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No Feelings Involved: A Brother's Best Friend Standalone Romance

Page 12

by Siobhan Davis

  “Why? And what exactly does that mean?”

  She squirms in her seat. “I don’t really know. Jordy’s loyal, and he won’t say. I get the impression Justin has plans for you once you are both finished college, and I could be wrong, but I think he’s relying on Jordy to ensure you find no one permanent in the meantime.”

  “Meanwhile, he’s free to fuck around with whoever he wants with no interference?” I snap, grabbing my cell out of my bag.

  “It’s only a guess, Sum. And would it be so bad if he cared that much?”

  “He doesn’t have the right, Han! I know we were kind of dating before we left, but it was casual. Hell, we haven’t even had sex, and who the hell knows where we’ll be and who we’ll be with in four years’ time? If Justin is holding onto some romantic notion about us, then it’s time I set him straight.”

  She nods. “I’ll grab us more coffee while you make the call.”

  Justin answers just before I’m about to hang up, sounding groggy. “Hey, babe,” he croaks. “It’s good to hear from you.”

  We made a deal when we went our separate ways for college not to smother one another, so we’ve only shared a few texts in the last few weeks, and hearing his voice again is good. Still, I’m mad at him.

  “What did you make Jordan promise you about me?” I spit out.

  “What?” He sounds a lot less fuzzy now, and I detect the wariness in his tone.

  “Jordan’s acting weird. Well, weirder than usual, and I know you said something to him, and I want to know what it is.”

  “Look, can we talk about this later? Now isn’t a good time.” His voice spikes with a tinge of fear.

  “No. I want to talk about it now. You—”

  “Come back to bed, Justin,” a feminine voice says in the background halting my words.

  “You are fucking unbelievable,” I say before hanging up. “Ugh!!” I cradle my head in my hands.

  “What’d he say?” Hannah asks, sliding back into her seat. She hands me a fresh coffee.

  “Nothing. He was too distracted by the girl he was in bed with.”


  “It doesn’t matter. It just proves my point.”

  “Are you sure? You look upset.”

  “Of course, I’m upset. Everyone thinks they can tell me how to run my love life, and I’m fucking sick of it. Maybe I’ll become a nun and forget about sex and boys because all they do is mess with your head. This is exactly why I want no entanglements. And it seems like even casual sex is more trouble than it’s worth. Honestly, I give up.”


  “Are you all packed?” I ask Miley as I’m preparing to leave the apartment on Wednesday night. They are heading on their mini vacay tomorrow, and Austin finally let the cat out of the bag regarding their destination. Watching Miley squeal and then climb all over my brother was kind of disturbing, but at least someone’s happy.

  Ryan and I have been cohabiting in this awkward space all week, and I’m phoning the housing assignments coordinator daily, inquiring into whether a free dorm room has become available yet. Even Hannah and Jordan’s floor sounds appealing at this stage.

  “Yes,” Miley squeaks, jumping in her seat. “I’m so excited, and I can’t believe Austin arranged for me to visit my sister.” Tears prick her eyes. “He’s so thoughtful, and I’m so in love with him.”

  “Aw, that’s super sweet.” I grab her into a hug. “You help bring out the best in him, Miley, and I’ve never seen my brother so happy.”

  “I think he’s the one,” she whispers, glancing over her shoulder to ensure he’s not in earshot. “Or is that weird for me to admit to his sister?”

  “Not weird at all.” I shake my head. “And I hope it’s true because I’d love to call you my sister-in-law someday.”

  “What are you two whispering about over there?” Austin asks with suspicion in his voice.

  “Just girl stuff,” I say, with a shrug. “Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.”

  “Aw, you think I’m pretty, sis?” Austin kisses the top of my head before reeling Miley into his arms.

  “The prettiest,” I sweetly reply. “And that’s my cue to leave.”

  “I’ll drive you,” Miley says, grabbing her keys and pecking Austin on the lips.

  “I can walk. It’s not that far, and it’s a nice evening.”

  “I want to drive you so I can come inside and watch. Unless that’d make you nervous?” she adds, her brow puckering.

  “It wouldn’t but you don’t have to.”

  “I want to. I want to support you. And I’ve never been to auditions. It’ll be fun.”

  “Well, okay then. Thanks.” I really hope Austin and Miley make the distance because I can’t imagine anyone better than her for my brother. She has such a pure heart, and she already feels like my sister.

  The look my brother gives his girlfriend in that moment melts me into a puddle of goo on the floor. “I love you,” he tells her, nuzzling his head into her neck, and happy tears pool in my eyes.

  “We shouldn’t be too long,” I say, hugging my brother once he’s finally torn himself away from his girl.


  “Break a leg,” Miley says, slipping into a seat in the auditorium at the theater arts company where auditions for Romeo and Juliet are being held. Mom always says go big or go home, so I’m auditioning for the part of Juliet, even though I probably don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning it.

  “Thanks!” I give her a quick hug before meandering backstage. The girl in charge gets me to complete some paperwork and then advises me where to stand in line.

  “Hey, beautiful,” a husky voice says in my ear, and I look around, startled to see Sean standing behind me. I haven’t seen him since last Friday night although I know he’s still pestering Jordy for my number.

  “Hey yourself.” My tentative smile is rimmed with suspicion. “What are you doing here?”

  He shrugs. “Auditioning. Same as you.”

  I narrow my eyes at him. “If this is some kind of attempt to ingratiate yourself, it won’t work.”

  He chuckles, and a mop of light-brown hair falls into his warm chocolate-colored eyes. “I don’t play games, and my reasons for being here are the same as yours. I love to act. Had a part in every play in high school, and I was a member of the amateur dramatics group in my local town. I didn’t even know you’d be here.”

  Sincerity radiates from his expression and his tone and I give him the benefit of the doubt. “Sorry for jumping to conclusions.”

  “It’s cool.” His wide smile is disarming. “But now, I really hope I get the part if it means I’ll get to spend more time with you.”

  “Provided I get the part, and I might be pushing expectations auditioning for Juliet.”

  His grin expands, and my eyes pop wide. “Hang on!” I glance down at the sheet in my hand. “You’re auditioning for Romeo, and they’ve partnered us up?”

  His eyes twinkle with mirth as he waggles his brows. Leaning down, he presses his mouth to my ear. “Just as well we’ve already kissed. There won’t be any awkwardness when we get out on that stage, and it’ll give us an edge over the other audtionees”

  “Always playing an angle, huh?” I tease.

  He shrugs again, still smiling. “I like to win, and I’ll take every advantage I can.”

  “A man after my own heart,” I joke.

  “Truer words have never been spoken.” Reaching out, he tucks a few stray strands of hair behind my ear as he smiles confidently at me. “And I won’t be leaving here without your number either.” He leans in close to my ear, and his warm breath fans over my skin. “I like you, Summer,” he whispers, placing one hand on my hip. “And I’m not giving up until you agree to go out on a date with me.”



  Summer is quiet as I drive us to the gym on Thursday evening after dropping Miley and Austin off at the airport. I’m not surpri
sed. It’s been the pattern since our difficult conversation on Saturday. I remind myself I’m doing the right thing. But why do I feel so lousy then? And I miss talking with her. I miss her energy and her enthusiasm, and I hate that there’s so much tension between us. It’s my fault it exists, and I owe it to both of us to get things back on an even keel. Clearing my throat, I glance at her briefly before speaking. “How did your audition go last night?”

  Her face showcases her surprise as she turns around. She’s so beautiful. So natural and unaware of how she turns heads wherever she goes, and it only adds to the appeal. Focus, Ryan. I silently chastise myself as I so often need to do in her presence.

  If only we’d met under different circumstances.

  At a different point where she’s older and the age gap doesn’t matter so much.

  At a point where her brother is more mellow and I can talk him around.

  But dreaming won’t get me anywhere. And I need to repeat that she’s not meant for me. And that I don’t do relationships. Even if they’re offered with no strings attached.

  Try telling that to my greedy dick though.

  “I think it went well, but competition is fierce.” She shrugs casually, offering me a small smile. “Now it’s in the hands of the gods.”

  “When will you find out?”

  “Next week. There may be a round two, or they’ll announce the main cast straightaway. I’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “I hope you get it.”

  “Me too.” Her knee bounces off the floor of the SUV. “But I won’t stress about it. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.”

  We’re silent the rest of the journey, but it’s not an uncomfortable silence, and for that, I’m grateful.

  I see little of her the rest of the day as the gym is busy, and we’re both kept occupied. After the last few clients have left, she helps me lock up, and then we leave for home. Summer lets out a massive yawn as she climbs into the passenger seat.

  “Tired?” I inquire, slowly backing out of the parking spot.

  “A little. That was a long shift, and I had a full schedule of classes today too.”

  “If it’s too much—”

  “It’s not,” she rushes to reassure me, cutting me off. “I’m just getting used to my new schedule is all.”

  She kicks off her sneakers, lifting her legs to the dash. The car swerves as I take my eye off the road for a split second, the lure of her long, slim legs too much to deny. Her lips kick up at the corners, and I silently curse myself for giving the game away. It’s just so hard to be in her company and not stare at her. My body hasn’t gotten the memo that she’s forbidden fruit, and every second in her presence is a battle with my self-control.

  “Any word yet on a dorm room?” I blurt.

  “Keen to get rid of me?” Her eyes flash knowingly as she levels a smirk my way.

  “No, I…” Air expels from my mouth in a loud rush. “It’s nothing personal, Summer. I just think it’d make things easier for both of us.”

  She sighs, and I hate that the smile slips off her face. “I know, and I’m trying, but no space has opened yet, and there’s a couple of girls ahead of me on the list.” She rubs a tense spot between her brows. “I can always sleep on Jordy and Han’s couch for a few weeks.” She pulls out her cell. “I’ll message her now to make arrangements.”

  “Don’t.” I drag a hand through my hair. “I don’t want you sleeping on anyone’s couch.” Especially not that douchebag’s. I don’t trust him around her. His behavior is off, and I’m wondering if there isn’t more to it. “And I don’t want you thinking you’re not welcome at our place. Because you are. This is my issue, and I’ll handle it. Forget I said anything.”

  A big smile graces her luscious mouth, and I almost crash the car.


  Her whole face lights up when she smiles like that, and it’s like getting sucker-punched in the nuts.

  My vision blurs.

  The world pales.

  And I’m completely caught up in the moment.

  “There you go again.” She’s fighting a laugh. “We really need to expand your vocabulary, Ryan.”

  The way she says my name is such a turn-on, and I realize exactly how fucking screwed up I am over this girl. I shouldn’t want her. But I do. I want her so badly. And I don’t know how long I can hold out before taking what I want.

  “The problem isn’t my vocab,” I admit, pulling up to the curb outside my favorite takeout place. “It’s that I continuously say shit around you I shouldn’t.”

  “That only happens because you’re trying to censure yourself. You need to just speak your mind.”

  “Trust me,” I say, killing the engine and twisting around to face her. “If I spoke the things on my mind, I’d be in a whole new world of trouble.” Before she can reply with some flirty response, I open the car door, sliding out. “I’m buying dinner. What do you want?”


  Friday is a long-ass day at the gym, thanks to an arduous double shift. I desperately need to unwind, so when the staff asks if I want to join them for drinks after we’re closed, I tag along. Summer is there too. Looking effortlessly pretty in a light, flowery summer dress and pink Converse. She’s chatting and laughing loudly, drawing people to her without even trying. She’s surrounded by a group of guys and girls, and every male member of my staff is entranced by her, none of them doing a thing to disguise it.

  Not that I can blame them.

  She’s bewitched me too.

  “She’s a big hit with the clients as well,” Derrick informs me, noticing the direction of my gaze, sliding a fresh beer into my hand. “You should hire her on a permanent part-time basis to cover for Miley.”

  “I already plan to talk to Austin about it when he returns,” I truthfully admit. Even though I’m trying to create distance between us, there’s no harm in hiring her because the gym is busy, and we don’t get to interact that much. Summer needs a job, and we need someone flexible to cover for Miley, so it’s a no-brainer.

  “I think you might have to issue a memo to male members of staff though,” Derrick adds with a grin. “Or else Austin will fire their asses left and right for hitting on his baby sister.”

  I snort. “You’re not wrong. I’ll definitely be having a word in a few ears.”

  I lose count of how many beers I drink the longer I stay rooted to my stool, growing more and more forlorn, and more envious, as I watch Summer flirting up a storm. If this was any other girl, I’d suspect she’s doing it on purpose to piss me off. But I know that’s not Summer’s M.O. That she’s just being herself.

  When Matthias slides his hand down her back, coming to rest dangerously low on the curve of her ass, I’ve reached my limit. Jumping up, I drain the rest of my beer and stalk toward them. I glare at him, pointedly fixing my gaze on his wayward hand until he gets the message, yanking it back as if electrocuted. “Let’s call it a night,” I tell Summer, sliding my arm protectively around her shoulders and steering her away from the fawning crowd.

  “Okay,” she readily agrees, waving at the rest of our staff. “See you guys tomorrow!”

  I call an Uber, and we jump in, both quiet on the trip back to the apartment.

  The instant I step foot in the door, I tell her goodnight and escape to my bedroom before I do something I regret.

  A couple hours later, I’m still tossing fretfully in my bed, unable to switch my mind or my body off enough to go asleep. My mouth is parched, thanks to the aftereffects of downing too many beers, so I pad out to the kitchen in my boxers to grab a drink of water, stalling on the spot as I see Summer, bent over, with her ass sticking up in the air, peering into the refrigerator. The light from the open door illuminates her stunning form, and my dick instantly turns rock hard. She’s wearing a thin tank top and a flimsy thong, and her peachy ass cheeks are on full display, shattering my self-control in a nanosecond. All night I’ve denied the craving to touch her, and I can’t resist any l

  “Summer,” I growl, stalking toward her like a predator hunting his prey.

  She jerks upright, emitting a little shriek as she turns to face me. I slam her up against the refrigerator door, closing it, and my lips are on hers before she can mount any protest.

  I ravish her mouth, pushing my tongue into her wet warmth as I grind my hips into hers, letting her feel what she does to me. She moans into my mouth, grabbing handfuls of my ass as she pulls me in closer. Blood thrums in my ears, and liquid lust races around my body while the devil in my ear taunts me to take her. To lay her out on the counter and fuck her senseless.

  I slide my mouth along her cheek, tugging on her earlobe. “What the hell are you doing to me?” I whisper.

  She palms my erection, and my dick jumps at her touch. “I think it’s pretty obvious.” I can hear the smile in her voice. Her tone turns breathless. “I want you to fuck me, Ryan. No second-guessing. Just do it. Right here. Right now.”

  A primal growl rips from the back of my throat as I lift her up. Her legs instantly wrap around my waist, and I carry her over to the counter, sitting her down.

  “Fuck, that’s cold.” She laughs, tightening her ankles over my butt cheeks while bending down to kiss me.

  My hands slip under her tank, moving up her flat stomach to palm her gorgeous tits. Her nipples instantly harden, and I roll them between my thumb and index finger as she writhes on the counter. Yanking the top off in one fluid move, I lower my mouth to her breasts, lavishing them both with attention. My hands knead her delicate flesh, and my tongue laves at the taut peaks of her nipples until she’s panting and begging me for more.

  “Lie back,” I command, my cock straining painfully against my boxers. She obeys immediately without question, and I strip her of her panties, nudging her thighs apart, as wide as they will go, until she’s spread out before me in all her glorious nakedness. “You are so incredibly beautiful,” I tell her, leaning over her bare body to kiss her. “Every single part of you. Inside and out.”


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