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Page 14

by E. M. Leya

  "Oh, God." Danny groaned.

  Marshall smiled around him, but then focused and got to work doing what he knew he did well. He used every trick he'd ever learned, did everything he enjoyed when it was done to him, and the whole time, he watched to make sure Danny was only experiencing pleasure. At the first sign of fear, he'd stop everything.

  His mouth stretched around the thickness, and as hard as it was to take him deep, he managed to do better than he thought he would. Danny's cock was perfection. Everything about it was just what Marshall craved. If he could fall in love with a cock, it would be this one. The thickness, the length, the taste of it, everything was just right. He fought not to close his eyes and savor the experience but forced himself to never take his gaze off Danny.

  "There, right there. I'm so close." Danny's hands fisted against the couch cushions. His hips lifted and fell, his legs muscles tightened, his breathing hitched, then without any warning, Danny came. Hot streams of cum shot from him, filling Marshall's mouth until he couldn't swallow fast enough. He licked and sucked, drawing out every bit of fluid before he finally released him. He kept his hands on Danny's thighs, not wanting to break the connection they had together. "That was better than I dreamed it would be."

  Danny smiled but didn't speak, looking too weak to even form words.

  "You okay?"

  Danny nodded.

  The credits to the movie played on the TV. Marshall had forgotten it was even on. He reached for the remote and turned it off before moving to the couch and pulling a boneless Danny into his arms. "I have one more request."

  "What's that?" Danny asked.

  "Share my bed with me tonight? Let me go to sleep holding you."

  Danny looked up at him. "Just sleep?"

  "Yep. I liked waking up with you in my arms last night, but the couch isn't that comfortable. Just sleep, maybe some kissing if you want, but nothing more."

  Danny nodded. "I'd like that."

  "Good, do you want to shower together first?"

  Danny tensed and pulled away.

  "What did I say?"

  "No showers together. I shower alone. Always." Danny wrapped his arms around his chest.

  "Okay. I didn't know, but that's just fine. Let's both go clean up and get ready for bed. When you're ready, you can meet me in my room." He had no idea what the shower had triggered, but there was something going on there. He didn't care what it was. He just wouldn't push the issue. Not showering together wasn't an issue at all. He'd respect Danny's boundaries. "Just for the record, I loved what we shared tonight. It was beautiful, just like I knew it would be."

  Danny's cheeks turned red. "I liked it too. It wasn't how I thought…"

  "I told you. There is a difference between what you knew and what it's meant to be like. I'll never hurt you, Danny." He leaned in and kissed him. "Go get ready for bed and come join me when you're ready." He pushed up, offering a hand to Danny.

  Danny took it, pulling his pants up as he stood. He gave Marshall a weak smile, then hurried down the hall.

  Marshall locked up, then hurried to the bathroom. He showered, changed, and climbed into bed, excited to have Danny back in his arms, but as he watched the clock and the minutes tick by, Danny never joined him.

  Leaving things as they were, Marshall turned off the light and went to bed, hoping what had happened between them hadn't just fucked everything up.


  Danny watched as Marshall worked on his laptop at the kitchen table. He seemed to be concentrating on something important, but Danny wasn't sure what it was. After the night they'd shared, he was nervous and unsure how to handle the feelings that were suddenly hitting him.

  He'd loved what they did, but that didn't make it right. He'd forced Marshall to do things just because he was curious and now things were different between them.

  "What time's Jessica coming over?" Marshall asked.

  Danny blinked, surprised by the question. "Um, around two." He glanced at the clock on the stove to see what time it was. "A couple of hours."

  "I'll leave when she gets here and go into work for a few hours. That way, I won't be in the way and you two won't have to worry about hiding recipes from me." He grinned.

  Danny smiled, slowly walking over to the table. "About last night…" He sat down beside Marshall. "I'm sorry I didn't come to your room."

  "It's okay. I do understand."

  "Do you? Because I'm not sure I do." Danny stared at the toe of his shoe.

  "What don't you understand? Do you regret what we did?"

  "No, but I feel bad I sorta forced you into it."

  Marshall laughed. "You didn't force me into anything. I was a very willing participant." He reached out and took Danny's hand. "I loved every minute of it. I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime if you're in the mood, and I definitely want to keep kissing you."

  "You're not doing this because you feel sorry for me? Feel like you have to make up for what I missed all those years?"

  "Not at all. In fact, I keep telling myself I shouldn't feel this way about you because you deserve so much better than me. I'm afraid I rushed you into things you weren't ready for."

  "When would I be ready? How long would it take before it was the right time?" Danny sighed and shook his head. "I'm glad we did what we did and I liked it too. I just don't want you to feel trapped. You've already done so much for me. I know I'm like a child at times, trying to learn how to live. I don't want you to feel you have to be the one to show me everything if you don't want to. If you don't like it."

  "I love it." Marshall stared at him. "That's what scares me. I like it so much that I'm scared I'm pushing you into stuff you don't want to do."

  "You didn't push me into anything. I asked you to kiss me. I'm nervous, but never was I scared or felt forced. It's just hard sometimes to forget what Larry was like and find out that it's not like that at all really. Does that make sense? When you took me in your mouth, I thought you wanted me to hold your hair, force you, but then you said just lay back, so I did. It was nice, different. I didn't come to bed because I needed time to think. It wasn't because I was scared. I don't want you to think that. I don't think I could ever be scared with you." Danny took a deep breath. "I just don't want you to think you have to do things."

  "But what if I want to? Does that mean we still can?" Marshall asked. "If I want to kiss you right now, can I?"

  Danny's pulse raced as he remembered the way Marshall's kisses had made him feel. He'd never known anything like it. He felt special in Marshall's arms, protected, and when they kissed, he felt wanted. "What was it you said last night? You can kiss me anytime you want? Well, it's the same for me. You can kiss me anytime."

  "Then we'll be doing a lot of kissing." Marshall leaned in close. "Because I like kissing you." He pressed his mouth to Danny's, kissing him gently.

  Danny kissed him back, wondering if Marshall got the same rush of pleasure through his body that he did. Did Marshall think about the kisses at night in bed, craving more? He pulled back and smiled. "Kissing you is nice."

  "It is." Marshall smiled, then took a deep breath. "Is this just between us or can I kiss you in front of others?"


  "Like when Jessica comes over and I have to leave. Can I kiss you goodbye in front of her or is this something you'd like to keep just for us?"

  Danny thought about it. Did he mind others knowing? What would they think? They couldn't think worse of him than they probably already did for being dumb enough to be kidnapped. "I don't mind if others see as long as you are okay with it."

  Marshall nodded. "I'm just fine with it." He kissed Danny again, this time gently pulling him onto his lap and cuddling him up against his chest. "This is something I never want to have to hide."

  Danny wasn't used to being held. Other than Larry holding him down, he hadn't had anyone's arms around him in years. Even with his mother, he hadn't been held much. She loved him, but she hadn't been very affectionate.
He liked the way it felt to be held in someone's arms. He felt Marshall's heartbeat, felt his breath against his skin. "Maybe tonight I'll come to your room."

  "Any time you want to." Marshall smiled.

  "What are you working on?" Danny glanced at the computer, then froze as he saw Larry's name at the top of the page and a bunch of information after it. "You're searching for Larry?"

  "I am. This is just your basic background check. Anyone can run one of these. It gives basic information and you can't trust that all of it is right. It shows things like other names he might use, places he's lived in the past. Stuff that might show up on his credit report. It doesn't give me much to go on."

  "What would you do if you found him?" Danny asked.

  "What would I want to do or what would I do?" Marshall asked as if the two things were very different.


  "I'd want to go kill him, but what I would do is give what I know to the police and let them go after him. As much as I would enjoy killing him for what he did to you and the other boys, I'm not a murderer. I'd rather let the law lock him up and hope they lose the key."

  "Do you think they will find him?"

  "I'm betting on it."

  "Then I'll have to testify."

  "You don't have to, but you probably should. You can tell more than the boys could. You were there longer, saw more. But if and when the time comes, it's your choice. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. But if you do, know that I will be there with you and so many of the others you've met will too."

  "Why would they care?" Danny liked the people enough, but he didn't mean anything to them.

  "Why wouldn't they care? They want justice done. They like you, consider you a friend. Friends support friends. Do you think Jessica would come over today if you weren't building a friendship?"

  "I guess not. I thought she was just being nice. Trying to keep me busy."

  "If you want the truth, I think she's trying to buddy up with you so she has a partner who knows how to bake so the two of you can drive us all crazy by not sharing your recipes. Honestly, she wouldn't be coming over if she didn't like your company." Marshall brushed a kiss over Danny's temple. "I'm looking forward to coming home tonight and seeing what you two make."

  "I'm excited to find out too." Danny lifted off Marshall's lap even though he wanted to stay there. "So what else can you do to find Larry?" He glanced back at the laptop.

  "Not a lot honestly. I keep hoping you'll remember something that might give us a lead."

  Danny sighed, sitting back down in his own chair. "There's nothing. He was so private. You know about the videos and pictures. Um, he liked to call me teddy bear at first. That stopped after a few years, but then I noticed he called the boys that when they first got there too. Maybe I got too old for the name or something. I'm not sure."

  "What else? Keep thinking. That's the kind of stuff that might help." Marshall started typing on a blank document on his screen.

  "Did he order anything odd in the mail? Belong to some razor club or anything that sent monthly shipments?"

  Danny tried to remember. "I didn't see the mail much, but I remember once a year he would order flowers for his mother's grave. He always used Fantasy Florist for that. He said they were the best. He talked about his mother a lot, but I got the impression she died when he was little." He tried to remember everything. "He would lock me in the bathroom for a long time when he would go to his mother's grave. Longer than almost any other time. He'd be gone for what seemed like days, but I couldn't be sure. It was so hard to tell time without windows."

  "That might help." Marshall made more notes on the computer. "Did he talk about his father?"

  "No. He said once the bastard was dead, but that was all he said. I can't even remember why he said it."

  "How did you get clothes, haircuts, and things like that?"

  "He cut my hair. At first, he'd shave my head, but then he started to let it grow and would just trim it. Same with the boys. The clothes, he always came home with. Never in a bag or anything. He'd just carry them in and toss them at me and tell me to put them away. I don't think they were new. A lot of them had stains or rips."

  "Did he ever talk about travel or going places?"


  Marshall smiled. "The stuff you've remembered is good. It can help us. If you think of anything more, let me know. Did you cook all the time or did he ever bring home food?"

  Danny shrugged. "He'd get chicken a lot. A big bucket of it. He wouldn't let us have any, but he liked it. He'd get burgers and stuff, but nothing fancy. He did buy a lot of oysters and pigs' feet. He loved those. I thought they looked and smelled horrible, but he would buy jars of them."

  "And all you got was oatmeal?" Marshall shook his head.

  "At times, very rarely, he'd give us canned soup. Always chicken noodle."

  "Did he celebrate holidays or anything?"

  "No, nothing. I never knew what season or month it was until I was upstairs, and then I only knew because he would have winter clothes on or come in with snow on his boots."

  "He didn't work? How did he get money?"

  "I have no idea. He never had a job. He was home almost all of the time. Mostly, he'd just sit and watch TV. He'd keep me busy cleaning while he watched stuff. Sometimes he'd lock me in the bathroom when there wasn't stuff to clean."

  "I think the key is finding out where he got his money. No one can live like that without an income unless they inherit the money, and from what I can tell, his parents weren't rich. It looks like he grew up in a low-income area."

  "Could he have worked in the room that was locked?" Danny asked. "He didn't spend much time there though. Not enough that I'd think he could make money doing anything."

  "I don't know, but I'm going to dig and try and find out." Marshall closed his laptop. "Are you okay here for a bit alone if I go into work now?"

  Danny nodded. "Sure. Jessica will be here soon enough."

  "That thought makes my stomach growl." Marshall kissed him softly.

  "Will you be home for dinner? I was going to make tacos." Danny hoped that would be okay. He still struggled to get used to being able to do his own thing.

  "That sounds perfect. I might be a little late, but I should be home by six at the latest. I only need a few hours today. Tonight, you can feed me all your good baking and we'll watch a movie or something."

  Danny hoped that meant a lot more kissing. He wasn't sure he was up to more than that, but he really liked the kissing. "I'd like that."

  "Good. Then I'm going to go, but have fun with Jess, and don't believe anything she tells you about me unless it's really good." Marshall reached out and pulled Danny into his arms. "I like that I can do this now."

  "So do I." He rested his head on Marshall's shoulders, loving the way his arms felt around him. He was so secure and safe with Marshall. Being daring, he lifted his head and took the initiative to kiss Marshall first this time. He got the response he wanted. The kiss was long, deep, and left him almost shaky.

  "I'll see you in a few hours."

  Danny watched him go, wondering if he'd be brave enough to climb into Marshall's bed tonight, but even if he didn't, he was looking forward to at least holding each other on the couch.


  Marshall slammed his fist down on the arm of his chair. "I've got you, you bastard." He grinned as he printed off the information he found.

  "What's up?" Jeremy asked from the computer beside him.

  "Might not be much, but it's something. Danny told me that Larry always got flowers for his mother. I'd had trouble finding where she was buried. Oddly, there is no record of burial. She died back in the eighties. But Danny said he got flowers and would always be gone a long time to go visit her grave. So I figured if this is one tradition Larry has, he isn't going to break it. I just needed to find out where the grave was. It took some digging, but I found an old ranch up near Colorado Springs. Larry's grandfather owned it. Ther
e's a family plot on the land."

  "Can you just bury someone on private property?" Jeremy asked.

  "You can, but you still need a permit and to go through a funeral director. It's pretty simple and mostly about the paperwork. I'm assuming she's buried there. I just found a permit for burial that was drawn up three days after his mother's death. The property doesn't look like it's owned by the family any longer. It's owned by a company called Lights End. A film company that does a lot of documentaries on historical sites. The thing is, I'm only showing one film being released a year. With a runtime of maybe an hour at most. That isn't enough to keep any company afloat. Yet, their tax records are showing they are a multi-million-dollar company."

  "What are they covering up?"

  "Exactly, and how is Larry involved? Does he just have permission to visit the family grave, or is he part of whatever is going on with Lights End and that is how he's making his money? Larry hasn't filed taxes in nearly twenty years. But he also has no income to show so the IRS wouldn't flag anything odd."

  "Yet he lived a pretty stable life in that house next to yours." Jeremy narrowed his eyes.


  "Keep digging. I think you're on to something. If nothing else, you know he goes there either on her birthday or death day would be my guess. So that gives you two days where you might be able to catch him at the location. When's her birthday?"

  "January third and her death date is September first. I'm going to talk to Danny and see if he remembers Larry tracking snow in about the time he went to see her. That should give us a clear idea which day it is. It might be a long shot, but right now, it's all we have." Marshall sighed. "I want this fucker so bad I can taste it."

  "You'll get him. The police have nothing to go on. Find him and we'll go take him down," Jeremy promised.

  "I never thought I might want to be part of the team that goes out, but on this one, the temptation is there. I won't do it. I'd end up fucking things up, but I'd love nothing more than to have that satisfaction of looking Larry in the eyes as he pays for what he's done." Marshall tapped his pen on the desk. "I see little things in Danny that make me want to ask questions, but I'm afraid to. I'm not sure I really want to know everything he's been through. Besides, I'm trying to get him to move on from all that, not bring it back up, but damn it's hard."


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