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Enticing Ian (Knight Security 5)

Page 14

by Carole Mortimer

Her nipples were hard and engorged, their stiffness rubbing against the unyielding wooden tabletop.

  “Ian…?” Her gasp was breathy as he landed another smack across her bottom cheeks.

  “Ten,” he bit out between gritted teeth.

  “Ten what?” Evie’s brain was so overloaded with her physical responses to Ian spanking her that it couldn’t process the meaning of his words.

  “I’m going to spank you five times as punishment for almost getting yourself killed, and another five for almost getting someone else killed.” His voice was a sensuous whisper close to her ear, his hand now caressing the stinging globes of her bottom. “Anything you want to say in your defense?”

  Evie was sure she had plenty of things she could say. She just couldn’t think of a single one of them when her brain had gone into sensual meltdown.

  This was wrong, so very wrong, on so many levels. And yet there was no denying her aroused response.

  “I’ll take your silence as a no,” Ian said with satisfaction as he straightened to land another stinging blow against her bared flesh.

  Evie thought it was about the sixth time Ian spanked her that she heard the low groans of pleasure filling the otherwise silence of the room and realized she was the one making them. Not only that, but she was standing on tiptoe so that she could lift her bottom up in eagerness to receive every one of those smacks.

  “Stretch out your arms and grasp the other side of the table,” Ian instructed. “Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  Evie felt as if she had completely lost control of her own body as her arms moved obediently across the table, allowing her to grip tightly onto the opposite edge. This new position almost lifted her feet off the floor completely and her swollen nipples now chaffed against the hard tabletop.

  “Part your legs for me. Exactly like that,” Ian murmured approvingly as she instantly did as he instructed.

  Ian enjoyed looking at the rapidly reddening cheeks of Evie’s bottom, but this new position allowed him to see her swollen pussy lips too. Red as well as swollen, and awash with the flow of her juices.

  Not that he had doubted her arousal. Those groans and the way Evie had begun to lift her bottom every time he spanked her told him this was no longer a punishment but a pleasure.

  For both of them.

  His cock was hard as steel inside his boxers, the head achingly sensitized, pre-cum leaking from the slit at the top. All caused from baring Evie’s ass and spanking her.

  Which reminded him… “Seven,” he landed this smack hard against the glowing left cheek of her bottom, loving the way the flesh wobbled from the force of it. “Eight.” This one landed on the right cheek, with another one of those delicious wobbles and a deepening of the flush to those edible cheeks. “More?” He deliberately held back from administering the last two as he unfastened and unzipped his jeans, pulling his boxers down and allowing his cock to spring free of its confinement. “Evie?”

  “More,” she encouraged, her voice somewhere between a gasp and a sob.


  “S-sure.” She nodded her head, the darkness of her hair falling forward and preventing him from seeing her face. “Please…” she groaned achingly.

  Ian slowly pumped his cock as he administered the last two spanks in rapid succession before trailing the fingers of that hand across and down those burning cheeks to stroke them along her drenched pussy. Evie groaned in response as he scooped up the juices gushing from between her swollen nether lips and rubbed it over her clit and between the hot red cheeks of her bottom.

  “Oh God. God!” Evie groaned as she pushed back against his marauding fingers.

  “Is this what you want?” Ian rubbed the slick head of his cock against her opening.

  “Yes. Oh God, yes!” She lifted up, squirming against his cock as she tried to impale herself on that silken hardness, sighing her relief and pleasure as the bulbous head easily breached her well-lubricated pussy lips.

  Ian gripped her hips tightly to hold her in position as the contracting and greedy walls of her pussy tried to suck him in. “No, damn it.” He gave her bottom a warning tap. “We do this my way.” He began to enter her slowly, one inch at a time, stilling once his balls were snug against the heat radiating off her bottom.

  The friction of flesh against flesh and the abrasive curls about the base of Ian’s cock caused Evie to gasp at the mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. No, it’s fine.”

  “Only fine?” he drawled as he once again dragged his cock over that sensitive cluster of nerves inside her.

  “Better than fine,” she assured him hastily in case he decided to stop.

  Evie had never thought of herself like this. Never imagined she would enjoy having her bottom spanked. Or, with Ian standing behind her and hidden from view, living the fantasy of having this almost anonymous cock claiming her so masterfully at the same time as she knew she was completely safe.

  She had never been as aroused as she was right now.

  Ian held her hips steady as he slowly pulled back again, the length of his cock scraping over those nerves inside her and sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through and over her.

  Her fingers tightened on the edge of the table as he slammed back into her, once again filling her completely, before he began the torment of once again slowly withdrawing.

  The pleasure was unimaginable as she felt her climax churning deep inside her, not slowly but hurtling toward her throbbing clit and the trembling walls of her pussy.

  “Please,” she pleaded as that cock slowly began to withdraw. “Harder!” She pushed back, needing that cock deep inside her, pleasuring her, taking her to the heights that remained just beyond her rea— “Yes!” she gasped as Ian thrust his cock back inside her before his hips began to piston, thrusting his cock faster and harder inside her and releasing a climax that was so huge and prolonged as Ian began to pump inside her that Evie felt the darkness overwhelming her.

  “Evie?” Something tapped lightly against her cheek. “Evie, for God’s sake wake up!”


  And he sounded worried. Overwrought, in fact.

  “Jesus Christ, what have I done?” he muttered achingly.

  Evie tried to push her way through the darkness, but as she felt herself being lifted into Ian’s arms, she gave in to the need to snuggle against the warmth of his chest, instinctively knowing nothing could be wrong with her world if Ian was in it.

  Besides, she didn’t want to wake up just yet if it meant losing this connection between the two of them, much preferred to keep her eyelids closed and bask in the warmth of the afterglow of their lovemaking.

  Wild and uninhibited lovemaking that had culminated in the most explosive, sweetly agonizing climax of her life.

  She fell gratefully back into the darkness to dream of that lovemaking happening all over again.

  It really was dark outside when Evie woke up again. The lamp on the bedside table was switched on and revealed that she was lying on the bed in the spare bedroom Ian had said was for her use. She frowned her disappointment that it wasn’t Ian’s bed. That frown deepened as she turned over and realized he wasn’t in the bed beside her.

  “He isn’t here.”

  Not completely alone, after all, her gaze seeking out the presence of that familiar voice.

  Ethan stepped forward from the shadows, that mischievous gleam in his eyes noticeably absent as he stood beside the bed looking down at her. “Ian’s gone, Evie.”

  “Where?” She pulled herself up against the pillows, giving a wince as her well-used body protested at the movement. She turned on her side as she realized lying on her back wasn’t a good idea when her bottom was stinging with discomfort. “Did something happen to Adam?”

  “Your brother is fine,” Ethan rasped his irritation. “It seems that by the time they reached Markovic’s house, the Russian had decided that Adam really was going to work for him— On the le
gitimate side of his business,” he hastened to assure her as Evie frowned. “He’s agreed to pay Adam’s debts and wipe off what he owes Utopia in exchange for Adam working for him for the next two years.”

  “He has?”

  “I think Markovic has taken a liking to him.”


  “Would you for once in your life forget about your damned brother and think of yourself?” Ethan scowled.

  “Me?” she echoed blankly. “I have nothing to think about.” Nothing that knowing where Ian had gone wouldn’t cure, at least.

  Ethan sat on the side of the bed, hazel-colored gaze full of concern. “Ian said he hurt you.”

  Evie’s face blazed with heat at the memory of the hurt he was no doubt referring to. Who would have thought having her bottom spanked by Ian would be so erotically wild, she had actually passed out from the depth of her orgasm?

  She frowned at Ethan. “He told you what happened?”

  “Well…not in any detail, no.” Ethan looked at her searchingly as the deepening warmth in her cheeks no doubt gave him further insight into what form that supposed hurt had taken. “The stupid bastard!” He stood impatiently, running an agitated hand through the dark thickness of his hair as he began to pace the bedroom. “Sweet fucking hell!”

  “Ian left because he thought he’d hurt me?” Evie wanted clarity on that before she decided how to react to it. To her mind, there were only two possible responses to Ian having walked out of her life a second time. Because he didn’t want her. Which she didn’t believe. Or because the depth of their lovemaking had scared the hell out of him. Neither of which was acceptable.

  “He called me.” Ethan nodded. “Asked me to come and sit with you. He said he’d been brutal and that it would be better for both of you if he wasn’t here when you woke up.”

  Evie supposed to Ian it could have looked as if she had passed out because— No, it couldn’t, damn it. She had been with him one hundred percent in the fierceness of their lovemaking, had begged him to go harder. She had impaled herself on him like a cat in heat, for God’s sake. How could Ian possibly have mistaken that for anything but her complete enjoyment—

  Because afterward, I passed out and didn’t tell him, reassure him, that I was okay.

  More than okay, to be honest. It had thrilled and excited her, added to her complete abandon, that Ian was as out of control as she was.

  Evie was thankful Ian had at least put the black T-shirt back on her before leaving. She swung her legs to the side of the bed and sat up, wincing slightly as it put pressure on her sore bottom, giving Ethan a challenging glare as he obviously saw that wince and raised a mocking brow. “Is Ian coming back?”

  He nodded, humor once against dancing in those hazel-green eyes. “I’m supposed to call him after I’ve driven you home.”

  “Then do it.”


  “Now— No,” She stood up. “Would you please take me back to my apartment first so I can shower and change, and then bring me back here? Then—and don’t take this personally—I would like you to leave.”

  Ethan grinned. “Going to give him hell, are you?”

  “You have no idea!” she stated determinedly.

  “I’m guessing you would prefer he doesn’t have prior knowledge of that?”

  “Oh yes.” If Ian thought for one moment he could walk out on her—again—without so much as saying good-bye, then he had another think coming.

  This time, Evie was going to demand the truth. Because there was no way she would believe, after their off-the-charts lovemaking earlier, that Ian found their lovemaking, or her, boring and predictable.

  Something else was going on here, and this time, she intended demanding to know what it was.

  Chapter 15

  Ian threw the keys to his car into the bowl in the hallway of his apartment.

  An apartment that seemed eerily quiet.

  He had lived here for five years now. Well, lived was perhaps too broad a description when it held little in the way of warmth or personal items. It was simply a place for him to crash in between assignments for Knight Security.

  Even so, it had never felt empty before.

  Nor had he felt alone here.

  Or lonely.

  It felt all those things now that Evie was no longer here to warm it. To warm him.

  “Are you going to stand out here in the hallway all evening?”

  Ian felt the color leech from his cheeks as he stared at Evie standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

  Was she even real, or had he gone completely out of his mind?

  She looked real.

  She looked good enough to eat, was what she looked!

  Her dark hair was a wild cascade about her shoulders. It looked even darker against the red blouse she wore tucked into low-rider black jeans. Her bare feet were taking advantage of the underfloor heating.

  Surely he couldn’t have dreamed up that last part?

  “Well?” She quirked a challenging brow.

  He swallowed before speaking. “You can’t be real.” He gave shake of his head.

  “Like me to pinch you to prove it?” Wry amusement danced in sapphire-blue eyes.

  “Ethan told me you’d left.”

  “I did.” She shrugged. “Ethan took me back to my apartment so I could shower and change. Then he brought me back and called you before leaving again.”

  No, he definitely couldn’t have made that up. Which meant that Evie really was still here. In his apartment. Waiting for him to come home.

  Ian felt his heart squeeze painfully as he realized that for the first time, that was exactly what his apartment now felt like. That the cold loneliness had gone and it was now full of warmth and color. Because Evie was in it.

  Why was she? He had hurt her earlier, humiliated her, and then she had passed out. Was that why she was still here? So that she could tell him exactly what she thought of him?

  He steeled himself for that as he moistened his dry lips. “Why?”

  Evie hadn’t had too long to wait after Ethan left before she heard Ian enter the apartment. Then the metallic sound of his car keys being tossed into the bowl in the hallway. Followed by complete silence.

  The longer that silence lasted, the more her nerves had strung out, until in the end, she hadn’t been able to bear it any longer and had moved to stand in the kitchen doorway.

  Ian had looked so…alone.

  There was no other way for Evie to describe that pained look on his face. He looked alone and lonely. As if the walls of his apartment were closing in on him.

  Until she spoke to him. The color had drained from his cheeks at the same time as a fire had flared briefly in his eyes, before dampening down again as he stared at her blankly.

  She had wanted to go to him then. To put her arms about his waist and hold him tight. To reassure him he wasn’t alone. That he never needed to be alone again unless he wanted to be.

  Caution held her back; there was no guarantee Ian wanted any of those things. Especially from her.

  She gave another shrug. “Because, for one thing, you don’t get to walk away from me a second time without saying good-bye.”

  He gave another wince of pain before bringing his emotions back under his control. “Good-bye.”

  Evie smile ruefully. “And that explanation as to why you left the first time.”

  “That’s two things.”

  “I’m not counting.”

  Neither was Ian. Not really. Evie could have a hundred questions she wanted to ask him, and he knew he owed her the answer to every single one of them. Except he knew, ultimately, it would make no difference to the outcome.

  He did owe Evie an apology for his behavior earlier, however. He just didn’t know where to begin doing that. He had been off his head with worry about her until he saw her again in Fescaru’s office, and it had been that worry and the angry relief that followed which had fueled his behavior once they were back in his apartment.
r />   Not good enough, Knight.

  Damn it, he had stretched her facedown across the kitchen table, thrown up the robe and T-shirt before spanking her backside until it gleamed a bright and rosy red. After which he had pounded his cock into her like a fucking maniac. Possessing her, claiming her, when he had no right to do either.

  How did he even begin to apologize for that?

  “Don’t even think about apologizing for our lovemaking earlier.” Evie’s eyes were narrowed in warning as she seemed to guess his thoughts. “Not unless you want to bring out my violent tendencies.”

  His frown felt pained. “I’d deserve it.”

  Evie drew in a deep breath, knowing this was an all-or-nothing moment. Besides what did she have to lose? “Ian, I don’t know what explanation you’re torturing yourself with, but as far as I’m concerned, our lovemaking earlier was exactly that. Love. Making. Because I do love you. I’ve always loved you. I will always love you,” she added huskily.

  His face paled deathly white. “No…”

  “Yes,” she insisted firmly. “Don’t panic, I’m not asking you to love me back.” The deathly pallor was unmistakable, as was his not admitting to having those same feelings for her. “I want you to know that nothing, absolutely nothing the two of us did together, could ever be anything but lovemaking to me. And I did love it, Ian,” she continued determinedly. “You had to have known that. The wildness of it. The raw passion and desire. It was amazing.”

  “And then you passed out.”

  “With pleasure. Only with pleasure. You almost blew the top of my head off with the depth of that pleasure,” she acknowledged self-derisively before sobering. “I would do it all again right now if I thought my bottom could take it.”

  Some of the heavy weight had started to lift from Ian’s chest at hearing Evie tell him she loved him, and it lifted completely as she confessed to feeling the same mind-blowing pleasure he had when he was inside her earlier. He had owned her in that moment, but she had also owned him. Completely.

  He’d taken a step toward her before he even realized what he was doing, bringing himself up short once he did. “I can’t,” he choked. “I can’t love you. Or have anyone love me. I don’t— I can’t—” Fucking hell, what was that dampness on his cheeks? It couldn’t be tears—could it? How fucking humiliating was that? “It would seem that you’re in love with a wuss.” He scrubbed the evidence of those tears roughly from his face.


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