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Save Me From Myself (Nashville Nights)

Page 17

by Stacey Mosteller

  This is going to be fun! Normally, David’s in charge when we’re together, but this time he’s letting me do whatever I want. I grin down at him as I think about what to do first. He half smiles back, flashing a dimple, and just because I can, I lean down and lick it which makes him chuckle. His chuckle bounces be on top of him, and it cuts off abruptly as he stares at my breasts, eyes darkening.

  Kissing his lips briefly, I follow the same trail his mouth takes on me, across his lightly stubbled jaw and down his throat, stopping just before his shoulder to suck hard. David groans low in his throat and the sound sends a thrill through me. I continue my trail down his body, stopping briefly to circle my tongue around each of his nipples before sucking them each lightly when David’s hands tangle in my hair. He tries to move me back up to his mouth and I pull away from him. “Nuh uh, you said for me to take it, so we’re going at my pace tonight.”

  David groans, “Remind me why I thought that was a good idea?”

  I giggle before continuing my exploration down his abs before wrapping my fingers around the base of him. I should feel embarrassed, but the look on his face just makes me feel empowered. His look says that he loves having my hands on him, and even though I can tell he wants to take back control, he continues to allow me to go at my pace.

  Moving down so that I’m between his legs, I lean over and tentatively lick his head. David inhales sharply at the touch of my tongue and his hands fist at his sides. Feeling bolder, I take the head of his cock into my mouth and push down until he hits the back of my throat, keeping on hand around his base and placing the other on his thigh to help keep my balance. When I lay my hand on his thigh, I can feel the muscles tense underneath. Knowing I affect him this much turns me on, and I start moving my mouth and hand up and down his shaft.

  After only a few minutes, David’s hips start rising to meet my mouth and his hands tangle in my hair again. He’s gentle though, only holding my hair away from my face instead of forcing me down further on him, which is what Matt used to do. “God, baby, I love your mouth.”

  His words make me shiver and I move faster, up and down over him using both my mouth and my hand. Taking my hand away from him, I gently cup his sack with them instead and he groans loudly. “Darlin', if you don’t stop, I’m going to come in your mouth and that is not how I want tonight to end.”

  Oh, but I want him to! I’ve never really been a fan of this particular act, but with David, it turns me on almost as much as it turns him on. I move my mouth faster and suck harder while rolling his balls in my hand, until finally David’s control snaps and he jerks me off of him before impaling me on him. I gasp when he enters me, he’s so much deeper in this position, penetrating me to a point where it’s almost painful. I cry out and he stills, “Shit, did I hurt you?”

  I shake my head, “No, you didn’t hurt me, it’s just deeper this way. I need a minute.” David places his hands on my hips and though I can tell he’s struggling to be still, he waits for me to start to move. Taking a deep breath, I position my legs so that my feet are on the bed and I’m crouching over him. Placing my hands on his chest, I slide up until he’s almost completely out of me before dropping back down. His hands tighten on my waist and we start to move. Soon, he’s bringing his hips up to meet my downward strokes and we’re both moaning each time he’s fully sheathed inside me.

  When David can tell I’m close, he moves one hand between us pressing his thumb against my clit causing me to shatter around him. “Fuck,” he growls before slamming his hips ups into me twice before reaching his own release. He sags into the bed beneath me and I collapse against his chest. Both of us are breathing hard, and we stay locked together while we come down from our orgasms. David releases my hip and starts running his hand up and down my back soothingly as he kisses the top of my head softly. The combination of his steady heartbeat and the comforting feel of him rubbing my back lulls me to sleep. The last thing I remember is him sliding me so that I’m lying on the bed with my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around me.

  Getting ready for work, I’m actually hopeful that I’ll actually have a good birthday. Last year pretty much sucked, and I wasn’t looking forward to being alone on my birthday. Since I moved here though, I don’t feel so alone. I’ve got new friends, I’ve got Anna, and I have David. I just wish Aria, Kaitlin and my brothers were here with me.

  Frowning down at my silent phone, I walk out to the kitchen to get breakfast before leaving the apartment, and come up short when I smell something good enough to make my mouth water. Looking up, David’s standing in my kitchen, facing the stove and humming along with the low music playing on his iPod. What is he doing here? He said last night that he had something to do early, but he’d see me this afternoon. I shouldn’t have felt let down, because I didn’t even tell him today was my birthday, but I did. Seeing him here now though, well, it more than makes up for thinking I wouldn’t see him until later.

  He must notice he’s not alone because he turns suddenly and seeing me standing in the doorway smiles warmly at me before walking over to stand in front of me.

  “Happy Birthday darlin',” he says, leaning down to kiss me softly.

  I can’t stop the huge smile that spreads across my face. “Thanks, David. How’d you know today is my birthday?”

  “I told him when I figured out that you wouldn’t,” I hear from behind me.

  Turning, I see Anna’s smug grin and lean in to hug her, whispering, “Thank you for that.”

  Hugging me back tightly, she responds, “Always, babe, always.” Then, Anna turns to David and says, “Hey Hottie Bartender, let’s eat!”

  David just laughs, and gestures towards the kitchen, “After you darlin'.”


  After an amazing breakfast of french toast, bacon, fresh fruit, coffee and juice, David says he really does have some things to do this morning. He hugs me tightly, giving me a kiss that’s far too tempting to be a goodbye and promises to pick me up after work.

  Once the front door closes, Anna smirks at me, “You are such a lucky bitch!”

  “Oh stop. You could have any guy you wanted and you know it,” I say, smacking her arm lightly. Then, when I realize what I said, I continue hurriedly, “Except for my guy. He’s the one guy you better not go after!”

  Anna rolls her eyes, “Like he even notices anyone else is in the room when you’re around. Like I said, lucky bitch.”

  “You’re so stupid. Come on, we better get to work.”

  She grumbles, but follows me out to the car.


  After an extremely busy day at work that included a birthday cake brought in by Ben’s boyfriend Toby, and lots of little presents from everyone, it’s finally time to leave. David’s waiting for me in the lobby, and we hurry back to my place so that I can get ready. Since Anna was able to keep the fact that she told David about my birthday a secret, I’ve been wondering all day what else she’s kept from me today. Especially with the nervous glances David keeps directing my way. I know better to ask him though, he won’t say a thing until he’s ready for me to know.

  When we get back to my apartment, David tells me, “Anna left a present on your bed,” before sitting down on the couch to wait for me to get ready.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come help me?” I ask him, trying to sound sexy, even though I end up sounding more shy than sexy.

  Turning towards me, he grins wolfishly, “Darlin', if I come help you, we’ll never get out of here. And we have a schedule to keep. Now, stop trying to distract me and go get ready.”

  Heat pools low in my stomach at the look in his eyes, and I bite my lip, unable to look away from him. Sighing, David stands and walks over to stand in front of me.

  Tipping my chin up, he places a gentle kiss on my lips before leaning down to murmur in my ear, “If you don’t go get ready, I’m going to spank that sexy little ass.”

  My breath speeds at the mental image, and before I can even think about it, the wo
rds, “I thought we didn’t have time for all that?”

  “We don’t have time for sex. But, it is your birthday, so I do owe you a spanking.”

  Arching an eyebrow, I pull back to look at him, “So, you’re saying you’ll spank me, but no sex?”

  David shakes his head, then laughs when I pout at him, “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Now, go get dressed.”

  Continuing to pout, I turn and head to the bathroom so that I can get ready for whatever he has planned for tonight.


  When I come out of my bedroom in the outfit Anna bought me for my birthday, a little black dress with a wide emerald green belt (emphasis on the “little” - it barely covers my ass), with the emerald green pea coat that matches draped over my arm, David stands.

  “Fuck darlin',” he says, his voice an octave lower than normal, “I’m not sure whether to thank Anna or curse her name.”

  “I take it you like it?” David’s eyes travel down my body and stop at the black suede over-the-knee boots that end a couple inches below my dress. Anna has a serious shoe fetish, and by the look on his face, David definitely appreciates it.

  “Darlin', like isn’t the word I’d use.” He holds out a hand, and when I place mine in it, he pulls me into him so that my back is against his chest. He keeps my hand in his, grasping my hip with his free hand. Moving his head so that it’s close to my ear, he whispers, “When we get back to my place, I want you in those boots and nothing else.”

  The combination of his breath and words in my ear makes me shiver. I can’t say a word, so I just nod my agreement and David groans. When I turn my head, I’m thankful that these heels have a much higher heel than I’m used to, because I don’t have to reach up very far to touch my lips to his. His hand tightens on my hip as his lips move over mine forcefully.

  After kissing me for much less time than I’d like, David pulls away. “You’re going to be the death of me,” he growls.

  I open my mouth, but he puts a finger over it, shaking his head, “Don’t even go there. Call me an old man and I will make sure you regret it.” Regret it? Looking into my overly wide eyes, he shakes his head and chuckles, “Stop looking at me like I’m about to beat you. There are plenty of ways to torture you that wouldn’t involve physical pain, trust me.”

  I’m not sure I want to know what he’d do, so I refrain from making any smart ass comments, and he leads me out to his car. “Are you ever going to tell me where we’re going?”

  David grins, “You’ll find out soon enough darlin'. I promise.”


  It doesn’t take long to figure out that we’re heading to Drench. David drives down the alley, parking his car behind the bar. He helps me out of the car, pressing his lips to my forehead. “Happy Birthday, darlin'.”

  Scrunching my brows in confusion, I look up at him. “You already told me that this morning.”

  He smiles, “Does that mean I’m not allowed to say it again?”

  “No, it’s just that you don’t have to, but thank you, again.”

  Taking my hand, he leads me in through the back door. When we walk into the building, I’m expecting to hear loud music and lots of noise, but apart from the low murmur of music from the front of the bar, there’s not much noise at all. David doesn’t act like this is unusual at all, and maybe it’s just so quiet because it’s not even 8pm on a Wednesday night, but all my instincts are screaming that something is about to happen.

  When we walk out into the main room, the room is pretty dark, and my heart starts to beat faster. God, what did he and Anna do? I don’t have to wonder for long, because about ten seconds after we walk into the room the lights come on and a group of people yell “Surprise!”

  Looking at them all, I see Ben and Toby, Brandi and Alex, Terra and some guy I don’t know, and Anna. Next to Anna is Sebastian, and I’m pretty shocked to see him actually come out with the rest of us. He’s usually so uptight! But, it’s the people behind them that make me understand why David was acting so nervous earlier. All of my siblings are here, even Edward!

  Squealing, I drop David’s hand and run over to them. Aria and Kaitlin wrap their arms around me at the same time and all three of us are hugging, laughing, and crying. “OH MY GOD! I can’t believe you guys are here!” I gush, so completely in shock that I don’t know what to say.

  Aria laughs, “Believe it, sis. You better thank that sexy man of yours. He’s the one who called and invited us all here. He even offered to pay for plane tickets and to get us hotel rooms for the night.” Kaitlin nods, grinning hugely, and I turn to look at David wide-eyed while hugging my brothers. Edward, being the guy he is gives me a stiff, one-armed hug, while Philip and Andrew both give me warm hugs and a kiss on the cheek.

  “How did you guys get here? And how long are you staying?” I have so many questions that I’m not sure what to ask first.

  Philip shakes his head, “How did we get here, as in Nashville, or here as in this bar? We flew in, your guy over there picked us up at the airport and brought us here. And, your sisters are staying through the weekend. Edward and I have to leave in the morning.”

  I can’t help but frown at Philip. Out of both my stepbrothers, I’m closest to him. It’s funny, because he only lived with us for a handful of years before moving back with his mother, unlike Edward Jr who is pretty much his father’s clone. When he just smiles apologetically, I turn to Andrew, “What about you? When are you leaving?”

  “I don’t really have a set time, but I figure I’ll leave tomorrow or Friday. I have a deadline I need to meet.” Deadlines I definitely understand. Andrew is a writer, mostly screenplays, although he has written a couple of novels. His real love is scripts though. He loves writing the story and then watching it come to life during filming.

  I chat with my brothers and sisters for a few more minutes before I feel David’s arm wrap around my waist. Leaning into him, I press my lips to his cheek, “Thank you for this. It might be the best birthday present I’ve ever been given.”

  Philip laughs, “Even better than that year your mom decided to do the full on debutante thing for your party?”

  Pointing a finger at him, I glare, “Shut it you. Don’t even remind me of that freaking disaster.”

  Turning back to David, I explain, “For my fourteenth birthday, mom decided to do the whole debutante ball. Just imagine, she rented out the country club ballroom, everyone had to wear a tuxedo or ball gown. It was like going to a prom. Absolutely awful! She invited the kids of all the influential people in Manhattan, half of them I’d never even met. It was my party, but it ended up being a networking event for her and my stepfather.”

  Philip grins devilishly at me before telling David, “She begged us all to take her anywhere but that party, but Meredith is nothing if not persistent. She has very specific ideas about who Lyric should be, what she should do with her life, and who she should be with.” Gesturing between David and me, he continues, “I’m sure she’s thrilled about this.”

  David stiffens beside me, and I put my hand on his chest to let him know I’ve got this. “It really doesn’t matter if she is or not. David is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.”

  Raising the beer bottle Aria brought him a few minutes ago, Philip agrees, “I can tell.” Meeting David’s gaze, he continues, “Please don’t think all of us feel the way Meredith does. We all want Lyric to be happy. Whether it’s with a CEO or a garbage collector. You’re going to have a hard time keeping her out of your relationship though. When Meredith DuCharme wants something, she’ll do anything in her power to make it happen.” Swinging his gaze back to me, he says, “Like telling your asshole ex-fiancé where he can find you. I’m still waiting to kick that little shits’ ass by the way L.”

  Nodding, I smile at him, “I know you are, and I appreciate it. Truly, I do.”

  Shrugging, Philip reaches out to hug me, telling me, “Anytime. Now, go enjoy the rest of your party. I’ve monopolized you enough for o
ne evening.” Giving David a single head nod, he turns and walks over to Kaitlin and Aria who are talking to Ben and Toby.


  The rest of the night passes quickly, and before I know it, it’s almost eleven and people are coming up to say goodnight. It’s been an amazing night, and definitely the best birthday party I’ve ever had. Not to mention the presents I’ve gotten from people who really do know me. Anna gave me the outfit I’m wearing, Ben and Toby gave me a gift certificate for a popular Nashville Spa, Brandi and Terra gave me a really pretty necklace and earring set with Emerald Green stones. Sebastian gave me tomorrow off, which made me smile, considering I was already off, but it’s the thought that counts, right? David gave me a night with my family and closed his bar for my party, SarahBeth gave me a couple really pretty t-shirts, and my brothers and sisters gave me a new MacBook Air. Now, instead of trying to type on my iPad, I have a laptop I can take with me for my reviews.

  I get lots of hugs as everyone starts making their way to the door, and soon it’s just David and me, along with Anna and my siblings. After giving my sisters huge hugs, and telling Anna thank you for everything, she takes them with her to the apartment. Since they are staying for a few days, and I’m spending the night at David’s anyway, they’re going to stay in my room tonight.

  That leaves David and I alone with my brothers, and things get uncomfortable quickly. Edward is much older than the rest of us at 38, and his approval means a lot to me. He studies David, who has his arm wrapped protectively around me, for a few minutes before finally holding out a hand. “Thank you for looking out for my little sister. She’s never been this far away from family before, and knowing she has someone looking out for her will make me sleep better at night.”

  Tears spring to my eyes, and I reach out to hug him tightly. “I love you so much, EJ,” I sob into his chest and he pats my back.

  “Don’t call me EJ, squirt. You know I hate that nickname.”

  I let out a watery laugh, “Sorry, can’t help it.” Pulling back, I smile up at him and he shakes his head before kissing the tip of my nose.


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