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Page 7

by Jade Jones

  “Poca, I don’t know--”

  “It’s too many girls here any damn way!” Poca complained. “We probably ain’t gonna even get a chance to go up on stage. We might as well fuck with the niggas. That’s guaranteed money. I ain’t about to be workin’ the floor all damn day,” she said. “Come on, roll with me. Dude says it’s already some niggas there and they waitin’ for him to bring the strippers.”

  I sighed dejectedly. Poca could never stick with just one thing. She was always running in every which direction and dragging me along for the hectic ride.

  “Come on, Cameron.” She took a few steps closer to me and grabbed my wrists. “Please. We’re gonna make money. Trust me.”

  “Alright. Alright. Alright,” I finally agreed.

  “That’s what’s up!” she yelled excitedly. “Lemme go find Juicy and talk to the guy and then we can bounce.”

  As I watched Poca exit the dressing room, I really hoped that this wouldn’t be another one of her dummy missions.

  Chapter 15

  “Are there going to be other girls there?” I asked Poca as we followed behind a 2011 Cadillac Escalade.

  “Yeah,” she agreed.

  Juicy fired up another joint in the backseat and handed it to Poca. “They better break bread too. Me and Hypnotic was doing the damn thing, wasn’t we, ‘Notic? I just hope we don’t miss out on any money.”

  “Girl, we not,” Poca said before toking on the blunt. “I wish ya’ll hoes would start having faith in ya’ girl.”

  I snorted. Ha! Faith and Poca were two things that didn’t coincide. Last time, I had so-called faith in her, she ran out the dressing room and left me to be pummeled by five crazy ass strippers.

  Fifteen minutes later, we pulled in front of a single family house that looked more like a shack than a home.

  “So, this is supposed to be the big after hour spot?” I asked sarcastically.

  “Right,” Juicy agreed. “Poca, I ain’t really feelin’ this shit.”

  “Look, I know it don’t look like much on the outside but we ain’t even stepped foot inside yet.” Suddenly, Poca’s cell phone began ringing its familiar “You Da Boss” ringtone. After pulling it out to survey the number, she quickly replaced it. “I ain’t got time for this nigga right now.”

  “What makes you trust these guys so much?” I asked her.

  Poca sighed heavily out of frustration. Ignoring me and Juicy, she pulled out her drawstring money bag and dumped all its contents on to her lap. She then turned on the dome light so we could get a good look at the big faced bills. “This is why,” she said. “Look, I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’m tryin’ to get paid.” She began stuffing the bills back into her money bag. “And if the niggas do try some slick shit, I got my pepper spray.”

  Tap! Tap! Tap!

  Our attention quickly turned towards the guy rapping on Poca’s window. “What’s up? Ya’ll comin’ in?” Rico asked. He was a tall, skinny, baldheaded guy dressed in Polo from his hat to his feet.

  “Here we come,” Poca yelled. “Come on, ya’ll ready?” she asked.

  “I guess,” Juicy agreed.

  “We here now,” I said.

  Together, we all exited the car and followed Rico inside the house. Surprisingly, the house didn’t look as bad on the inside as it did on the outside. The interior was set up much like a bar and even had a bronze pole in the center of the living room.

  Maybach Music Group’s “Bag of Money” played on full blast through the entertainment center.

  “I thought you said it would be some other dancers here, “ I whispered. “It looks like we are the only ones.”

  Poca waved my comment off. “Well, more money for us then.”

  “Aye, lemme holla at you and ya’ girl, real quick,” Rico said to Poca as he approached us.

  “Who me and Hypnotic?” she asked.

  “Naw. Not her. The other one.”

  Poca giggled. “Oh, you mean Juicy.”

  He looked over at me and shrugged his shoulders. “No offense, ma. I just like my women a lil’ darker.”

  “None taken,” I retorted.

  “Where’s the room so we can change?” Poca asked.

  “There’s a bedroom down the hall. Last room on the right.”

  “Alright, go ahead and get dressed,” Poca told me. “We’ll be right back,” she said.

  “Alright,” I agreed.

  I left Poca and Juicy to talk to Rico and made my way towards the room down the hall.

  “Hypnotic? Baby, that’s you?” A familiar voice called out to me from behind.

  When I turned on my heel to see who the person was, I could have fainted. The last person I could have ever expected to see was standing only a mere three feet away from me.

  “What’s up? You lookin’ like you don’t know a nigga anymore.”

  “Hey, Wallace,” I greeted nonchalantly.

  “What’s up? I can’t get no love?” This fool had the nerve to have his arms outstretched like he expected a hug.

  I didn’t know where he got the impression that we were on friendly terms. The last time I saw him, he was scrappin’ in the mall like a damn idiot. I assumed he had to be in jail somewhere. Never in a million years, would I have imagined running into him a city two hours away from Cleveland at that!

  “What are you doing here?” I asked ignoring his outstretched arms.

  “Rico’s my nigga. When he said he was having a set tonight, I had to come through. I would’ve never thought I would’ve ran into yo’ fine ass again,” he smiled. “Tonight must be my lucky night.”

  My sentiments were the exact opposite. “Well, okay then. It’s good seeing you but I gotta go get dressed.”

  I hurried into the bedroom and dropped my things on the floor beside the queen size bed. Locking the door was the first thing that came to mind, but just my luck the door knob did not have one.

  I pulled my white sequin tank top over my head and sent Poca a text message telling her to hurry back here because I didn’t feel comfortable.

  Just as I was easing my shorts down my legs, I noticed the bedroom’s door knob twisting. I assumed it was Poca and Juicy coming in to get dressed, but to my dismay it was none other than Wallace’s pressed ass.

  I frowned at the mere sight of him.

  “So, is it really good seeing me?” He asked with a devilish grin on his face as he stepped inside.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. Immediately, I was cautious because I didn’t know or trust Wallace at all. “I have to get dressed.”

  He quietly closed the bedroom door behind him and approached me. “You can get dressed in front of me,” he said.

  He reeked of liquor and weed as he stepped closer to me.

  “I have to get dressed,” I repeated. “Can you please get out?”

  He chuckled. “Why? I’m gonna see you naked anyway?”

  I didn’t bother asking him a third time to leave as I darted around in an attempt to flee the room. Wallace quickly grabbed me by the waist and flung me on the queen size bed. My heart thumped rapidly as I realized what his intentions were.

  “Poca!” I screamed. “Pocahontas! Juicy!”


  Wallace punched me in the jaw with his closed fist before pinning my body down with his massive weight.

  “Get off me!”

  “You little stuck up bitch!” he screamed before slapping me in the face. “Shut the fuck up!”

  He held both my arms together with one hand as he fumbled with unbuttoning his jeans.

  “Get off me! Somebody help! Hel--”

  Wallace quickly covered my mouth. “If you fight it, you ain’t gonna enjoy it.”

  Tears streamed from my eyes as I watched him snatch his pants down low enough to pull his stiff dick through the opening of his boxers.

  Writhing beneath his weight, I tried to fight him but I was no match for Wallace’s burly size. He quickly clasped my wrists together and snatched my panties d
own. I cried out in pain as he shoved his dick inside my dry walls. I would’ve taken getting jumped by five females any day rather than having to tolerate the horrible pain Wallace was inflicting.

  He roughly grabbed my face and forced his scratchy tongue inside my mouth. His pelvis slammed against mine as the friction of our dry skin collided.

  I didn’t think twice when I clamped my teeth down hard on his tongue drawing blood.

  “Ahh, shit!” He yelled, drawing his fist back.

  I quickly turned my head to the side, fearful that he might hit me, but instead he pressed his large hand against my face and continued to roughly pump in and out of me.

  His hand covered my mouth and nose and I quickly found myself unable to breathe. Just when I thought he might suffocate me to death, I felt a hot liquid shoot inside me.

  Tears continued to stream from my eyes as he pulled himself out of me and stood up.

  “Damn,” he said breathlessly pulling his pants up.

  The painful sensation between my thighs was too unbearable. Rolling onto my side, I erupted in hysterical cries at the realization that I had just been violated in the worst possible way.

  “Come on, with that crying shit,” Wallace said as he grabbed the pack of cigarettes off the dresser. He pulled a single cigarette out and lit it up.

  I pressed my legs tightly together and continued to cry. Not only was the pain between my thighs unbearable but I also felt my left hand beginning to swell up again.

  Wallace took a few steps closer to the bed and sat down on the edge. Giving me a maniacal smile, he flicked a few ashes from the lit cigarette at my legs.

  Crying and screaming, I wiped the burning ashes away as they seared my skin.

  “You should’ve just given the pussy up when I asked for it the first time,” he said standing up. “Then it wouldn’t have come to this.” To add to insult he reached down and picked my purse up. After fishing through it, he pulled out my money bag and walked towards the door.

  When he turned around and gave me one last sinister look, I buried my face in the pillow to avoid looking at him. I didn’t lift my head up until I heard the sound of the door closing.

  For ten minutes, I stayed in the bed and cried like a baby as I thought about what had just happened. Finally climbing out the bed, I limped over to my clothes spread over the floor and attempted to get dressed as fast as possible even though my body hurt like hell. After collecting my things, I walked over to the dresser and peered at my reflection. My hair was in disarray. My bottom lip was split and my jaw was red and swollen from being punched.

  I collected myself as best as I could and slowly exited the bedroom. The loud music continued to play and it was obvious that none of the guys were aware of what had just happened or maybe they just didn’t care.

  As I walked through the living room, I noticed Wallace sitting on the couch talking and laughing with some guy, as though he had not just brutally raped me moments ago.

  Hoe ass nigga!

  When he looked up at me, he winked an eye, and I quickly looked away. I was growing nauseous at the very sight of him. As I continued to walk through the house, I noticed that Poca and Juicy were no longer there. I didn’t even see Rico for that matter. Carrying my purse on my shoulder and dragging my rolling suitcase behind me, I stepped outside into the warm, night air.

  Surprisingly, Pocahontas’ Dodge Challenger was not parked in front of the house. Neither was Rico’s Cadillac Escalade. What the hell is going on, I thought.

  Pulling out my cell phone, I began walking up the dark street as I dialed Poca’s cell phone number. It rang twice before going straight to voice mail. Obviously, she had hit the ignore button. After hanging up, I called her again and this time it went straight to voicemail. I thought about calling Juicy but I didn’t have her cell phone number. I even thought about dialing up Tiffany but she didn’t have a car to come and pick me up in. Instantly, Silk came to mind and I hurriedly punched in his number. To my disappointment, it rang several times until the voicemail picked up. I dialed him seven more times but each time it just rang before connecting me to his voicemail.

  “Fuck!” I screamed as loud as I could. This was a fucked up situation. I was stranded in Columbus, Ohio with no money, no car, and no friends. How much worse could this night get?

  Chapter 16

  Wiping my tears away, I continued to stroll up the dark street until, I finally made it to the busy avenue. Every few minutes I tried calling Poca and Silk, but each time I was sent directly to their voicemail. I was mad, hurt, and disappointed all at once. Mad that Poca would abandon me like this. Hurt because when I needed Silk the most, he was nowhere to be found. And disappointed in myself for even fucking with Poca again.

  Suddenly, the sound of a beeping horn interrupted my thoughts. A black 2012 Fisker Karma pulled alongside me as I walked up the street, looking and feeling totally out of place.

  Nerves on edge, I was a little cautious about the stranger inside the car. Aside from the fact that I had been raped less than twenty minutes ago, I was stranded in a city, lost.

  I tried not to pay the car any attention as I continued to walk up the street, but the stranger continued to follow alongside me, making sure to match the speed of his sports car with the pace of my walking.

  From my peripheral vision, I saw the driver of the car roll the passenger window down. “Hey, you cool lil’ ma?”

  The deep voice sounded familiar, but I had so many things on my mind that I couldn’t think straight long enough to put a face with the voice.

  I ignored the stranger and continued to walk up the street.

  “What’s up? You lost or something? You need a ride?”

  I finally stopped in my tracks and took a moment to deliberate my options. What options, I told myself. I was stranded in a city two hours from Cleveland, my boyfriend and Pocahontas both weren’t answering their phones, and I had no money to catch the bus back home. I was fucked!

  I turned to look at the dark silhouette in the car. Pulling out my cell phone, I checked to see if I had any missed calls or text messages. Nada!

  Gathering what little pride I had left, I walked over towards the passenger window and peered inside. “I’m lost. I’m actually from...” My voice trailed off as I recognized who I was speaking to. It was Jude. The uptight guy I had met at The PlayPen.

  “Get in,” he said unlocking the doors.

  I opened the back door and placed my suitcase in the backseat before climbing into the passenger side.

  He turned the volume down on the Wiz Khalifa mixtape he was listening to. “What are you doing walking around here like this?” he asked. “Is everything okay?”

  I sighed heavily. “Long night,” I simply said.

  “Where you headed?”

  I hesitated before answering because I was fearful of what his response might be. I really needed to get back to my city. “Cleveland.”

  He whistled. “Damn. You’re a long way from home.”

  I turned towards him and decided to keep it a certain extent, because right about now he was my only means of getting home in one peace. “I had a rough night tonight. My girls stranded me. I don’t even have a dollar to my name right now but I promise you if you get me home, I--”

  He cut me off with his laughter. “Chill out, lil’ ma. You good. Just tell me exactly where I gotta go.”

  I relaxed in my seat, happy that he had agreed to take me home. I didn’t know Jude or anything about him, but oddly, I felt a sense of safeness.

  “I live in Viking Hall.”

  He multi-tasked between freaking his Black&Mild and driving. “What’s that? An apartment complex or something?”

  “Cleveland State dorms. In downtown Cleveland.”

  He whipped his head in my direction. “Dorms?” he repeated. “You in college?”

  “Yeah,” I mumbled. I wasn’t really in the mood for small talk. Right about now, I wanted nothing more than to climb into my shower and wash
away the putrid smell of Wallace’s musk. Then after that, I wanted to crawl in bed, pull my sheets over my body and try my hardest to forget this nightmarish evening ever took place.

  “Damn,” Jude said. “I wouldn’t have expected for you to be in college.”

  Now it was my turn to whip my head in his direction. “Why’s that?” I asked nastily. “‘Cause I’m a stripper, I can’t be in college too.”

  Jude chuckled. “I didn’t say that.” After a momentary pause he decided to continue. “So you must be stripping to pay for school, huh? Like Diamond from ‘The Playas Club’.”

  I wanted so desperately to burst his bubble by telling him that my man paid for my school, but I did not feel like bringing up Silk’s ass. Hell, I didn’t even feel like thinking about him. At a time when I needed him most, he wasn’t there for me. And I could bet money, he was somewhere with his dick buried seven inches in some hoe’s pussy.

  I shook those thoughts from my head and said, “Something like that”

  “I can feel it,” he said before turning the volume up.


  “Hey? Hey lil’ ma. Wake up.”

  Jude nudged my shoulder and I quickly peeled my forehead off the window, realizing I had fallen asleep. Wiping the drool from the corner of my lips, I sat up in my seat. “Sorry about that.”

  He smiled. “What you apologizin’ for?” he asked. “You was tired, I feel it. I was just waking you up, because I’m getting off at your exit. I need to know if I should make a right or left.”

  I sat up further in my seat as I took in my surroundings. I was happy as hell to see the St. Vincent’s hospital up ahead. “You make a left. Then you’ll keep straight until you get to 22nd and Euclid Avenue.

  “Okay. Cool.”

  Five minutes later, he eased his car to a halt alongside Viking Hall.

  “Thank you so much,” I said gratefully.

  “You got it.”


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