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No Silent Christmas

Page 3

by Barbara Goodwin

  “I can’t calibrate it enough with the tools I have here in 2005. I need to go to my time. This device isn’t advanced enough to bring him back. I could go get him, if I knew what time he went to, and bring him back with the device he has, but I haven’t finished this one yet.”

  “So what are our options?”

  Shauna gave her husband an apologetic shrug. “I have to finish building this device, but that’s going to take some time with the tools I have here. Once it’s finished I can travel to 2110 and get the advanced tools I need to trace backwards and find what time period Scott disappeared to.”

  “Great. Just great. My brother is probably wild with fear by now.” Mike ran his hand through his hair.

  Shauna rose from the kitchen table. “Look, he knows what I do, where I came from. I’m sure he’s figured out what happened. Scott’s a big boy and an intelligent one. He’ll find a way to take care of himself until I can get him back.”

  “I know, honey, but he’s my only brother.” Mike wrapped his arms around his wife. “I’m sorry. I know I haven’t helped this situation by barking at you.”

  “I know you are, and I understand,” Shauna said. “I just hope Scott makes the most of his little adventure.”

  * * * * *

  “Great scene, you two!” Damon Westerly ran up to the two actors. “I could really feel the sizzle between you. And Maggie, you were terrific. The slap was perfect.”

  “That was no acting, Damon,” Maggie said. “That man practically mauled me.” She pointed her finger at Scott and took a step backward.

  “I didn’t maul you,” Scott said. Anger rose at her words. He wasn’t the type to fly off the handle. “And you were pretty involved in that kiss if I recall.” Irritation replaced anger. Desire simmered just below the surface. Scott couldn’t believe that this woman—Maggie something—had the nerve to say he mauled her. “Who are you, anyway?”

  Damon Westerly chuckled. “That’s your co-star, Forrester. Meet Margaret Ingram. Maggie…Scott Forrester.”

  The name flowed over him like cool water. He liked it. As ticked off as he was with this woman, he still wanted her. So much it hurt. “Well Maggie Ingram, we’re stuck with each other for a while, so I suggest you buck up and rise to the challenge. Or are you afraid of little ol’ me?” Maggie’s face turned bright red. He knew he’d thrown down a gauntlet and wanted to see how this sexy woman would react.

  “Who do you think you are?” She marched two steps to Scott and poked him in his chest.

  “I’m Scott Forrester, villain of this little silent movie. You, doll, are the fluff that draws the men into the theater.”

  “Why you overbearing, creep!” Maggie pulled her arm back to slap Scott again.

  “Oh, no.” He grabbed her wrist and held it near his face. “Once was enough for me.” Then he pulled her closer. Maggie’s ample chest heaved with exertion. Irritation faded as amusement filled him. No pushover here. They would have some spectacular disagreements, and he knew that making love with her would be incredible.

  That thought caused his body to burn. He didn’t need that right now and gritted his teeth to keep from saying anything else that would inflame her—or him.

  “Let me go,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “You’re hurting me.”

  “Okay you two, enough kissy, kissy,” Westerly interrupted. “Let’s get back to work.”

  Maggie turned to pull her arm away from Scott but he held firm. “Not before this,” he murmured. Before she could react, Scott pulled her into his chest still holding her hand away from his face. He saw her lick her lips. Her eyes narrowed showing her uncertainty. But desire lurked in them too.

  Scott lowered his head. He felt and heard Maggie’s ragged intake of breath. Her bosom swelled higher, pushing into him. With no concern for those around him, Scott licked Maggie’s lips once, slowly. Then he disarmed her by kissing her with gentleness. He used a firm but steady pressure and tickled her lips with his tongue. When she sucked in a breath, he found his way into her mouth.

  She moaned. Her body molded to his, liquid and soft. She draped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with heat and intensity.

  This woman fitted him perfectly. Her curves were meant for his hands. Her thighs nestled next to his and her hands ran through his hair.

  “Get that on film,” Westerly muttered to a cameraman.

  The man moved closer and whispered, “Rolling.”

  The kiss felt eternal. Scott knew his life had just changed, but he wasn’t sure how to react to it. With one small nip on her lower lip, he broke contact with Maggie Ingram and felt a sudden, unnerving sense of loss.

  She stood there with glazed eyes. Her slick lips glistened. Two red splotches highlighted her cheeks.

  Scott tenderly wiped her cheek, saw her eyes dilate even more and whispered, “It’s sure been nice to meet you, Maggie Ingram. We’ll have to do this more often.”

  * * * * *

  Who did he think he was, Maggie fumed on the way back to her trailer. That cocky, overlarge, overbearing idiot had a thing or two coming. She’d show him. From now on, every scene that they were in she’d ramp up her acting and play the tortured best friend of the heroine. He’d never know what hit him.

  Once inside the trailer Maggie grabbed a glass and poured water in it from the pitcher on her little table. Her mouth felt so dry. She guzzled the water in a very unladylike way and snorted.

  The door opened with a bang. “Oh, sorry,” said her good friend Sandra Cummings. “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

  “It’s all your fault.”

  “What is?” Sandra’s eyebrows rose and her eyes widened.

  “If you hadn’t asked me to come out here to visit, lured me out here with a taste of Hollywood stardom, I wouldn’t be in this position.”

  Sandra laughed and flopped on the sofa in the trailer. “Well, you’re in a fine snit. What caused this? Last time I saw you everything was rosy.”

  Maggie threw a towel on the dresser. “My new co-star.”

  “Who is he and what did he do?” Sandra leaned forward eager to get the latest dirt.

  “Oh, don’t look so keen for gossip.” Maggie sank onto the sofa next to Sandra. “Remember the guy who saved Sid Goodman yesterday?”

  A dreamy look crossed Sandra’s face. “Do I. That was the best looking man I’ve ever seen. No one here in Hollywood compares, and that includes Douglas Fairbanks, Rudy Valentino and John Barrymore.”

  “The hero from yesterday’s fire is my new co-star.”

  Sandra gasped. “Oh, you lucky girl!”

  “He kissed me.”

  “Oh, my,” Sandra said as she rubbed her hands together. Tell me all about it.”

  “There’s nothing to tell.” Maggie sat back with a smug look on her face. “I slapped him.” She wouldn’t tell Sandra how her body had reacted to that kiss. That was no one’s business but hers. Maggie couldn’t even think about it without feeling a blush stain her cheeks.

  Sandra leaned very close to Maggie. “You’re lying. Why, look, your cheeks are red and you’re breathing too fast. Oh. That must have been some kiss,” Sandra sighed.

  Irritated with her friend for enjoying her discomfort, and more irritated with herself for giving away her secret thoughts, Maggie jumped up from the couch. “Tell me why you talked me into coming here again.”

  Sandra’s light, tinkling laugh filled the small trailer. “Oh, this is good. Socialite Margaret Ingram, belle of the east coast, is floundering in Hollywood as a new actress.” Smoothing the skirt of her dress, Sandra continued, “You called me, remember?”

  “Vaguely.” A laugh bubbled out of Sandra. “You don’t have to be so happy about my discomfort,” Maggie grumbled.

  “Well, I’m delighted. You deserve a fun adventure. You do remember you were bored with all the same charity functions, right?”

  Maggie nodded her head. “That might ring a bell,” she said in a sour tone.

  Scooting closer
to her friend Sandra said, “Your parents were bugging you to go out with that guy you hate…what’s his name—”

  “Roger Morgan. And they want me to marry him.” Maggie shuddered. She detested the man. He leered at her at every opportunity and his hands roamed too freely.

  “Morgan, right. The industrialist.”

  “So I was bored. I needed a distraction.”

  “Exactly why I suggested you come out and visit me. After all, that’s what sorority sisters do for each other, right?” Sandra said.

  “Especially a sorority sister who’s becoming a famous actress in Hollywood pictures.”

  “Right. Especially those kinds.” Sandra laughed. “You are such a prize, Maggie. Rich beyond measure, beautiful, cultured and yet so innocent. I don’t know how you do it.”

  “It wasn’t hard. Have a father who is harsh and demanding and a mother who is neglectful and indifferent. My mother was more into her own charities than her only child. Mix them with the nanny who is only doing her job and probably hates children and you get an introvert like me.”

  Sandra grabbed Maggie’s hand. “I’m sorry your family life was difficult. But you told me you always had your grandmother. Is she still alive?”

  Tears pooled in Maggie’s eyes. “No, Grandma Sadie is gone, but never forgotten. I think she’s the only one who really, truly loved me for who I am. Mother and Father only wanted the perfect debutante daughter.”

  “Well, this jaunt to Hollywood should get you out of your funk.”

  “But this man, Forrester…he’s…he’s so big.” That wasn’t a good enough reason not to like him, Maggie thought.

  “From what I saw yesterday,” Sandra said, “he’s big, strong, and handsome. Have some fun with him. What harm can it do?”

  “Maybe it’ll get my father to stop pushing Roger on me. He’s been doing it for months now.” Maggie sat back down.

  “Well, you have an affair with Mr. Forrester. The studio will splash it across the newspapers, it’ll bring the curious and the greedy to see the movie when it comes out and Sid Goodman will make lots of money. I say go for it,” Sandra said with satisfaction.

  “An affair!” Maggie could barely say the word. “It would ruin my reputation. My father would never speak to me again.”

  Silence filled the little trailer. Maggie saw the knowing grin on Sandra’s face. “That’s it! I pretend to have an affair with the overbearing Mr. Forrester. Roger Morgan hears about it and drops the idea of any liaison with me. Brilliant, Sandra.” She hugged her friend. “What a relief.”

  Sandra leaned back and crossed her ankles. “What about your reputation? Even a hint of an affair will ruin it.”

  Maggie’s shoulders fell. “You’re right, darn it.” Then her face lit up. “Maybe I’ll only need a dinner or two with Mr. Forrester. A couple of pictures in the newspaper will be enough to upset my father.”

  “Right. Good thinking.” Sandra leaned forward. “So, tell me what the mysterious Mr. Forrester is like.”

  Maggie hesitated. “Well, he’s very tall—”

  “I know that. Give me the dirt. Is he a good kisser?”

  “I guess so.” Maggie’s blood boiled just thinking about that kiss. Never in her life had she been kissed like that.

  So hot. So deep. So moist.

  She could still taste the mint flavor of his tongue as it dueled with hers. She pushed the feelings aside. “He has the deepest voice I’ve ever heard. Melodic. Mesmerizing. Mournful,” she whispered. She didn’t realize that she’d let out a long sigh. “And he smelled really good, a sweet, musky scent. Earthy.” Maggie shook her head to clear it. “I think he might be a good actor if he’d get rid of his arrogant attitude.”

  “Goodness, girl. You’ve got it bad.”

  * * * * *

  Scott couldn’t wait to get back on the set with the lovely Maggie Ingram. The next scene they were supposed to film was where the rake, Alex, kidnaps Susie and ties her to a chair in his hideout. He tortures Susie slowly and deliberately, arousing her by touching her in forbidden places. He uses sweet words and light kisses to soften her up and just when she’s about to succumb he leaves her at the peak of her unfulfilled desire. For a silent film it was erotic. He wondered if the scene would ever make it to the big screen, or if it would be cut for being too racy.

  Scott really didn’t care if the scene made it into the film or not. He wanted to do that scene. He needed to feel Maggie Ingram again, feel the intense attraction they had. And the scene was the only way he could do it. He didn’t know Maggie yet, but he planned to change that, and soon.

  For now he craved another touch of his lovely co-star.

  He strolled into the building where the movie was being shot. The crew had the set prepared. The chair where Alex would tie up Susie sat empty, just waiting for her to fill it. Erotic images filled Scott’s mind. He saw Maggie, not Susie, sitting in that chair, her mouth wet and glistening, open in invitation. Her arms were tied behind her and her beautiful slim ankles were bound to the legs of the chair. Her eyes were laden with desire as she squirmed trying to get the bindings loose.

  His body filled at the mental picture and he silently groaned. Great. He was already hard and the scene hadn’t even begun. How did those famous actors do a love scene without falling in love with their leading actresses? No wonder Brad Pitt divorced Jennifer Aniston for the gorgeous Angelina Jolie.

  Maggie strolled onto the set and took her place in the chair. She patiently waited while the crew tied her up.

  They were filming the seduction scene after she’d been kidnapped. Scott’s mind reeled and his palms were wet when he saw the sultry look the stunning Maggie threw his way. She laid her head back on the chair exposing the milky whiteness of her long, graceful throat. She licked her lips then parted them just a bit. Her bosom strained against the filmy material of her costume and she said in a quiet, sexy voice, “I’m ready for you, Scott.”

  Ready. Scott had never been more ready. His heart pounded, he clenched his jaw, his fingers flexed and he knew his erection was obvious to everyone including Maggie. He wanted to rip the ropes off Maggie’s wrists, pick her up and carry her out of the studio and into his trailer. He closed his eyes for a minute and forced himself to get a tiny bit of control over his body. Get a grip, buddy. This is acting, not real life.

  “Ready on the set,” Damon Westerly yelled.

  Scott took his place next to Maggie. He crouched down and waited.


  Even though it was a silent film, the actors had scripts to follow. He said the words perfectly, but another meaning came through from his actions. His character, Alex, told the lovely, innocent Susie that he would make her blaze with desire until she gave him the information he wanted. She swung her head back and forth protesting his words, said she didn’t know anything. Susie begged Alex to not ruin her reputation. All the while Alex’s hands roamed her face, touched her lips and trailed down her throat. He ran his finger along her bodice dipping it into her cleavage.

  Scott felt Maggie’s heart rate increase with each touch of his fingers. Her skin warmed and a ruby color flooded her face and neck.

  She looked lovely. Glowing.


  Her head thrashed and she gasped, weak from the desire that Scott knew raced through her. Forgetting this was a scene from a movie, Scott ran both of his hands down Maggie’s arms and played with her fingers. He traced their outline with light, sure strokes. Maggie’s mouth opened wider. He lowered his head and kissed her.


  Neither one heard the shout. Scott felt Maggie struggle to get closer to him, but the bindings held her fast. He deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue inside to sweep around the interior of her mouth. Maggie groaned. He ran his hands down her thighs and brought them back up the inside of her spread legs.

  “Cut!” roared Westerly.

  The shout brought Scott back to reality. He dragged his lips from Maggie’s. Gasping for breath
he willed his body to calm down, brutally forcing his mind away from his rock-hard erection. Still fogged from the kiss, he clenched his jaw and fisted his hands.

  “What’s with you, Forrester?” Westerly shouted. “Christ. You can see the steam rise between you and Maggie. Just follow the damn script, okay?”

  “Okay,” croaked Scott. He glanced at Maggie still tied to the chair. Her eyes were glazed and partly closed. Her mouth was red and swollen from his kiss. She looked as dazed as he felt.

  “Untie the girl,” Westerly ordered. “We’ll film the scene just prior to this where Alex kidnaps Susie to get back at her brother for stealing his father’s ranch.”

  Maggie swayed when she stood. Her feet were numb from being tied to the chair and her legs were weak from the desire that still rocked her. She’d never been so aroused in her life. Being bound to the chair only heightened the sensations racing through her. It seemed that she liked the illicit feeling of Scott’s hands as they roamed her body. She’d had no choice but to give in to the desire. She couldn’t defend herself without the use of her hands.

  Scott’s kiss electrified her. Need crawled through her. She craved the feel his warm hands, needed him to stroke her, touch her, mold her, kiss her. How could she have such strong feelings for a man she didn’t even know? Maggie wondered if her body knew something that she didn’t. Whatever it was, she vowed to keep her distance from the alluring and very sexy man. On weak and wobbly legs she walked off the set praying she’d make it to her trailer before she fell flat on her face.

  * * * * *

  They shot the kidnapping scene in one take. Damon Westerly was thrilled. With time left over they started the next scene where Alex confronts his ex-friend, Susie’s brother, about stealing his father’s farm out from under him.

  They finished shooting at eight that night. Exhausted, Scott flopped on the sofa in his trailer with a Coke. The glass bottle in his hand reminded him that this wasn’t his time. The hourglass shape was familiar, but the taste seemed different, better. He chugged the contents of the bottle and grabbed another from the six-pack he’d been given by the caterers.

  He’d never known how difficult shooting a movie was. Add an overdose of sexual tension with his co-star and his mind and body demanded a break. He fell asleep on the couch almost as soon as he finished the second bottle of Coke.


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