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ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 133

by Jane Prescott

  The sea had become rough and the waves rocked the ship from side to side. Eileen had still not got used to the motion, and she could felt the usual churning in her stomach. Seasickness, it was called, but for Eileen sickness did not adequately describe it. She had spent many an hour retching helplessly in the latrines. She needed to get out of the stuffy cabin and breathe in some fresh air. Although they were second class, cabin passengers, they often smelt the stench from the poor souls below them. Leaving her husband to care for the child, she wrapped a warm coat around her and ventured out onto the decks. It was at times like this that she wished she could dress in simple clothing, instead of a long dress down to her ankles and fastened all the way up to her neck to cover her modestly. At least she didn't have to suffer the impracticalities of a bustle, but Wallace had insisted that they should keep up appearances, so she had brought as much as she could, of her cumbersome dresses.

  They were allowed on to the top deck, but clambering up the metal steps, with a long dress at her ankles, was difficult and not very lady like. Though it was not going to stop her from going up and seeking fresher air. She picked up the hemline of her dress in one hand, and carefully climbed the the stairs to the deck, keeping a firm hold of the railings as the sea swung the boat from side to side. Already she was beginning to feel a little better just by breathing in the fresh, sea air. Just as she almost reached the top of the stairway, the boat rocked violently, almost throwing her from the steps, and sending her crashing back down, Fortunately, for her, a strong hand grasped hers and dragged her back up to safety, averting an almost certain disaster.

  Chapter 2 A Rocking Ship

  Flushed, and trembling slightly from the experience, she raised her head to thank the kind soul who had saved her, but she was left bereft of voice as she stared at the stranger before her. She had never seen a man so strikingly handsome. He was tall, well over six feet in height, sparkling blue eyes, that seemed to hint at mischief, and a strong structural face with a well defined nose, a large generous mouth and strong jawline.

  “My dear,” he said, in a soft, but deep, voice, “should you be up here, unaccompanied?” He noticed her pale features, “you look a little ill?” he questioned.

  “Ye…yes thank you," she managed to stutter, realizing she was staring. Quickly, she averted her gaze, her face burning from the flush of embarrassment.

  “I appreciate your concern, sir, I understand that this not the best of places for a lady, but if I don’t breath in the sea air, on occasion, I fear I may rot down there.”

  “Come, take my arm and I will walk along the deck with you,” he had been struck by her beauty and desired her company, so he offered his arm in support.

  “I am a married woman, sir,” she said, instantly, “I cannot be seen walking arm in arm with a stranger, but thank you for your kind offer.”

  “It is fine madam, I do not mean to harm your reputation,” a smile came to his lips as if he was making fun of her, “but I am one of the ship’s doctors, so no one will find it scandalous that I aid you in your distress.”

  She looked at him uncertain, a smile still played on his lips, but she took the offered arm and together they strolled along the deck.

  “Are you suffering the curse of the sea?” he asked, genuinely concerned. “I notice that you are pale. Many suffer from the sea sickness. It takes a strong constitution to be untouched from the rocking of the ship.”

  “I do, sir,” she confirmed to him. “I have had many a wretched hour feeling like my insides are turned the wrong way around. I do not know how anyone can possibly be immune to it.”

  “You get used to it, or at least most do,” he informed her. “I have some medicine in my dispensary, if you would like to come with me. It will help alleviate the symptoms.”

  “So, it is true then, you really are the ship’s doctor, and it wasn't a ploy to take advantage of me?” she couldn't believe how bold she was, with this handsome young man. His charming behaviour had completely lowered her guard.

  “No madam, I do not make a habit of prowling the decks looking for damsels in distress, no matter how pretty they are,” his voice stern, almost scolding.

  Again the blood rose in here face, embarrassed at his rebuke.

  “Please sir, forgive me, I did not mean to impl…” she stopped short when she saw the grin on his face. “Really, now you make fun of me?” the inflection in her voice acquired an injured tone.

  “Of course not,” he reassured her, “I merely hoped to lighten your mood. Please, accept my apology now, and the offer of the medicine still stands. It really will help.”

  They continued to walk along the deck in silence, until they approached a stairwell. Stopping just before the descent he and turned to her, “My dispensary is just below, it really will help you,” he invited, once again.

  Eileen mulled his offer over in her head, uncertain why she felt so reluctant. The man seemed genuine and charming, what did she have to lose? Perhaps, she thought to herself, he is not the reason for my reluctance, but it is me. She had a feeling of unease ever since meeting him. His striking good looks had stirred something inside of her, that felt alien. She normally never looked at another man, and especially the way she had been looking at him. It scared her a little.

  “Is that a yes, or no? I really must get on as there are many patients below decks,” his voice cut through her thoughts.

  “Yes, of course,” she blurted out, instantly regretting it, she would feel foolish changing her mind now, “please, lead the way.”

  Chapter 3 A Man’s Cabin

  He led her down the stairs and through the first door they came to, into a large cabin. It was disorganized, medical supplies everywhere. Along the walls were cabinets full of bottles, an assortment of colored liquids and pills. Medical instruments on the table, and at the far end, an examination table. As Eileen scanned the room, she was shocked to see personal belongings and a large bed in the corner.

  “This is your cabin?” she asked, a note of reproach in her voice.

  “Yes,” he replied with a smile. “The ship cannot afford the space for a doctor to have a separate surgery, so I must make do. Please, will you be seated?” He pointed at the table, which had two chairs around it.

  Had he misled her intentionally? Had she known he slept here, she would never have followed him. Indecision, clouded her mind, she should not be here, in another man’s cabin without a chaperone, even if he was a doctor.

  “I really think I should leave,” she informed him, heading towards the door.

  He stood before her and blocked her way out, but there was no threat or menace about him. Reaching over, he took her hand in his, his large hands easily enveloped hers.

  “Please, madam, sit down and relax. I mean only the best for you.”

  His touch was electric and Eileen shivered involuntarily, feeling slightly shaken. She sat at the table, her knees weak and trembling.

  “You have a flush about you, madam, are you feeling well?”

  All Eileen could do was nod. She was afraid her voice would betray her and give away her inner emotions. The doctor walked over to a cabinet by the bed and returned to the table with a bottle of brandy and two glasses in hand. Sitting opposite her, he poured two drinks, pushing one over to Eileen.

  “Drink this, it will make you feel better.”

  “Is this your seasickness cure, Doctor?” she asked, accusingly, feeling that she had once again been tricked.

  The Doctor smiled reassuringly, “No, madam, this is simply to calm your tremors, you are shaking like all over.”

  She sipped slowly at the brandy. The burning heat was welcoming and comforting. As it spread through her body, the alcohol slowly released her tensions and she started to relax. She finished the glass, placing it back down on the table.

  “Let me introduce myself,” he said with a friendly manner. “All this, sir, and madam, is becoming tiresome,” he said, holding out his hand. “My name is Aaron Garner, and I am the
good doctor of this ship. I’m also on my way home.”

  Eileen took his hand, but he surprised her when he turned it over, bent forward and brushed his lips across the back of it. Again, the touch of his skin on hers was amazing, and little pulses of pleasure rushed through her body. Eileen felt grateful that she was seated, because she was not confident her legs would have held up.

  “Eileen, Eileen Murphy,” she managed to blurt out. “My husband and I are making our way to the Americas, to start a new life.”

  Chapter 4 Hot Flushes

  Aaron looked on appreciatively as she became more relaxed.

  “I am sure such a beautiful woman will find America perfect,” he said. “There are plenty of opportunities for those who are prepared to work hard. My father emigrated twenty five years ago, with nothing but the clothes on his back. Now he is a successful business man and has put me through medical college.”

  “So you are American, then? I thought I noticed a certain accent, but I couldn't quite trace it. I’m not used to the various English accents, having only just arrived from Ireland.”

  “And I thought I detected your Irish lilt, it is very becoming,” again she noticed that smile with the mischievous glint in his eyes, it made her stomach flip, but not with seasickness. What is the matter with you, Eileen Murphy? She chided herself. She reached for her glass to take another drink, it would likely steady her nerves, before then she remembered her stomach was empty.

  Aaron noticed her actions and picked up the bottle of brandy.

  “Here, let me,” he said whilst pouring another brandy into her glass.

  She watched and gratefully took a large gulp, pretending not to notice that the had not filled his own glass. What might that be about? She wondered. The alcohol was working its way through her blood system, easing her tension and lowering her inhibitions. She no longer felt uncomfortable at being alone in the good doctors presence, in fact, she was enjoying it. His conversation was witty and charming as he recounted his life in the Americas, telling her how wonderful it was. Occasionally he touched her hand when making a specific point, and on one occasion he simply left it there. His hand felt strong and firm on hers, which in contrast, was delicate and soft.

  Eileen took another gulp of brandy, felling hotter and hotter in here, she was certain it was not all down to the alcohol. Aaron could see that she was relaxing to his charms and felt a tingle of excitement flush through his body. Now seemed a good time to make his move.

  “You are flushed again, Eileen, are you well?” he feigned concern, his motives being predatory.

  He’s right, Eileen thought to herself, she is hot and flushed. As she pulled at the lace of her bodice, she exposed her cleavage, trying to cool her self down.

  Aaron sat, his eyes fastened to her breasts as she exposed more bare skin. He was not one to take advantage of a drunken woman, especially one as refined as Eileen, but his passions were rising and getting the better of his good judgement.

  “Here let me help you,” he offered, standing and moving around to her side of the table.

  His hands reached for the lace that held the top of her bodice together, pulling on it to loosen it further. More of her cleavage became exposed and Aaron thought he could just glimpse the sight of the edge of her pink areole. The brief glimpse sends his blood coursing to his male member, as it rapidly grew in his pants.

  Eileen was aware of the doctor’s closeness at her side, and when he gently pulled at the lace holding the front of her bodice together, she watched him, knowing exactly what he wanted. She wanted the same thing. The alcohol had lowered her inhibitions, but it had not dulled her senses so she could not control her actions. Aware that she was exposing her breasts to him, she did not care, it was hot in here and the thought of this man staring at her breast only served to arouse her more.

  Aaron could not believe his luck, this demure woman, who had been very reserved and shy about being alone with him, was now exposing her breasts to him. From the glint of lust he had seen in her eye, he knew she was enjoying her little exhibitionism. Taking this opportunity, he reached forward and planted little kisses on her cleavage.

  Chapter 5 The Missing Wife

  At first it shocked Eileen when she felt the doctor’s kisses on her exposed breast, but she did not resist. Instead, she delighted in the amazing sensations that swept through her body. She had come from a deeply, catholic family, and sex was not for pleasure, but for reproduction. Her husband, although a kind and loving man, seemed to lose interest in her after she became pregnant. They had not had sex for almost a year. Now, the attentions of the good doctor were making her feel like never before, and she could feel a dampness between her legs, that was alien to her. She knew she should feel shame, but she did not. She felt desire, passion and lust, and she loved it all. Overcome by this passion, she pulled open her bodice to reveal her fully naked breasts. She pushed them into the doctor’s face.

  He simply could not believe how things had turned so quickly, this woman was so hot, and ready for him. It hadn't been his intention to bed her when she agreed to come with him, but now, that was the foremost thought in his mind. Moving quickly before she had the chance to change her mind, he pulled the dress off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor. He stood back slightly to look at her nakedness. Her pert breasts, slightly upturned, topped by cherry red nipples that were stiff and protruding. Her flat stomach and curvaceous waist with a milky white skin. Beautiful, he thought to himself. Her eyes were closed and her face etched with passion, her lips moist and slightly parted, inviting a a kiss. He wasted no more time in accepting this invitation and pressed his lips to hers, pushing his tongue into her mouth.

  Eileen was overcome with desire, she should feel shame and guilt because she was a married woman, and here she was stood almost naked in front of a man she barely knew. That very thought sent ripples of lust through her, tingling every nerve ending in her body, but none more so than those between her legs and at the tips of her breasts. When she felt Aaron’s lips on her, she nearly swooned with the weakness of her passion. His tongue entered her mouth and she greedily sucked on it. Reaching for one of his hands, she brazenly pressed it against her breasts, urging him by her actions to squeeze and fondle them. His fingers found her nipple buds and she moaned quietly into his mouth.

  He knew there was no time to waste, she was ripe for the taking. He quickly picked her up into his arms and carried over her to the bed, his lips still glued to hers. Placing her down, he laid beside her pressing his body against hers, still kissing her deeply. His hands back on her breasts, fingers searching out her nipples, he pulled at the stiff little buds before kissing down her and neck leaving a wet trail all the way down to her nipple. Suckling this delight into his mouth, he gently bit the cherry with his teeth.

  Eileen Murphy stretched out her arms, arching her back and pushing her breast up towards the doctor’s expertly suckling mouth.

  * * *

  Wallace Murphy was becoming concerned for his wife, she had been gone over an hour and she looked unwell when she left. He looked outside the cabin door, peering down the narrow corridors that were dimly lit by the sun shining through the portholes. There was no sign of her. He was just about to go back inside when the couple from next door came into view.

  “Hello,” he called out to them, “have you seen Eileen on your travels?”

  “No, sorry Wallace, we've been walking on the deck, but we saw nothing of her, is everything okay?”

  He briefly explained to them how she had been feeling unwell and had gone out for a refreshing walk on the deck, but that was over and hour ago. They agreed to look after baby Finnegan while he went searching for her.

  He climbed the stairs to the top deck, he knew that this was where she preferred to walk, the open top refreshing after being cooped up in the cabin. It was also secluded, which offered her some level of privacy if she had to vomit over the side of the ship. He looked down both ways across the full length of the deck,
but could not see her. Just as he was about to descend to the lower decks he spotted a crew member sat smoking on one of the benches, and approached him. He explained his situation and the crew member informed him that a lady similar to his wife’s description was seen walking the deck with the ship’s doctor. He directed the man to the doctor’s cabin and Wallace feared wife has been taken ill so he quickly set off, intent on finding her.

  Chapter 6 That’s My Wife

  Eileen was blissfully unaware of her husband’s concerns. At this moment, the only thing she was aware of was the doctor’s expert manipulation of her body. He was clearly well versed in the female anatomy, and not just in a medical sense. Her whole body was awash with a sensuality that was overwhelming her as he suckled and nipped at her sensitive buds with his teeth and lips. He had moved to a position whereby he was above her and his muscular frame loomed over her delicate form. He kept his weight on his knees and one arm, the other pulling and twisting at the nipple not receiving the attention of his mouth. She felt his firm thigh pressing against the mound between her legs, a mound that was moist and burning and crying out to be pleasured. Unable to help herself she moved her hips up and down, rubbing her mons hard against his thigh and trying desperately to release that sexual itch that was burning deep inside of her. She felt like a bitch on heat and was passed caring. Suddenly, he was gone, her hips were left pressing against nothing but air.


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