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Fortune's Greatest Risk (The Fortunes 0f Texas: Rambling Rose Book 4)

Page 5

by Marie Ferrarella

  “I thought that you might know what his brother’s status is.”

  “I’m sure I do,” Ellie agreed. “Which brother is it?”

  Idiot. Her husband’s got more than one brother.

  “Dillon. The contractor who renovated this spa,” she qualified, making it sound as if it was the all-important connection rather than her own reaction to the man.

  “Well, Dillon’s unattached,” Ellie told her. “But...” Her voice trailed off, sounding uncertain.

  Although distant alarms went off in Hailey’s head, for some reason the mayor’s words only aroused Hailey’s curiosity even more. “But what?”

  “To be honest,” Ellie confessed, “I don’t know if Dillon’s really in the market for anyone.”

  That was an odd way to put it, Hailey thought. “Do you mean at the moment, or ever?”

  Ellie glanced toward her brother-in-law and then sighed. That in itself wound up raising far more questions than it could possibly answer.

  “I really don’t think I should be the one to answer that, Hailey,” the mayor admitted. “I’m afraid that you’re going to have to ask Dillon that question.” And then Ellie squeezed her hand. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m afraid that I’m required to mingle with the good citizens of Rambling Rose or they won’t feel as if they’ve gotten their full nickel’s worth.”

  Hailey laughed as she stepped back, clearing a path for the mayor. “I had no idea you were charging admission to this.”

  Ellie smiled in response. “If I did, it would be a great deal more than just a nickel,” she told Hailey, winking at her.

  Left alone, Hailey caught herself intrigued by and thinking about what Ellie had just told her.

  Was what the mayor said true? Was there some reason that Dillon Fortune had withdrawn from the dating field? But if that was the case, why had he kept checking his phone so often the other day when she’d been trying to give him a tour of the place? A man who wasn’t interested in interacting with potential dating candidates didn’t “half” dabble in the field. He was either in or he was out.

  And if he was “in,” well then, the game was on, wasn’t it? And that in turn meant that she was going to have to buckle down and give this her all.

  Hailey made up her mind.

  She was well aware that she might regret this path she was contemplating taking, but she still wanted to see where it would lead her.

  It was settled.

  She was definitely in.

  Chapter Five

  Hours later, after the spa had emptied out and all the well-wishers had gone home, Hailey joined some of the members of her staff to clean up the party area. She wasn’t the kind of boss who delegated tasks and then just stood back while they were done. She firmly believed in working alongside her people. And right now, the wellness spa needed to be ready for business bright and early the following morning.

  Her problem, Hailey thought as she was working next to her assistant and one of the other instructors, was that she had always allowed her heart to rule her head. This kind of thinking, she readily admitted, left her open to new experiences, allowed her to easily make new friends and, in some cases, find new loves.

  As far as that last part went, Hailey was willing to acknowledge that thinking this way had also gotten her into trouble on more than one occasion. If she were being honest, she would be forced to admit that she’d had a series of what her parents had once told her they considered unsuitable boyfriends.

  But, to her credit, Hailey thought, she had bounced back each and every time. Thanks to her positive frame of mind, she had remained relatively unscarred and more than willing to take yet another plunge into the swirling, turbulent waters of romantic encounters.

  And that in turn was all thanks to her personal philosophy. Hailey made no secret of the fact that she firmly believed that life was too short to hang back warily regarding the waters that were up ahead, too afraid to test them.

  Her way of looking at things was all because of Janelle.

  Sweet and funny, Janelle Walters had been her best friend all throughout elementary school and high school. She and Janelle had been completely inseparable during all those years, sharing secrets, making plans for the future. They were both determined to do great things once they graduated from school and, acting as each other’s cheering squad, they always encouraged each other.

  The world, they both felt, was at their feet, just waiting for them to dive right into it.

  Of the two of them, Janelle had always been the bolder one, the one who didn’t back away no matter how great the challenge confronting her. On the rare occasions that Hailey hesitated, Janelle would always be there to urge her along, to tell her that the only thing she had to be afraid of was not trying.

  Hailey had worshipped her. In Hailey’s eyes, Janelle had seemed utterly invincible, a bright shining light in a sometimes darker world, who was always willing to do anything, try anything.

  It seemed to Hailey that there wasn’t anything that Janelle couldn’t do.

  And then her friend got sick.

  Really sick.

  Janelle merely shrugged it off, saying it was nothing, that she just needed to eat better, or take some vitamins. No big deal. But eventually, even Janelle couldn’t ignore her weakening state.

  Alarmed, Janelle’s mother finally all but dragged her friend to see a doctor. And then another doctor. And another. They all said the same terrible words that caused the light to go out for Hailey.

  Pancreatic cancer.

  When she first heard the diagnosis, Hailey had felt completely devastated. But Janelle, her incredible, ever upbeat friend, refused to accept the diagnosis, refused to give up or surrender to the ever-encroaching disease that was, for all intents and purposes, a death sentence. Instead, Janelle fought the good fight, behaving as if “forever” was still in front of both of them and that she would triumph over this so-called “obstacle” and move on.

  Right up until the end.

  And when the end finally came, just before Janelle finally lost her brave fight, her friend had turned to her and whispered, “Now you have to live for both of us. Promise me you’ll live for both of us.” Weak, she had tried to tighten her fingers around Hailey’s and implored, “Promise me.”

  Hailey vividly recalled that she could hardly speak because of all the tears that had filled her throat, but somehow, she managed to make the promise to her dearest friend.

  Janelle died several hours later. There had actually been a smile on her friend’s face as she passed from one world to the next.

  Hailey had been utterly inconsolable at first, grieving over the life that had been so cruelly cut short. But then, at her lowest point, she could have sworn she heard Janelle’s voice whispering to her, reminding her of her promise.

  Drying her eyes, Hailey resolved to honor her promise to her best friend, to live for both of them. Committed, she never looked back.

  Janelle was also the reason why Hailey was so totally dedicated to furthering the wellness spa’s agenda. She felt it was her own small way of honoring Janelle’s memory.

  And, of course, Janelle was also the reason why she was so determined to live life to the fullest. She had learned firsthand that life could be incredibly fleeting. For that reason, it needed to be enjoyed to the fullest before it suddenly disappeared.

  And that was why she knew she had made the right decision today. She had to seek out Dillon Fortune and see if there was something there.

  * * *

  Hailey didn’t realize it then, but spending time cleaning up the discarded plates and cups turned out to be the last peaceful moments she would spend. The very next day, as soon as the spa’s doors were opened, the pace was keenly ramped up to almost an insane level.

  It seemed as if everyone who had attended the opening ceremony was now eager to find out just
what the wellness spa had to offer in the way of improving their lives.

  Because of that, business was immediately robust. It remained that way, not just for a few hours but for the remainder of the day, and it had all the signs of continuing at this stride without letting up.

  Hailey was determined to do her part to make it continue. She was everywhere at once, answering questions, conducting a variety of demonstration sessions, welcoming new clients. She kept this pace up from the moment the doors opened until they closed again for the night that evening.

  Two days later, happily exhausted, Hailey knew a lot of people would have said that it was too soon to think of the wellness spa as a success. The situation could change drastically once the spa’s novelty had worn off. But Hailey had never been someone to wallow in sobering thoughts, nor was she someone who prudently restrained and tempered her enthusiasm.

  As a result, her enthusiasm knew absolutely no bounds.

  So anyone within close proximity could see that she was thrilled by this onslaught of clients and prospective clients crowding into the various classes.

  By the fourth day, as she continued taking all this in, Hailey didn’t even bother to attempt to hide her wide smile. As if it had a life of its own, the smile spread out from ear to ear.

  Silently congratulating herself on her part on this achievement, she felt as if it looked like the wellness spa was a rip-roaring success.

  We did it again, Janelle. We’re a success. And I couldn’t have done it without you!

  Ever alert, Hailey had taken note of the fact that over the last few days several members of the Fortune family had dropped by to check things out. They had all come away looking as if they were well pleased.

  At the last minute, just before the spa had had its official grand opening, Hailey had felt inspired and had added an additional class to the roster. A yoga class specifically designed for mothers and their babies, although an asterisk to the left of the listing in the brochure told any interested parties that fathers were welcome to the class, as well.

  When the first day for the class arrived, Hailey was delighted that one of the enrollees was Callum Fortune’s new wife, Becky. A former widow and a nurse at the new pediatric center, Becky was the mother of very lively one-year-old twin girls, Luna and Sasha. She brought them with her to class. The girls gave the impression of barely contained little rockets who were ready to go off at any second.

  The slim dark-haired nurse was holding her own at the moment, but it looked as if that situation was touch and go and liable to change at any given moment.

  Although she had been the one to come up with the class in the first place, Hailey wasn’t scheduled to teach it herself. However she had decided to hang around the class in case she was needed to offer help or some advice. Seeing Becky and her girls, Hailey was glad that she made this decision.

  Taking leave of the woman she had just been talking to, Hailey made her way over toward the slightly frazzled-looking young woman who appeared to be struggling mightily to hold onto her daughters and keep them both in the same area.

  “Hi,” Hailey said brightly, greeting Callum’s wife. She ran her hand over Sasha’s—or was it Luna’s—hair. “Looks like you’ve really got your hands full, Becky.” Hailey smiled at the two upturned faces that were presently regarding her with unbridled curiosity. “If you don’t mind my saying so, you’re pretty brave, taking on this class by yourself with both your little girls at the same time.”

  “Oh, I’m not alone,” Becky told her as one of the twins attempted to tug away from her. Becky managed to hold onto her—for now. “At least, I won’t be for long.” She suppressed a rather deep sigh. “Callum said he was coming to lend not just his support but his two hands, as well.” Her smile wasn’t forced, but it did seem just a wee bit weak around the edges as she held the potential runaway closer to her body. “I don’t think I can manage this all by myself, at least not the first few times,” she confided. “They just have too much energy!”

  Because of all the various interactions that she had experienced these last couple of weeks, Hailey was beginning to feel as if she were actually part of the family, even though her only real connection to the Fortunes was this wellness spa that the brothers had built. But Hailey had always had the ability to make friends easily and the men’s spouses had been quick to open up to her. They’d talked to her as if she were one of them almost from the start, and Hailey had responded in kind, welcoming the bonding experience.

  “Tell you what,” Hailey suggested, slipping her fingers around one of the twins’ small hands. “Why don’t I just hang around a bit and help out until your husband arrives with his own set of very capable hands?”

  Although Becky looked grateful at the offer, she felt it only right to respond with a protest at first. “I wouldn’t feel right about taking you away from all your other commitments.”

  “Oh, you’re not,” Hailey was quick to assure the woman. She wasn’t just being polite. She genuinely liked the nurse and wanted to do whatever she could to allow Becky to take full advantage of the class. “Everything that happens here is all part of my commitment,” she told Callum’s wife. Looking down at the perpetually moving duo, she couldn’t help smiling. “Your girls are beautiful, by the way.”

  Becky laughed. “I’m kind of partial to them myself,” she responded. “I just wish they’d slow down a little bit. They’re into everything—usually at the same time and in opposite directions. For a while Sasha was the quiet one, but now there’s absolutely no difference between them. If anything, she’s seems to be trying to make up for lost time.”

  “Well, this class might just take a tiny bit of the edge off their energy and hopefully tire them both out enough for you to be able to recharge your batteries,” Hailey told her. And then she reconsidered her words. “Or at least to catch your breath.”

  “Oh, if only,” Becky said wistfully with a heartfelt sigh. “But by then, I’ll have to be back at work,” she confided.

  Just then, the entrance to the Mommy and Me class opened. As if on cue, Becky and Hailey both turned toward the door. Each was expecting to see Callum come walking into the room.

  The next second, Hailey felt her pulse leap a little. Instead of Callum, she saw Dillon coming in.

  Hailey immediately regretted that she hadn’t worn her more attractive athletic attire. Thinking only of mobility and comfort, she’d put on an outfit that she had to admit had seen better days. The only consoling thought here was that the light blue outfit she had on had come to look this way because she had worn it while doing one of her many workouts. For the spa’s first month, she wanted to look like a hands-on manager who used the facilities herself. She felt that this made her look more approachable, as if she, her staff and her patrons were all one big family.

  “Dillon,” Becky said the moment her brother-in-law had joined them. “What are you doing here?”

  The second he had reached them, Sasha and Luna began to climb all over him as if he was a living, breathing jungle gym.

  Moving carefully so as not to dislodge his tiny climbing monkeys, Dillon dropped down beside the nurse that his brother had had the good fortune of marrying. “I’m here to tell you that Callum sends his regrets but he’s been unavoidably detained at a building site. He sent me to temporarily take his place until he’s able to get here himself.”

  Becky looked at her brother-in-law a little skeptically. “Are you sure that you know what you’re in for?”

  Placing a protective hand on the twin who had managed to climb up onto his forearm, he gently guided the little girl back to the floor. “Haven’t a clue,” he confessed. “Callum said something about this being a gym class for toddlers. How hard can it be?” he asked, although he was beginning to see that maybe he had underestimated the assignment.

  “It’s not a gym class,” Hailey told him, flashing a smile as she stepped i
n to greet him. “It’s a yoga class for moms and their kids.”

  “Moms?” Dillon repeated. That wasn’t what Callum had told him. “Then why am I here?” he asked, confused.

  “It’s also for dads,” Hailey quickly told him.

  Dillon still looked a little skeptical. That didn’t sound right to him. “Yoga for dads?”

  “Yes. It’s really very beneficial,” Hailey assured him. She was trying hard not to laugh. Not at his stance, which admittedly was a bit awkward, but at the way his nieces seemed to regard him as a piece of equipment. “Yoga has been found to really help you relax. I don’t mean you specifically,” she quickly corrected herself. “I mean people in general.”

  Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see the rather amused expression on Becky’s face. She couldn’t help wondering if that was in response to Dillon looking like a fish out of water, or if there was another reason for the woman’s amusement.

  She had to admit that having the little girls climbing all over him did look pretty funny. The fact that he endured it without protest spoke well of him.

  “And Callum knew this?” Dillon asked, looking at his sister-in-law. “That this was a yoga class?”

  “He did,” Becky confirmed, doing her best to try to maintain a straight face.

  Dillon sighed, resigned. “Well then, I guess I can give this a shot.”

  “Good for you,” Hailey said, pleased as she tried to cheer him on.

  Dillon’s expression indicated that he wasn’t all that sure about what was about to happen, but he had committed himself to this and he wasn’t about to backtrack, at least not in front of witnesses.

  Because he’d been somewhat forewarned about the nature of this class, Dillon had stopped in the locker area to change out of his suit and into a pair of shorts, a comfortable pullover and a pair of sneakers. He definitely didn’t look at home in any of it.

  Apparently he noticed the way Hailey was looking at his foot attire.


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