least good for something.”

  She grabs a chair and sits close to me. “What are we drinking old friend?”

  I chuckle and say, “If I wasn’t so in love with Catherine, I would show you what this old man can do.”

  “Yeah, yeah you always were a big talker. At one time, I would’ve very much liked to have seen what you could do, but it was always Catherine for you.”

  I look at her knowing she’s full of shit. “And it was always Murphy for you.”

  She fills her glass with whiskey and says. “Yes, Murphy was it for me. Shame really, I think you and I would have been something else together. Well anyways, we’re now connected by our children and grandchildren.”

  She then says, “Don’t you find it weird sometimes when you see Zander and Murphy together? They both look so much like us. It’s almost like a younger version of ourselves. Maybe like, what could have been.”

  This is the one thing I love about Cherry. She’ll say anything to take your mind off your troubles even if it were for only a little while. Laughing, I raise her hand and kiss it, not letting go after.

  “Whiskey, huh? You always were a whiskey man. How much more you going to drink, Theo?”

  “It’s going slow Cherry, don’t worry about me.”

  “Honey, I never worried about your drinking. I’m simply worried about you, period.”

  My head falls, and I look into my drink. “She won’t see anyone.”

  “When has that ever stopped you?”

  “And it won’t stop me now. I just need more time.”

  She squeezes my hand and drinks her whiskey. We sit there for at least an hour before the grandbabies come running out with Murphy and Zander.

  We each pick up one
of the twins and start coddling and loving on them. There’s nothing better in the world than holding them. Murphy comes in front of me.

  “Here, let me take her. Come on Logan, Paw-Paw’s tired right now.”

  “Leave her, please.”

  Murphy looks at Zander looking for an answer of what to do. He nods his head and says,

  “He’s got her Red.”

  Murphy sits down, and the rest of the family starts joining us. It’s late afternoon now and Fallon calls out to Jeffery telling him that we’ll all take our supper outside when it’s time. For the next hour or so, Cherry and I tell stories of the old days. Getting everyone’s attention, Liam loudly says, “Hey Theo, you never did tell me the story of how you taught mom how to shoot.”

  “Oh damn, that’s a story. Your mom couldn’t shoot a gun for shit.”

  As soon as I say shit, Logan looks up and says, “Shit.” And continues to laugh at how funny all our shocked faces look.

  I panic at the idea that I taught her a new word and of course, it would have to be that one. “Oh, shit! Sorry. No, no, no. Shit. Logan, hush. You’re going to get Paw-Paw in trouble.” Looking at Murphy, I tell her I’m sorry. But all is well as they all start laughing. I continue to tell my story,

  “Well, Catherine and William were out one night with the rest of the gang. The men were all drunk and decided they were all going to go outside and have a pissing contest on who could shoot the best. Now mind you, this is in the back of a restaurant. Someone laid a couple of heads of lettuce, cans and watermelon out on a bench. After everyone had their chance shooting, one of the guys yelled out to give Catherine a chance. William wasn’t happy, but the men insisted; one of them went as far as to put a gun in your mom’s hand. Your dad took a step back, almost like he knew any second, she would decide to turn the gun on him. She didn’t, she aimed at the lettuce and watermelon that were newly set up. I remember William’s face as he watched her, waiting to see how well she would do. She finally pulled the trigger and missed every damn one. Round after round, not even a nick. It became a running joke about how she couldn’t shoot to save her life. I watched William breathe a little easier after witnessing her miss all of them.” The son-of-a -bitch.


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