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Life of a Fool (London Brothers Book 2)

Page 4

by Cm Hutton

  I told Craig and Jason everything, the questionable dealings, the young women, the private investigator, even about the neighbor that helped me. They sat quietly, only muttering a few curse words in between my revelations. By the time I was done, we’d just about made the thirty minute trek to the airport.

  “So he knows all about the dirt you dug up on him?” Craig asked.

  “No. He doesn’t know that I know about the men he’s been working with, and I didn’t tell him about the P.I. I just accused him of fucking those girls and his suspicious behavior. Had I known what he was going to do to me, I would have thrown the damn pictures in his face, maybe even shoved them down his lying throat.” I smiled, and both men laughed.

  “Now that I would pay to see, Legs.” Jason kissed my forehead.

  Chapter 5


  Lori Ann was a fighter. There was no doubt about that. It was time for Craig and I to do some research to know just how dirty The Italian really was, but first we had to get her somewhere safe.

  Craig spoke, “Jace, I can’t get us on a flight until tomorrow morning at 8:45 am. We need to find a place to stay…somewhere safe.”

  I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone in search of a nearby hotel. “Legs, tell me of a hotel near this airport you feel would be safe for you.” She leaned up and thought for a minute. The airport was in sight, so we needed to make a decision fast.

  “I had some girlfriends stay at Novotel. It’s right near the airport and they seemed to be really comfortable there, as in…not worried about coming and going. Elle even commented on feeling ‘safe,’ for what it’s worth. But I’ve never stayed there. I only went there to pick up Elle and the girls for day trips while they were here.”

  Craig communicated to our driver that we wanted to go to Novotel, and I prayed we were making the right decision. “We need to stay in one room. You okay with that?” Craig’s question was directed at me, but Lori Ann answered.

  “Yes. I’d feel better if we did. I’m not exactly in any condition to kick his ass if he shows up looking for me.” Her haunted laugh held a serious tone that sent a shiver down my spine. If that bastard even tried to get to her, I wouldn’t be held responsible for what I’d do to him.

  We pulled up to the entrance of the sleek hotel, and Craig went inside to secure a room for us. I climbed out of the backseat and walked around the car to Lori Ann’s door, pulled it open, and gently guided her out of the car. She winced as her body twisted against her broken ribs. “Shit, Legs. I’m sorry.”

  “Jason, don’t. He did this to me, and I let him.” Tears filled my best friend’s eyes, and I suddenly felt helpless. I pulled her against my chest, trying my best to do it without causing more pain, and kissed her forehead.

  “Shh, baby. Don’t say that. You didn’t let that asshole do anything. He’s a man…stronger and bigger than you, and he took from you, Lori Ann.” She held as tight as she could with one arm and buried her face into my tee shirt. “Come on. Let’s get inside.” I kept my arm wrapped around her shoulders and led us into the hotel lobby just as Craig was coming out to meet us.

  “All set. I asked which floor held the most guests and was told the third floor, then requested a room in the middle of the hallway, not far from the elevators. I want to see who comes and goes on our floor, and if there’s any trouble, it’ll have to take place amongst a hall full of other guests.”

  “Thanks, man! Always thinking. I knew you’d come in handy,” I teased because Lori Ann had gone completely stiff in my arms as she listened to Craig’s monologue.

  “Let me grab the bags, and I’ll meet you two up there. Here is the keycard. Room 316.”

  “Thanks.” I gave an appreciative smile to Craig and turned to find the elevators. “It will be okay. Trust us, okay?” I whispered.

  “I do trust you, Jason, but I’m scared. I know I’ll feel better when we get on the plane tomorrow.”

  “Me too, Legs.”

  As I stepped onto the elevator, I scanned every area around the lobby. No one looked suspicious, and I wasn’t too concerned since Antonio would have had to have had superpowers to be anywhere near that hotel or us at that very moment. So, I took a deep breath and rode the three floors to our room.

  “Jason?” Lori Ann whispered as the elevator slowed to a stop.


  “Will you stay right by me tonight? Sleep in the bed next to me? I don’t even care if both you and Craig sleep on each side of me. I just want to feel safe.”

  “That was my plan anyway…well, except for the ‘Craig’ part. No way am I letting him spoon up next to you, and I’ll snap off his dick if he tries to spoon with me.” I laughed at myself, making Lori Ann laugh too until she gasped and held her side.

  “Stop making me laugh, Jace. Hurts too much.” She cringed. I gave an apologetic smile and watched as a bit of her sparkle flashed through her eyes.

  “My bad.” I waved the keycard over the sensor, heard the lock click, and watched the green light blink, inviting us to go inside our hotel room. Walking into the spacious room, I could see it was like a mini suite. There was a small living area with a couch, chair, and coffee table. The bedroom had frosted paneled pocket doors that closed it off to the rest of the room. It was perfect. Craig could take the couch, watch the hallway like he wanted, and I could sleep in the king-sized bed with Lori Ann…fully clothed, of course. I may have always had deep feelings for her, but I wasn’t a total prick bastard. I had to admit, though, that knowing I was the one there with her, rescuing my best friend from an abusive dickhead, was quite the testosterone, caveman high.

  We both turned and looked, holding our breath when we heard the click of our hotel door lock. “Just me, guys,” Craig said.

  “Thank God,” Lori Ann said, leaving an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Did she really think Antonio could find us here, without any clue as to where she’d gone? And so easily enter our room?

  “Hey. Listen. I checked all around the hotel. Nothing out of the ordinary that I could see.” He stood directly in front of Lori Ann. “Are you sure this is okay? He won’t come looking in the middle of the night?”

  “Craig! You don’t need to scare the shit out of her!” I thought the exact same thing, but didn’t want to say it.

  “Jace. You need to think…really think, man…like the cop, the detective you are!” I glared at my lifelong friend. He was right.

  I took a deep breath and turned back to Lori Ann. “Did he know you visited this hotel with your friends?”

  She paused, thinking. “I don’t remember. Honestly, I don’t. You know I would tell you, Jason. It was three years ago.” She bent her head and started to cry, so I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. The girl I knew was never so fragile. What in the fuck had this monster done to her?

  “It’s okay.” I looked at Craig, and he nodded. He understood the complete fucked-up situation in which we’d landed. We were blind here. Italy had us cornered with no way to tell what was coming or how to handle it. “We’ll keep you safe, Legs,” was all I could offer. God, please keep us all safe.

  “I really need to shower and get some sleep. I smell like a barn, and after my night out last night, I need to actually sleep. But ladies first…go ahead, Lori Ann,” Craig said, easing the tension in our room. I knew he was really trying to help.

  “Sounds good. Lori Ann, grab your things and go shower.”

  She surveyed both of us carefully, but finally whispered, “Okay.”

  As she lifted her bag and walked toward the bedroom, Craig and I whispered to each other. “What do you think?” I asked.

  “I think we’re sitting ducks as long as we’re in Italy—that’s what I think. You and I both know this fella has long arms and deep pockets. Who the hell knows who works for him…could be the bell hop, front desk clerk, maid…fuck, who knows?!? This is a mess. We need to get the hell out of here. What if he comes here looking for her?” Craig’s voice was full of angs
t like I’d never heard before.

  “Craig…” Lori Ann’s voice startled both of us. “You’re right. Antonio knows a lot of people. His reach in this area is pretty extensive. But I have a lot of friends too…friends that would never betray me and tell him where I am. I need to tell them, though. I’ve already alerted a few close people, but I need to tell more. While you’re in the shower, I’ll do that. You know me. I would never ask for your help unless…” Her voice broke, and tears fell down her cheeks. Craig stepped to her side and wrapped his arms around my best friend.

  “Hey, we know. I…well, we’re just using all our experience and gut feelings on this, okay? We have to. This is why Jace brought me. I’m his compass, remember? He doesn’t exactly think straight when you’re around.” Craig’s small laugh lightened the mood, and Lori Ann laid her head on his shoulder, causing a surge of jealousy and anger. “We are here for you. Let me…let us figure out what to do to get you home safely. I won’t lie to you or cover the harsh truth, Legs. Right Jason?” Right. And don’t fucking call her Legs again. I didn’t say that out loud, but hell if I didn’t want to.

  “Yes, Craig. You’re exactly right, as much as I hate to admit it.” I smiled at my friend and thanked God that I’d had the sense to tell him and that he’d agreed to come with me. “Let’s try to get some sleep so we can get to the airport in the morning.”

  “Okay.” Lori Ann walked into the bathroom, and I could hear her shuffling around. I knew all too well what it was like to shower with a cast. When I was in Iraq, I’d had an accident while trying to diffuse a small IED and pretty much shattered my arm. Steel rods and pins made up the bones in my left arm now. Not many people knew that—on purpose. I didn’t want to appear incapable of anything, but it was an issue from time to time. So, I couldn’t help myself. She was my best friend, and I loved her. I opened the bathroom door and found her beautifully naked and struggling to put the shower-proof sleeve over her cast. Tears were running down her face. She bowed her head and quietly said, “I…can’t. I’m hurting all over. My ribs…won’t let me…help me, please.”

  I walked next to her, trying my best not to look at her beautiful body, but couldn’t help but notice the multiple bruises all over her whole torso. The anger I felt was overwhelming, but seeing her sadness crushed me and all I wanted to do was help her with that fucking sleeve. “Here, baby. Let me. These things are a pain in the ass. I hated mine.” I slipped it up to her shoulder and held onto her arms as she stepped into the shower.

  “Thank you.” I was having the damnedest time understanding this Lori Ann. She was so much more frail than I’d ever known her. Part of me was drawn to this helpless woman and I wanted to wrap her in my arms, protect her like a small child, but the other side of me was pissed. Fucking pissed! I’d always been in love with my feisty, ballsy, “eat you alive” Lori Ann. But she was nowhere to be seen, and I didn’t know how to handle my emotions. All I knew was she needed help, and she’d come to me to save her.

  “I’ll be right outside if you need help.”

  “Thank you, Jason.” Her voice was pathetic, and I hated it. And in that instant, I decided it was my job to help her find herself again.


  After our showers, we ate a bit of room service and tucked into bed without any other weird conversations or incidents. Craig was sleeping on the pull-out sofa and as promised, I was in the bed next to Lori Ann. We lay close, touching only slightly as her head rested on my chest and one leg draped between mine, like the many times we’d done in college. She was dressed in a pair of pink plaid pajama pants and a matching pink tank top. I fought hard not to really enjoy the feel of her so close to me and get some rest.

  Around 3:00 am, I heard a noise in the hallway. I sat perfectly still and waited. Then, the fire alarm sounded, and everything went from quiet to chaos in a single heartbeat. “What the hell?” I bolted out of bed and made my way in the dark toward Craig who was looking through the peephole. “What do you see?”

  “Sleepy-ass people making their way to the stairwell. But no smoke, no other signs.”

  “Should we go?”

  “No.” His curt answer had me alarmed.

  “Why? What are you thinking, man?”

  “Doesn’t feel right. Something’s off. Trust me.” I wanted to trust Craig, but I was worried about Lori Ann.

  “Are you sure?”

  “No.” I waited a few seconds, then started to walk away from Craig as he still peered out the peep hole. “Psst. Wait,” he whispered, holding up his hand. “Shh,” he said as he put his finger up to his lips. I stopped in my tracks, holding my breath. Then, in a low, menacing voice he said, “Yes…there you are, motherfucker.” Craig’s whisper sent chills down my spine. “Jace?”

  “Yeah?” I whispered.

  “Don’t make a sound. Go tell Lori Ann not to even breathe. I can see…someone who doesn’t belong.”


  “Got it.” I walked slowly to the bedroom and found Lori Ann sitting up in the bed crossed-legged and staring at her phone. Her face was white as a sheet and tears dripped from her eyes. “Hey,” I whispered. “Are you okay?” She didn’t answer, just kept staring at her phone. “Craig saw something suspicious in the hallway, so we aren’t leaving the room just yet.” I tried to make my voice sound soothing. “Be really quiet.”

  Her face was full of terror, so I climbed onto the bed next to her. She held her phone out to me, showing me a text she’d received. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

  Antonio: You know you can’t hide from me, il mio amante. My lover. I will always find you, and when I do, you will be punished for running away. I’m very angry with you.

  “Craig!” I whisper-yelled and bolted off the bed, making my way to the hotel door. “Take a look. You were right to keep us here, brother. This shit is him! No doubt.”

  Craig took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a few seconds, and said, “Okay. Just keep quiet. Let me see what happens. Looks like the desk manager is in on it ‘cause I can see him looking up and down the hall for us. No noise. Tell her. Now.” His calm demeanor about the text unnerved me, but I did what he said and tiptoed to the bedroom and watched as Lori Ann quietly packed her bag.

  “What are you doing?’ I whispered.

  “I need to leave. Now. He will kill me this time. I just know it.”

  I grabbed her wrists. “Stop. Let us protect you, baby.” I pulled my girl close and held on tight as she sobbed.

  “I don’t have the strength to fight you, Jace. Usually I do, but not now. I’m just not that strong. You need to get me out of here and help me find my footing. Otherwise, I’ll be dead in a month.” Her words just floored me. What in the fuck had happened to my best friend? I should have figured this out sooner, but I let my pride get in the way.

  “Look at me.” She lifted her face and stared into my eyes. “I’ll never leave you again, Lori Ann. I promise. Lie back on the bed, and stay still and quiet. Craig and I will figure this out. Okay?” I kissed her forehead as she sat back down on the edge of the mattress and then scooted back against the headboard.

  “I’m scared.” I looked into her tearful eyes and felt such remorse, such hatred for myself for not knowing and such relief that she was now with me.

  “I know. But we will get you home, Legs. I promise.” And for some unknown reason, I kissed her lips this time. It was slow, sweet, and soothing, and she didn’t flinch or fight. Not a good thing for me because I pretty much wanted to devour her right then and there, in the midst of our nightmare. But I pulled back and looked into her eyes. “I need to go check with Craig. I’ll be right back.”

  But both her hands, even the one in a cast, came up and cupped my face. “Wait,” she said, staring into my eyes. I saw her gaze widen as if she’d seen something deep within my soul. Lori Ann leaned in and kissed my lips. And I watched her as she watched me, never closing our eyes, both of us completely consumed by the voices in our heads telling us—something. I wanted h
er, like I’d wanted her a thousand times before, but she was still untouchable. So I pulled back and repeated my words. “I need to go check with Craig. I’ll be right back.”

  With a sad, sweet smile, Lori Ann muttered, “Okay.” Her expression had me very confused, but happy too. I wanted to ask what she was thinking, but now wasn’t the time. “Jace?” she called as I was at the threshold of the door. I turned to look at her and saw her tears. “Thank you. You know you’re my best friend—have always been my best friend—and I love you dearly.”

  “Right back at you, Legs.” I winked and walked away. I wanted to say more, but decided to keep it light as I closed the pocket doors to the bedroom and crept to the front door of our suite, focusing on the task at hand. “Anything?”

  “Just a few people lingering in the hall. Who the hell is this guy?” Craig asked, never taking his eye off the peephole.

  “You know as much as I do. He’s a newly rich, newly powerful Italian guy that has a new group of followers with questionable interests,” I answered.

  “Right,” Craig whispered, then froze. “I see you,” he quietly said to himself as he motioned for me to take a peek into the hallway. I stepped up and put my eye to the small hole and there, just a few feet away, I saw him. Antonio DiSabatino, aka the wife-beating Italian, was staring at our door, and it took everything in me not to jerk the door open and give him a taste of his own medicine.

  “Don’t do it.” Craig’s hand landed on my shoulder, and I turned to see him glance at my left hand that was gripped on the door handle. I released it and shook my head in disgust at the balls of Lori Ann’s bastard husband. I wanted a pound of his flesh and vowed I’d get it one way or another. The knock on the door startled me, causing my body to jump back away from the door. “Fuck. Now what?” I mouthed to Craig, but he just held his index finger to his lips and stood perfectly still, except to reach for his gun case sitting on the small table near the door.


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