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Page 10

by Jade Jones

  Of course, we had our fallouts, like most girlfriends do, but I never thought she would betray me to this extent. She knew how I felt about Silk. She knew how much I loved him but she still went behind by back and not only fucked him, but developed a relationship with him as well. The relationship was obvious from the text messages I had read.

  Before I knew it, I had arrived at the hospital. I briskly walked through the lobby and towards the elevator. I was impatient as hell as I pushed the UP button several times. When I finally made it to Silk’s floor, my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. All I could think about was confronting him. I hadn’t thought about what I would say exactly.

  When I finally reached Silk’s door, I distinctly heard him talking to someone on his cell phone. Standing on the side of the doorway so he couldn’t see me, I listened intently to his conversation. “Calm down, relax,” he said. “What do you mean she found out?”

  I clenched my fists as I fought the urge to rush into the room and start swinging. I didn’t give a damn about a bullet wound! I was pissed.

  “Yeah, mothafucka, I know!” I said finally stepping inside.

  Silk jumped at the sound of my voice as he watched me approach him.


  “Cut the bullshit, Terrence. I know everything. All those times you were so-called out of town. Your ass was laying up with her?!”

  Silk pulled the cell phone away from his ear and I could clearly hear the sound of Pocahontas crying hysterically into the receiver. He quickly hung the phone up as he searched for his next lie. “Baby, I know you mad, but let me explain,” he said.

  “Explain?” I walked closer to him. “How could you do this shit to me?! With Pocahontas of all people? That’s low as fuck, Silk!”


  “How long you been fucking her?!”


  “I said how long you been fucking her?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  There was a pregnant pause before he finally responded. “About four months.”

  I didn’t miss a beat. “So you love her, Silk? After only four months of fucking, you love her? All the shit--”

  “Baby, I swear to God, I don’t love her.”

  “I saw the mothafuckin’ texts, Silk! I saw the phone calls!” I yelled. “How could you do this to me?! And with her of all people?”

  “Cam, baby...let’s just talk about it,” he said in a soothing tone. All that did was upset me more.

  “This is what the fuck I get for stayin’ with yo’ ass, regardless of every mothafuckin’ thing I had to put up with!” I screamed. “She could never be me and you know it! You and I both know it!”

  “I know baby. I know it,” he agreed. “It wasn’t never nothin’ serious. It ain’t had nothin’ to do with feelings. She was just some easy pussy. I swear--”

  “I wish you two the best, Silk. But best believe she ain’t gone never be me. And you ain’t gone never find another bitch that’ll put up with all your bullshit like I did!”

  Silk struggled getting out of the bed. “Cameron, let’s just--”

  “Never! You ain’t gone never find another bitch like me!” I clapped my hands together with every word I said for good measure. “You deserve whatever that nasty bitch give your ass!”

  Suddenly, two nurses walked into the room apparently irritated with all the noise I was creating. “I’m sorry, ma’am. But we’re going to have to ask you to leave. We have patients that are trying to rest.”

  The other nurse stood in front of Silk as he limped over towards me. “Sir? Sir? Could you please lay back in the bed? We don’t want you to tear your stitches.”

  “So, you just gone leave a nigga, Cam?” he asked with outstretched arms. “You just gone leave me, cuz I fucked up? You fucked up too. Your ass ain’t perfect!”

  “I’m sick of you flipping shit on me, Silk! You were dead wrong! My friend?! Seriously?! My best fucking friend?” Tears streamed from my eyes as I spoke. “It ain’t enough pussy in Cleveland, that you had to go and fuck with my best friend? You ain’t shit, nigga! You through in my book. You dead to me! Flat out!”

  “Ma’am, please. We’re asking you to leave.” The nurse gently grabbed my arm, but I stayed planted right where I stood.

  “Call security,” the other nurse ordered.

  “You not gone leave me, Cameron. I’m not gone let you leave me,” Silk said. “Pocahontas don’t mean shit to me.”

  “You told that bitch you loved her!” I screamed.

  “Come on, you gotta go, ma’am." A burly security officer grabbed my elbow and led me out the room.

  “Cameron?!” Silk yelled after me. “You just gone leave me like this when I need you the most?! Bitch, all the shit I done did for you?! You just gone leave me over this mess?”

  The security guard guided me towards the elevators just as Silk had stepped into the hallway. “We can get through this, Cameron!” he yelled.

  “I’m tired, Silk! I’m tired of your games. I’m done. You then played me one too many times! I’m cool on you--”

  “Come on, let’s go.” The security guard led me into the elevator.

  “Cameron, don’t do this shit!” Silk screamed. The nurses plead with him to return to his room. “Cam--” The elevators door had quickly slammed shut and for that I was truly grateful. I didn’t know how much longer I could stand to see the sight of his lying ass.


  The next two weeks were a blur. Spring classes had finally ended and the school break was underway. Thankfully, I had managed to get my ass off Academic Probation and pass all my classes with satisfactory grades.

  It had been almost three weeks since I had danced at The Shakedown and although I could use the money, I was not ready to see Pocahontas just yet. Truthfully, I didn’t know what I’d do if we were to run into each other again. I had also managed to easily avoid seeing or speaking to Silk although he wouldn’t stop calling or trying to get in touch with me.

  I honestly, didn’t know what he expected us to talk about. The damage was done and there was nothing he could say or do that would change how I felt.

  Later that afternoon, I gathered what little money I had saved up (twenty-five hundred dollars) and walked down to Fenn Tower to pay the deposit for living in the dorm over break. I had to force myself to fork over my savings but at least I knew I would have a roof over my head. I had wanted to get an apartment downtown, but truthfully I didn’t know if I was responsible enough to keep up with all my bills and utilities. Usually, when I got a little bit of money in my pocket, I would spend it without so much as a second thought. I had a weakness for shopping.

  After paying the money, I headed back to the Viking Hall. I was flat broke and I knew sooner or later, I would have to climb back on the pole if I wanted to earn some quick cash. The only problem was that I would have to see Pocahontas’ ass.

  I was so deep in thought that I hadn’t even noticed a truck pulling alongside me as I walked up Euclid Avenue.

  “Cameron? Baby, I wanna talk to you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I continued to walk up the street. This wasn’t the first time he had pulled up on me on campus while pleading with me to talk and work things out. I didn’t have shit to say to him and I damn sure didn’t want to work things out.

  Silk was so pressed to communicate that he drove his truck down the one-way and parked alongside my dorm. I paid his antics no mind as I walked into the entrance of Viking Hall. Silk was hot on my heels as he followed me inside.

  “Cameron, I just wanna talk. Look, that shit with me and Poca is a wrap! If you don’t believe me call her yourself.”

  I turned towards the on duty police officer stationed in the lobby. “Excuse me, sir. This man is intruding and he’s harassing me,” I pointed to Silk.

  The officer instantly reached for his walkie-talkie, and Silk got the point immediately. “I’m not gone just fall back, Cam” he said as he walked towards the door. We gone get throug
h this shit one way or the other.”

  “Let’s go, sir. You have to leave,” the cop ushered him towards the exit.

  “You know you gone come back, Cameron. Why the fuck is you playing?”

  The officer gave him a slight push out the door. “Yo,’ don’t put your fuckin’ hands on me,” Silk cursed.

  “I’m not asking, I’m telling you to get off the property or else I’m taking you in.”

  Silk looked at me and mouthed the words: You trippin’, as he walked towards his truck.

  As soon as I made it up to my room, Silk had begun blowing up my phone. After the fourth call, I finally answered. “What do you want?”

  “Why you doing this shit? I told you it’s over with me and Pocahontas. I’m not even on that trash no more. I just want you. I miss you, Cameron. Look, whatever you want me to do...I’ll change.”

  I sighed into the receiver. “Silk, you ain’t gone never change. You’re set in your ways.”

  “I can change. You tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. I won’t fuck around no more, I swear to God. I won’t even come up to yo’ job anymore. Just tell me and we can make this work.”

  “You know what I want you to do?” I asked him.

  “What’s that, baby?” he asked eagerly.

  “Move on,” I said before disconnecting the call.

  As expected, he called right back.

  “You just don’t get it. Do you?” I asked.

  “Man, you gotta nigga out here beggin’ and shit. You know this ain’t even me, Cameron. The least you could do is come outside and talk to me.”

  “We don’t have nothing to talk about. It’s over.”

  “So that’s it, huh?” he asked.

  “Yeah. That’s it.”

  “Naw, it’s not over. It ain’t over til I say it’s over, and it ain’t fuckin’ over!” he yelled. “Bring yo’ mothafuckin’ ass outside, Cameron! I’m not gone ask you again! Don’t make me come up there and get yo’ ass. ‘Cause if I do that, it ain’t gone be pretty.”

  I laughed at his weak attempt to put fear in my heart. “I’d like to try to see you get past that cop,” I said before disconnecting the call again.

  Silk didn’t bother calling back this time. After walking down to the study room, I peered out the window and watched as he pulled off. Something told me he wouldn’t stop in his attempt to get me back. Silk was persistent like that.

  Chapter 20

  Later that evening, while watching Lockup: Santa Rosa, my cell phone began ringing. At first I assumed the caller to be Silk, but I was surprised at the name that showed up on the screen. “Hello?” I answered on the third ring.

  “Hey, what’s up? You just called me?” Jude asked.

  “,” I answered confused.

  “I think you did.”

  I pulled the phone away from my ear and scrolled through my call log history. Sure enough, I had just called him three minutes ago.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I told him. “I must’ve butt dialed you.”

  He paused. “Oh okay, then. So you didn’t mean to call me?”

  “No. I’m sorry.”

  Another momentary pause took over the line. “Well, I guess butt dialing me was the only way for you to finally hit me up, huh?”

  I smiled. “You don’t even know who this is.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” he asked. “I been waiting for that phone call from you, and now that you finally call me, you tell me it was an accident.” He laughed. “I’m lightweight offended.

  I couldn’t help but join his laughter. “Well, now you know how I felt when we first met.”

  “Aww, come on, now, girl. Don’t say that. I don’t really do the whole strip club thing. I was kinda out of my element. Only reason I came was ‘cause it was my cousin’s birthday. I don’t fuck with that scene, for real.”

  I twirled a strand of hair around my finger as I listened to him. “Mmmhmm. I hear you,” I said. “I started to cuss your ass out...sitting there rollin’ your damn eyes,” I laughed. “You’d better have been lucky all I did was snatch the phone from you.”

  He chuckled. “For real, though. Between you and me...that shit was lightweight sexy, lil ma,” he said. “So, I guess since I’m lucky enough to have you on the phone right now, I should ask if I can take you out?”

  I stopped twirling my hair around and slowly sat up in bed. Truthfully, I wasn’t ready to just jump back into something serious. Silk’s low blow had left me with an emotional scar and after him I didn’t know if I would ever be able to fully trust a guy. Then again, Jude was only offering to take me out. It wasn’t like the guy had proposed. Anyway, I did need to get out and enjoy myself since the last few weeks, I had been cooped up in my dorm.

  “When?” I asked.


  I thought about it. “How about tomorrow evening?”

  “Cool. That sounds like a plan.”

  I had to be sure he was serious, so I asked, “So you’re really gonna drive two hours to Cleveland just to take me out?”

  “I drove two hours just to drop you off, didn’t I?”


  A baby blue romper from BEBE, and a pair of white wedge heels was the outfit I had chosen for tonight’s date. I didn’t know where Jude had planned on taking me but I wanted to play it safe and dress casual.

  I was putting on the finishing touches of makeup when Jude called to let me know he had arrived. After spraying on a few squirts of Jadore, I made my way downstairs. Truthfully, I was happy that I had decided to take him up on his offer. This last month had been nothing but hell and turmoil for me, and it felt good to finally go out and enjoy myself.

  Walking across 22nd street to Jude’s car, I noticed Silk’s Denali making a left towards Chester Avenue. The twenty-six inch chrome black rims were the dead giveaway that it was indeed him. I wanted to know why he was lurking around the university and more importantly how long he had been doing that.

  Silk never took me for the stalker type, but then again I never expected for him to fuck my best friend behind my back either. Only time could reveal a true person’s colors.

  “What’s up?” Jude greeted as I climbed into his Fisker Karma.

  Damn, I thought. He looked even better than the first time I had saw him. He wore a gray t-shirt, with a black lion imprinted on the front and a pair of forest green cargo shorts. I had to crane my neck a little to see what type of shoes he was wearing. Since I was very big on fashion, I knew right away that they were the newest Nike Zoom sneakers. His dreads were tied up underneath a black and grey OBEY snapback. With the fly car and nice clothes, I couldn’t help but to wonder what his profession was. Dope boy was the first thing that came to mind, of course.

  “Nothing, much. How are you?” I asked sweetly.

  “Better, now that I got to finally see you again.”

  “Oh, stop it. You’re making me blush,” I teased. “So where are we headed?”

  “Like I told you, it’s a surprise.”

  Jude was speaking to me, but instead of paying attention to him, I was busy looking at Silk’s truck as it cruised along Euclid Avenue. Obviously he was circling the block.

  “Is that cool with you?” he asked.

  Silk slowed down briefly as though he were staring right through Jude’s tinted windows.

  “Hey, you good lil’ ma?”

  I quickly focused my attention back to Jude. For the moment, I had to push Silk and his weird behavior to the back of my mind if I wanted to enjoy myself. “Yes, I told him. I love surprises.”


  Forty minutes later, Jude pulled into the parking lot of Dave and Buster’s in Westlake. “You ever been here before?” he asked.

  “No. What is it?” I asked climbing out the car.

  “A restaurant and arcade.” He hit the alarm and I followed him to the entrance.

  “An arcade?” I repeated sarcastically.

  He looked at me and smiled and that was the first
time I noticed his dimples. “I know what you thinkin’ but trust me. It’s fun. You’ll see.”

  Twisting my mouth up, I said, “Okay. But if I don’t, that’s strike two for you.” I enjoyed teasing him.

  He opened the door for me. “Oh yeah? What was strike one?”

  “That lil’ attitude you gave me when we first met.”

  He sucked his teeth and chuckled. “You ain’t never gone let that go is you?”

  “Nope,” I smiled.

  “Well, I guess I’ma have to make it up to you.”

  I followed Jude down a narrow hallway that led to a spacious arcade room. At the mention of “arcade”, I had to admit that “kiddie” was the first thing that came to mind...but now that I was seeing it myself it did look pretty fun.

  “It’s big,” I told him.

  He grabbed my hand and led me towards the bar. “You hungry? They got some pretty good food.”

  “Starving,” I told him.

  He gave me a charming smile. “Well, we gone have to change that.”

  After placing our orders at the bar, Jude and I took a seat in the booth, where we engaged in small talk.

  “So what you in school for?” he asked.

  “Fashion merchandising.”

  “Oh okay. That’s interesting,” he said. “You ain’t mean to offend you the night when I was taking you home. I respect that you have goals. That’s why I’m feelin’ you.”

  I felt my cheeks blush from his comment. “Oh, so you feelin’ me?”

  “No doubt,” he said. “So, anyway, what happened that night when I picked you up? Why did your girls leave you stranded?”

  I nearly shuddered at the thought of that night. Luckily for me, the clinic never called me back and I just wanted to move on from that night and never think about it again. “Long story,” I told him.

  “Oh, okay. I feel it,” he said.

  “So how you long you been living in Columbus?” I asked him.

  He exhaled. “Well, actually I’ve been living in between Cleveland and Columbus my whole life. I was born in Cleveland, raised by mom. When I turned fourteen my moms sent me to live with my father in Columbus. I stayed in a lot of trouble up here,” he explained.


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