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Score - A Stepbrother Romance

Page 30

by Daire, Caitlin

  I didn’t want to make him choose between being with me and the apparent soon-to-be mother of his child. He might not have agreed with me, but I really thought that he needed to try and make things work with her if they were going to have a kid, so I’d decided to take a step back from our romantic relationship and just be a friend to him for the time being.

  He’d told me he didn’t want to be with her and that he only wanted me, and I believed him, but something like this was just too much. That kid needed a father, and honestly, as much as I cared about Drew, I wasn’t ready to play stepmom at this point in my life, even if he chose to stay separated from Vanessa. I was only eighteen and about to head off to college, and there was no way I’d be able to be there for him as much as he’d need me to be if I was his girlfriend in such a situation. As much as I cared about him, it was better that we remain friends rather than deal with the break-up that would probably occur in the not-so-distant future over our wildly different life choices if we tried to keep things going between us.

  That didn’t mean I wasn’t devastated over the whole incident. I wished so badly that the whole thing would just go away so we could be together, but it didn’t look like that was going to happen.

  Right now I was holed up in my room, clutching a cream-colored satin pillow as Cerie and Lana stared at me. I’d just told them everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks, and they were apparently lost for words.

  “So…so you slept with him,” Cerie finally said.

  I nodded.

  “Oh my god, why didn’t you tell us?” Lana said.

  “Because I wasn’t ready yet. I’m sorry, I’m a crappy friend. I just knew what you’d say if you heard we were hooking up. You’d say ‘I told you so,’ right?” I said.

  “Duh,” Cerie said. “But what the hell…his ex is pregnant?”

  “Yes. So it doesn’t even matter. We’re just going to be friends.”

  They exchanged glances, and Lana picked at a split end in her auburn hair before looking back at me. “Um…are you sure that’s the right thing to do, Soph? He’s probably really going to need someone for support.”

  “I’m still going to help and support him as much as I can,” I said. “Just not as his girlfriend. It’s too complicated if we’re together.”

  They exchanged another glance, and I rolled my eyes. “Oh, come on, guys…I’m right here! I can see the looks you’re giving each other.”

  “It’s just…even after you asked us to not get involved, we both still thought you guys were totally meant for each other,” Lana said. “I mean, it’s so perfect. Childhood best friends reunited years later.”

  “Reunited because our parents got married,” I reminded them. “Can you imagine what my Mom would say if I told her I was dating my stepbrother even though he was having a baby with his ex-girlfriend?”

  “Yeah, I guess that is kinda crazy,” Cerie said. “Do your parents know about the whole pregnancy thing yet?”

  “No. I said I’d help him tell them when he’s ready, though.”

  Lana reached across and squeezed my arm. “He’s lucky to have you as a friend,” she said. “It can’t be easy for you right now, especially with everything that’s happening with your Dad. Have you figured out what he wants yet, by the way?”

  I shook my head. “Nope. No idea.”

  Our topic of conversation made my problems come rushing at me all at once. My psycho Dad was back in the picture, and Drew’s nutty ex-girlfriend was pregnant. Just when things had finally started to go right in my life, they’d all gone so freakin’ wrong.

  * * *

  I bumped into Drew the next day in the hall.

  “Hey,” I said. “How’s everything going with the Vanessa situation?”

  “I took her to the doctor yesterday. They told her to piss in a jar to give them a sample, and it showed up positive on their tests. So yeah…she’s definitely pregnant. We have to go back in to get blood tests to confirm it once and for all and make sure she doesn’t have any illnesses that could hurt the pregnancy.”

  “I see,” I replied, my stomach lurching.

  “So she has another doctor’s appointment in a couple of days,” he continued. “She’s staying here at the moment, just while we get things sorted.”

  I felt a pang of jealousy as I pictured her in his bed, and he must have picked up on that, because he leaned in close and grabbed my hand. His eyes conveyed emotions he couldn’t say out loud, and he spoke in a low voice.

  ‘Don’t worry, I’m not sleeping with her. You know I don’t want her.”

  “Drew…you know I’d understand if you got back with her,” I said. “A baby is a really big deal, and like you said, she won’t consider a termination or adoption.”

  He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. “I know, you said that the other day. I just don’t know what I should do right now. It’s all so fucked up. Anyway, I have to go to work. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”


  He headed downstairs, and I sighed and went back into my room and booted up my laptop. I was expecting Caltech to email me a bunch of stuff about my enrolment, and I cursed at the computer as it refused to let me on the internet.

  “Ugh…work, dammit!” I said out loud, but it refused to connect.

  Reaching over to grab my phone, I saw that it was dead, so I couldn’t use that to check my email either until it was charged. Dammit. Why was everything going wrong for me at the moment?

  I set the phone on charge, then padded across the hall and knocked on Drew’s door to use his computer. Normally I would have just gone straight in, but I knew Vanessa was probably in there.

  “Come in!” she called out.

  “Hey, Vanessa,” I said, trying not to let any emotions seep into my voice.

  “Oh, hey, Drew’s sister,” she said, flicking her long blonde hair over her shoulder as she played on her cell phone. She barely even looked up at me.

  “It’s Sophie,” I said, my teeth set on edge.

  “Right. Sorry, I can’t seem to remember anything these days. I guess pregnancy brain is a real thing, huh?”

  “Um. Yeah. Anyway, I’m expecting some important emails and my computer and phone have both decided to not work, so would you mind if I quickly used Drew’s computer?”

  “Sure, go ahead,” she said, looking bored.

  I sat down at his desk and opened his laptop. Damn. I had no idea what his password was. I asked Vanessa, and she had no idea either.

  “Um…could I maybe use your cell phone?” I asked. “It has internet, right?”


  “I’d only be a minute,” I said. “It’s just college stuff I’m expecting. I’m kinda desperate to see it all now.”

  She hesitated. “Um…okay, sure.”


  She handed me her phone, and I opened a browser and went to my email website. She must have had an account with the same service, because the page automatically logged into her email. I was about to click ‘log out’ when something caught my eye on the inbox page. About five emails down, there was an email titled ‘Thanks for your order from HCG Diet Online Store’.

  Something clicked in my brain the second I read that.

  In my bio classes in junior year, we’d studied human reproduction, and I remembered that HCG stood for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. It was a hormone produced in pregnant women, and it was what they tested for in pregnancy tests, seeing as it was present in the blood and urine even in very early pregnancy.

  Cerie had told me a while ago that some people used powdered HCG supplements as part of some weird diet, and they could be ordered online.

  Holy crap.

  Vanessa could have ordered some of the powder online and put some on the tests after she’d peed on them. That would probably make them show up positive. And at the doctor’s office, she could have easily mixed more powder into the urine sample jar while she was in the bathroom before giving it to the do
ctor. Drew had said he checked her bag before she did the tests, and there was nothing but a phone, keys and makeup compact…but she could have hidden the powder in the makeup compact.

  That freaking bitch. She was faking a pregnancy just to try and worm her way back into Drew’s life. What the hell was she planning to do once things progressed too far…fake a miscarriage? No doubt she’d do that and act all devastated so he’d feel sorry for her and give her a shoulder to cry on…and maybe even get back with her out of guilt. Not only that, it would make it look like they’d gone through something major together, dealing with losing a pregnancy and all. She could easily use that to manipulate him.

  He’d told me she was a bit crazy when they were dating, but crazy didn’t even begin to describe the scale of what she was doing; if I was right, that is.

  I did my best to keep a straight face and then handed her the phone back.

  “Thanks,” I said, giving her a bright smile.

  “Did you get your email thing?”

  “Nah, it hasn’t come through yet,” I said. “But hey, can I borrow this?”

  Before she could even move, I grabbed her handbag off the floor, rifled through it and pulled out the only makeup in there - a round, bronze-colored powder compact.

  “No!” she screeched. She sounded like a cross between a death metal singer and a mating elephant seal. “Don’t touch that! That’s…”

  I looked right at her as I opened the compact and then held it up to her. As I suspected, it was filled with white powder.

  “Care to explain this, Vanessa?” I asked.

  If looks could kill, I’d be dead and buried from the expression on her face right now.

  “You bitch,” she hissed. “You’ve ruined everything.”

  “Oh, I’m the bitch? You’re insane,” I said. “How long did you think you’d get away with this?”

  She didn’t reply, and her expression changed to that of a deer caught in the headlights.

  “I’m calling Drew and telling him right now,” I said before turning and marching out of the room.

  I heard her spring to her feet and run after me, and a second later she was attacking me from behind, pulling my hair and clawing at my neck. I shrieked at the sudden stinging pain of her acrylic nails digging into my skin, and only seconds later we were rolling around on the floor like two alley cats, scratching and slapping each other.

  “What on earth is going on in here?”

  We looked up to see Tony standing in the doorway, his eyebrows practically on the ceiling as he stared down at us. Vanessa released my arm from her grip and let me get up, and Tony folded his arms.


  I wanted to tell him what Vanessa had done, but he hadn’t even known that she’d claimed to be pregnant in the first place, and that would just stir up even more drama.

  “Er…she attacked me,” I said.

  He glared at Vanessa, who wasn’t denying the allegation. She obviously knew she didn’t have a leg to stand on.

  “Vanessa, I was under the impression my son broke things off with you. Is there any reason for you to be in my home right now?”

  She didn’t respond. Instead she grabbed her handbag and stormed out of the room, and I grinned despite the pain in my arm from where she’d really dug her claws in.

  “Are you okay, Sophie?” Tony asked, concern etched into his features.

  The smile wouldn’t leave my face. I was a hell of a lot more than okay. I’d proven that Vanessa was making up the whole pregnancy, and that meant that nothing was standing in the way of me and Drew being together anymore. Suck it, bitch, I thought. He’s mine.

  “I’m fine, Tony,” I replied, my smile growing even wider. “I’m more than fine.”

  Chapter 15


  I was having the most wonderful dream again, only this time, as my eyes crept open, I realized it was no dream. Drew was under the blankets and between my legs, nipping at the delicate skin of my inner thighs, and I moaned and giggled, pushing down on his head as I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It was only five in the morning.

  “Drew! I’m trying to sleep!”

  He came up for air with a wolfish grin on his face. “I haven’t been able to do this in a week with all the shit that happened with Crazy McBitchface. I need to catch up. We don’t need to sleep.”

  I’m sure you can guess who Crazy McBitchface was. Since she’d been caught out in her lies, Vanessa had vanished from our lives at the speed of light without so much as an apology text. Thank God for that. I actually couldn’t believe how utterly stupid her fake pregnancy plan had been. There was no way she would have gotten away with it for long. Ri-fucking-diculous, as Drew had taken to calling the whole debacle.

  A slow sizzle spread through my fingers as I reached down and stroked the hard muscles of Drew’s arms, and he went back down under the blankets. I couldn’t help but squirm as his hot lips returned to my inner thighs, and I lay back and clutched the sheets on either side of me in my fists as his tongue moved closer and closer to where I wanted it most. I moaned and gasped as he began to circle my most sensitive part, and when he slid a finger inside my slick pussy a moment later, my eyes flew open in amazement. This felt so good, even better than every other time. Knowing how close I’d come to losing him just made it that much sweeter to have him back.

  My hips lifted as I tried to grind myself against his hand and mouth, and he moved his body up and lowered his face to my breasts as his hand continued to work away between my legs. Taking a nipple in his mouth and nibbling and sucking it, he made me whimper in a mixture of pleasure and pain, and I didn’t want to wait any longer.

  “Oh god…” I murmured. “I missed this.”

  “So did I,” he said, raising his head up to look at me.

  “Fuck me,” I demanded. “Now.”

  As he moved further up the bed and stared down at me, I saw a gleam in his eyes that told me he wanted to do exactly that, and only a second later he pulled his hand away and reached for his boxers instead. His cock had popped out the hole in the front of them, and he grinned, that same gleam still in his eyes as I stared down at it. His hand found my pussy again and gathered some of the moisture there, and he leaned down and murmured in my ear.

  “You’re so wet, babe. Fuck, you’re so hot.”

  I felt like I would go crazy if I didn’t have him inside me straight away. He lined the head of his cock up against the slick lips of my pussy, and a second later he was inside me, making me squeeze my eyes shut as I gasped with pleasure. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again a second later, and he drove his hips forward, never taking his eyes off me as he fed his shaft into me, inch by inch.

  He paused, keeping himself all the way inside me as my body strained to get used to his girth after so long without it, and when I began to move my hips a moment later, he took it as a sign to start really screwing me. God, it felt amazing. He was so thick and hard, and I was unbelievably wet and getting even wetter by the second as he stretched me to my limits. I rolled my hips as I gasped, savoring the complete and utter fullness I felt as he thrust in and out of me, and Drew groaned above me before leaning down and kissing my breasts again. Each time he withdrew and then shoved his way back in, his groin rubbed against my clit, and I cried out and lifted my body to meet his thrusts, our bodies slamming together in a frenetic haze.

  For a moment, the only sound in the room was the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, and it all felt so good that my mouth seemed to be permanently open in a soundless gasp. Looking down a second later, I watched over my stomach as his cock slid in and out of me, and each time I saw it go back into me, I felt like I would explode with happiness. A wonderful pressure was building in my core, making little bolts of electricity shoot through me, and finally a climax hit me as I moved my hips more and more, trying to get him even deeper inside me.

  I cried out as I came, and Drew picked up the pace as my muscles clenched around him. It suddenly
occurred to me that we weren’t using a condom, but in the heat of the moment I didn’t care all that much. I’d gone on the pill a while ago to stop my irregular periods, and I knew Drew was clean. We’d had a conversation about it a week or so ago, and seeing as I’d never been with any other guys, I knew I was clean.

  He fucked me faster and faster, and beads of sweat popped up all over his forehead as he let out a low groan.

  “Fuck…you’re going to make me cum already,” he said as he thrust all the way into me in one hard movement.

  “Oh…. oh, yes!” I cried, my slick tightness still twitching around his shaft as he slammed into me like an animal in heat.

  I was coming again when his thrusts got even faster and his breath grew erratic. With a deep, throaty grunt, he pushed forward one last time, and I felt him fill me with a wet heat, pulsing inside me. It was the most amazing thing I’d ever felt, and after one last pulse, he stopped moving completely.

  “Oh, shit,” he said, finally rolling onto his back. “That was amazing.”

  I grabbed some tissues from my bedside table, wiped myself off and then snuggled into his arms, my entire body still racked with bliss. “I guess I’d rate you a three out of ten,” I said in a teasing tone.

  He chuckled. “Is that all?”

  “Maybe a four if you were better looking.”

  “Oh, I see how it is,” he said. “That’s it. You’re asking for it.”

  He sat up, picked up a pillow and brandished it like a weapon.

  “Pillow fight time!”

  Back when we were kids, we’d had pillow fights all the time, but it had all been totally innocent.

  This was so much better…

  * * *

  We showered and dressed when we were done being silly, making sure we were careful to avoid anyone seeing us sneaking around together. We were about to head down to breakfast together when a piercing scream shattered the quiet reverie of the morning.


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