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Cameron 7: The Finale

Page 18

by Jade Jones

  Roxie wanted to know what he meant by that. But instead of further probing, she chose to drop the subject—for now. “So,” she began. “I just have one more question and then I’m done with my lil’ interrogation. I promise.”

  “It’s no intrusion at all. Please…ask away,” he insisted.

  “What are you looking for? Casual dating or a relationship?” She wanted to know his intentions so that they were on the same page.

  “I’m hoping casual dating eventually leads to a relationship. But I wanna pace it accordingly.”

  “Well…I just got out of somethin’ myself.... So we can be friends but I’m not looking for anything more.”

  Kwon’s lips curled into a grin. “Yeah…you say that now…”


  Magyc was heated when one of his boys texted him a pic of Roxie and Kwon leaving the restaurant. He worked for valet as a front to steal cars for the ring. Needless to say, he recognized his friend’s girl immediately. The message was even accompanied by a text that read:

  This yo girl or nah???????????????

  It was embarrassing, disrespectful, and infuriating to Magyc. “This bitch left my ass in the hospital to fuck with Jackie Chan? Yo, is she fuckin’ serious right now?”

  Roxie hadn’t seen the fucked up side of him yet. If there was one thing he wouldn’t tolerate, it was her dealing with another man. He didn’t give a damn if they were together or not.

  Once you fuck with me, you stuck with me.

  That was Magyc’s unwavering view and he stood firmly behind it. This bitch is in for a rude awakening, he told himself. And that mothafucka she running around the city with finna end up dead in an alley somewhere. I put money on that shit.


  “What’s wrong wit’cho ass? You been distant as fuck these last two weeks. Wassup?” Rico asked Juicy. She had just stepped out the shower and was on her way to join him in bed. She hadn’t been her upbeat, chipper self lately and he knew it had to do with that night in his strip club.

  “You don’t ever let me in, Rico,” she said. “I can’t believe you’d tell a nigga you barely know everything about you, but don’t tell me shit.”

  “I ain’t tell that nigga everything—”

  “Mothafucka, the only thing you ain’t tell him was your blood type and social security number.”

  “Watch, your mouth.”

  “No, you watch it. I’m tired of feeling left in the dark. I didn’t even know ‘til then what your last name was.”

  “You never asked.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass, Rico. I don’t like that shit. I feel like you know everything about me and I know nothing.”

  Rico pulled her close and held her like a baby. After all, that’s what she really wanted. Some attention and a little coddling. “Come here, my queen. What’chu wanna know? Ask and I’ll tell.”

  Rico was accustomed to keeping his innermost thoughts to himself. He’d grown used to only using women for therapeutic release. Never to vent or open up to. He felt like if he showed that vulnerable side of himself the hoes would eat him up and spit him out alive. Because of that, he bottled his emotions and avoided getting too personal with people.

  “I wanna know everything,” she said.

  “I can’t tell you everything, baby...”

  “Why not?”

  “’Cuz I’m tryin’ to eat your pussy right now. And that shit would take entirely too long.”

  “Rico,” she whined, playfully hitting his arm. He definitely wasn’t taking her as serious as the situation was to her.

  “What’chu wanna know, baby?”

  “Something. Anything.”

  “Okay, well… Let’s see… I was homeless for three years. Sleeping behind a Walmart, going without food. Shit was rough. I had to get up early to wash my ass at the gas station. I finally caught a lil’ break when I got a job working at Olive Garden. Anyway, one of my female co-workers started stripping. Said she needed the extra cash. She wanted to know if I could look out for her—be kinda like a bodyguard to her—and that’s how I got in the game. We started recruiting girls together. We were rollin’ in big faces too before she got killed.”


  “Yeah, some scumbag robbed and shot her leaving the club.”

  “That whole story is just…wow, Rico. You been through so much. I didn’t know you were homeless.”

  “That’s why I hustle hard the way I do. I never want to experience that level of struggle again. You either gon’ boss up or get bossed on.”

  “I can dig that.” Juicy paused for a second. “…Speaking of hustle, do you really think this is the best line of work for Amanda…? I mean… She’s just…so… She’s really...”

  Rico quickly shut her down. “I know all Amanda’s screws ain’t tight, but she make a lot of fuckin’ money. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters. It’s mothafuckas with college degrees dat ain’t doing shit with they lives. I don’t give a fuck how fucked up she is. That’s my mothafuckin’ bitch and I ain’t ever gon’ let her go.”


  Roxie dashed around her home like a chicken with its head cut off as she prepared for her and Kwon’s fourth date. Since she was running late, she decided to let him wait for her in her apartment.

  Roxie hadn’t even decided on an outfit yet when she opened her door and invited him inside. She was surprised when she saw him bearing a bouquet of white roses.

  “Why thank you,” she said before kissing him on the cheek. Every inch of his skin was so smooth and soft.

  “Nice place you got here,” he said, looking around.

  “Thanks. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll be ready in a sec. Do you want anything to drink?”

  “No, I’m fine. Thanks for offering.”

  Roxie rushed back to the bedroom and disappeared inside the wardrobe closet to find something to wear. After what felt like an eternity, she finally decided on a black turtleneck dress and cheetah print booties with bloody bottoms. A red Valentino handbag accentuated the outfit perfectly.

  Roxie laid the outfit on a chaise as she prepared to touch up herself with makeup.

  “I didn’t know you had children,” Kwon called out from the living room. He noticed the plethora of toys lying on the floor. “Three dates and you haven’t told me that once.”

  There was a slight hint of humor in his voice so she knew he wasn’t too offended. She just wanted to get to know him a little better before she got personal.

  “Yeah, just one. A little girl. She’s with her auntie right now.” Cameron wasn’t biologically related to Rain but she was the closest thing to an aunt she had. Roxie didn’t know any of her baby daddy’s relatives—and in her case, that might’ve been for the best.

  “What’s her name?” Kwon asked.


  “That’s a beautiful name. Is this her? On the mantle?” Kwon admired the stormy blue eyes she inherited from her crazy ass uncle.

  “Yep. That’s my lil’ pooder bear,” Roxie giggled.

  “She looks just like you,” he told her.

  Roxie laughed. “Everyone always says that.”

  She slid out of her loungewear and went to her 2-piece vanity set to apply foundation. She didn’t notice when Kwon stepped in the doorway. Roxie was wearing nothing but her panties and bra.

  When he saw her standing there half-naked, he simply admired her in awe. He’d already saw her assets while she was at work, but it still felt like he was seeing her for the very first time.

  Roxie looked up and saw him staring. She immediately became embarrassed because her scars were visible. She didn’t like anyone to see her without makeup on.

  “Kwon, I—I didn’t even here you walk up,” she said, nervously. He had the stealth of a ninja, no pun intended.

  “Why are you putting that makeup on your body?” he asked, curiously.

  Roxie froze up. She didn’t want to tell him that her baby daddy’s brother had tried to kill her. Maybe one day
she would. But it was far too early to now. Plus, she hated revisiting that horrific day.

  When she didn’t answer right away, Kwon invited himself inside the room.

  Roxie tensed up when he closed the space between them. Ever so gently, he trailed his fingers down her arm. She didn’t stop him from taking in the full, unadulterated sight of her body. He wasn’t at all intimidated by a couple scars. If anything, it only intrigued him. There was a lot more to Roxie than he thought.

  Her breath caught in her chest, when he suddenly leaned down and kissed one of them. “You don’t have to do that with me,” he whispered.

  Her sense of confidence grew just hearing him say that.

  Kwon gripped her waist and pulled her close to him. When his lips covered hers, she melted in his embrace.

  “Kwon,” she whispered as he trailed sweet kisses along her neck.

  “…Should I stop?” he murmured.

  Roxie thought about it for all of two seconds. “No…” Grabbing him by the hand, she led him to her bed, and together they landed on the plush mattress.

  Kwon slid in between her legs fully clothed. His delicate touches and kisses were passion-felt and left her in a drunken state of ecstasy. Apart of her felt like they might’ve been moving too fast, but she didn’t care. It was too late to turn back now and she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

  “I haven’t,” he suddenly said.

  “You haven’t what?”

  “…I haven’t dated a black girl before.”

  Roxie giggled. “So are you with me right now for the experience?” she asked.

  Kwon looked her dead in the eyes with a serious expression. “You know damn well why I’m here, Roxie.”

  She hesitated. “Kwon, I told you—”

  He immediately kissed her into silence. “I don’t care about your past. All I want to know is if there’s a place for me in your future…”

  Kwon kissed every scar on her body before stopping at her waist.

  “Is there?”

  Breathing heavily, Roxie bit her bottom lip and nodded sheepishly. She watched as he pulled her panties off and tossed them to the floor.

  Roxie gasped when she felt his warm tongue move smoothly over her clit. “Kwon,” she whimpered.

  He took his time learning her body, and what she liked. If he noticed her reaction to a certain way he did something, he’d do more of it. Kwon was desperate to please her.

  Running her fingers through his silky jet-black hair, she savored the way he kissed and sucked on her button. “Taste good?” she whispered.

  Kwon grabbed her thick thighs and buried his face even deeper. “It’s the best thing I ever tasted, baby.”

  After making her squirt off his tongue game, he wiped his wet lips, and climbed in between her legs. Roxie eagerly helped him remove his t-shirt. His entire chest and arms were covered with tattoos. Most of them she didn’t understand because they were in Korean. However, if she did know the meanings, she might’ve ran and never looked back.

  Kwon interlocked their fingers and kissed her with the same passion a husband would a wife.

  “Kwon, I don’t wanna get hurt…”

  “I promise, you won’t.”


  “So is it true?” Juicy asked. “You know? What they say about Chinese men?”

  “He’s not Chinese, bitch. He’s Korean,” Roxie corrected her.

  “Same thing,” Juicy shrugged.

  “No…it’s really not.”

  Cameron laughed at the two women’s banter. They were all hanging out at her house, sipping wine, and chatting. Jag had yet to surface since their Walmart run-in, but she knew he was only because he was sitting back plotting.

  “So is the saying true or what?” Juicy pressed. “Stop holding out on us.”

  “Is what true? The stereotype that all Asians have little dicks?” Roxie asked.

  “Yes, bitch. I need to know!”

  “Juicy, yo’ giddy ass acting like you wanna fuck!” Cameron teased her.

  “I mean, shit, I’m just curious. Aren’t you?”

  “Do all black guys have big dicks?” Roxie asked Juicy.

  “Hell fucking no.”

  “Okay then, there you have it.”

  “So…seven inches? …Eight inches…? …Nine inches? I’mma keep guessing until you stop me.”

  Roxie burst out laughing. “Kwon doesn’t have a horse dick if that’s what you’re asking. But it’s a great size, and he’s very passionate in the bedroom. He likes to kiss a lot.”

  “Ten inches…? Eleven inches…?” Juicy carried on.

  “DIANA!” Cameron shouted.

  “Okay, okay.” She held her hands up in mock surrender.

  “Cameron, I still can’t believe you’re leaving us,” Roxie suddenly said.

  “Girl, stop. You know ya’ll are more than welcome to come and stay as long as you like.”

  “I know. It just won’t be the same without you.”

  “You’ve got Juicy,” Cam said. “Her and Pimping Ken should be more than enough entertainment.”

  Everyone laughed at Juicy’s expense and she flipped them off. “Fuck ya’ll. I’m getting money and eleven inches every night,” she bragged. “So ya’ll hoes can kiss my ass.”

  “Alright now,” Cameron said. “Don’t say I didn’t forewarn you. That nigga is trouble…. I just know it.”

  Juicy waved Cam off. In her eyes, Rico could do no wrong. “Good thing I handle trouble well,” she said, reciting one of his earlier lines. Little did she know, that statement would soon come back to bite her in the ass.


  After another steamy sex session in her apartment, Kwon treated Roxie to Sherry Cobbler cocktails and dessert at H. Harper Station. He playfully fed her the fruit from their drinks as they conversed, and occasionally eavesdropped on nearby journalists and politicos. Kwon liked being around her and he loved how down-to-earth she was. He had a hard time believing she was single, and an even harder time figuring out why someone was stupid enough to let her slip away. Roxie was funny, smart, kind, and beautiful. Everything he ever wanted in a woman, and then some. While they laughed and talked about everything under the sun, they were completely oblivious to the angry ex parked outside.

  Magyc had his chopper with the extendo clip, and two shooters in the car ready for a battle. He was so drunk and high that he felt like he was sitting next to himself.

  Roxie didn’t know it, but he had followed her there. Magyc couldn’t wait to catch their asses slipping in the parking lot.

  “I got somethin’ for that slanted eyed, dog-eating mothafucka.”

  Thirty minutes later, Roxie and Kwon emerged from the restaurant smiling and holding hands like they were already an official couple. Magyc’s blood boiled as he watched them interact. It tore him up inside to see that she actually looked happy.

  “There go that chopstick chink right there,” his homie said in the backseat.

  Together, all three men climbed out the car with murderous intentions.


  “Aye, wus good? I ain’t know we was in the business of makin’ new friends.”

  Roxie and Kwon were a few feet away from his car when Magyc and his niggas approached them. Unfortunately, no witnesses were present in the parking lot, which was exactly how Magyc wanted it.

  “Last I checked, you have that leisure once you’re single.” Roxie wasn’t scared of his overly jealous ass. And she damn sure wasn’t about to let him punk her new boo.

  “That’s the fuckin’ thing though. You ain’t fuckin’ single.”

  “Look, we don’t want any trouble,” Kwon said. He seemed undaunted by the fact that he was outnumbered.

  “I don’t think I was talkin’ to you, bruh.” Magyc looked back at Roxie. “And when you start fuckin’ Mr. Miyagi anyway.”

  “Magyc, you need to fucking gon’ ‘head with that bullshit,” Roxie said. She could clearly see that he was drunk, and looking for someone to blame si
nce she dumped him.

  “If you had that mothafucka around my daughter, I swear—”

  “She’s not your daughter,” Roxie interrupted. “She’s some dead nigga’s baby, remember?”

  Magyc’s jaw muscle tensed. He didn’t have a damn thing to say, and he regretted even letting that stupid shit come out his mouth.

  “That lil’ girl is mine,” he said. “You’re mine. And I ain’t finna let some socket face, eggroll-eating mothafucka come between us.”

  “That’s enough!” Roxie said, taking up for Kwon. “You need to leave! Take your stupid ass friends with you too!”

  “Bitch, if I’m leavin’ yo’ ass comin’ with me.”

  “I’m not going nowhere with you!”

  Magyc made a move to grab her, but Kwon quickly stepped in front of her.

  “You heard the lady. She doesn’t wanna go with you. Why don’t you back off?”

  Magyc looked at his niggas and then back at Kwon like he was crazy. He had to be for even opening his mouth to him.

  “Didn’t I just tell yo’ mothafuckin’ ass this ain’t got shit to do wit’chu? This between me and my bitch! You lucky I don’t murk yo’ ass where you stand.” Magyc thought about killing him, but realized he wasn’t even worth the ammo. Instead, he’d rather enjoy watching him get beaten to a bloody pulp. “Man, TJ, drop this silly mothafucka. I’m done even talkin’.”

  TJ handed his gun to Magyc and cracked his neck and knuckles. He’d been a backyard brawler for years prior to working for Jude. He loved a good old fashion fistfight.

  Like a bull in a ring, TJ charged full speed at Kwon, preparing to tackle him—


  Kwon sent his ass flying backwards with an unexpected side kick that might’ve left TJ bleeding internally.

  His body slammed hard into a nearby car, shattering the passenger window. He was snoring before he even hit the ground. No one present anticipated that—not even Roxie. With all the conversing they did inside the restaurant, Kwon failed to mention he was a 4th degree black belt.

  Magyc and his homie, Sean looked at each other in bewilderment.

  “Magyc, just get your fucking friend and go,” Roxie insisted.

  “Nah, fuck that. Sean, handle that nigga.”


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