Weak Without Him

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Weak Without Him Page 19

by Lyra Parish

  "I love you, Mr. Felton," I whispered and continued to kiss him. He looked into my eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and continued to kiss him repeatedly.


  "Yes. Forever."

  With a shaky hand, he slipped the ring on my finger, and although it felt foreign, it was right. Finnley fucking Felton would be mine forever, and I would be his. Together, we would be one. Together we would be happy. Together we would live the rest of our days.

  "I love you more, soon-to-be, Mrs. Felton."


  More by Lyra

  Weak for Him

  Weak Without Him

  No Longer Weak

  (coming soon)


  (coming soon)

  Hiding Dirty Little Secrets

  (coming soon)

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  About the Author

  Lyra Parish loves to write, travel, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush.

  She is a firm believer that a person can never have too many cats, cups of coffee, or read too many happily ever afters. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike.

  Lyra currently resides in Texas with her hubby and black cat.

  For more information or to contact, please visit:



  There are so many people I have to thank and not enough paper in the world to do so. I usually don’t write things like this because it is inevitable that I will leave someone out. If I did, it wasn’t intentional…. I adore you all!

  I believe every artist has an amazing group of people standing behind them helping them become better. Luckily, I have the bestest friends, bloggers, readers, and colleagues a girl could ever dream of having.

  First, I'd like to thank the best damn editor and proofreader on this planet! I built the house but they decorated it in ways that I could not.

  Jennifer Sell: you are AMAZING. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have had you edit WWH. You whipped me into shape and brought confidence to my words that I needed. Some editors don’t care about their authors once the story has left their hands. I’m so happy that you take pride in your work and gave me that peace of mind that I really needed before publishing.

  Jenny Sims at Editing4Indies: You kicked ass on Weak for Him (after it was published for months) and did the same with Weak Without Him. I am forever singing your praises! You work hard and play hard, and I appreciate everything you’ve done!

  I am thankful that I found you both. It has been such an honor to work with you. For the first time since I’ve pressed publish, I finally feel like I've got the perfect team! Words cannot express my gratitude for all of your hard work and enthusiasm! Thank you!!

  Love Between the Sheets: Jennifer, I adore you! You are such a pleasure to work with. Thank you for making everything so easy and making sure things were taken care of. I enjoy working with you all so much!

  Pepper Winters: You've been there since day negative 100. We’ve been through it all together and I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing partner in crime. Thank you for being my very best late night literary friend ever. I adore you! The ocean may be wide and the time zones different, but not even that can separate us.

  Rachel Brookes: You totally rock my socks. I love you hard. Seriously. Sometimes the stars really do line up and bring people together, and I’d like to think that happened with us. BBF and BFF! I know wonderful things are going to happen for you and I can’t wait to be there cheering you on. Until we meet! <3

  Tabitha Boykin: I owed you this sentence in the back of Weak for Him when I worked you to death for an entire weekend. Friends are those who shine a light, not the ones who create darkness. Thank you for listening to me rant and rave about book world things, and helping me no matter what, even though sometimes you sleep through it.

  Nadine Colling: Your voice messages are too cute, and you are the best damn street team queen in the wild, wild west! I can’t wait to meet you in 2015 in San Fran. Thank you for all you do, for chatting with me late at night, and for being so supportive. Readers/Bloggers like you are what make the literary world go round. If I want the truth, I know that you will always give it, and sometimes that's hard to find in people.

  Tara aka Colourful Wordwench: Thank you so much for being that person who constantly encourages me to keep writing. You have acted as an accountability partner and probably didn’t even know it. It thrills me to know that no matter what, I have one person who really cares in real-time if I finish that next chapter. I’m so happy to call you my friend.

  Tiffany Lagrone: You are an amazing friend. You are always so kind and are the voice of reason when everything else is in total chaos. You've been there since the beginning, and I appreciate that. Total sister from another mister. Your advice and friendship is invaluable.

  Lesley-Lynn Louw: Thank you for your kind words and for being there to light that inspirational fire with your love of books, beautiful pictures of South Africa and sexy men. Your excitement reminds me why I do this. I'm so honored that Pepper and I were the reason why you started blogging. Thank you for all you do… I I appreciate you!

  Cody Underwood: Thanks for Cody Underwooding me whenever I talked about plot points and the UK. You were the only one around when I typed 'the end' for the first time. Thanks for not sighing, laughing, or groaning when I almost cried. Hey… I just met you.

  Mom and Dad: You were always scared I would grow up and be an opera singer or drummer, both things that I practiced and annoyed you with. Thanks for putting up with me and engraining that I could be anything that I wanted to be when I grew up. Because of your encouragement, I sought something that truly made me happy, even though sometimes I felt it was impossible. Thank you.

  To the Hubby: I love you. Thank you for continuing to support me and telling everyone you really wrote these books. By the way, you should probably read them first because I think our friends are getting the wrong impression of you.

  To ALL of my blogger babes: I seriously have about thirty bloggers to list right now, but I am so scared that I will leave someone out. To everyone who has shared teasers, private messaged me, hosted giveaways, encouraged me, tagged me, and continue to support me no matter what, I will always be indebted to you. Thank you for all you do. I seriously can’t say it enough.

  To the Elite: You all rock my literary socks. You make me smile, blush, and laugh. I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to be standing strong beside me.

  Finally to my readers: Thank you for giving me a chance, again. I hope that if you haven’t, that you eventually fall in love with characters you may not have loved before. The last book of the series will release in 2014. It may be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. I’m not ready to leave these characters, but they are ready to leave me. I hope you dance in the rain, fall in love, and live your life to the fullest. All we have is today, and I am extremely thankful that you chose to spend your precious time on my story, the one that has completely changed my life.

  <3 Thank you!



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