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ROMANCE: His Reluctant Heart (Historical Western Victorian Romance) (Historical Mail Order Bride Romance Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 135

by Jane Prescott

  Once they had left, he lay on his bed drinking a large brandy, glad that he’d thought to bring along his own supply. He had a feeling he was going to need it as he felt for certain this little tryst had not ended yet.

  Chapter 9 A Trying Time

  It was two days later before he saw them again, but not in the circumstances he had hoped for. He was arranging medical supplies in his cabin when suddenly the door burst open and Wallace came bursting in.

  “Come, quickly,” he pleaded, “come, Finnegan is desperately ill.”

  He grabbed his bag and quickly followed the distraught man.

  The baby had a high fever and he realized the symptoms were similar to some other passengers on the ship.

  “Are you feeding your child yourself?” he asked Eileen.

  “No, I dried up weeks ago and hired a nursemaid from below decks.” He could see the fear in her eyes. “She hasn’t been up in a while because her own child got the sickness, do you think it’s one and the same?”

  “I do,” he said, he saw no point in lying. His relationship with these people was, if nothing, an honest one.

  “Can you help, Aaron?” the child’s father asked, desperation in his voice.

  “I will do all I can. We need to break the fever and keep him hydrated. I have a limited supply of medication with me, though for god’s sake don’t mention it, I simply don’t have enough for everyone.”

  The parents were too grateful to him to be telling anyone of their special treatment. Right now all they wanted was their child to be better and off this accursed ship.

  “I’ve been treating a lot of sick patients and there have been a few deaths on board. The Captain asked me to keep it quiet on the upper decks, but you deserve to know about the sickness as I do believe your child is suffering from the cholera.”

  “Why didn’t the Captain warn us, I would not have used the nursemaid?” Eileen cried with uncontrollable tears now streaming down her face. “Oh, Wallace, what shall we do? Our little one, what shall we do?” her husband embraced her tightly as they both watched the doctor at work on their child.

  “Listen, I know it’s alarming,” Aaron said to them both, “but your child has a good chance of success, he is strong and a good weight. I will take the greatest care of him, I promise you this,” he said, taking one of each of their hands into his. “I will make sure you have a fresh water supply. On our part, keep him clean and dispose of his waste to the ship’s incinerator. Anything he has stained so far, must also go to the incinerator. You are my friends, now let me be yours.”

  The next week was the worst for the family, there were times when they thought they had lost their child, his fever burning through his little body, but with the help of doctor, they did start to see improvements. Soon their baby boy was coming through. His temperature lowered and he started taking nourishment in the form of solid food.

  It was a few days after the fever broke in Finnegan, when Aaron spotted Eileen out for a walk on the deck, in the exact same spot where he had first met her. The tension of the week was showing in her face, her eyes puffy and her skin pale. He was glad their journey was almost at an end. He wanted to show his new friends everything his country had to offer them. They deserved a good start and he would try and ensure they had it. Besides, their fun had ended abruptly and he hoped to pick it up again, when they reached land.

  She greeted him with one of her beautiful smiles. If she were not already married, he could very easily have been tempted to marry this one himself. However, he liked her husband and he would never overstep his welcome in their arms. For now, they needed to get over this journey and the threat of loosing their child. Thankfully, that was behind them now, not so for the people down in steerage, they had lost many children and the elderly had also suffered many losses. Even the fittest of adults could not all fight away the spread of disease down there. Many may still not make it, but he would do his best to help, as he had done thus far.

  They would be disembarking in the morning, Aaron had already invited them to stay with him in his modest home in New York, until they could find a place of their own. To his joy, they had accepted. He would like to help them build a life here, a life they deserved and he hoped a life he could be a part of. He watched as she strolled along, the sea air returning some color to her cheeks. He longed for the time when she would soon be in arms, once again, along with Wallace.


  What They Desire

  Chapter 1 Space Age

  This is the opportunity of a lifetime, for me. I’ve been invited to a recruitment seminar at one of the biggest High Tech companies in the world, and I’m freaking out with excitement. I’ve already had a telephone interview and a face to face meeting at a local office, but now, here I am at the futuristic building stood in the huge hall and surrounded by my fellow interviewees, every single one of us under thirty. Competition for a position is fierce, there are nearly fifty prospective candidates and I can’t help but wonder as to exactly how many vacancies they have. Still, I have a fully paid expenses induction week at one their research labs, as a creative marketing analyst. I swear, if I get this job, it’ll set me up for life. I’m here for a week, staying in their in-house accommodation, it’s a truly amazing experience and one I’ve been really looking forward too.

  So, how did I manage to secure such a life changing opportunity? Well I’m a blogger, and a successful one at that, with millions of hits a week. I write erotic fantasy, from a woman’s point of view, and most of my readers seem to love it, so much so that my inbox is full of complementary email messages from women all over the world. Even a few men thank me for liberating them and improving their sex lives. It seems the company was impressed, although what a High Tech company would want with the services of an erotic author I’ve no idea, but I hope to find out soon.

  We’ve been told to take ourselves on a tour of the base, go anywhere and everywhere. Be as inquisitive as we like. Jokingly, they said if there’s anywhere out of bounds, we won’t find it, but I think they were quite serious. I do believe there are hidden places in this research lab. Of course there’s nothing nefarious I’m sure, but this company creates a lot of fantasy games and I think it’s a highly secretive business, industrial sabotage must be a problem for them.

  I intend on trying every door I discover, so I can know all their secrets and hopefully that will give me an advantage over my competitors.

  * * *

  “You are watching that girl on monitor 3?” Zaiden asked of one of the guardians who act as security.

  “Yes sir, she’s certainly the most curious out of this group,” he replied.

  “Yeah, that’s my thinking too, let’s bring her to the attention of the group leaders, I need to know more about her. I like a girl who thinks for herself and isn’t afraid to go forth. I think I’d like to keep this one on board a bit longer.”

  Guardians, leaders, minions, it all adds to the fantasy of the place and was just all a part of the enjoyment of this successful company. Everything was taken lightly. People who were clever certainly had many opportunities here. People who took things slowly were left alone to do what they do best, there were no quotas or targets, just inspirational ideas. Despite the seemingly loose regime, more work was completed successfully within this company than any other corporate company in the world. Staffs were allowed to work to their strengths, and that made them far more productive than trying to reach impossible deadlines

  * * *

  I have the main interview tomorrow on day 2. Today was about doing whatever we wanted. This place is like a giant playground and you get to play anywhere. I don’t stop in any of the rooms where there are lectures or videos playing, I want to keep moving and discover all there is to be found. I haven’t been much of a team player so have not yet gotten to know any of my fellow interviewees. I’m not interested in joining in on role play, this company challenges my brain and I’m interested in satiating my knowledge of what’s going on. I know pl
aces like this are probably looking for team players, but I have to be honest, I’m a loner, that’s how I succeed. I do things my way, not how others demand of me.

  Finally, I end up in the dining room. I hadn't realized how hungry I am, because of all the excitement. There is a huge buffet of food from around the world, and like the rooms in this building, I have to try them all. So for tonight, it’s happy eating time.

  Chapter 2 Bring it on

  Our first lecture of the day is about the two owners and how they have built up this company from working in their bedroom and eventually progressing to this super modern building. They started their blog as kids and their games are so imaginative, that they soon grew. In less than ten years, they are one of the top companies on the NASDAQ. There’s a lot of secrecy about the software and there’s no better place to start, than a research lab. This is where ideas are born, then data is collected to move those ideas forward. That’s where I hope to be involved, in the creation of the new and never before experienced games. I want to help create the worlds in which these games are based. This is the world of fantasy and make believe, exactly where I belong.

  I really enjoy the opening meeting as I’m genuinely interested in these guys. How do two young kids from an ordinary background, become multi billionaires in a matter of a few years? I would love to meet these guys, but I doubt they concern themselves with the hiring of staff these days. Maybe, just maybe, I might meet them if I get this job. After all, they need a creative thinker to make up the worlds that the public want to participate in, and that could be me. It is my hope and dream.

  * * *

  “Is she one of the candidates you mentioned in your message?” Imran asks his partner, Zaiden.

  “Yeah, I’ve been watching her closely, she’s listening into the story about our lives, like she really wants in. She has an amazing imagination, you need to look at her blog. They’re off into the Dream World next so we’ll see if she ‘bites.’ I hope so, I’d really like to interview her close up,” Zaiden explains.

  They watch the group through hidden cameras, as they are led into a Games room. This is where the ‘possible’ candidates will split themselves away from the ‘no-go’ candidates, without even realizing they’ve either failed or gone on to the next level.

  * * *

  Next we are going to the research room where new and experimental games are being tested. Our numbers have dwindled quite significantly and I wonder what’s happened to the rest of them, maybe they are deemed unsuitable. My heart races at that thought, perhaps we few are the leading candidates. Before we enter, we’re asked to sign a secrecy agreement instructing us that what we are about to see is highly confidential and must not be discussed with anyone outside of the research team. I sign willingly, fully intrigued and full of anticipation for what is to come. First, we went through a number of security processes before we we’re finally into this room. This creates a bit of an anti-climax. The room is quite small with about a dozen padded chairs that look really comfortable. At the side of each chair is an array of electronic equipment. We are instructed to take a seat, wherever we like, and put on a headset which completely covers the top half of the head, the ears and eyes. It’s a snug fit and in front of my eyes is a built in monitor with the words, ‘Welcome to the Dream Games,’ displayed. Soft background music is playing in the headphones.

  After a few moments the music stops and two young men appear on the display, their voices broadcast over the headphones, introducing themselves as the CEO’s of the company. It’s good to finally hear and see them, even if it is only a recording. I’ve seen pictures of them, they’re everywhere in the complex, but this is the first time I’ve heard them. I listen in, fully engrossed as they both give a brief history of how they founded their company. They finish on a more sombre note, explaining that for some, these games can be a very real life experience, and not everyone can cope with such emotions. We have been especially selected, because of our personal skills and psychological profile. We have proved to be ready in both mind and body, to be fully emerged into a game. Yet still able to realise that it is just that, a game, and if anyone has any doubts or concerns, they should leave the room immediately. I stay firmly sat in my chair, this is far too intriguing to miss.

  Chapter 3 Let the Game Begin

  Pep talk over and another face is on the screen instructing us of the procedure. It seems we are to drink a small potion, nothing dangerous, but it will help to ease our anxiety as we need to be completely relaxed for these games for it to have the desired effect, or so the anonymous face tells us. There is also a release word, one that when spoken, wakes you up immediately, should you feel uncomfortable or in distress. I doubt I will have any need of that.

  The face is replaced with a menu screen displaying a list of categories of the type of games available, and one menu stands out above all the others. It’s just one single short word, but it has me intrigued. “ADULT.” I click into it and receive a number of sub menus, each with different scenarios. Having been bold enough to click into this, I decide to stay in this category and choose a hunting game. It seems I have to escape the clutches of two men who will be trying to hunt me down and capture me for their own uses. I like the sound of that.

  Unscrewing the lid, I put the glass vial to my lips, and drink. If you’ve ever tasted those violet sweets, well that’s exactly what it tastes of. Naturally, I close my eyes, awaiting for whatever adventure is going to happen in my head.

  * * *

  Once the participating candidates are all asleep in the chairs, a group of staff enter the room. They will monitor the brain activity, blood pressure, heart rate and so many things, that by the time they’ve finished wiring the participants up with leads, they look like something from a sci fi movie.

  “I thought we’d be the hunters, you up for it?” Zaiden asks Imran, his partner in business, amongst other things.

  “You really think she’s gifted?” Imran asks. “The software’s almost ready, but we’re lacking in storylines. We need someone to get creating them and quickly. You think she can do it?”

  “Let’s get to know her in the game, that’ll tell us if she’s the right one for the job. I didn’t get to be a multi billionaire by not following my instincts,” Zaiden said, and Imran smiled back at him.

  They worked good together and Imran had always trusted Zaiden’s intuitions. As schoolboys, it had always been Zaiden who did the pushing. Imran had doubts about their success, but Zaiden had pushed them, and now they were CEO’s of the most powerful software company in the world, with a turnover of billions of dollars. Imran had been reluctant to forgo his studies and instead write software for the games they sold on their ever growing blog. But, he had trusted in Zaiden. They never did take their exams, yet here they were, far richer than any of their old school friends. So, if Zaiden believed in this young woman, then so be it. Besides, he loved this game. They both made their way to two empty chairs, sitting down and preparing themselves for the game.

  * * *

  When I open my eyes I’m in a jungle surrounded by lush green vegetation and towering trees. It’s amazing that this is a game, it feels so real. I can feel the humidity on my body and the sweat running in rivulets down my skin. Looking down, I’m wearing a tight fitting leather tunic with a low cut top in a V, down to my navel and then held together with laces, barely concealing my breast. The hem of the dress is just below my panties and is split at both sides from the waist down. I have a pair of leather sandals on my feet. The outfit is very comfortable but also very revealing.

  I recall the object of the game, I’m to evade capture for as long as possible from two stalkers who are hunting me, should I be caught they can do with me as they please. The general synopsis of the game leaves me in no doubt as to what that means. I feel a warm glow between my legs as I realise that being captured isn't such a bad thing. Still my pride is at stake here, and I want to remain free for as long as possible.

  A noise to my r
ight alerts me to the presence of my hunters and I head off into the bush. Let the chase begin.

  Chapter 4 Captured

  The developers of this software have done an amazing job, I feel every branch whipping against my body, every graze and cut when I fall. As I try to make my escape through the forest, I even feel a little fear. My legs ache and my heart pounds from the exertion as I run as fast as I can. Still, no matter how fast I try, whatever tactic of evasion I use, I can hear them right behind me, relentlessly chasing me down. I’m beginning to think that the built in default of this game is capture, and nothing I do will change that. In the end, I decide to hide away in a burrow I’ve found in a clearing, it’s probably the home of some wild animal but it’s currently empty. I wriggle my way inside and cover the opening with branches, then await my pursuers.

  I don't have long to wait as two men enter the clearing, pausing a second while scouting around as they search for my tracks. I hold my breath, trying not to give myself away, but as they come closer I gasp in surprise as I realize it’s the two owners of the company, Zaiden and Imran. They’re dressed as the great white hunters, khaki trousers and a khaki shirt, knee length leather boots and a domed sun hat. I can’t help but giggle at their outfits, they look ridiculous, that’s one thing I think needs to be changed as it isn’t very realistic for the players. Both are carrying large rifles.


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