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Winning Ways

Page 4

by Toni Leland

  Abruptly, Eve turned, brushing past Liz. "Well, it's about time you showed up!"

  She walked rapidly toward a tall silhouette in the open barn door. Liz turned her thoughts to how she could manage to buy the gray mare and Fair Lady.


  Well, well. If it isn't Doctor Barnett!"

  Liz's heart froze at the sound of the familiar voice behind her. What's he doing here? Hayloft fantasies rushed into her head, but she quickly pushed them aside. She turned, and met Kurt's gaze.

  "Hi...I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

  The flicker of a smile beneath his moustache implied that her impudence had been wasted.

  Confused, Eve stared at Liz. "This is my trainer, Kurt DeVallio. Have you two met?"

  Liz struggled to keep her expression neutral. "Yes, we were introduced at the Sacramento show." If you could call it an introduction.

  Kurt cleared his throat. "I'll go unload my gear and let you two get on with whatever you're doing." He threw Liz a veiled look. "Nice to see you again."

  She nodded, but said nothing as he sauntered away. Unbelievable! Of all the bad luck.

  Eve's voice brought Liz back to the business at hand.

  "Did you see any mares you're interested in?"

  "Actually, I'm considering the gray Russian, and I love that white mare with the foal. Would you consider a package price?"

  Eve grinned. "I'm in the horse business. Anything's possible."

  On the drive home, Liz pondered the sticky turn of events. I suppose Mr. Cowboy would have something to say about a lady vet working at Aliqua. His attitude concerning women had come across loud and clear at the show, but there'd been no hint of it there in the barn. He might have his opinions, but probably wouldn't buck the boss. Eve didn't appear to be a woman who would put up with chauvinistic behavior. Following that thought, Liz decided her own biggest challenge would be to keep Kurt from influencing her.

  A minute later, the prospect of new horses at Legacy sent a jolt of excitement through her. Muscala, the Russian mare, had never been shown. Eve had acquired her strictly for bloodlines. Fair Lady had been retired from showing years before, and enjoyed the pampered life of a top-producing broodmare. The only negative aspect of the deal was that Fair Lady's beautiful filly foal was not part of it. Eve had adamantly refused to sell her.

  Even without the baby, Liz's "package deal" had ended up costing eighty thousand dollars - more than she'd anticipated, but a reasonable price for such excellent bloodstock. She knew she probably shouldn't be dipping into the savings account, but she was beginning to have a much better feeling about the future. Once I have some cash flow, I can replace what I borrow.

  The following morning, she returned to Aliqua to sign the sales contract and drop off a deposit check.

  Eve smiled brightly as she handed over the paperwork. "Congratulations, and welcome to the area. We're about due for vaccinations and foal check-ups, so I'll definitely be giving you a call."

  A cloak of security settled around Liz's shoulders. Things were definitely looking brighter. Giddy thoughts filled her head as she took everything out to the truck. I can't believe I actually own Fair Lady. She rolled down the window to release the heat in the cab, then headed toward the barn for one last peek at her fairy tale horse. At the door, she heard angry words echoing inside.

  Kurt's voice rang sharp with irritation. "I'm telling you, you're making a mistake. That mare is one of the best horses you've got."

  Liz stood outside the door, not meaning to eavesdrop, but also reluctant to get involved in an argument that sounded as though it might concern her. Then her true feelings edged in. What she really didn't want was to face Kurt again - an upsetting thought. Her career - no, her very existence - depended upon her profession. She could not afford to be distracted or deterred by anyone or anything.

  She stepped inside the door, pausing for a minute to let her eyes adjust to the dim light. Kurt stood with his back to the door, Eve in front of him, her face flushed with anger.

  Kurt's voice rumbled. "And why you'd even consider selling her that - "

  Eve spotted Liz, and quickly shook her head at him. An overly bright smile masked her ruddy face as she strode toward Liz.

  "I'm going to turn Fair Lady and her baby out for awhile. Since you own her now, would you like to lead her? The baby will just follow...Oh!" She laughed. "I guess I don't have to tell you that."

  From the corner of her eye, Liz saw Kurt move to the other side of the aisle. Her thoughts churned as she haltered Fair Lady, then led her out of the barn. Why is he being so standoffish? He didn't even say hello. Recalling the heated argument she'd overheard, a chill ran across her neck.

  From the murky depths of the stall, Kurt watched her, letting his gaze roam boldly over her body, licking his lips at the way her shirt caressed her breasts, then tapered softly into her trim waistband. His gaze drifted to her tight rear-end, and a stir moved beneath his belt buckle. What that woman does for blue jeans is a crime!

  His delicious discomfort painted all sorts of erotic images into his brain. He remembered how good she'd felt in his arms, and he teased himself with the vision of seducing her on a bed of straw.

  Exhaling sharply, he directed his thoughts back to his task. Not now. There's only one thing I should be thinking about, and I don't need any distractions. He watched Liz and the horses disappear through the barn door. Maybe later.

  After returning home, Liz tried, without success, to figure out Kurt's puzzling behavior. I guess I'm a little short in the experience-with-men department. She giggled out loud at the understatement. Who did she think she was kidding? Kurt DeVallio wasn't like any man she'd ever met. Fascinating. A little frightening. His take-charge attitude irritated the hell out of her, but in spite of everything, she felt deeply attracted to him. And now I'll have to work with him. Why can't my life be simple?

  She telephoned Aliqua later that evening.

  "Hi, Eve. I forgot to ask you when I could pick up the mares."

  "I can't let Fair Lady go until the filly is weaned, but you can pick up Muscala any time...Actually, I guess I could just have Kurt deliver her to you."

  Liz had conflicting emotions about the idea, and her heart skipped a beat.

  "Okay, that'll be fine. Let me know."

  If she had the chance to talk to him alone, he might act differently...maybe she'd even find out what the argument was about.


  Eve stuck her head through the tack room door.

  "When you're finished there, come up to the office. I need to talk to you."

  Kurt nodded, then turned his attention back to a set of tangled reins. Yes, Ma'am! He clenched his jaw, resisting the urge to bark a retort that would get him into trouble.

  I wonder what she wants now. He shook his head. Eve was a difficult woman to work for. Hell, any woman is difficult to work for. They throw their weight around, acting like men should agree with them just because they're females.

  Kurt's attitude had gotten him into trouble before, but he'd come by it naturally. His father had immigrated to America as a young man to seek his fortune, bringing a timid new bride with him. Kurt and his three sisters had grown up under their father's ruthless thumb, as the elder DeVallio had struggled to keep his neighborhood grocery store alive in an era of flourishing supermarkets and greater customer mobility. The deep cultural influences of Kurt's old-country upbringing were firmly ingrained and, while some of his opinions reflected his father's, modern times had tempered them somewhat.

  Papa DeVallio had believed that women belonged at home, bearing the children and caring for the men - period. Kurt's overbearing sisters had given him a small insight into what made women tick, but not enough to keep him out of trouble. He still firmly resisted being bossed around by any female.

  Eve was hanging up the phone when Kurt came into the office. She glanced up and pointed to a chair by the desk.

  "We need to talk about the next few shows."

p; Kurt bristled, but sat down. He didn't appreciate being told how to manage his show schedule. He'd been showing horses for a long time. Very successfully...until New Mexico.

  He composed himself. "What's up?"

  His boss's expression was one of guarded excitement.

  "I have a buyer for Ebony. Billy Benton has made an offer..." She paused for effect. "A hundred-and-seventy-five thousand."

  Kurt whistled. "Holy Moley!"

  Eve's tone sobered. "But there's a catch. The offer only stands if the horse wins the regional championship in San Francisco."

  Kurt's eyes narrowed into slits. "So? The horse is national material. What's the problem?"

  "You have to win. I need this deal, Kurt. Billy wants to show Ebony at the Nationals himself. I don't have to tell you, a national championship and a major sale would put my breeding program on the map." She looked directly into his eyes, her tone menacing. "I want to be on the map, and it's your responsibility to see that it happens. You owe me."

  Rage billowed inside Kurt's head. These damned rich owners! They think they can buy their wins, get what they want just by snapping their fingers. His gut instinct about the young stallion told him that the horse could win any competition he entered. Kurt just didn't like being told that he had to do it.

  Further infuriated by the prospect of turning over a "made horse" so that someone else could have the glory, Kurt felt like a prisoner. Worse, Eve was right...he did owe her. She'd hired him when no one else would take a chance. Sadness speared his heart. It hadn't always been thus. There'd been a time when he'd been at the top, been in control, a time when.... By habit, he forced himself away from that line of thought.

  Before he had time to say something he'd regret, Eve's voice broke in.

  "If you can pull this off, I'll double your commission on the sale."

  Eve was talking about a lot of money. Enough money to round out a savings account sitting idly in New Mexico. Money he could earn by simply doing what he loved most.

  He stood up, drenching her with his most dazzling smile.

  "Consider it done."


  Not-so-distant thunder grumbled through the quiet afternoon, and the atmosphere in the barn became expectantly still. Liz set the manure rake aside, and moved to the window. An ominous sky pressed down on the landscape, and strong gusts whipped a row of graceful cedars into a frenzied dance. As Nature played out its awe-inspiring scene, Liz suddenly had the feeling she wasn't alone. Holding her breath, she turned slowly, and moved silently toward the stall door.

  Directly across the aisle, Kurt lounged against the wall, his eyes twinkling, a dimple punctuating one corner of his smile. Liz's heart banged against her ribs, a flood of anger spurring the crazy rhythm as she stormed out of the stall, and up to within a foot of his tall frame.

  "Just what the hell do you think you're doing, sneaking in here?"

  He grinned and shrugged away from the wall.

  "You look gorgeous when you're mad." He reached out, laying his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I started to say something, but you seemed so deep in thought, and you looked so pretty in there, shoveling that stuff...well, I just stood here and enjoyed the scenery."

  She stared at the man she'd been trying not to think about for the past three weeks. Her pulse slowed a little, but her knees felt weak. The warmth of his fingers seeped through her shirt, and she suddenly imagined how they would feel on her bare skin. Slipping from beneath his touch, she stepped back.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I brought your mare over. Didn't Eve call you?"

  "Oh. Maybe she did. I've been out here most of the day."

  Her tension quickly faded, but she needed a minute to regroup. Without a word, she moved down the aisle to the wash rack. Kurt's voice followed close behind her.

  "Are you excited about your new mares?"

  She rinsed her hands, and reached past him for a towel. "Oh, yes! I can hardly believe - "

  Her breast touched his arm, sending electric shocks through her body. Embarrassed, she jumped back, chancing a quick look at his face. The fire smoldering in his dark eyes sent a river of warmth crawling between her thighs and confusion fluttering through her head.

  His voice was husky. "I'd better go get that mare before the sky opens up."

  A second later, she exhaled and leaned her back against the wall, closing her eyes and willing her pounding heart to quiet. Outside, a trailer ramp clanged heavily into the gravel, followed by the sharp tap-dance of hooves. Rousing herself from the delicious cloud that enveloped her, she crossed the aisle to join Kurt and the gray mare. He handed her the lead rope, then gazed around appreciatively. "This is a nice little barn. Just right for a one-person enterprise."

  "Yes, it's perfect. I need a streamlined operation when I'm busy with the clinic." Hah! Right now, I could have forty stalls and still have time to take care of them. "Would you like a tour?"

  His expression added subtle meaning to his response.

  "Yeah. I'd like to see what else Legacy Arabians has to offer."

  His cunning smile sent shivers of excitement across her shoulders. His effect on her body was as disconcerting as his hold on her thoughts.

  As they walked the aisle, she watched his reaction to each horse. Proud of her small herd, she delighted in showing off her horses to a professional trainer. A loud crack of thunder echoed through the barn, and lightning flashed its eerie light across the open door, just as Kurt stopped in front of Karma's stall.

  "Whoa! Who's this? Did you show him at Sacramento?"

  "Yes, indeed. He won the yearling stallion championship." She grinned mischievously. "You're telling me you don't remember?"

  A strange flicker moved across his features, then disappeared. He turned back to the stall, and leaned on the edge of the Dutch door. Karma immediately came over, and Kurt murmured something under his breath. The colt listened intently, his ears pricked forward, his eyes bright with interest.

  Liz couldn't hide her surprise. "I'm impressed. He usually stays in the farthest corner of his stall and has to be trapped before I can get a halter on him. It's one of his little-boy games."

  A few minutes later, Kurt moved away from the stall, trying to keep his expression neutral.

  "He's an outstanding colt. What are your plans for him?"

  His casual tone belied his churning thoughts. The horse could give Ebony a run for the money. My money, dammit! He hadn't shown Ebony at Sacramento, so he hadn't paid attention to that class - a poor move on his part. He didn't like surprises.

  He listened politely while Liz told him of her plans to use Karma as the herd sire when he matured. As she talked about her national show goals, a knot grew in his stomach. This is not good news.

  He switched off the negative thoughts and smiled. "So, was that the full barn tour?"

  She was openly pleased by his interest. "Well, I do have a unique feeding system, one of the main reasons I bought this place." She nodded her head toward the far end of the barn. "C'mon, I'll show you."

  The ingenuity of the barn builder showed in the carefully planned and well-organized feed room. Built-in grain bins with tight-fitting, hinged lids were situated against two walls.

  Liz lifted a cover, and pointed inside. "Each one is lined with tin to keep rodents out." She pointed toward the baseboards. "The builder even put a metal liner around the bottom of the walls. Pretty neat, huh?"

  Kurt watched her mouth as she talked. His recent erotic thoughts lurked just beneath his consciousness, and the earlier accidental touch of her breast had stirred them up again. It required tremendous will power to keep himself from hauling her into his arms. Even in work-stained barn clothes, she was attractive. Her full lips were pink without the benefit of lipstick, and her blue eyes sparkled as she showed off the special features of the room. Another strong stir ran through his gut and, as she turned away, his gaze drifted to the front of her shirt. A second later, she turned back
to say something, and he caught a tiny glimpse of pale skin above white lace, sending him over the edge. The woman has no idea how sexy she is.

  Her foot rested on the bottom tread of a steep staircase that rose through a dark hole in the ceiling.

  "The best part is up here."

  As he followed her into the dim hayloft, he couldn't tear his attention from her tight butt. His breath quickened and his jeans strained against his arousal.

  Liz pointed to the evenly spaced trap doors in the floor. "There's a hatch over every stall. Takes me five minutes to throw hay into twelve stalls."

  She searched his face to see what he thought of the innovation. The desire in his eyes sent a jolt through her stomach, and her head suddenly swam with the erotic daydreams she'd enjoyed in that very hayloft, in the pile of straw directly behind her. She stared into Kurt's eyes as he moved toward her. Anticipating what might happen next, her breath stilled. Lightning flared again through the window, sharpening every angle of his strong face and accentuating the electricity crackling between them.

  In one swift move, he wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close. She closed her eyes, feeling his heat, inhaling his unique scent. In all her fantasies, she'd fallen short of how wonderful he actually felt. She slipped her arms around his back, her fingers traveling over the firm muscles beneath his shirt. She tipped her head back and shivered as his bristly moustache brushed against her skin and his lips caressed her neck. His arms vised her body, forcing her belly against his hardness.

  His urgency jolted her from the euphoric state. My God! What am I thinking? She wrenched free, and stepped back. Her face burned and her breath came in short gasps.

  Kurt lifted her hand to his mouth, and caressed her fingers with soft kisses that threatened to invade her resolve. A bold smile sharpened his handsome features.

  "Come on, Liz. I know you're attracted to me. Don't play games."

  Mortified, and feeling vulnerable, she snatched her hand back. Outside, the storm unleashed its fury, and the hammering rain and her clattering pulse accompanied her brusque words.


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