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Temptation Rising

Page 27

by A. C. Arthur

  Rome had asked her to trust him. She did. But he also needed to trust her. She still had a job to do, even if it had shifted focus in the last couple of days. Besides, did he really expect to keep her locked up in his bedroom until he returned? Well, if he did then he didn’t know her well at all.

  Kalina went into the bathroom and switched on the water in the jet pump tub. Eli wouldn’t dare come into the bathroom to check on her. At least she hoped he wouldn’t. Sitting on the side of the tub, Kalina thought about all that had happened to her in the past few weeks: the job promotion, seeing Rome again, falling in love. With a heavy sigh she tried not to think about the last too deeply. Rome hadn’t said he loved her, just that he wanted her, needed her. That should be enough since Kalina had never heard that from anyone before. But somehow it wasn’t.

  She hadn’t told him she loved him, either. No matter how strong a woman she considered herself to be, that sort of rejection wasn’t high on her to-do list. Besides, how did one go about loving a shape shifter? That was a world she knew nothing about, but she admitted it intrigued her.

  When about ten minutes had passed and the tub threatened to overflow she turned off the water and went back out into the bedroom, making a big show out of going to take a bath. Then she returned to the bathroom, pulling the door closed loudly. She waited a beat and when she didn’t hear Eli attempting to come in, she moved to the double glass doors. Quietly she undid the lock and slid the glass door open just enough so that her body could slip through the opening. On the balcony she eased over the railing and prayed she didn’t break a bone on the one-story drop down. An army of soft blue hydrangea bushes broke her fall as she landed steadily on her feet.

  She had no idea if Rome had cameras that scanned his property or not, but figured with the secret he was guarding he probably did. So crouching low, she moved beside the line of trees that ran along the back of the house. When they abruptly stopped, giving way to the front lawn, the winding driveway, and a small fountain, she tried to figure the best way to get to the gate without being spotted.

  It was a hot sticky day, the sun beaming down with a vengeance. A light sheen of perspiration had already begun to line her back when she finally decided it was do or die. Kalina broke out into a run, her legs moving swiftly, smoothly beneath her as she covered the length of the front yard with extreme ease. Larger, fuller trees lined the iron gate that circled the perimeter of Rome’s house. She slipped through a section of them to a narrow space between gate and trees then waited. She was close enough to the front entrance that she could make herself visible as soon as Mel pulled up but still guarded enough by the trees that she was positive any cameras in the house couldn’t see her.

  The trees also provided some shade as she stood waiting for Mel to arrive. All the while thoughts of Rome and how upset he would be when he found her gone filtered through her mind. Her heart ached a little because she didn’t want to hurt him in any way. He’d asked her never to leave him, but she hadn’t promised that she wouldn’t.

  This was helping them, Kalina thought, resigning herself to her mission. Finding out what exactly her assignment had been would help when she attempted to clear Rome’s name. Figuring out what his father had to do with Raul Cortez would go a long way to helping Rome let some of his guilt about his parents’ death rest. He hadn’t told her much about his past, but she sensed that pain in him, that sense of loss that only another person who’d lost loved ones could relate to. Knowing he’d seen those papers on his computer, she could only imagine the sense of betrayal he would have felt reading them. So she was helping Rome, helping the man she loved by sneaking out and going against his wishes.

  That didn’t really make her feel better.

  * * *

  With an excited gleam, she raked her nails down his back. Once. Twice. Third time being the charm, streams of crimson blood bubbled from the broken skin. Below her he moaned and she shifted her hips, let her naked clit rub over the base of his back. He said something but she didn’t understand him, didn’t really care.

  She’d been doing this guy for almost a year, giving him whatever he craved, taking what she needed and getting everything Sabar wanted as well.

  “Harder!” he yelled this time, and she dragged her claws down his back once more. He got off on this, the pain. Each time she was with him it was all about causing him more pain.

  Truth be told, she got off on it, too. Something about the smell of blood, the feel of power rushing through her each time she made him scream, had her coming all over the place. Take now for instance; she was creaming all over his lower back as she watched the blood from the fresh wounds trickling off the side of his torso to land on the white hotel bedsheets.

  “Your friend didn’t pay up. Sabar’s not happy about that,” she said then rubbed her clit over his rough skin, loving the friction the movement created. “You’d better talk to him or he’ll end up just like Baines.”

  “Come here, baby,” he grumbled and turned so that he was now lying on his bloodied back.

  She adjusted herself, lowered her body until his short, fat dick managed to slide inside her wet pussy. He moaned, his dull gray eyes rolling back into his head. With pudgy hands he gripped her hips, holding her still as he pushed upward, believing he was driving deep inside her.

  There was no real feeling, that’s why she had to get off in other ways when she was with him. Leaning forward slightly, she clawed his chest with deep angry strokes. His eyes opened wide just like his mouth, and the scream that ripped free made her come instantly. Then she began to ride him, being careful not to pull up too much or his puny length would slip right out of her. He was breathing heavily, the flab from his second chin vibrating as she worked him.

  “You gonna get your people to pay up?” she asked, flattening her hands on his chest to feel the blood on her palms.

  “Shit … shi … yes … yesss. I’ll tel … yeah … I’ll call him. Fuck!”

  “That’s right, if you wanna keep being fucked by me and keep breathing long enough to make that run for the Senate you just announced, you’d better make sure all of them pay up when they’re supposed to.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll do it. I’ll do it,” he panted, his fingers pinching her hips. “Just fuck me harder. Harder! Harder!”

  She moved quicker, knowing he was only good for another minute or so. Watching his face contort she leaned forward, felt her canines extend, and bit him, right on his nipple. He yelled and came at the same time. She slid off his sweaty, bloody body and went to the table where her cell phone was. Punching in a familiar number, she said, “I’m done.”

  “Good. Now go get my mate,” Sabar’s gruff voice replied from the other end.

  After grabbing a quick shower and slipping back into her business attire Melanie was on her way out when a half-dressed Ralph Kensington puffed on a cigarette and glared at her through the ring of smoke he’d just released. “You’re a wild one. But I can tame you,” he said.

  She slipped her purse on her shoulder and chuckled. “Not in your wildest dreams, old man.”

  “Marry me?” he asked.

  “Can’t, I’m already mated.” She opened the door and stood there a moment. “Besides, you’re not my type.” Closing the door behind her, she missed his ending comment.

  “You’re right,” he chuckled, scratching his protruding belly. “I’m not a cat.”

  * * *

  The second she approached the gate Kalina knew she’d made a colossal mistake.

  Mel stepped out of a black car looking absolutely nothing like the woman Kalina had spent a Sunday afternoon with. Gone was the supermom, the housewife, the dedicated employee.

  What was before her now was like a total transformation—and not like those Oprah makeovers, either. This was deeper. Mel looked at her with eyes slanted just slightly and lips poised, shoulders squared and hips that swayed with the wind. She wore a shorter-than-short skirt tight enough to choke a dog and halter top that put her breasts on
display through its sheer material and sky-high heels. Her red hair seemed brighter and was pulled up so that her long neck was bare.

  “So nice to see you again, Kalina,” she purred.

  That’s right, her voice, her movements, everything about her said cat. Okay, so maybe Kalina was overreacting. Just because Rome admitted to being a cat shifter didn’t mean that everyone she saw was one now. Still, this was a different Melanie.

  “Hey, Mel. What’s up? You sounded like it was urgent.” Kalina talked and measured the distance between her and the house. Mel was on the other side of the gate in a car with tinted windows, which told Kalina she was probably not alone. Besides that, it was a luxury car worth much more than the meager salary Mel was making at the law firm. This entire situation was off, and when Kalina inhaled she could swear she smelled a setup.

  “Just wanted to see you again. You haven’t really been in the office. I asked Nick about you.” She was walking, touching her fingers along the gate and looking at Kalina with a sultry sort of smirk. “He seemed convinced you were all right. I guess if you’re staying at the boss’s place, you would be considered all right.”

  Kalina shrugged, trying to remain calm. She didn’t have a gun on her—nothing that vaguely resembled a weapon. Still, her fingers flexed at her sides as if preparing for a fight. “It’s a temporary situation. Why did you call me?” Kalina decided to just cut to the chase.

  “I said I wanted to see you again.”

  “Why? We just met.”

  Mel stopped walking. “Well, I thought we’d made a connection. You know, like you connected with Rome and with his … kind.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Mel tilted her head, thin wisps of hair circling her face. Her eyes did something funny, changed color. No, it’s the sun, Kalina told herself, but she knew better.

  “I think you know, Kalina. You know a whole lot,” Mel said, coming to stand by the section of the gate where Kalina was.

  “Listen, maybe we should have this girls’ day another time,” Kalina said. She was about to turn and leave when something behind her made her freeze. She couldn’t see but she knew there was something there, something that wasn’t human. She could feel the slow movement, knew the eerie eyes that would be watching her back.

  Looking to Mel she asked simply, “Why?”

  The she-cat tossed back her head and laughed. “So naive, little cat. So fucking naive. Well, that’ll all change in time.”

  Before Kalina could say another word Mel had reached a hand inside the gate, grabbing her arm and pulling it until her shoulder slammed painfully into the iron. Next there was a stinging sensation in her upper arm and then there was blackness.

  Chapter 26

  Sabar needed a mate, one who would stand by him in this battle, who would watch his back and bear his children. Rogue children that would grow up to rule when he was gone. There were other things on Sabar’s need list, but this was by far first and foremost. It was so important that he was beginning to doubt his own logic in sending Mel to get her.

  He should have done it himself. He’d been in close contact with her before; surely she wouldn’t be alarmed to see him again. Darel and Chi had redeemed themselves by taking care of that lying bastard congressman who thought he could cheat him out of his money. These humans were so fucking stupid. Just because they had titles and money, they believed they also had power.

  Until they met him.

  Sabar relished the fear he was spreading among Washington’s elite. Soon everybody in this stinking town would know that if they wanted to play, they’d have to pay. He was taking over the drug game here, slowly but surely, knocking off the lower-level dealers until he could get the big ones out of his way as well. Drugs and guns were a multibillion-dollar industry and Sabar wanted his piece of the American dream.

  And he was willing to kill to get it.

  It was dark. Late night had come upon him quickly as he’d gone about some business waiting for his enforcers to do their jobs. They’d been told to be here tonight with his goods and his money. As Sabar entered the back door of the abandoned row house he’d claimed as the enforcer headquarters, he inhaled deeply.

  His dick hardened instantly as her scent sifted through the humid air.

  She was here.

  His mate was here and his mouth watered to touch her, taste her. Finally.

  * * *

  Kalina felt sick, bile forming in the back of her throat as she tried to look away.

  She should have stayed in Rome’s room, locked behind that door. Leaving had been a mistake, one she’d realized too late. Now she was in what looked like a room inside an old dilapidated house. She’d been blindfolded when they bought her in, but she’d smelled wood and mold. The extra-sensitive senses she’d had all her life had her smelling and hearing things much more specifically since her eyes were covered.

  They’d taken her from the car, one carrying her and two others walking with them. They’d traveled up two flights of stairs and into this room, which she suspected was in the back of the house judging how many steps they took from the stairway. Then she’d been plopped down into a chair that squeaked under her weight.

  Knowing that plotting any kind of escape would work better if she could see her surroundings, she’d prayed they would remove the blindfold. Now, though, she almost wished she couldn’t see at all.

  Standing in front of her was the man who’d delivered the first envelope of pictures to her. Or at least it seemed to be. Tonight, in this dank old house, he looked different—almost deranged. Now he was in her face, his hand cupping her chin roughly as he leaned in closer.

  “I’ve waited a long time for this moment,” he said, his hot breath fanning over her face.

  His eyes were an eerie shade of orange, darting around like those of the people she used to find high on cocaine or some other drug. His voice was deep, much deeper than the day he’d showed up at her door. But as she looked into his eyes, she remembered him clearly. His eyes hadn’t been this orange color on that day, but they’d been strange. She remembered thinking how odd they looked. So this was the man who’d been watching her, taking pictures of her. This was her stalker. She wanted to spit on him, to kick him in the balls, then in the face as she watched him squirm. What she really wanted was to cause him some kind of damage for all the worry and fear he’d brought to her life these last few days. But they’d gagged her so she couldn’t say anything.

  “This is going to be monumental,” he said, licking his lips, leaving a glistening sheen over the fatter bottom lip that made Kalina gag. “We’re going to rule together, baby. Me and you, together,” he said, letting his fingers slide from her chin to touch along her neck then down to grab her breast.

  She didn’t care that they’d tied her hands together behind her back—her ankles as well—didn’t care if she was gagged. Kalina was determined this filthy man was not going to touch her. She kicked out, both her feet flailing in the air toward his groin while her bottom held her firm on the ground. When she wobbled a bit, he just held on to her breast, squeezing until tears pooled in her eyes.

  “Yeah, you’re gonna be so hot.”

  “That’s the same thing I said,” the one called Chi murmured.

  Of the three in this room Kalina knew just who to be afraid of, and it wasn’t Chi. He took his orders from Darel, who obviously took his orders from this new one, named Sabar. Mel was off in a corner, her golden gaze locked on Kalina’s in what looked like a feral challenge. They were all idiots in Kalina’s mind, stupid, selfish idiots to think they were going to get any cooperation from her.

  They’d brought her here after drugging her. She knew this because when she’d awakened she’d felt the hazy effects of whatever had been in that needle. At first she’d only been tied and seated in this chair in the middle of the room, like she was on display or in an interrogation—whichever didn’t creep her out the most. The three of them circled her, looking at her with
equally disturbing glares.

  They were all shifters, she knew now. The two men who’d been at that party had watched her with the same evil glare. Then they’d begun talking, or rather arguing over who would get her first.

  “If either of you dirty street cats touches me you’ll be damn sorry,” she’d snapped at them.

  Mel had stepped right up, slapping Kalina across the face. Kalina had returned the assault by spitting on the cheap-looking bitch and daring her to do it again.

  “Don’t hurt her,” the bigger one had said. “Sabar won’t like it if she’s hurt.”

  “Shut the hell up, Darel!” Mel had yelled. “You’re always talking about what Sabar likes and what he doesn’t like. Always up his ass!”

  The one called Darel had grabbed Mel by her neck, pushing back until her head slammed into the wall. “I’m the one in charge here, bitch. Don’t forget that.”

  “Chill,” the other one said. He hadn’t stopped glaring at her, licking his thick lips as he did. He was aroused, she could see, and if he got even an inch closer she was going to kick him right in his burgeoning erection.

  “There’s enough of her to go around,” he’d said, and Kalina’s stomach had roiled in disgust. “Besides, she needs to tell us where her little boyfriend hid Chavez. I’m gonna kill that cat when I see him again.”

  She’d known they were talking about Rome. They’d been asking about him and the Shadow Shifters from the moment she’d awakened. They wanted to know where they were all located, what they planned to do, how much money they had, how much power. All questions Kalina really didn’t know the answers to but wouldn’t have told them if she had.


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