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Brutal Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors)

Page 19

by Stella Sky

  Jex left my side.

  It caused a great pain inside of me to see her that way. I hoped that she was all right. My heart went out to her. I wanted to save her. It was at that moment that I knew that I was feeling very deep feelings for her. Could I have fallen in love with this human in such a short time? It didn’t seem like it could be possible. But then again, her DNA had bonded itself to me. And anything was possible.

  Chapter 16

  Dr. Vanessa Lopez

  I did not know how long I was sitting there inside the keddle. It felt like hours. It felt like days. I really had no concept at all of time passing by. The longer I spent hooked up to the keddle, the more I started to feel like I had some sort of divine insight. I felt myself growing smarter. It was as though I was being filled with information. I didn’t know if this is what they meant to do to me or if it was a side effect. But suddenly I could understand the cyborg communications. I could hear the frequency waves of the keddle talking to the cyborg army around it. He was giving them orders of some sort. I thought there was a number; it seemed to be like a time. Maybe it was the time of the invasion that they were planning on the village. Or something else. I really didn’t know, but I was fascinated by the fact that I was starting to understand them. This wasn’t normal. I hoped that I wasn’t turning into some sort of machine.

  Then I understood something very clearly. I was a number. I was given a number assignment. I was number one-two-one. This meant that I was not the first human to be taken and tested on. I was one of many humans that have been taken. But was that the number taken by this particular keddle, or the entire cyborg army all over Earth? I had no way of knowing.

  But I knew that they had a project going on. They were gathering humans in order to gain information on anatomy and brain activity inside of humans. They were trying to gather knowledge to know everything that they could about us. This would give them the advantage when fighting us. That much was clear to me.

  I wanted to disconnect myself and run away. It was the least selfish thing I could think to do. If I disconnected myself and ran away, then I would not be contributing to their project anymore. Right now I was allowing myself to give them information. I knew that as soon as I ran away, they would shoot me dead. But with that be so bad? At least I would know that I had protected hundreds of humans.

  I put my hand closer to my other hand where the needle was inserted. I looked at the Clenok cyborgs around me. They didn’t move. They just seem to be looking straight ahead. It was strange. With a human, you could see something in their eyes that let you know what they were thinking. But there was nothing there in these machines. They were just vacant. It was hard to work with. I was about to pull the needle out of my arm quickly and run away when suddenly…

  Boom! Boom! There were loud explosions. It’s seemed to be coming from directly behind me but not close enough to feel the blast. The Clenok cyborgs that were standing in front of me standing guard tilted their heads up as though to look at the source of the blast. Then they grabbed their guns and walked in the direction behind the keddle. This was it; this was my chance. Then I heard the hydraulic sound of the keddle beginning to close. Shit. It was going to close with me inside of it. I yanked the needle out of my arm. It hurt badly. I stood up and ran forward. I could hear the low sound of the alarm from the keddle alerting that I had been unhooked. But it was so low that you could not hear it over the blast and gunfire.

  Then I was picked up off of my feet. I figured it must be the drone picking me up. But it was not cold metal that was touching me. It was large warm hands.

  “Miss me?” I heard a familiar deep voice say. We were moving so fast that the wind was hitting me hard. But I knew. It was Karik. He had come to rescue me. I was so fortunate. I was so excited. I was in deep lust for him at that moment. Perhaps even love.

  “It’s about time,” I said to him as we flew very fast.

  “This way,” I heard another voice on the wind say. It was familiar.

  “Coming, Jex,” Karik said. I leaned my face against his hard dragon scales. He held me close. I tucked my head into my chest and just allowed him to cradle me in his arms as he flew hard and fast. I could no longer hear the sound of gunfire. We were far from the cyborg base.

  Minutes later, we landed on the perimeter fence at one of the guard towers.

  “Unbelievable. You got her back. How?” Marcus, the guard on the tower, came out to see me. His mouth was wide open.

  “It was easy,” Karik said with a cocky arrogance. Then he looked at me. “Are you hurt? What were they doing to you?”

  “I think I am fine. I am not hurt. But I think it is important that I do a scan of myself. There is time,” I said.

  “Of course, I will take you. Jex, stay here and alert me when you see our army arriving. Marcus, get word that the Clenok cyborgs have a drone that can pick people up and fly them away. Since I took Vanessa from them, it is likely they will come for another. Everyone should get underground,” I said.

  “Copy that. I will get on the radio now,” he said.

  “Where shall I take you?” he asked me.

  “My lab. I want to make sure that nothing was planted inside of me. It is important to do in timely manner,” I said.

  “The lab it is,” he said as he scooped me into his arms again and flew over the village. We landed outside the lab and he opened it.

  “Bar the door. I do not want that drone looking for me and having easy access,” I said.

  “Good idea,” he said as he closed the door and rigged it.

  I quickly went to the ultrasound machine. I scanned my entire body. I looked at the results. I could not find anything unusual. Definitely nothing metal or like a tracking device.

  “What were they doing to you?” he asked does he put his hand on my arm.

  “I am not sure, but I have some theories,” I said.

  “I am listening,” he said.

  “When I was hooked up to the keddle, I could almost hear it thinking, or computing I guess. It is a machine that does not think. But it does have artificial intelligence. It has been taking humans and recording information. They are looking for vulnerabilities I think. I really didn’t understand it. But that is what I think they were doing. They were examining my anatomy and body and turning it into a computer code that they could understand. It was very strange,” I said.

  “Seeing you there and hooked up to that machine, I felt so much rage. I wanted to annihilate that entire camp on my own. I have never felt angrier. If they had hurt you, I could not have lived with myself for letting you go off alone,” he said.

  “This is not your fault. You are not to blame, Karik. In fact, I don’t think I have actually said the words thank you. You rescued me. You put your life in danger, and that of Jex. You didn’t have to do that. Thank you for coming for me,” I said.

  “I would do it again and again, Vanessa. I know I have only known you a short time. But I have bonded with you. I hope that you will trust me. I hope that you will believe that I knew nothing about the DNA. It is a coincidence. It is a coincidence I am glad happened. But I feel for you. I feel such extreme emotion. I am falling for you. I hope that me coming to get you proved that to you. If I only wanted you for sex, I would not have come. I could just replace you with another human female. Does that not prove to you that it is you I truly want?” he said.

  As he spoke, tears began to come into my eyes. Tears that I wanted to cry when I was in the cyborg camp. Tears that I wanted to cry when I screamed out his name. Tears that I was very happy to hear him say these things. I believed him. I truly believed him now.

  “Yes, Karik. I understand. I trust you,” I said.

  He moved closer to me and put his hands around my back.

  “It feels so good to hear you say that. I thought I had lost you. And I would have lost my mind if I had lost you. I need you, Vanessa. I need you more than I need anything. You saved my life. I saved your life, and I did it because I wanted to. I did i
t because living this life without you would be great pain for me,” he said.

  His hot large hands pulled me to him. I tilted my head back and allowed his lush lips to press against mine. I kissed him deeply and with passion. Only an hour ago, I thought I was going to die. But this alien weredragon Veruka saved me. Thinking those thoughts only made me want him more. I kissed him back and moaned loudly. I could not help myself. I felt my body responding to him as my breasts rubbed against his hard dragon scales.

  His kiss was filled with lust and yearning. It was what I needed from him. I couldn’t deal with the fact that I was abducted and almost died. I guess it took me thinking I was going to die to recognize my true feelings for him and him almost losing me to bring out his true feelings.

  I pulled at his trousers. He growled. He picked me up and set me on the lab table.

  “Wait, this could be dangerous. I need to take off my gear first,” he said, showing me his gun holster on his belt and boots. I pulled my hands to myself and waited patiently as he took off his weapons and clothes. Then he sat next to me on the lab table. He cock was hard, and I wanted to straddle him. With one quick movement, he disrobed me. I didn’t know how these aliens were able to move so fast, but I liked it.

  He moaned as he stared at my wet slit and ran his hand over it.

  “You are a beautiful human, Vanessa. Look at you,” he said.

  His eyes were fastened on my nipples. He lifted his large hand and pressed on my nipple. Karik’s stronger fingers rolled it. It only grew harder. I tilted my head back and moaned as he took his time fondling me.

  But I needed more, and I needed it right now, or I was going to go crazy. His mouth clamped over my nipple and flicked and sucked on it. I pressed my head into his strong sparkly neck. I kissed him softly as I pushed my hands through his long dark hair.

  “I need you again, Karik,” I whispered as my hand closed around his cock. He moaned. I looked down at it. It was so hard and long. It was begging for me to sit on it as it stood straight up. I picked myself up and straddled him. He put his hands on my waist, delighted to help me. I grabbed his cock and placed the round thick tip inside of me. Then I looked up at him. I slid down slowly onto his shaft.

  “Oh fuck, that feels good. Yes,” he whispered.

  I looked at him remembering the first time we had sex in the forest and just how good and wild that felt. It was only days ago, but it felt like a lifetime. It was funny how having a near death experience made me feel that way.

  I was thinking of it now more than ever. I was filled with eagerness, expectation, and desire as I put my hands on his shoulders. I needed to do this to maneuver myself on top of him. Karik put his hands on my hips. He slowly pushed me down. His cock slid inside of me as he did so. Then he pulled me up again.

  “Oh fuck, that is amazing,” I whispered.

  “Yes, so fucking good, Vanessa,” he said.

  I slid down further until he was completely inside of me. We both sighed in elation. Then I moved faster. Karik put his hands on my ass, cupping me. I was crazy and moist as I caressed him and bounded up and down. He watched my breasts springing up and down with each movement. it made me feel so sexy and desired that he was relishing how I appeared while fucking him. All my inhibitions were gone.

  “Damn that feels good. Just to watch you feels good,” Karik said.

  “I like looking at you too,” I whispered.

  I went faster and faster. I was on the brink. I had so much to release.

  “I’m going to cum, my king. I can’t hold on any longer,” I whispered.

  He grabbed my breasts and massaged them in his hands. He was so powerful, and his hands were hot. It turned me on even more, and I felt pulsing explode from within me.

  “Oh fuck! Fuck!” I shouted. “I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I felt no restraint. I didn’t care who heard me. I was glad to be alive.

  “Yes, yes,” he whispered. His hands moved madly over my body as I experienced my orgasm speed through me.

  “Fuck, I’m going to cum,” he whispered. He grabbed my waist and let go in a loud roar. The beast was out. Then he shook as he released inside of me. His wings spread out behind him. I relaxed my face against his strong chest. I felt so small and delicate against his strong body. I never wanted to leave his protection.

  Chapter 17

  King Karik Korinth

  I felt it again. I felt that state of euphoria that I had felt after the first time being with Vanessa. It overtook my senses again. It felt incredible. I wanted to lay with her and have this feeling forever. But there was work to do. We were able to sneak in this short session of lovemaking but I knew that I needed to get back to the wall.

  “That was incredible,” she said rolling on top of me.

  “I was just about to say the same thing to you,” I said smiling at her.

  “What now?” she said.

  “I need to get back to the wall. I need to prepare for this invasion and the army should be arriving any time now.”

  “I want to go with you,” she said.

  “No. I will take you to an underground bunker, and you will stay there until I come for you,” I said.

  “If you do that, I will only leave after you leave,” she said stubbornly. I knew that she was not lying. She would do something like that. At least if I took her with me to the wall, I could keep an eye on her and protect her.

  “Fine, get dressed,” I said as I got up and pulled on my trousers and boots. Then there was a loud banging on the door. She looked at me terrified.

  “Do you think it is the drone?”

  “My king!” Jex shouted.

  “It is just Jex,” I said walking to the main room of the lab and opening the door.

  “What is it?”

  “Azlo is in sight. Our army is coming,” he said.

  I smiled. “Good. Radio to him to have the ships land inside the village near the wall. Then all dragon shifters should take position on the wall except for the ship pilots should remain with the ship. I am coming to the wall now,” I said.

  “Roger,” he said. Then he flew away. I turned to see Vanessa behind me fully dressed.

  “Your army is here?”

  “Yes, I want you to come see,” I said feeling arrogant. She was finally going to see the army that she did not believe I had. It was going to be bittersweet.

  “I am ready,” she said. We both walked out of the lab, and I picked her up, scooping her into my arms. Her scent was distracting. I moaned having her this close to me. I had to focus. I flew with her onto the wall near the post with Marcus. In the distance, I could see the ships of my army.

  “There. See,” I said.

  Her eyes grew wide. “My God. There are so many ships,” she said.

  “And they are all filled with dragons,” I said proudly.

  We watched as the ships flew over the wall. They landed inside the village. She watched as the ship doors opened and out flew many Veruka weredragons. They flew high into the sky, circling around the village. They all took strategic positions. They lined up on top of the wall all the way around it. Some flew outside of the walls, taking in the land. Others flew over the village. They all knew what to do.

  “This is incredible. I am sorry that I ever doubted you, Karik. I see now that you were not lying. I was wrong. I was very wrong. Can you forgive me?”

  “Yes. Of course. You were only being cautious. I do not blame you. But as you can see, I do have an army, a great army. And this is only part of it. The majority of my forces stayed on my planet. This is just the army that traveled with me to Earth,” I said proud of my troops.

  “That is a great army indeed. It is beautiful. I have no doubt that we can defeat the Clenok cyborgs now,” she said.

  “My king!” Azlo said as he landed next to me with General Razook.

  “It is good to see you both,” I said.

  “We are ready for battle, sir. We have a report. We saw the cyborg army headed this direction. They are no lon
ger at the base camp that they were at. They have made movement and are going around the mountain ridge.”

  “Thank you for the report. Have everyone prepare for the invasion. The electric fence is hot and ready. Those that don’t fry on the fence, we shall shoot them from this vantage point,” I said.

  “Understood,” he said to me.

  We took shifts waiting for the battle to begin. We had a good six hours before the Clenok cyborgs came into view. Then, they surprised us. They were not only coming from the area of the mountains, but they were coming from the west near the lake. Suddenly it was a full-on cyborg invasion from two sides. I took the west side of the wall, ordering my dragons there. General Razook and Azlo had the side of the wall with the mountains. I watched as Clenok cyborgs ran directly into the fences, one hundred at a time.

  “What are they doing? They are just flinging themselves onto the fence and frying,” Vanessa said.

  “I think they are testing the fences. Or they are trying to short out the current. They can sacrifice as many as they like to do this. They are machines,” I said.

  “Launch fire attack!” I shouted.

  One hundred weredragons took flight. They flew in a line side-by-side, shooting fire from their mouths at the Clenok cyborgs nearest the wall. The fire melted the Clenok cyborgs where they stood.

  “That is amazing. It is working,” Vanessa said.

  “We have sight of the keddle, my king. It is on the side of the wall. We are trying to take it out,” Azlo radio that to me.

  “Good. Do what you can,” I said.

  “The keddle. If the Keddle can be taken out, then it will stop all of the Clenok cyborgs,” Vanessa said.

  “That is the idea. But all the firepower might not be able to get through that metal shelf. We are going to hit it with all we can, as many bombs as we can.”

  I looked up into the sky. We had our ships flying in the air, shooting bombs at the Clenok cyborgs and gunfire. Dragons were flying in the air, shooting fire and gun blasts. Defenses were working, including the electrified fence. But the Clenok cyborgs just kept coming and coming. They came in waves and there seemed to be so many of them. The camp of five hundred was only a fraction of the cyborg army that we were up against her now. They seem to be ten thousand strong, if not more. They were beginning to surround us.


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