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Suddenly More (Dirty Texas #1.5)

Page 11

by J. A. Low

  I had kicked off my heels earlier and slipped on the flat version of my wedding shoes, my feet were killing me. Evan and I made our way through the room, squeezing between the wooden tables of our guests. Camryn had done an amazing job bringing my vision to life, the large tent we had set up at the back of the retreat, melted amongst the rainforest canopy, the clear panels of the roof let you look up through the tree branches toward the twinkling stars in the night sky.

  Large chandeliers hung from the beams, with fairy lights twinkling along the arch ways. Large floral arrangements are twisted around the poles, wooden ladders with large floral arrangements hang from the ceiling as well, it’s like you are sitting inside a greenhouse with the quantity of flowers. Long table runners of Australian native flowers line the guest’s tables, with cathedral style candles placed amongst the greenery. We had set the large wooden dance floor up outside, due to it being summer in Australia it was a warm New Year’s Eve night. Large lanterns and fairy lights hung above the dance floor. A DJ’s booth was set up to one side and a large, wooden, rustic style, outdoor bar set up on the other. Scattered around the dance floor and throughout the extensive gardens are sofas and side chairs. Lanterns were lighting the paths that led throughout the gardens or toward the cabins. Tiny glass balls filled with tea lights hung from the low tree branches all through the garden like glowing bubbles. It looked like a midsummer night’s garden, truly magical.


  “You ready to dance, wife,” Evan whispers into my ear.

  “Not really but I will give it ago.” We haven’t practiced anything as we are both not big dancers, we thought we would just let the music take us.

  “Just one moment,” Camryn says, as she walks over to the DJ’s booth to talk to him. Everyone has come out from the tent and is standing around the dance floor. We take a step onto the wooden floor and wait for our choice of music to start. The soft riffs of guitars can be heard, then a piano comes from another direction, everyone is looking around trying to work out where the sounds are coming from. Then we hear a voice start to hum. “Axel,” I say as he steps out from the crowd.

  “Sienna, we know you chose a song to dance to, but Evan kind of vetoed it and instead wrote one for you both,” he says smiling, as Christian and Oscar emerge with guitars and Finn with an electric keyboard hanging from his shoulders. I’m shocked into silence when Axel’s smooth voice starts to sing, and Evan pulls me into his arms as we sway to the love song that he wrote for me, titled More.


  This maybe our wedding day but it is also Evan’s thirty-first birthday and New Year’s Eve, so I wanted all those elements incorporated into the night. At about 10.00pm we called everyone back into the tent so we could all wish Evan a happy birthday. Camryn brought out Evan’s electric guitar cake to celebrate. He was pretty surprised as he blew out his candles.

  “Hey, babe, I have your birthday present here for you,” I announce, handing him a large gift bag. “But you shouldn’t really open it in front of people,” I say. This gets his attention.

  “You naughty little minx, Mrs. Wyld. What have you given me?” He asks, taking my hand and pulling me away from everyone. We walk out through the tent, past the dance floor and down one of the garden paths. He looks around quickly to make sure there is no one around.

  “Let me see,” he says, letting go of my hand and ripping open the gift bag, pulling out the tissue paper he comes to an album. “Mrs. Wyld, what could this be?” Raising his eyebrow at me, he opens the album and flicks through the pages. “No, you didn’t?” He flicks through some more pages with a bewildered look on his face. “You are so fucking beautiful, Sienna,” he declares, looking at me in awe.

  I did it. I took the nude photos of myself for him, with my huge pregnant belly. “Do you like it?” I ask worried.

  Grabbing my hand and placing it over his cock, I can feel how much he likes my present. “I just want to bend you over and fuck you right now, in the middle of the garden. I am so fucking turned on.”

  Evan’s words send shivers over my body.

  “Please tell me Charlotte took these photos, because if it was a male photographer I might just have to kill him for seeing you naked,” he growls, pulling me against him.

  “It was Charlotte. As if I would do that to you,” I reassure, looking up at him. I’m severely disadvantaged without my heels, Evan towers over me. He leans down and kisses me, walking me back a couple of steps, my back hits a tree, I can feel his arousal as he pushes it into me. “When can I take you back to the cabin so I can fuck my wife?” Evan nibbles my neck.

  “After midnight sometime, baby,” I moan as all the nerves in my body come alive.

  “But that’s hours away,” he whines. “I need you now.” His palm touches my breast. “I want to make love to my wife.”

  “I do too, Evan.” My whole body is demanding that my husband gives me an orgasm. “But we have to get back to our wedding,” I remind him.

  “Fuck it, everyone’s drunk they won’t notice we are missing,” he mumbles, as his lips keep assaulting the sensitive area of my neck.

  “Hmm,” I groan, as I let him do to me what he wants, I am powerless against his magic lips.

  “You sneaky fuckers,” Derrick yells at us, making us both jump apart like a pair of horny teens caught making out in the dark.

  “Derrick! You scared the shit out of us,” I say, clutching my chest. “You want me to give birth right here?”

  “Sorry, Si, but I wanted to let you know that they are setting up the midnight feast and some of the older relatives are wanting to say goodbye,” he informs, crossing his hands over his chest.

  “Okay fine, we’re coming,” I promise as I push off the tree.

  “Well you’re not now that I spoilt your fun,” he chuckles. I slap him on the arm. “Need any help Mr. Wyld?” Derrick smirks, his eye sliding down to Evan’s crotch and back up again.

  “Derrick Jones, you stop checking out my husband’s crotch,” I scold him.

  “Fine, fine you’re no fun now you’re a married old woman. Just let your husband know my services are available if you’re too tired tonight.”

  My jaw drops. “Derrick!” I gasp, before punching him in the arm again.

  “Ouch, that hurt,” he whines.

  “No more propositioning my husband, okay?”

  Derrick nods.

  “I’m sure there are plenty of men that you can hook up with here,” I tell him.

  “And no not my brother,” Evan adds.

  “That’s such a shame. But no, the one I want has run off with one of the wait staff and is currently screwing her in the bushes.”

  Evan and I are shocked. “You telling me other people are getting lucky at my wedding and I’m not?” Evan’s looking at me bewildered.

  “Hey, not my fault we got interrupted,” I say, looking at Derrick. “Plus we have people to say goodbye to,” I remind him.

  “Fine, fine,” he grumbles. “D, I’m sorry about that douche. If I was gay I would so do you,” Evan says, slapping him on the back.

  “Damn it why can’t it be opposite day, so that could come true.” He smiles at us.

  “Come on you, let’s get back to this wedding, say goodbye to some old people and find you some hot stud to have a quickie in the bushes with or to a least kiss at midnight. What about the magazine photographer?” I ask, linking arms with Derrick as we walk back to the wedding.


  “Three, two, one, happy New Year,” everyone screams as the fireworks we organized get set off over the point. You can see in the distance all the other fireworks going off along the beaches. Everyone is celebrating, hugging and kissing each other. Evan wraps an arm around my shoulders “Happy New Year, Mrs. Wyld,” he whispers into my ear. I lean my head back against his hard chest, turning to the side so our lips can meet in a New Year kiss.

  “This year is going to be a big one for us, Evan.”

  “I know, sweetheart, we are going to meet li
ttle Bean.” His hands rub over my stomach, and Bean takes that moment to give him a big kick for good measure, making us laugh.

  “Happy New Year, buddy,” Evan chuckles.

  “Life is going to change for us.”

  “Darlin’, I know, but as long as we stick together, communicate, then we can get through anything, okay?”

  “I’m worried about giving birth to Bean.” I feel the hitch in my voice as I confess my worries to Evan.

  “Sienna, I’ve got you. I have no idea how you give birth, or what the hell we are supposed to do. We can start those birthing classes when we get back so maybe that will help ease your fears,” he says, planting a kiss on my cheek.

  “Yeah, maybe. Do you think we are going to be good parents?”

  “Maybe? I hope so, we try our best. We teach him right from wrong. Plus, he is going to have so many people around him that I don’t think we are going to have a chance to fuck him up.”

  “Yeah maybe you’re right, it takes a village,” I laugh.

  “A village of rock stars,” Evan jokes.

  Three months later

  “Evan, I think my water just broke,” Sienna calls from the bathroom.

  Looking at the clock radio it’s 3:47am, I’m totally disorientated.

  “Evan!” She calls again and I can hear the urgency in her voice.

  “Coming darlin’,” I respond, as I jump out of bed and rush into the bathroom, that’s when I see the large puddle on the floor. “Shit, Sienna, are you, okay?” I look at her not sure what to do, as she wipes herself down with a towel.

  “Um, I think we should maybe go to the hospital.” Her voice is calm.

  “Right, yeah, hospital. Good idea, we need your hospital bag.” I run out of the bathroom and rush around the bedroom in the dark, hitting my shin on the edge of the bed, “Motherfucker,” I cry out as I hobble around the room in a panic.

  Sienna switches the light on. “Evan, what are you doing?” She questions, holding her stomach.

  “I was trying to find your bag in the dark and I kicked the bed.” That’s going to bruise, tomorrow.

  “The bag is beside the bed. Go get changed, I am just going to quickly jump into the shower, clean myself up. Can you grab something for me to wear please,” she asks calmly as she disappears back into the bathroom. How the fuck is she calm?

  Moments later we are both dressed and heading into the hospital. “Fuck, I haven’t put the baby seat in the car.” I panic.

  “Evan, we can worry about that later. Let’s just get to the hospital,” she reminds me that a baby is trying to escape out of her, I put my foot on the pedal and try and get us there as quickly as possible without killing us.


  A couple of hours later and still no baby. Sienna’s contractions are getting worse. We’ve tried the ball in the hot shower, whoever thought that was a brilliant idea, heavily pregnant woman, rolling ball, add in slippery water, yeah not so fun, especially when your wife nearly hits the floor because she slipped off the ball, hello heart attack.

  “Stop rubbing my back, Evan,” A possessed Sienna hisses at me.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m trying to help,” I respond, feeling utterly lost as I watch Sienna grit her teeth as another contraction rolls over her.

  “Do you want some ice?” I ask, floundering in a sea of hopelessness.

  “Yeah sure,” she moans.

  I quickly scurry away and grab a cup from the nurse. “Here you go, babe.” Placing a cube in her mouth, she sucks on it for a moment before spitting it out. “It’s too fucking cold,” she complains.

  “It’s an ice cube, of course it is.” Which obviously was not the right thing to say when I see the look she is giving me. I move away from her because I’m not sure if she is about to sprout devil horns or not.

  “You’re doing really well there, Sienna.” The midwife says. “But I am going to have to check to see how dilated you are. Can you take off your clothes and underwear and pop this hospital gown on.”

  I help Sienna undress and I watch as the nurse puts gloves on and heads back to where we are.

  “Now hop up onto the bed.”

  I help Sienna up.

  “Now this is going to be a little uncomfortable,” the nurse says as her hand disappears up Sienna’s vagina, what the fuck!

  “Okay, good we are getting close. You are now about five centimeters dilated. Your contractions are getting stronger, so would you like me to call the anesthetist and get him to give you an epidural or would you like to wait a little longer?” She asks.

  A contraction rolls over Sienna and she grits through it. “No, I think I can hold on a little longer,” Sienna answers.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, Evan, I’m sure. I am perfectly capable of dealing with pain,” Sienna reprimands me.

  It’s going to be one long ass night. I sink into the chair and pray that Bean hurries the fuck up and puts me out of my misery.


  An half an hour later later and we are still no further. How long does it take for a baby to come out? This is getting crazy; we have been here for five hours. I’m slumped in the side chair as Sienna walks around the room, my eyes keep closing and every time they shut, Sienna yells that I better not be sleeping. She is scary as fuck!

  Then Sienna crumples to the floor in pain, I rush over. “Sienna, are you okay?” Grabbing her arms, I can see tears falling down her face.

  “Oh that was a strong one.” The Nurse looks at the data on the machine that is watching Sienna’s contractions. “Would you like me to call the Anesthetist, for the epidural?”

  “Yes, fuck, yes,” Sienna grits through her teeth and the nurse scurries away.

  Five minutes later in walks an older man, he runs through the risks with the both of us and gets us to sign some paperwork and then he is putting the epidural in.

  Shit, that needle is big. But Sienna doesn’t seem to notice it at all. I give her my hand as she tries and pushes through another contraction. Fuck, she’s hard core. I think I fell in love with her even more then. Ten minutes later she is relaxed, laying back in bed watching TV, joking, talking, back to her normal self. We watch the machine as the contractions play over the screen, the squiggly lines going crazy when she has a contraction, but she doesn’t even feel it. Fuck, those drugs are good.

  We make phone calls to our family, let them know that Sienna is in labor. We both fall asleep for a couple of hours and wake up when the nurse comes back in.

  “Okay, Sienna, we are going to try some pushing. I’ve just checked and you are almost there,” the nurse says proudly. “The Doctor is on his way.”

  This just woke us both up, we are ready, the time is now, we are about to meet our little Bean, it’s been nearly twelve hours since arriving at the hospital and we are both exhausted.

  “Now, Sienna, you need to push like you’re doing a poo, okay,” the nurse explains, as another midwife comes into the room with a big smile on her face.

  Sienna gives the nurse a push, “No sweetie, like a poo.”

  Sienna nods and tries again and pushes as hard as she can. I just stand there helplessly urging her to push.

  “Yes, yes, that’s it,” the nurse encourages her. “Okay, I can see the head.”

  Sienna and I pause and look at each, holy shit, the head.

  “Come on let’s keep practicing, this bit can take a while,” the nurse urges Sienna on, and she keeps pushing for the next twenty minutes.

  “You have done so well, now the head is right there, you’re crowning. We are going to need one big almighty push. Evan would you like to watch?” The nurse asks.

  Oh hell no, there is no way I am going to watch that baby come out of my fun zone. I shake my head, “I’m fine, I’ll stay up here, thanks.”

  The nurse just laughs. “Okay, Sienna, one big push.”

  Sienna pushes and pushes and pushes with all her might.

  “And again,” the nurse yells.

  And s
he does, she pushes again.

  “You’ve done it, the head is out,” the nurse says excitedly.

  I look at Sienna. “You’re doing good, darlin’, I’m so proud of you, we’re almost there,” I urge her on.

  In that moment the doctor walks in, pulling his gloves on, he takes one look at the head poking out of Sienna’s vagina, then looks at us. “Fantastic, Sienna, you are almost there, let’s get the rest of the baby out, one big push,” he urges her.

  Sienna is exhausted, I can see it on her face, but she does it with all that she has and pushes and pushes and pushes.

  “Yes, yes, yes, you did it,” the doctor calmly states, pulling the baby out.

  We hear the first cries of our baby. “It’s a boy,” the doctor announces, placing the screaming baby on Sienna’s bare chest. The little bloodied thing tries to suckle straight away. Sienna instinctively puts the baby to her breast. Tears are pouring down my face as I look down at my little family. “Fuck, darlin’ you did it, you fucking did it,” I praise, giving her a big kiss. Sienna is crying now as she looks at our baby on her breast. “He’s perfect, Evan.”

  “So do you have any names picked out?” The nurse asks, while the doctor is sorting out Sienna’s lady bits. FYI the birthing isn’t done when the baby comes out, she still needs to get rid of the placenta and unfortunately I saw it out of the corner of my eye; that was grizzly.

  “Ryder,” Sienna says. “Ryder Hayes Wyld.”


  Now we are up in our suite, and it is filled with our families, the band and our friends. It’s pretty crazy.

  “Sisi, he is gorgeous,” Vanessa coos at the little guy who is asleep in his crib.

  “He’s going to be a lady killer, just like his dad.” Derrick gives me a wink.

  “Y’all look at those lips, I would kill to have that pout,” Charlotte adds.

  “You did good, man.” Axel slaps me on the back as we walk out of the suite, leaving the girls to baby talk.

  “Man, you have a baby,” Finn adds.

  “Y’all seriously, this is the best feeling in the world. The instant love I had for him, never have I felt anything so strong,” I explain to the guys.


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