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ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 99

by Jane Prescott

  “Livvy!” he yells back at her. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same question, Wayne Brookes? What the fuck you doing with another women? I can’t believe I’ve done this!”

  Olivia jumps off the bed and grabs for her clothing. She notices Brian looking at them in total confusion. He has no idea what’s happening.

  “This, so called friend of yours, Brian,” she yells as she points an accusatory finger at Wayne, “is my best friend’s boyfriend. How the hell am I going to tell her that the other woman in his life is me?”

  Brian looks at Wayne in dismay, “Why didn’t you say, Wayne? Why didn’t you tell me you knew her?’ he asks his friend, feeling annoyed as he really liked Livvy.

  “I didn’t know, we were dressed up and then in here, I couldn’t see her face?” Wayne looks genuinely upset.

  The emotions flying around the room are raw. This is not going to be easy for any of them. With all three now fully dressed, they move into the living area. Brian makes coffee while they contemplate what to do next, Wayne sits beside her.

  “I beg you not to tell her, Livvy,” Wayne beseeches her “This will finish us for sure.”

  “Wayne, she’s been my friend since junior high. We’ve shared so much together. I can’t, not tell her, but nor do I want to hurt her. I don’t know what to do. Look, I have to go, I can’t stay here looking at what I’ve just done. I really need to go home.”

  With that, Olivia left the boys behind. She needed to work things out in her head. This would surely break Sara’s heart. How could she have done such a thing? Maybe this was her punishment for behaving so shamelessly.

  Chapter 8 Good News

  Olivia avoids Sara for the next few days, unable to face her friend while she is riddled with guilt, but that morning she receives a text from her, asking to meet up for lunch. She wonders if she knows, if Wayne has already spilt the beans? She has no idea how she’s going to explain herself, but she knows that she must try, even if that means the end of their friendship, she can't live a lie with her best friend.

  She sees Sara waving from an outside table, and her stomach does a flip. It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining down with its rays heating her skin, but inside she feels cold. Oh well, here goes, she says to herself, forcing a smile on her face as she approaches Sara.

  “Well, don’t you look the misery?” Sara says, watching her arrive. “What’s the matter? Never mind,” she continues before Olivia can even answer. “I have some great news. I got the job!” she says, excitement lighting up her eyes.

  Olivia sits down with a smile. How can she spoil this wonderful day for Sara? Yet she must tell her the truth.

  “Now then, the next bit of news might come as a bit of a shock, but hear me out,” Sara continues.

  The waitress arrives at the table for their order and Sara insists on the biggest chocolate milk shakes they have, she says she’s celebrating. The waitress looks genuinely pleased for her, glad that someone is having a good day.

  Olivia sits and awaits the news, feeling that it’s all going to spill out any minute, and their friendship will be over.

  “Okay, get ready,” Sara says, not looking at all annoyed. “When I went for the interview, I met a guy who was also being interviewed. We both got on really well and one thing led to another and… Livvy, he is drop dead gorgeous and I think I’m in love with him.” Sara’s eyes are alight with excitement, “but, and here’s the best part,” she pauses for breath. “Because we’re both new to the city, we’ve decided to share an apartment, at least then we’ll have one friend each in the big city. What do you think?”

  “Wow, Sara, that’s amazing news. I’m so happy for you. What about Wayne?” she asks, dreading her answer.

  “Oh, I dumped his two timing ass the other day when he came to see me. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I can’t believe I thought I was ever in love with him. After I’d been with this other guy, I was thinking of ending our relationship anyway, but I didn’t tell you because it all happened to quick.”

  “Oh,” Livy responds, unsure what to say. “I thought you’d be together forever. Did he ever tell you who the other woman was?” Olivia dares to ask.

  “Nope, and to be completely honest with you, I don't really care. I think there’s more than one anyway, as he has been acting strange for a while, I had my suspicions and now I know for certain,” Sara’s words were bitter and Olivia thought she was more upset than she was letting on.

  Anyway enough about him. This changes nothing between us. You’ve still gotta come and visit.”

  Olivia smiles but says nothing. She sits there and lets Sara do all the chatting because she’s so happy for her friend. No way is she going to spoil Sara’s day with the news that she had betrayed her. But that’s what growing up is about, keeping secrets, looking after yourself. Maybe, one day when when all this has settled down, she might tell Sara about all her guilt at what she did, but for now, Sara deserved to be happy, she’d worked so hard for it.

  The End

  No Ordinary Threesome

  Chapter 1 PACKING

  “I’ve got my hand on a mannequin's ass, right now, can’t this wait, Lin?” I say, impatiently, into my cell phone, which is balanced precariously between my ear and shoulder.

  Apparently it can’t, as she continues to babble in my ear. Problem is, she’s on hyperdrive over what to pack for our two week holiday in Europe.

  “Sugar plum,” I interrupt her mid stream, “I haven’t even opened my suitcase yet, but if you really want my input, then I’d say pack as little as possible. The climate is hot in Italy, and the guys are even hotter. Now go pack your thongs and skimpiest and let me finish my last day at work,” I tell her, and promptly cut her off before she starts up again.

  “Nessy, you done out there yet!” a voice yells from behind the wall dividers.

  “Nope, everyone keeps interrupting me,” I yell back. “I’m an artiste, it takes time to arrange my displays. You want your window to look good, or a bloody mess?”

  A head of dark bushy hair, afro style, pops over the half wall separator.

  “I just heard you talking to someone, so I thought you’d done.”

  “Yeah, it was Lin, she can’t decide what to pack. Now leave me be or I won’t be getting home to do my own packing, I’ll be stuck here all night.”

  “What!” Hannah gasps at me, “my packing was done a week ago. Don’t tell me you haven’t even started yet, Nessy?”

  “What’s the rush,” I reply, “look, a big woman like me, can only fit a few items in such a low luggage allowance, so how difficult can it be. Unlike a skinny, thin stick such as you, who can probably fit her entire wardrobe in her suitcase.”

  Hannah is always the organized one amongst us, whereas Lin is such a dizzy head and can never make her mind up, as for me, well anything goes. There will be no fuss or last minute panicking with my packing, I already know what I’m taking and it’s all slinky and sexy.

  We might be a strange combination of friends, but we are all inseparable. We’ve known each other since junior high and we all get on well. Lin is Chinese American, with long slick dark hair and the most stunning oriental features I have ever seen. Not that she would agree with that, she’s extremely shy and always embarrassed when someone tries to compliment her. She has a very fit body too, but then being a professional dancer she needs to keep in top shape. When she dances she’s a different person altogether, gone is that shy disorganized girl, replaced by a graceful and confident woman.

  Now Hannah, she’s the complete opposite, she is so well organized that I’m convinced she’s border line OCD. Everything has to be in its rightful place. That’s why no one gets near her store window display, except me. She doesn't let me do it as a favor for old friends, no. I do Hannah’s displays because I’m very, very good at what I do, and only the best is good enough for her.

  As for me, well, I’m a big girl, not in height, I’m only a petite 5ft 3in
tall, but that’s the only petite thing about me. I am a voluptuous 200lb big, beautiful woman, with curves all in the right place. Size 22 dress and a bust size of 40H. I’ve tried all the diets including Atkins, South Beach, Paleo, you name it, I’ve tried it, but they just don't work for me. Dieting makes me miserable and unsociable and my friends hate it when I’m on one. Now I just accept who I am and what I am, and I’m much happier for it.

  Hannah’s voice interrupts my thoughts, “If we miss that flight because you couldn’t be bothered to think about your packing, I will never forgive you, Nessy,” she threatens.

  Thankfully, those are her final words, as she storms off to leave me alone so I can get on with making her window look amazing, while she’s away. It’s her new special collection from the Paris fashion houses. I know she wants to make a special impression for a photography session she’s having done, for a magazine article. She’ll be having a Skype interview while we’re away. All this is making her a little bit more stressed than usual, so I’m trying to give it my full attention.

  We all need this holiday to relax and unwind from the busy everyday lives that we all put ourselves through. Given that the climate around here is so cold at this time of year, we decided to go hunting the sun shine, with the added bonus of meeting some sexy European guys. I just cannot wait to get there.

  A quick check of my watch tells me that I need to get a move on. I really do need to get home and do said packing, as the flight leaves at midnight. Time to up the pace and get my skates on.

  Chapter 2 Pudding or Desert?

  Unbelievably, by chance or pure miracle, we manage to arrive on time and in one piece. We’ve checked in to the rooms, unpacked, and now we’re out sunbathing on a hot sunny beach. The sand is a pale golden yellow and the sea, a deep turquoise blue, it is simply magnificent. It’s not just the beach that’s hot, the guys are too, well-tanned muscular bodies with the skimpiest of swim ware, I feel like I’m in heaven.

  I’m relaxing on a sun lounger with a long cool drink in my hand, and eyeing up the local talent as it passes me by. I have my two-piece bathing costume on, with the straps hanging off my shoulders so I get an all over tan. Lin and Hannah are splashing about in the sea, like two big kids. I love these guys and I am so pleased to be here with them. The water that looks beautiful and clear, I’m gonna have to try it out soon. Right now, I’m looking at a couple of fliers of the local nightlife, this place is full of exotic clubs and bars and we have two whole weeks to try them all out. Oh, this is glorious, no work for two weeks, just fun, fun and more fun.

  As I look over the tops of my sunglasses, I note a couple of guys observing the girls in the sea, they look hot, but as soon as they speak I lose interest. Their unmistakable Southern American drawl puts me off. Now I’ve nothing against my American compatriots, it’s the local talent I’m interested in over the next couple of weeks. The girls feel the same and the two guys soon realise that they are not interested in them, and slope off looking for other opportunities

  My stomach starts to rumble and I realise that we haven’t eaten since we arrived, so I round up the girls and we head for the hotel’s dining room.

  Thankfully the hotel has air conditioning, I love the sun but it’s so good to feel the cool air from the air con. We find a good spot where we can see the ocean from our window as we check out the menu.

  “What you going to have?” Lin asks me.

  “Well, you know what they say, when in Rome, blah, blah. It’s gotta be a big bowl of pasta with seafood for me, what about you?”

  Lin doesn't answer me, because she is sat with her mouth slightly agape staring at something. I look up form the menu to see what has attracted her attention, and find myself looking upon the most handsomest guy I’ve ever set eyes on, and he is stood right by me. What’s even better, it’s not the girls he’s looking at with a twinkle in his eyes, but me.

  “My name is Antonio and I am here to serve you tonight,” he tells us, with excellent English, and an unmistakable Italian lilt. It’s so sexy that I feel an excited quiver ripple in my tummy. He is a big guy, at least 6ft tall and with a broad chest and shoulders to match and a dark shock of thick, wavy hair. His face has strong Italian features, with the deepest brown eyes I have ever seen; maybe they’re even black. I could sink into them and be lost forever.

  “Well, Nessy, tell the waiter what you want?” Hannah's voice interrupts my musings.

  “Oh, I, erm, I’ll have whatever the waiter recommends,” I stutter out.

  He stands close to me and leans down, pointing out items on the menu. He so close he's almost touching me and I can smell his masculine, musky odor. He smells delicious.

  “Might I recommend that whilst in Italy, you must try the swordfish, the Puttanesca sauce is delicious, and I’m sure madam will enjoy this dish. Accompanied with a glass of Pinot Grigio, to clean the palate.”

  “Yes, that sounds perfect, thank you,” I have no idea what he’s suggested and I want to keep him here, right by my side, suggesting things all night. “Can you also recommend a pudding?” I always have to have something sweet, it’s how I keep my figure just as I want it.

  “What is this pu... pudding, you say?” my sexy Italian waiter asks me.

  “Oh, Nessy, you have to be more refined when in Europe,” Hannah informs me and promptly tugs at my waiter’s sleeve, “she means her dessert, Antonio. If she doesn’t get her dessert, she’ll waste away.”

  “Ahh, we wouldn't want that now, would we?” he says, bending over me again. “For dessert, I recommend an evening with me,” he says winking at me.

  I look on speechless, and feel very flattered. My two friends are attractive girls and usually always get the boys first. It seems this guy likes his women big and beautiful, how can I resist a night of love.

  “Oh, I’ll order a large slice of that,” I say.

  “Excellent choice, madam,” my waiter tells me, smiling with a lopsided grin and an added dimple to match. “I will return once your meal is over, and escort you to the town.”

  I say nothing, what can I say. I’ve just been chatted up by the sexiest waiter in Italy. He leaves us to get our drinks and I sigh a huge breath, followed my fanning myself.

  “Oh boy!” I exclaim, “isn’t he gorgeous?” I ask the girls, not that I need their opinion.

  “He is one sexy dude, Nessy, you sure you can handle him alone,” Lin says, always the humorous one.

  “I’m putting up my ‘Not to be Disturbed’ sign tonight,” I inform them, jokingly. “I think I’m in love, this is the one, the special one, I feel it in my tummy.”

  “Nessy, you need to be careful, these holiday romances always end in tears.” Hannah decides to give her usual sensible input.

  “I’m not interested in anything long term, Hannah, I just want a little bit of fun while I’m on my holiday, where’s the harm in that?”

  The food arrives and it is delicious, just as the waiter recommended it would be, but I am too distracted to enjoy it properly, all I can think about is my impending date with the sexy Antonio. Every time he comes to the table he gives me a wide sexy smile and pays me more attention than the other two girls, always flattering me and complementing me on my looks. If I didn't know better, I’d think the girls were a little jealous.

  Finally, the meal is over and my date arrives on time, dressed in faded jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt which shows off his firm muscular frame. I can’t believe my luck, first day here and I have a date with a sexy hunk. After making my farewells to the girls, he whisks me off into the town.

  Chapter 3 A Private Beach Party

  We have a wonderful time, my chaperone is an amazing gentleman and attends to my every need, treating me with respect and paying me full attention, all evening. As we come out of a quiet, little bar, off the beaten track, he heads towards the beach.

  “Antonio?” I say, “why me?” I have to ask the big question.

  “Why you, what?” he replies, questioningly.

sp; “Why did you ask me out?” I dare to push the question further.

  “Why not you?” he laughs as he puts his arm around my shoulder. “You are a beautiful sexy woman, why would I not ask you out?”

  I look into his face to see if he’s mocking me, but all I see is a genuine smile, and a little twinkle in his eyes.

  He stands in front of me and gently puts an arm around me and a finger under my chin, as he lifts up my face, me presses his soft lips onto mine. I cannot resist. My first kiss from a sexy Italian guy, who would have thought I’d beat my friends and be the first out on a date. I feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he gently strokes my cheek, while his lips are pressed to mine. We must look an odd couple, he tall and slender and me short, and very curvy. I’m almost standing on my tiptoes to get that kiss.

  “Shall we go and walk by the sea?” he says, pulling away from my lips. “The beach is beautiful in the moonlight and there will be very few people around now.”

  We walk towards the seashore hand in hand. The beach is deserted, as he said it would be, and the light of the moon glitters on the sea, giving it a perfectly romantic ethereal glow.

  We get to the shoreline and he embraces me again, kissing me full on the lips, more firmly this time and with more passion. His tongue pushes into my mouth and I moan lightly, opening up my lips a little more to let his tongue explore my mouth. Ohh, he tastes so good, and I feel a little disappointed when he pulls away.

  He takes my arm in his and we continue our walk along the moonlit beach. We both remove our shoes and walk closer to the sea, letting the warm water rush over our feet. My head is resting on his side as we walk, I feel very much the lucky girl tonight, and it’s not over yet.


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