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THE CHAINS_Devil vs God

Page 16

by Waheed Mohiuddin

  Then all of sudden the intelligence department intimated that Lucifer is coming with full force on all sides from air, from oceans and from ground. So all of the army and the civilians became alert to destroy the attack. Lucifer’s general Mr. Blacky was leading this attack. Blacky had ordered to his force to destroy everything whatever they could see, and for that they were ready and equipped with latest weapons. Rahas came to know that the real fight had now been started and before that Lucifer was underestimated their strength and did not send his top brutal forces. Rahas then prayed to God for help and started meeting with generals.

  The intelligence general told Rahas that the evil forces will definitely had first attack on our civilians so they had to be stopped them on the way, everyone agreed and the commander send the sniper force to attack on the enemy on the way, so on the ground, the expert and brave snipers started killing the enemy. Blacky forces could not understand the direction from where the bullets were being fired on them. The snipers were very well trained force of Rahas. He told the stories of second world war when the great sniper war had been fought at Stalingrad and gave the same idea to his generals to establish the same force, and now the sniper were the most powerful shield around the Chains land. General Varsili was leading the snipper force.

  In the world, the whole nation was hailing and praising the way their soldiers were fighting, the media official were also doing the professional job, they were covering the war on different boarders and also providing updates to the people.

  Then along with ground attacks where snipers were fighting, a huge air attack had to face by the Chains pilots where the hundreds of fighter jets of Oneland were coming towards Chains but the brave pilots of Chains land were ready to welcome them, the intelligence officers mad the enemy mad as they painted the nude women pictures on their jets to divert the attentions of Luciferian pilots, this strategy also proved very successful and the Lucifer pilots started staring and smiling to see the blurd pictures of nude women rather than to focus on fight, but the Chain pilots were busy in hunting the enemy jets while they were watching nude paintings. So in just one hour more than five hundred jets had been hunted by the Chains pilots.

  The submarines and the war ships of the Chains were also fighting with intelligence and courage and did not allow the enemy ships to cross their limits.

  Lucifer was getting mad to see this great human success in art of war. He was impressed and could not imagine that just in a few years how a dead nation could be as strong, he had to think something else to restore his respect and power among his followers.

  So, first of all he called Ms. Mediaze who was expert in throwing arrows in the eyes and gave her target to not provide the exact news of war to the people and spread the message in the Oneland that the Lucifer is winning the war and crushing the human so that his followers may remain with him and do not feel fear of death. She also been commanded that more sexual games would be given to the people so that their attention would be diverted at all. So she started work on the given projects.

  Then Lucifer, the king Shelton, and other advisers planned to attack on Chains with their top most weapons of mass destruction to eliminate the Chains forever. So, they decide to use the atomic bombs on the Chains. On the next morning, two jets flying very high moved towards the Chains, the intelligence department immediately updated Rahas and told him that the jets as flying very high and only were two in numbers so there must be an atomic attack, then Rahas immediately made a call to Lucifer and told him if the atomic energy would be used against my citizen then his whole One world will be destroyed before the smoke rise in the Chains. Then Lucifer gets worried and calls his jets back without attack. Rahas then took a deep breath and had a glass of water, then his generals asked him how the Oneland would be destroyed as fast as he told the Lucifer, then Rahas got a smile and told them that he lied to Lucifer and played just a psycho game, the generals also laughed in the bunker. But soon after the fun, they get back to work to make a strategy to coup with such devastating attack.

  Now Rahas defeated him psychologically because the Lucifer had no idea of the exact strength of the Chains, but he had a feeling that the Chains could not be as technologically advanced as he is, but along with that it was also a mystery how the Chains got such a big success in air and ground attacks. He did not think that his own sex bomb would have been used against him. So, he wanted to make the war end and in his frustration, he ordered the king to attack on Chains with rest of all jets, and with whole army, and also ordered to use the full force in oceans.

  The Chains army was also ready for that, so in just two days’ time, they came out for the final adventure. First of all they used their special technology to jam the radars system of the Chains but as Rehas already had seen this technology before third world war so his engineers already had developed such system that their radars could not be jammed in anyway.

  Then the attack began, the snipers started their work and enjoyed the breakfast with three thousand soldiers, then the tanks of the enemy marched towards the boarders. It was not easy for the snipers to destroy the tanks as they were totally sealed and equipped with high technology, then the front wall of the tanks got a clue from where the snipers were hitting them and a bunch of bombs, martyrs and bullets has been fired on the side where the snipers were hiding themselves and Chains lost its twelve hundred brave and expert snipers including General Varsili. Then the commander of Chains in the eastern fields made a plan and ask a question to his soldiers to raise their hands who want to die to destroy the tanks of the enemy, the whole battalion raised their hand up, it was the great spirit of the soldiers and then he ordered ten thousands soldiers to fix the bombs with their shoulders and laid under the grass and bushes down in the ground so that the tanks would not see them and as soon as the tank came close to them, blow the bombs. This was the suicide mission as Lucifer could never imagine that anyone could kill himself but the brave soldiers of human army had done it, ten thousands brave souls were waiting for them under the bushes, these soldiers did not belong to one religion and also did not had the same color but all had only one mission which was to save the humanity from the evil forever. So the tank approached and they could not get the points how their tanks were being destroyed continuously one after the other and just in a couple of hours their six thousand tanks had been destroyed completely and the rest had to retreat.

  In the air, the Chains pilots had full control as no one of the enemy jet could get courage to enter in the boarders of the Chains land.

  In the oceans, the brave fighters also got a great strategy to destroy their war ships and submarines, so a large number of swimmers swim deep in the sea and fix the bombs with magnetic technology under their ships, so the dozens of ships was blown up in one day by the remote control devices.

  Silent force was the most dangerous force of Chains land, the force even more powerful than snipers. Rahas got the idea of this force from the suicide bombers before world war three who had killed millions of people and nobody could capture them, the suicide bombers were used to live among the people, they speak same language, eat same food, play together with those to whom they were about to kill, this was the force which had given a great challenge to the humanity, the real brain washed force of Lucifer before world war three, but now in the Chains land, he polished this idea and established the ‘silent force’ this force always go for the one way mission that they go to a mission and never thought to come back, this force worked under the intelligent department. Before Lucifer has used young teen aged boys as suicide bombers after brainwashing them but now, in this force, there were no human beings were used whereas the scientists made such a community of robots which looks like the human. According to the intelligence office, when the Chains land capture the soldiers of Oneland and arrest them in the concentration camps then after a few days they release them to go back, but in these few days, the scientists made the masks same as the soldiers and collected the data about their home, living styl
e, family, girlfriends and all about their life and then send them to the Oneland, but actual soldiers remained in the concentration camps, Rahas proved himself very intelligent in war techniques. The Robots behaved same as the actual soldiers in their normal life as they had been commanded properly from the central office. So Rahas send them just for a special purpose.

  The intelligent office commanded a few robots to blow themselves in the shopping malls when the shops remained closed. So a dozens of shopping malls were destroyed in Oneland, after this attack of silent force, Lucifer did not tried to attack on the civilian area of the Chains land.

  After a few weeks of conventional war, Lucifer was sure that Human became very strong in arms and learnt the art of war as well so by the conventional methods, it was not possible for him to defeat the human. Thus, he had to do something else, something very special. Then Lucifer got a nasty smile and said to him, ‘come on baby, save your people if you can’. It seemed that he had something evil in his mind because he had made a special plan to destroy the Chains. Then he blows a nasty whistle and went to his chamber.

  In the chamber, he called his agents, King Shelton, Mr. Beastro, Mr. Greedus, Ms. Proudenz, Ms. Magiciano, twin brothers Mr. Gogenzo and Mr. Mogenzo (one with white hairs and one with black), Ms. Mediaze, lady Pornef and Mr. Goldskull. It was a high profiled meeting. Lucifer now wanted to attack on Chains by his supernatural powers, he gave duty to King Shelton to kill anyone he get from the human in a very brutal way and then Ms. Mediaze will cover the footage and then it will be telecasted through satellite in the Chains land so that the fear of the Lucifer army could be generated, Mr. Beastro had given the duty to occupy the resources of the Chainland, Mr. Greedus had given the duty to enter in the human mind to create greed in the human heart so that the unity of the human may be broken, Ms. Proudenz got the duty to enter in the human heart and create the sense of proud and complexes in it the human minds, Ms. Magiciano has given the task to lead the evil spirits and witches to the Chainsland to horrify the human and also to introduce them with the Luciferian powers, then the twin brothers, Gogenzo and Mogenzo had given the duties to destroy and eliminate the major resources especially the minerals as the human were getting the major portion of their resources from the soil and earth, Mr. Goldkull was appointed to divide the people at the basis of religion, color and race, and Lady Pornef was advised to spread sexual lust in the human heart and also made them drug addicted. All of these powers had already been used against the human before the third world war but now, these powers were going to be appeared in their worst form.

  Rahas now was going to face the biggest challenge ever of his life. He knew the evil powers of Lucifer and had the feeling in his heart that he may use his supernatural powers but to fight with these forces he did not had the enough sources however he had discussed this point with his religious leader, saints and spiritual healers who gave him confidence but the Lucifer’s evil powers could not be under estimated.

  Then after a few weeks of peace, Rahas see one day a group of boys were fighting each other in the street, the white and the brown. All whites were at one side and the browns were at other side, they were punching and slapping each other. He got shocked and his face turned into yellow, throat got dried with fast heart beat for he felt his blood pressure shoot out, he said, ‘O my God, the Lucifer came’ and then straight away he went to bunker to discuss the issue with his generals. The intelligence department updated them as they had not any sign to come anything and anyone from the Oneland, he then said to himself how supernatural creatures could be seen by satellite and by the intelligence spies. They had a feeling that the world will turned into chaos again.

  One of his generals told him one day that he also had experience to save the terror of Jins and evil spirits as one night when he was walking through a garden then he felt that somebody invisible has chained his feet as it could be very difficult for him to keep his walk continue and also heard the creeping sounds, as he himself was a general and was strong mentally and spiritually so he put his knife out from the jacket and challenged the invisible creature to come in front of him and also shouted that he had trust in God then he felt that his feet were being released.

  One the next day, he had been updated that a thirteen years old girl had been raped brutally by a gang of boys in the gardens of great place where the girl found dead in the morning. Lady Pornef started her work. Then just in a couple of days, more than fifty rape cases had been registered, worst of all was that when a nine years old girl had been raped by a religious leader in the worship place and a young college boy of twenty years old had been kidnapped by a bunch of girls and been raped till his death and his body had been thrown on the roadside. He also came to know that some people had seen the two fat and dread full creatures with huge body structure were seen at the canal bank when they were drinking the water from the canal and just in a few minutes the canal dried for they had drunk the whole water and then they vanished into the clouds. The people who had seen them were feeling a great fear.

  One day, the great financial advisor Mr. Qadaf Bin Manoor found dead on the riverside and the medical officers showed in their report that he had been brutally punished and then been killed by a stone hit on his head. It was reported that a group of people form his own office suddenly became rash as their heads were down on the shoulders and they just gathered around him and start abusing him, then they tear off his cloths and killed him in a very brutal way, as soon as he dead, the people came back into the senses and their heads also become straight and then they start weeping and cursing on the death and pretended as they did not killed him.

  The evil spirits, Jins and witches attacked on the Chains land, the Jins entered in the human bodies and affect their nervous system, kidneys, lungs, hearts and other important body parts. Nobody knew when he/she would be attacked as these all Jins were invisible. The witches attacked on the human while they were sleeping and horrified them to produce strange sounds and with dreadful outlook also. People have seen the witches in their houses so many times at night. One day a women wrote a letter to Rahas and said, ‘every night from last ten days, she was seeing a group of witches in her room and played blood games, they gathered around my bed, stared at me and talked about how they will suck my blood and who will be the first one to bite me from my neck, so I am very terrified and cannot live anymore so my dear leader, I just want to quit and wanted to say final good bye to you as I have taken the poison pills and will be dead before you read this letter and before the witches came to my house again tonight, good bye’. People were committing suicide, being killed by such diseases which could not be diagnosed by the doctors, the strange disease like sudden nervous breakdown, heart attacks in seconds, blood pressure shoot up and down, strange skin problems i.e. the black spots on the body all over which causing itch, blindness, kidney failure and blood flowing from eyes. The medical science was failed against all these diseases because these were caused by the super naturals. Sexual frustration and moral corruption had also been started in the Chains.

  He himself saw so many times the police officers promoting crimes and taking bribe from those who violate the law. Street corruption was getting its roots strong in the Chains. Rahas knew that one day the war will be over but the people who had tasted the sex, bribe, proud, greed and power, how these would be removed from their minds. He was thinking that the human once again went back to the era before third world war as the same social, financial and moral corruption which was in the world before the third world war was now added in Chains land after the world war 4th. He thought that war, anywhere, any time and by any reason, take the humanity hundreds years back. He was in his imagination and while talking to himself, he got a sudden news that two individuals having gigantic bodies, big belly and terrified face had been found in the national gardens of oranges and eating the trees and eliminating the garden very fast. He noticed that Gogenzo and Mogenzo started their work, they were drinking the canals and the rivers, and eati
ng gardens and crops, they were working for a big draught. He smelled the Lucifer’s evil planning against humanity as he wanted to through the humans again in the same conditions as they were in after the third world war and wanted to turn the world into hell so that he could take people for blood games. What should I do, what can I do, what my generals and intelligence officers can do, every question become a mystery for him.

  On the other hand, Mr. Beastro, Ms. Mediaze and Lady Pornef were at their peak, they were brain washing the young generation and praising Lucifer as their savior and kind and also were spreading the news that the one who will accept the Lucifer his/her God, will be awarded with all of the luxuries, the luxuries of sex, wealth, power, houses, and above all the red wine, the very special. The young generation was attracted towards them for they were receiving the same message through different ways for example when they enjoy the cartoons or play the video games, they felt Lucifer in it, when they enjoy a movie or start work on internet, they see Lucifer again, so the youth found themselves at the cross roads and in a great confusion because they had seen the performance of Rahas in the past five years and found him very loyal, kind, intelligent and faithful to all but now they found Lucifer as a savior. They did not wanted to leave Rahas as they all loved him a lot but a few had accepted the Lucifer, soon after the time when a group of young boys and girls accepted the supremacy of Lucifer, Mr. Beastro had given them his special badge and put a mark on their hands, along with it, they had been given Capsule to travel, sex training so they could enjoy the sexual pleasure more as they had never enjoyed before, given sex pills and special drinks so that they would enjoy for longer time, the group at first night had a party arranged by Ms. Mediaze and Lady Pornef, in the party, there was great demon music, dance and drinks. After the dance the group advised to enjoy sex with each other. Then Ms. Mediaze covered all of these events in her camera to show the new life style to the others so that they would also join the Lucifer. Ms. Mediaze was an expert in throwing arrows in the eyes. In the Chains land, she was showing a comparison to the people of two sides of life, on one side there was war and the humans were dying in disease and were committing suicides or were being killed by the demons and humans, and on the other hand the Lucifer who was offering the luxurious and most modern life with pleasures. So people were started to feel attraction and to make a comparison between Lucifer and Rahas.


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