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Beneath a Dragon's Wing_Fury 1

Page 6

by Marcy Jacks

“I haven’t had a lot of boyfriends, all right?”

  Erin’s defensive snap made Silver smile. “Is that so?”

  “Well.” He sounded embarrassed again. “No, and none of us ever did this. We always thought it was kind of…”

  “If you’re thinking gross, I can stop right now.”

  Erin tensed. “No, that’s fine. You don’t have to stop.”

  Silver smiled up at the man. He felt a little predatory in that moment, and he had to admit, he kind of liked it. “Are you sure about that?”

  Silver let his hands slide up and down Erin’s hips and thighs. All he wanted to do was drive this man wild. He was pretty sure he was succeeding.

  Erin pressed his lips together, avoiding eye contact, as though miserable to have to admit to any of this at all.

  “I’m sure. It’s fine.”

  “You’re telling me you like it?”

  Silver leaned in again, letting his tongue flick against the man’s hole, paying special attention to the way Erin’s body tightened, as though preparing to be breached.

  Erin hissed. “I…I like it. Keep doing it.”

  Silver’s dick never felt so heavy. He and Ajax used to play a game like this, where they would make the other beg. It was always fun, fighting over who would be the bottom. Sometimes they tore the house up with their antics, desperate to make the other submit.

  With an omega, Silver just felt it in his gut that he would be the one topping, and yet he found nothing boring in that. He still found the game was here. It was still to make his mate submit, but in another way entirely.

  Which it seemed was exactly what Erin was doing for him.

  Satisfied, Silver pressed his tongue back to Erin’s asshole, pressing against the knot, pushing against it, waiting for the man’s body to accept him.

  And it was wonderful. He pushed inside that tight space and felt it as Erin bucked and moaned against him.

  He could really feel it, could really make out the way his mate liked this. The way he moved and moaned made it perfectly clear that this was something he wanted, needed.

  Erin needed Silver.

  Silver had forgotten the feeling. To be needed. To need someone else in return. This was it. This was what he’d been lonely for.

  And now that he had it, Christ, he could never let it go.

  Erin thrust sweetly against his tongue. Silver kept the man’s cheeks spread apart, enjoying the sounds of his pleasure as he flicked his tongue with nasty expertise, knowing just the right way to make a man’s body reach that peak.

  He felt it the moment Erin came too close. That was the only reason why he pulled back. The only reason for him to come to a stop. At least for now.

  Silver quickly reached around. He let his hand fist Erin’s prick at the base, stopping him from coming.

  At least, that’s what he’d thought he’d done. Instead, from the moans Erin released, the way his body spasmed, the way he shivered and fell down against the desk, it felt a little more as though he’d come dry.

  Was he serious?

  “Did you just come?”

  Erin shivered again. His breathing was heavy, and Silver smiled at the sight he made.

  So helpless.

  So beautiful.

  “Little wolf?”

  Erin nodded. “I hear you.” He swallowed. “I…fuck, I never did that before.”

  He’d never had a dry orgasm either? Silver doubted that, but he didn’t want to get into what Erin had been doing before he’d hit puberty.

  Maybe he meant he’d never come dry with a lover, or himself. At least on purpose.

  He was still going to take it to mean a good thing. He’d managed to make his lover come for him. That was the best he could hope for.

  “Do you want me to make you come again? Properly this time?”

  Only when Silver was sure that Erin wouldn’t pop off when he let him go did he release the man.

  Erin sighed as though he’d been holding his breath.

  So lovely to see. He could hardly believe this man belonged to him.

  Silver came back to a stand while Erin barely managed to hold himself up, shaking his head. “I…I can’t believe…you did that.”

  Silver smirked. “I think I am going to enjoy discovering just how innocent you can be.”

  Erin growled at him over his shoulder. Silver saw a bit of the wolf in his eyes. “Not innocent.”

  Silver flicked his nose. “Sure you’re not. Wait here.”

  Erin blinked, the wild look leaving his gaze as Silver walked away from him.

  Erin didn’t ask where he was going, likely because he already had an idea.

  The clothes weren’t the only thing Silver had picked up when he was in the mall. He’d briefly ducked into the pharmacy in the first floor and grabbed some essentials for tonight.

  He found the bag on the bed and pulled out what he would be needing.

  It was merely some extra lubricant. Something new and proper for his mate.

  The bottle he’d purchased said it also had a warming agent. That would be good. Not that Silver thought he needed the help, but he couldn’t wait to see the look on Erin’s face as Silver thrust his fingers inside the man, preparing him for his cock.

  “I think you will like this.”

  “Lube? Yeah, that stuff tends to help.”

  Little smart ass. Why did Silver have to like that about him?

  He tossed his mate the bottle. Erin fumbled with it briefly before he caught it. Then he read the label.


  He seemed barely able to look Silver in the eyes.

  “For a man who’s not a virgin, you sure are bashful.”

  Erin looked away from him. “I can’t help it.”

  Silver had merely been teasing. He didn’t expect such a reaction from his mate.

  He walked to Erin. When he touched the man, it felt as right and normal as though he’d been doing it almost for their whole adult lives.

  “I’m teasing you, little wolf. I happen to like it.”

  Erin tensed. “Oh.”

  Silver pressed his mouth back to Erin’s throat. He decided to leave the T-shirt on him. He liked the idea of fucking the man while Erin was still wearing some of Silver’s clothes. It would make the man smell a little more like him. Make Erin smell as though he’d been in this room with him for years, instead of just arriving yesterday.

  Erin quickly fell back into the rhythm of things. He sighed, reaching back for Silver, his smaller hands sliding to the back of Silver’s neck, holding him close while Silver kissed him.

  Silver quickly opened the bottle of lube, poured some into his hand, and he must have shocked Erin because the first thing he did was stroke the man’s prick with his slicked hand.

  Erin shouted. He gripped harder to the desk beneath him, fucking into Silver’s hand like a wild little thing.

  And fuck if it wasn’t the most gorgeous thing Silver had seen in a long time.

  “You like this, don’t you?”

  Erin clenched his teeth, nodding.


  Silver let his hand slip away. He brought his fingers back to Erin’s hole, circled briefly, then pushed inside.

  It was easy, considering Silver’s tongue had just been there only a few moments ago. Erin was ready for him. Waiting for him.

  The man moaned as he was filled, and Silver’s dick throbbed. He nearly came to his pleasure right then and there.

  “That sound you just made. You’re going to make it again and again when it’s my cock filling you up. I hope you know that, little wolf. You’re mine now.”

  Chapter Eight

  Erin did make that sound again. He made that embarrassing sound again and again as Silver thrust his fingers into him again and again, stretching him, scissoring him, getting him ready for what was to come.

  And before the man pulled his fingers away, Erin panted for breath. He felt like less of a man, like something not even human.

a ball of goo. Boneless, and only able to move along to what this other man molded him to be.

  He was perfectly fine with that, and yet he wanted more.

  So much more.

  When Silver finally pulled his fingers away, even though Erin knew what it meant, what was coming, he couldn’t help but cry out from the disappointment of it.

  He felt so much better when it was the blunt head of Silver’s big cock pressing against his hole, and he cried out a sharp, embarrassing sound when the man plunged into him.

  Even though he was easily embarrassed, Erin didn’t feel embarrassed by it. He only felt the relief of being filled, of finally having the man’s prick burning inside him again.

  Between now and the last time his mate had fucked him, it felt like well over a thousand years. He’d missed it so damned much it almost hurt, and yet here he was, enjoying himself again, soaking in his lover, his mate.

  His dragon.

  Silver didn’t wait. He fucked into Erin hard and fast, to the point where the small desk Erin held on to banged against the wall as he struggled to hold on for dear life.

  The noises Silver released into Erin’s ear were positively primal, and that seemed to do something for him even more than the bruising way Silver held on to him.

  It was erotic. The most sensual pleasure Erin had ever experienced as all of his senses were overloaded.

  Erin opened his eyes. He’d barely realized it when he shut them, but he did. Then he saw it. He saw what that shadow was above him. He’d seen the darkness through his closed eyes, but then he realized what it was.

  Silver’s wings. They’d come out. Maybe the other man didn’t even realize he’d let them out in the first place, but there they were. The black and silver color was beautiful together. If Erin wasn’t being overloaded with pleasure, he might have tried to reach out and touch the wings, to see what they felt like. They looked leathery in some spots, and scaly in others.

  Silver had wrapped them both around himself and Erin as he fucked into him.

  There was something nice about that. Erin couldn’t entirely figure out what it was, or why he liked it, but it felt as though he was beneath a small shelter of Silver’s making. Under his protection beneath his wings like this.

  He nearly cried. His eyes burned even through the pleasure, and he could barely hold it back, even as his pleasure came to a head and he finally came with a groan.

  Erin lowered his face, not wanting Silver to see his eyes, to get the wrong idea.

  Fuck, he could barely get ahold of himself as that sweet sensation hit him hard, the crash of pleasure and the throb and buzz of the aftershocks.

  He wasn’t in a pack, he was in a clan, but he felt the same sense of safety and belonging.

  Silver might not love him now, and he might never love him, but for everything the man had done for him so far, it was enough.

  It was enough for Erin to love him back. Silver never had to love Erin for the rest of their lives, and Erin knew he would love and cherish Silver until the end of his days.

  He felt the warmth of Silver’s orgasm rushing inside him. It was a good feeling. He liked it. He pushed back against the other man, wanting to milk him of his pleasure, to make Silver feel good, to make him feel even better than Erin felt right now.

  Then Silver groaned, and it was done. There was nothing else for him to take from the other man. Or to give.

  The man’s wings loosened around them, allowing some more of the outside light to touch them.

  Erin could only gasp for breath. God, his throat felt so dry from all the moaning and shouting, but he’d never felt better.

  “You all right?”

  Silver sounded a little on the breathy side, as well. Erin couldn’t help but smile at that.

  Then Silver took Erin by the shoulder and turned him around. The man’s eyes flew wide when he spotted Erin’s face.

  He pulled back, the horror in his eyes making it apparent what he thought he was seeing.

  Erin grabbed his hand. “Stay.”

  Silver shook his head. “You’re hurt.”

  “No, and not by you.”

  Silver frowned.

  Erin wiped his eyes. “This isn’t sad or painful crying. I just…I just realized that I’m part of a pack again, and it feels good.” He looked right up into the other man’s face. “I know you hate it when I say thank you all the time, but honestly, thank you so much.”

  He wouldn’t tell Silver that he loved him. At least not yet. Erin wanted to hold on to that for himself.

  For now. He would tell Silver when he was ready. When he was sure it wouldn’t hurt the man so much to hear it.

  Silver looked at him as though he honestly didn’t know what to say to that, or as if he didn’t know what to do about it.

  He didn’t need to do anything.

  Erin couldn’t contain this happy feeling deep in his stomach, which was why he felt as comfortable as he did leaning up onto his toes and pressing his mouth to Silver’s.

  The other man didn’t do anything, not at first. His mouth remained frozen, as though unsure about what he was supposed to do next.

  So when his body melted and his lips became more pliant, Erin took it as a win. He reached up, letting his arms curl around Silver’s shoulders, holding the other man close.

  Maybe he really could have a happy life while he was here.

  Silver shocked Erin by picking him up. Erin gasped, their mouths parting.

  “What are you doing?”

  Silver swiped his arm across the bed, tossing all the packages of clothes he’d purchased for Erin off the sheets before settling Erin down on top of them, positioning himself between Erin’s legs.

  “We’re not done yet.”

  Erin shivered. Then he grinned. “Sounds good to me.”

  * * * *

  Lightning flew overhead, ignoring the irritation of the sun.

  He couldn’t keep a pair of sunglasses over his eyes in this form, and it was bright out. He didn’t often fly during the daylight hours. It hurt too much when there were no clouds in the sky.

  Rey swooped in nearby. He opened his green-scaled mouth and let out a cry.

  Not a battle cry, not a cry to return home. The sort of noise that let Lightning know his friend didn’t find the prey he was looking for.

  That was incredibly annoying.

  Lightning adjusted his wingspan. He caught another gust of wind and glided along it. He kept his eyes on the trees below him, still searching, still waiting for those cowardly fucks to make their move.

  Warlocks and witches were in the area, eh? That was fine by him. He was in the mood to tear something to pieces. If they wanted to slice him up and cook him for soup, he was sure as hell going to make sure they earned that privilege.

  Rey followed him, swooped in above, letting his claws briefly scratch down on Lightning’s back. A dangerous move, but it got his attention, and annoyed him when the other dragon made another dragon call at him.

  Rey wanted him to give up. To come home.

  Lightning didn’t want to. The fact that these assholes didn’t give up was a complete piss off, and it was made even worse by the fact that he couldn’t find them.

  Where were they hiding? They didn’t usually slink around like snakes in the grass.

  Well, it was about a fifty-fifty split on when they decided to be complete pricks, but they did come out in the open and make ballsy claims enough that Lightning preferred it when they did.

  At least then he could see where they were. When they challenged him out in the open, there was a sense of honor to it that he liked.

  This was bullshit.

  It just made him want to kill something.

  A fire burned in Lightning’s mouth. He wanted to unleash it on the trees below him, to burn it all down. The warlocks would have to use their spells to put the fire out if he ignited it too close to where they were hiding.

  Maybe Rey sensed it, because the other man cawed and swooped low
overhead again, this time smacking the back of Lightning’s head with his foot.

  The prick. It was lucky none of those talons had gotten stuck in Lightning’s scales, otherwise, they might both be in a bit of trouble.

  He decided to land. His asshole friend wasn’t going to give him a break, so he might as well come down now before Rey gave him any more shit, and they both got caught up in each other’s wings and crashed.

  That could happen when dragons weren’t careful in their flight.

  Lighting turned around. Home was still within sight. It would take so long to walk something like that, but just another five minutes in the air and he was able to come down for a graceful land.

  Lightning transformed the moment he was able to, glaring as Rey came down to join him.

  “What the hell is your problem?”

  The green dragon shifted. Rey didn’t look much more impressed when he was in his human form than he did in his dragon form.

  “I told you, you’re not going to find them. We can’t pinpoint where they are.”

  “I’ll find those weasely fucks.” Lightning clenched his fists. “Then I’ll burn them like real witches.”

  Rey shook his head, then he seemed to notice there was an audience watching their every move. He glared at the people, dragon and omega alike, who scurried around with their children and their friends.

  They scurried faster, not wishing to get into trouble for spying.

  Sometimes it was difficult to get any privacy around here.

  “Look, I know you’re pissed—”

  “Then don’t get in my way.”

  Rey glowered at him. “Flying off on your own doesn’t help. They could have invisibility spells on them or something. If they don’t want to be seen, they won’t be seen.”

  Lightning hated taking battle advice from someone who didn’t know the enemy. “Warlocks and witches can’t just make themselves invisible. It’s too difficult, and even if every one of them could do it, you have to be holding still for the spell to work.”

  “Like I care. Just wait for them to come out. They always do.”

  Lightning growled.

  Rey’s expression changed to something a little less annoying. “I get it. I don’t like this much either, but we need everyone here. Silver is vulnerable while he’s with his mate. We need to watch over the clan, and that includes you, too.”


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