Book Read Free

Boy Midflight

Page 10

by Charlie David

  “Me too. I mean I’m pretty sure that’s what I want. It’s hard to say I love to swim when I’ve never got my toe wet.” Mikal looks at me and half smiles, then looks down at his beer, embarrassed.

  I watch him as he draws circles on the table with his thumb. My heart tightens. I’ve been thinking all about me. My anxiety. My stress about this whole shoot. If Mikal can man up to the task and face his fear, then I damn well can too.

  “What if we do it?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “What if?”

  There is a brief pause when we catch eyes. Those beautiful green flickering lights set in rich olive skin. Don’t look at his… lips. Impossibly full. Impossibly pink. There is nothing I’d rather do than spend a day kissing him. Forget a day. I could kiss him for my whole life looking into those eyes. Always in half-bewildered glee that this perfect man is with me. The roller coaster is starting in my stomach again….

  I grab on to the table with both hands. “I don’t know if it’s the beer or nerves. I’m excited but—”

  “Terrified?” Mikal slowly grins and his eyes twinkle. “Yeah, me too.”

  “Are we doing this?” I ask slowly.

  He bites his lip and then smiles that mischievous megawatt grin. I feel faint. It’s either Mikal or the beer. Probably both. I get out of my seat and walk around the table, noticing how he never takes his eyes off me. I must be blushing now. I’m sure he notices that too.

  “What if I’m a crappy kisser?” I say, sliding into the booth next to him.

  “You’re not. Anyone as hot as you has had practice.”

  I give Mikal a playful shove. “Back to the shoot. What exactly do you know?”

  “I know that you look amazing right now, even if your eyes are glazing over.”

  “Pssshhh,” I say, pushing his words away with one hand in the air.

  “And I know being down here is a big deal to you. It’s your first big job, you want to do well. I respect that. It’s okay to be nervous, we should give ourselves permission to feel that. I want tomorrow to be great for both of us, professionally and personally. It’s our own little coming out party.” Mikal chuckles, but then continues in a serious tone again. “I know that you still haven’t heard from Chris and how that must hurt. I know that you are a stand-up guy. And I also know I’m up every night thinking about you.”

  “Mikal, I…. You’re drunk. And I was asking if you know the specs for the shoot. Location, what we’re wearing? If we actually kiss or just are like close or on the forehead or something,” I say, flipping the conversation back to business.

  “Right, I know. I just wanted you to know that other stuff too. All right, specifics. It’s on a big bed at the beach. We’re wearing boxers, boxer briefs, and briefs, sometimes. It’s for the underwear line. I think they actually want us to kiss.”

  “Wait, did you say boxers, briefs, sometimes?”

  “No, I actually said, ‘boxers, boxer briefs, briefs, sometimes.’”

  “Okay, smart ass. Do you mean they want us naked for some of it?”

  “Maybe like you lying on my chest with your underwear off. I’d have mine on. Or the other way around. On the bed or on the sand.”

  “Just balls to the wind? Yeah, you’re right, people will talk about this campaign. How are we selling underwear if it’s not on?” I ask.

  “It’ll be in the shots. Maybe around your ankles.” Mikal laughs.

  “I don’t believe this. So what’s the plan, then? I thought we were staying for the weekend.”

  “Well, we have a room here tonight and we’ll head back in the morning. Hit the gym then head to set.”

  “We should talk to Ferni and go pretty soon. We need to practice.”

  “Sounds good. You get Ferni and we’ll…. What?”

  “We should try it a couple times for tomorrow. Don’t want anything to look awkward. That all right?” I ask. Shit. Here comes another loop on the roller coaster in my stomach.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Sounds like a good idea. Make sure we’re prepared. Sure, Ashley.”

  I stand and walk toward the bar to find Fernando. My stomach is flipping, and I’m giving a concerted effort not to trip. I can feel Mikal’s eyes on my back. “Yo, Ferni! Mikal and I want to head out pretty soon. You want to come?”

  “Naw, I’m gonna hang here with Chelsea for a bit. She’s got a place on the beach a couple blocks from here. I’ll probably crash there.”

  “Wow. All right, buddy. We have to leave tomorrow morning around nine.”

  “I’ll be there,” Ferni says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder for a squeeze. “Make sure that big boy behaves.”

  I nod and turn back to Eros sitting patiently; white shirt hanging open a little to reveal the golden tan of his chest. I, the wandering soul, much admired but never loved, feel forcibly drawn to him. I wade toward Mikal through something more primal than lust, more finely aged than a prize wine, and at once the beginning and the end. Psyche has met Eros.


  “SHOULD WE just go for it?” Mikal asks, sitting on the couch in our hotel room nervously wringing his fingers.

  “You’ve never kissed a guy before?”


  “This is big, then. I mean, you could kiss me and realize you don’t like it and go back to chasing skirts tomorrow. Only one way to find out, right?” I say and reach over to still his hands. Warm. A shock of excitement courses through me.

  Leaning in, our lips touch faintly, delicately. Mikal brings a hand up through my hair, cradling my head, and pulls me in. I slip my tongue into his mouth. Icicles gather over my spine. I bring a hand to rest on the arm cradling my head. The bulk of his bicep curls instinctively. I slide my free hand just inside the open neck of his shirt. Running across hot skin, I stop over his heart. I can feel it screaming through his chest.

  I pull away but remain inches from his face. I can see the tiny yellow flecks that give his green eyes their luster. His mouth still slightly parted and the light dancing on his wet lips.

  “I think we’ll be okay tomorrow,” I manage to whisper.

  Mikal nods and a smile plays across his face. “Just tell me why you’re with him.”

  I sit back and search for an answer. “Because I….”

  “Is he the one?”

  In all things I yearn for One

  One is laughing as we run by the river

  Stirred into my coffee like sweet cream

  Overlooking the city at night One is holding me

  I have felt the lies of three whispered on my neck

  fourteen’s malicious hands

  Seen the drowning glare of twenty-three

  And even enjoyed eighteen’s sweet kisses

  Still, in all things I yearn for One

  One is dancing me in perfect rhythm

  Hot maple syrup drizzled on

  fresh snow in winter’s stillest hour

  Pulling me close for five more minutes

  One is holding me

  In all things I yearn for One

  One is telling me I am loved

  The bricks I am holding drop and I can fly

  I always knew I could

  Telling me I have nothing to fear

  One is holding me

  I am not seventeen or ten

  Or one hundred and nineteen

  I am not thirty or six or five

  One knows today and in all tomorrows

  I am One and One is holding me

  “Ashley, is he the one?”


  “Ashley, when I look at the future, I see you. I see us together. I just know it. It’s this feeling I get whenever I see you. Like I’m on a roller coaster.”

  “How do you know it’s not just about sex? Maybe you just want to see what it’s like to be with a boy.”

  “That’s not it. I mean, yeah, part of it is that I think every six seconds of making out with you. But it’s so different. It’s not that you’re a boy or a girl; it’s totally different. I just want
to know everything about you.”

  “I have to go… to bed. We have that shoot tomorrow. I need to leave,” I stammer.

  “Okay, we’re staying here together, remember?”

  “Right. Yeah, we should just go to sleep, I think. Big day tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Are you feeling all right, Ashley? You aren’t sick, are you?”

  “No, just a little overwhelmed.”

  “Which side do you want?” Mikal asks.

  “Which side of what?”

  “Which side of the bed do you want? Do you have a preference?”

  Oh my God. Hello! This room only has one bed! Why does this room only have one bed? Who thought of this? Were Ferni, Mikal, and I all going to sleep in one bed? Why didn’t I notice that before?

  “Umm… I can just sleep on the couch here. You take the bed, Mikal.”

  “You’re not sleeping on this thing. It’s not even a couch, it’s a love seat. You’ll wake up needing a chiropractor.”

  We’ve been sitting on a love seat?

  “Okay, well, I guess the left side is great, closest to the window,” I say. So I can fly out and escape to Neverland in the middle of the night.

  I walk to the bathroom and close the door. I grab my toothbrush and start to vigorously clean. Always too aggressive, my dentist says. Use a softer brush. I hate soft brushes. I lean against the sink and stare into the mirror. Am I falling in love with him? You already have. That’s not a question. I wash my face and hum nervously into the splashing water. Something from Sondheim’s Into the Woods. Get over it, Ashley. He’s not that spectacular. I mean he’s eight years older than you. He was eighteen when I was ten. I was four when he was twelve. When I’m twenty-eight, he’ll be thirty-six. He’ll be able to tell me what forty is like and I’ll have eight years to prepare. I’ll be eighty and he’ll be eighty-eight. It probably doesn’t matter anymore by then. Except when you reach one hundred, then it’s like a celebration. And he could celebrate for eight years until I start. When you’re ninety you’re just old but making it to one hundred is like, wow, that’s something to really talk about. Okay, but right now I am eighteen and Mikal is twenty-six, with a little boy. I’m a boy. Seriously, I am still a boy. He’s a man. A full-grown man. Totally. He looks like a man. Full-on man muscles, man chiseled face, man voice. I think I’m a man, but I’m still in man/boy stage. What if I grow into my full-on man stage and he doesn’t like it? What if Mikal only likes me because I am man/boy? I can’t stay man/boy forever. No matter what I do. Can I? I don’t know what will change, but things will. Older people are always saying things don’t stay the same.

  Oh my Antonio! I am getting older right now! I can see it in the mirror. If I look really closely, I can actually see the skin around my eyes starting to pucker. And my jaw is widening. Did I just spring a hair on my chest? Shit. I’m going to go out there and Mikal will say, “What the hell happened to you? You were hot when you were man/boy. Now, not so much.”

  Hold it! Okay. Attention! We need to figure out what is going on—right now. Organize the facts.

  Fact: to the best of our knowledge, I am dating Chris.

  Fact: I have not seen or spoken to Chris for over two weeks.

  Fact: Mikal has stated definite interest in our territory.

  Fact: Mikal is super hot.

  Fact: Mikal is genuinely loving, even as I hold him at arm’s length.

  Question from the council: Were you in love with Chris, or in love with the idea of being in love?

  No comment.

  Question from the council: We’ve seen pie charts, addendums, and illustrated diagrams of your ideal mate. Mikal fits all listed descriptions. Is he what you call the One?

  “Ashley, you okay, buddy? I got you some water here.”

  “Be right out.”

  Meeting adjourned.

  I open the door and step into the warmth of the hotel room. The window, closest to my side of the bed, is open and the wind is rustling through the palm trees. The lights are all out but one, on the nightstand on my side of the bed. Mikal is already under the covers. Shirt off, one arm crooked behind his head. He smiles. “I built a Wall of China for us.”

  “A what?” I ask.

  “A Wall of China. I folded a blanket up and placed it under the covers between us. I thought it might make you sleep easier.”

  “Mikal, I’m not worried about you. I appreciate the gesture, though.” I pull off my shirt and unbutton my jeans. After tossing them on the love seat, I crawl into the left side of the bed. I laugh as I feel the Wall of China on my arm and leg. “Good night, Mikal,” I say, turning out the light.

  “Good night, Ashley.”

  I lay in the dark stillness and try to control my breathing. I don’t want to sound like I’m sucking air. After all, this is the first time we’ve slept together. I mean, we’re not really sleeping together, but we’re in the same bed. He could be naked over there. I didn’t see a shirt. He may sleep in the buff. And I’m just in my skivvies over here. All that’s separating his skin from mine is the Wall of China. A formidable barrier, yes, but scalable. You are not scaling the Wall! You are staying right here and going to sleep.

  I lay on my back with my head facing the window. The warm salty air spills over the windowsill in a stream of magical light. I think I can hear the ocean lapping the beach. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight…. I can see eight stars from here. A perfect night. I turn my head and rest my eyes on Mikal, his chest rhythmically rising and falling. The shadows play perfectly in the valley between his chest and the crook of his arm still tucked behind his head. What would it hurt if I just placed a hand on that chest?

  I’d like to just hold his hand as we fall asleep. Would that be wrong? I could just tear away this stupid Wall of China and surrender. His lips, pink and slightly parted, his jaw slightly rough and unshaven. What a startling and beautiful contrast. I settle on Mikal’s eyes, those big green almonds that look on me with so much care and concern. Now closed with his impossibly long dark eyelashes minutely dancing on each other. Are a guy’s eyelashes allowed to be that long and full?

  I’d give anything to feel those icicles forming on my spine again. To press against this god’s warmth, curling one hand around that bicep. Mikal, my angel. My guardian. “Good night, handsome,” I say and turn to the window, closing my eyes. Did I just say that out loud? I did.

  Then whispered across the darkness: “Good night, beautiful.”

  I smile and drift off to sleep. Tomorrow is bursting with promise….


  MY EYES flicker open and I blink to adjust to the sunlight on my face. I feel warm and happy. And I’m hugging an arm draped around me. Oh shit. The Wall of China has fallen. It must be somewhere at our feet or on the ground, but it’s definitely not serving its purpose. I am resting comfortably in Mikal’s loose embrace. Curled up in a perfect spoon with his chest rising and falling against my back. His warm breath tickling the back of my neck. Oh yeah, here come the icicles again. I can smell him. It’s a good smell of faint cologne and clean man. I mention this because it is all too often not the case. When a couple of guys share a room, and I’m not talking about sex, it tends to take on the flavor of a locker room. It starts at puberty I think. That’s why every thirteen-year-old guy wears half a bottle of cologne. Some guys just smell more, though. They can shower right before bed and in the morning you need a gas mask to enter the room. I have a buddy like this, love the guy but would like to send him to the showers every couple hours. I always think about his girlfriend. How does she stand it? Or maybe he smells to her like Mikal smells to me right now…. No, I doubt it. I look at the clock. Eight thirty. Five more minutes won’t hurt. I close my eyes and snuggle into Mikal a little tighter.

  “Ashley. It’s eight thirty, we gotta get moving.” Fernando. What is he doing here? I leap out of bed, tossing Mikal’s arm to the side, waking him.

  “Fernando. When did you get here?” Mikal asks, rubbing his eyes.

/>   “Oh, I’ve been here for about half an hour, just waiting for you boys to wake up. I didn’t want to disturb you, you looked so comfortable.”

  “How was your night, Ferni?” I ask.

  “Cool, Chelsea’s hot. We had fun…. What did you boys do?” he asks wryly.

  “Nothing. We just hung out and went to bed. To sleep I mean. We were really tired,” I say trippingly.

  Fernando smiles at me, then walks to the open window, stretching his arms up over his head. He seems so comfortable with the whole gay thing. I wonder if he ever….

  “So today’s the big kiss. Did you guys practice, or are you just going to wing it for the camera?” Ferni asks, turning back to our disheveled bed and laughing. I feel my face flush. Drunken heat.

  “Yeah, we tried it once,” Mikal answers. I shoot him a look, which he doesn’t notice.

  “How’d you like it, Mikal? Your first time?” Ferni presses.

  “It was great. Ashley made it very comfortable.”

  Comfortable? Is that what it was to Mikal? Comfortable? Was I the only one ready to blast off?

  “How about you, Ferni? Have you ever been with a guy? You seem pretty interested in all this,” Mikal asks as he rises from the bed, rubbing his chest.

  “Yeah, I’ve been with a guy. When I was twelve and thirteen. It was fun. We’d play soccer and then play with each other’s bits at his place. It was all over when he jizzed in my mouth, though. I couldn’t stand that salty taste. I’ve been with ladies since.”

  I love the guy. Blunt and humorless. No shame. “So you’ve never been with a guy since?” I ask.


  “Never wanted to again?”

  “Nope. I tried it; it wasn’t my preference, so I moved on. All right, enough sex talk. We gotta get moving, boys.”

  I laugh and pull on my jeans. “Back to LA.”


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