Book Read Free

Protecting Melody

Page 15

by Susan Stoker

Melody smiled as she walked up to the truck. Baby was sitting in her usual seat in the front. Tex hopped out as she got to the truck to open her door, as he usually did. Melody had tried to tell him not to bother getting out, that she could open her own door and get into the vehicle on her own, but he’d just smiled and ignored her. Just as Melody reached Tex, they heard her name being called from a few spaces away.

  Both Tex and Melody turned to see Robert Pletcher stalking their way.

  “What the fuck, Melody?”

  Melody took a step backward and bumped into the side of the truck. She heard Baby growling from inside.

  “Watch it, Robert,” Tex warned, putting one arm out and pushing Mel behind him a bit.

  “Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?”

  “We’ve met. When Mel first came back to town.”

  “Oh yeah, I remember now. You’re the possessive fucker who couldn’t keep your hands off her in the middle of town. I have no idea what she sees in you, some crippled asshole who’s pretending he’s infatuated with her. She’s not that good of a lay, I’m sure you’ve figured that out on your own by now.”

  The words had barely left his mouth when Tex had him on the ground, his knee at his throat and Robert’s arms locked against his sides by Tex’s hands. “Calm the fuck down, man.”

  Robert struggled in Tex’s hold, but it was obvious he wasn’t going anywhere until Tex let him go.

  “Care to explain what your problem is, buddy?”

  “My problem?” Robert looked up at Melody who hadn’t moved away from where she had plastered herself against the side of the truck. “Melody, what the fuck did I do to you? You think it’s funny to ruin my marriage?” His voice came out as a croak because of the knee in his throat, but it obviously wasn’t completely cutting off his air since he could speak.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Robert. I haven’t seen you in ages besides when I got back into town.”

  “Don’t give me that shit. I saw the note you gave Sheri. You told her all about Brooke. Brooke didn’t mean shit. She was just a way to get off. Sheri’s had three kids and hasn’t lost the weight. The sex isn’t all that great anymore. I needed more. That’s all it was with Brooke. But now Sheri wants a divorce and it’s all your fault!”

  “Enough talking, asshole.” Tex put more pressure on Robert’s throat to shut him up. “First of all, Melody didn’t write you any damn note. She has way too much class for that. She’s moved on and doesn’t give a shit about you and where you’re sticking your dick. Secondly, cheating on your wife is an asshole thing to do. If the sex wasn’t good it was your damn fault for not taking care of your woman and making her feel sexy and desired. So who else knew about your affair? It’s obvious someone else knew and informed your wife.”

  “Melody signed the damn note, asswipe,” Robert squeaked out.

  Tex heard Melody gasp behind him. Dammit.

  “And I’m telling you she didn’t write it. Are you a handwriting expert? You’ve never thought that anyone could’ve signed Melody’s name to it? It’s all a moot issue anyway. You’re missing the point. The point is that if you’re sneaking around behind your wife, it’s only a matter of time before she finds out. Looks to me you’re getting what’s coming to you.”

  Melody watched as Tex leaned down and whispered something in Robert’s ear. She couldn’t hear what he said, but Robert went still under Tex’s body. Tex stood up with more grace than people with two uninjured legs probably would, and seemingly unconcerned about what Robert might do in retaliation, turned his back to him. Robert lay still on the ground, making no move to come after either Melody or Tex.

  “Come on, Mel, let’s go home.” Tex opened the door of the car and urged Mel to climb in. She did and Baby whined next to her.

  Tex got in behind her and started the engine. Robert had finally gotten up off the ground and was stalking away from the truck without a second glance.

  “What’d you say to him?”

  Tex thought about lying or just flat out not telling her, but she needed to know the person he really was. “I just let him know that as a former Navy SEAL I know twenty ways to kill a person that won’t leave a mark. And furthermore, I know people who owe me favors who wouldn’t hesitate for a second to get rid of his body where no one would ever find it.”

  “You did not.” Melody’s voice was low and shocked.

  “I did.” Tex glanced over at Mel and quickly looked straight ahead again. “I won’t apologize for it, Mel. He was an asshole. And I wanted him to know that he couldn’t accuse you of shit like that and get away with it. You might not get this, but I hope to hell you’re starting to, but that shit won’t fly with me. No one insults you and gets away with it. He knows you’re off limits now.”

  “What if he’s the stalker?”

  “Then he knows that I’ll protect you with my life. But I honestly don’t think he is. If he was, he wouldn’t have pulled something so stupid in public. He’d wait and send another fucking letter or something. But if he is your stalker, I hope to God he got the point and he’ll stop it. But, Mel, I don’t think it’s him because it’s obvious whoever has been after you, wrote that note to his wife and signed your name.” When Melody didn’t say anything after his announcement he looked over at her. She looked devastated.

  “So now he’s trying to get everyone to hate me. Is this ever going to end?”

  Tex glanced at Mel again as he pulled out of the parking space and headed for her apartment. “Yes, it’s fucking going to end. I’m done with this shit.” Tex hated to see Mel trembling. She was clutching her hands together in her lap. Baby whimpered and put her head in Melody’s lap, as if she understood the stress her mistress was under. Taking one hand off the steering wheel he put it on the back of Mel’s head.

  “I just don’t understand how someone could hate me so much and want to hurt me, my friends, and everyone I love. Why Tex? What did I do?”

  “You didn’t do anything Mel. It’s him. He’s the one who’s fucked up. I’m going to find him. I’m done dicking around.”

  Melody didn’t lift her head. She was at her breaking point. “Maybe I should just go.”

  Tex’s hand flexed on the steering wheel, and he willed the hand on the back of her head not to clench, but he stayed silent. This wasn’t the time or the place for this conversation, but they’d be having it . . . soon.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Melody went through the motions once they’d arrived home. What had been a good day, she’d felt free for the first time in months, had turned into just another nightmare that was her life. She wasn’t close friends with Robert, but they’d parted on good terms and she’d never had any issues with him.

  The stalker was making it so she never wanted to leave her apartment. Melody had been completely serious when she’d suggested to Tex that she leave again. She couldn’t keep going through this. Melody had no idea what Tex really thought about it because he hadn’t responded to her suggestion and he’d been quiet since they’d arrived home.

  He took care of Baby and had even made her a quick dinner. He’d kept their conversation light and if she was honest with herself, it was freaking her out. Melody was deathly afraid he was going to decide she was too much trouble. It’s what, she was ashamed to admit, she’d think about doing if the situation was reversed.

  “Go get ready for bed, Mel. I’ll be there in a bit.”

  Melody didn’t argue. She padded down the hall to their room and for the first time in a long time, put on a T-shirt and boxers to sleep in. She hadn’t been bothering to wear anything to bed because Tex always stripped whatever she’d been wearing off of her the second he came to her.

  A while later, Melody watched as Tex padded into the room, Baby at his heels. He went into the bathroom and Baby jumped up on the bed. Melody smiled as her dog turned in about twenty circles, pawing at the covers until they were exactly how her little doggie mind deemed as perfect.

  It was o
bvious Tex wasn’t planning on making love to her since he’d let Baby in. Even after all the sex they’d had all over the apartment, he still wasn’t comfortable doing it with Baby lying on the bed with them.

  Tex came out of the bathroom with a pair of boxers on and sat on the side of the bed. He leaned over and expertly removed his leg. He pushed the covers back and got under the covers.

  “Tex . . . your leg.”

  “Forget about my leg tonight. It’ll be fine without being massaged for one night. Come here, I want to talk to you, but I want to do it when you’re in my arms.”

  “You can talk from there.”

  “Screw that.” Tex moved and pulled Mel into his arms. She fought him for a moment before finally sighing and melting into him. Tex put one of his hands on the back of her head and the other he curled over her waist and held her to him.

  He held her to him for a couple of minutes, hating they weren’t skin to skin, but understanding why she felt vulnerable tonight and why she’d put on the T-shirt armor.

  “Seven months ago when I messaged you, I had no idea it would change my life. But that’s what you’ve done, Mel. You’ve changed my life. I was only half living before I met you. You forced me out of my own little world, full of self-pity, sitting at home in front of my computers, and forced me to pay attention to what was going on around me.

  “If you want to get out of here, go into hiding, no problem. But I’m coming with you. I’ve got the skills and connections to keep us hidden forever. We can keep on the move, never staying in one place for long, staying safe. But if we do it, you can’t keep in touch with Amy or her kids. It would put all of us in danger. Same with your parents. Eventually you’ll outlive them, but you can’t come back for their funeral. It’d be too dangerous.” Tex let his words sink in.

  “You’re being manipulative, Tex.”

  He smiled against her head. He knew she was smart and would know what he was doing. “I know, but I’m also being honest.” After another pause, Tex continued. “Or you can let me do my thing. I’ve been waiting for this asshole to make a move, but that’s over. I’m done fucking around with this guy. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve. I can end this. But I’m serious. If you want to go, we’ll go.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.”

  “You know I don’t really want to leave.”

  “I know.”

  “A part of me wants to run. Run so far that I don’t have to deal with any of this. I have no idea how someone became so obsessed with me that he wants to make me completely miserable. But I want a life with you, Tex. I want to wake up morning after morning to you kissing me and saying you’re going to work out. I want to rescue more dogs and give them all a better life. I want to see Cindy and Becky grow up and become amazing women. I want to get drunk with Amy and not have to worry about some psycho spiking my drink or trying to hurt us because of some perceived slight. And every pore in my body wants you, Tex. I want you to bury yourself so far inside of me that I can’t think about anything other than you. That I can’t feel anything other than you. That I can’t remember anyone’s hands on me except for yours.”

  “I can give you all of that, Mel. Fuck. Please let me give that to you.”

  “I’m yours, Tex. I’ll go where you want me to go, I’ll do what you want me to do.”

  Tex rolled until Mel was under him. “I want you to be safe and I’m going to make it so. But one thing’s for sure.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You and Amy will never be able to get drunk in a bar and not have to worry about someone spiking your drink. Two gorgeous women drunk and sexy as fuck? Yeah, not happening. But I’ll promise you this. I’ll let you get drunk with your friend . . . as long as I’m there to keep watch.”


  Melody smiled up at Tex. “You always make me feel better.”

  “Good. Take off your shirt.”

  “But Baby . . .”

  “I think we’ve already corrupted her, Mel. There’s no way I’ll let Baby keep me from loving you. She’ll just have to get used to it.”

  “Doggy voyeur after all?”

  “Guess so. Shirt off.”

  Melody shimmied under Tex and managed to get her shirt over her head. Tex had come to bed with only his boxers on, so he was already shirtless.

  “I love your body. You’re soft in all the right places.” He cupped her right breast with his hand. “And you’re hard in all the other right places.” His thumb ran over her nipple, flicking it until it stood up as if begging for his touch.

  “I love you, Mel. If push comes to shove I’d give my life for yours.”

  “No, don’t say that!” Melody exclaimed in horror.

  “It’s true.”

  “Please, don’t. I know you’re used to protecting people and you’re prepared to give your life for your country and all that. But I wouldn’t be able to live if you got yourself killed saving my life. Don’t you get it?” Melody grabbed Tex’s head in her hands and willed him to understand. “You might think that sacrificing yourself is the ultimate act of love, but it isn’t. I don’t want to live if you can’t too. How would you feel if I told you I’d die for you?”

  Tex leaned down, dislodging her hands from his face and kissed her hard. “I’m not going to die, and you aren’t either. We’ll both make a pact right here and now that neither of us will do something stupid if push comes to shove. Trust me to know how and when to make a move without getting either one of us killed. Okay?”


  “Now, lay back. I’m going to take my time tonight. I know you started on the pill after you got back home. I’d love nothing more than to come inside you tonight without the damn condom between us, but you know I’ll use one every day for the rest of my life if it’s the only way I can be inside you.”

  “I want you, just you, in me. I didn’t know how to bring it up.”

  “Consider it brought up, discussed, and agreed upon.”

  Melody smiled at Tex. She shivered in anticipation. “I can’t wait to feel you in me.”

  “And I can’t wait to feel both of our juices coating my cock. You’re going to be hot and wet and after I come inside you, you’ll be filled up to the rim.”

  “Uh, that’s kinda gross, Tex.”

  “No, it’s not, it’s beautiful. I plan on painting both our bodies with our essence. You’ll love it as much as I will. I swear.”

  “I love anything you do to me, Tex.”

  “I love you, Mel.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Now, put your hands above your head and don’t move them. It’s time for me to play.”

  Melody smiled and did as she was told. She felt Baby move, but soon didn’t think about anything but Tex. His hands, his mouth, his body. And he was right. After they’d made love, and after he’d come inside her, it was beautiful. Their combined juices he massaged into both their bodies was sexy as hell. She’d never forget this night. She never felt closer to anyone before, and it’d be forever burned into her brain.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Melody held tight to Baby’s leash as she walked her around the yard of the apartment complex. The stalker was escalating. That morning when Tex had gone out to his truck, he’d found a stuffed dog tied to his bumper by a noose around its neck. Even the cops were alarmed by the note that had been attached to it.

  Roses are red, Violets are blue. Baby will be dead, and so will you.

  As far as poetry goes, it was awful, but the meaning behind it was clear. Before the notes had just been vague grumblings about how someone didn’t like her, but they’d moved into threats.

  Melody sighed, remembering the dead cat that had been sitting on Tex’s truck the morning before. The stalker was escalating and quickly. Tex had been right, his being around was obviously more than the stalker could deal with.

  There were other things that had happened too. The electricity in Melody’s apartment had been cu
t off. When she’d called about it, she’d been told she hadn’t paid her bill. It had taken an hour on the phone with several different customer service agents, and finally a supervisor, to set it straight. Somehow her automatic payments had stopped going through. Melody had managed to give them her credit card to pay for all the missed payments and they’d been appeased, but both she and Tex knew this was just another thing the stalker had somehow done.

  Two days ago Tex had convinced Amy to leave town for a week to go on vacation. She and George had taken the girls and they’d headed to Virginia Beach. Tex had set it all up for them. Amy had called Melody completely freaked out because she’d received a box of roses that morning, but when she opened the box, every bloom had been cut off the stem. Then her husband had said his boss, Sam, had received a phone call accusing him of sexual harassment on the job, and the last straw had been when Becky and Cindy had come home from school, each with a package addressed to them that had been sent to the school. The principal had examined the packages before they’d been given to the children, and hadn’t seen anything to be worried about. But Amy had taken one look at the note that had accompanied the box of toys and candy and called Melody and Tex.

  The note in the kids’ boxes were identical and said merely:

  Kids are so innocent, it’s so sad when something tragic happens to them. Here’s to hoping you never have to experience that.

  After calling the police and getting all of the incidents documented, Tex had pulled out his laptop and suddenly Amy and her family had an all-inclusive trip to the beach planned, and paid for, by Tex. It was apparent how shaken up Amy was, because with only a token argument about the cost, she’d agreed to go.

  Melody hated this. She was no long merely scared, she was pissed. No one had the right to do this to her. It’d be one thing if she was a terrible person and had been a bitch to people left and right, but she had no idea why someone thought she deserved this and wanted to see her hurt . . . or dead. It made no sense. Tex had grilled her night after night about why someone might have it in for her and Melody honestly had no idea why.


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