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Texas Outlaws: Jesse

Page 7

by Kimberly Raye

  “No, it ain’t him,” Troy said. “It’s somebody you don’t know. A stranger. You just shut up if you know what’s good for you—” the barrel nudged between her shoulder blades “—or else.”

  “Or else what?” The words were out before she could stop them. As scared as she was, she was also getting a little angry. She was sick and tired of having circumstances dictated to her. Of being told what to do and when to do it. Of being stuck. And although she couldn’t stand up to the world and change the path of her life, she could change this moment. “You really think you have what it takes to pull the trigger?”

  “Heck, yeah.”

  “Heck, no.”

  The answers echoed simultaneously and Gracie realized that the three of them had company.

  “He’s not shooting anybody.” Gracie heard Jesse’s deep, familiar voice a split second before she heard a grunt and a yelp, and suddenly the gun fell away.

  She whirled in time to see Jesse standing between the two teenage boys, hands gripping the backs of their collars. The gun lay forgotten on the ground.

  Leaning down, she picked up the discarded weapon and her lips pulled into a frown.

  “It’s just a paintball gun, Miss Gracie,” Lonnie blurted as she inspected the weapon. “Please don’t tell my grandma. Please.”

  “Troy Eugene Warren.” She turned on the first boy. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” She dangled the weapon. “I thought this was an actual gun.”

  “It is a gun.” His stubborn gaze met hers. “It can even break the skin.”

  “Makes a nasty bruise, too,” Lonnie offered. “I know ’cause Troy tested it out on me—”

  “What are you boys doing out here?” Jesse cut in, giving them a little shake.

  “We’re after the money.”

  “There is no money.”

  “Says you.” Lonnie tried to pull away, but Jesse tightened his grip and held the boy close. “The TV says different,” Lonnie blurted. “There’s sure to be people coming from as far away as Houston looking for that money. Might as well be somebody right here in town who finds it.”

  “The money was destroyed in the fire,” Gracie said.

  “Maybe. But maybe Silas Chisholm just did a damn fine job of hiding it.”

  “Silas Chisholm wasn’t that smart,” Jesse growled. “There is no money.”


  “If I catch you trespassing out here again, I’ll press charges.”

  “We’re only kids.” Troy tried to shrink away. “The cops won’t do anything but call our parents.”

  “Maybe,” Gracie added. “But maybe the D.A. will be so outraged when I tell her that you led me to believe you were holding a real gun on me that she’ll want to try you both as adults.”

  “They don’t do that.”

  “Heard it happened over in Magnolia just last week,” Jesse offered. “You boys should get at least five to ten for armed assault of a city official.”

  “Five to ten years?” Lonnie looked ready to throw up.

  “At the very least,” Jesse added. “But I’d bet on an even stiffer sentence since there’s an eyewitness—yours truly—who saw you threaten the mayor and hold a gun on her.”

  “I’m not actually the mayor.” The words were out before Gracie could stop them. “I mean, I practically am, but it’s not official. Not yet.”

  Jesse gave her a “too much info” look. “She won by a landslide,” Jesse growled in Troy’s ear. “She’s practically the mayor and you boys are both screwed.”

  “Please, Mr. Chisholm,” Lonnie pleaded. “I can’t go to prison. My grandma Lou will kill me.”

  “I know your grandma. She’s a sweet lady. What about you?” Jesse eyed Troy. “How do you think your folks will react?”

  “They won’t.” Troy shrugged. “My daddy don’t give a shit. He’s drunk most of the time since my ma died.”

  Gracie didn’t miss the strange glimmer in Jesse’s eyes before his expression hardened into an unreadable mask. He loosened his grip on both boys. “Go. Get on home. Both of you.”

  Lonnie’s eyes widened. “You’re letting us off?”

  “Hardly.” He pointed a finger. “I want you both at the rodeo arena first thing after school tomorrow.”

  “For what?”

  “To work off the cost of repairing that fence you just cut.” Jesse motioned to his left at the barbed wire that hung open.

  “Yes, sir,” Lonnie said, snatching up the discarded shovel that lay nearby. “I’ll be there. We both will. Ain’t that right, Troy?”

  “What if we don’t show?” Troy eyed Jesse as if trying to gauge just what he could get away with.

  “Then I’ll file an official complaint with the sheriff and he’ll arrest you.” Sirens stirred in the background and Gracie knew that Deputy Walker was on his way. Both boys stiffened.

  “Come on, Troy,” Lonnie pressed. “Just take the deal. Please.”

  “Okay,” Troy grumbled. “But I ain’t picking up no horse crap.”

  “Of course you’re not.” Jesse grinned. “We don’t pick it up. We use a shovel.” His expression faded into one of serious intent. “And trust me, I’ve got plenty of shovels.” Troy stiffened and Gracie didn’t miss the grin that played at Jesse’s lips. She watched as he forced a frown and glanced from one boy to the other. “Now get lost before I change my mind.”

  The two boys scattered toward the cut fence and disappeared on the other side just as a beige squad car pulled up to the curb.

  “Are you okay?” Jesse’s gaze collided with hers and if she hadn’t known better, she would have sworn she saw concern.

  But this was Jesse James Chisholm. Wild. Reckless. Carefree. He didn’t give a shit about anyone. That was why she’d been so drawn to him all those years ago. He’d been a kindred spirit. Just as wild as she’d been. As reckless. As carefree.

  If only she could remember that when he looked at her.

  “That was a really nice thing you did,” she told him. “Giving those boys a chance.”

  “Shoveling isn’t a chance. It’s hard work. Trust me, they’ll be begging for me to file charges before I’m through with them.” That was what he said, but she didn’t miss the softness in his eyes. While he played the same “I don’t give a shit” Jesse he’d been way back when, something had changed. He’d changed.

  Even if he didn’t seem as if he wanted to admit it.

  A rush of warmth went through her that had nothing to do with the fierce attraction between them and everything to do with the fact that she admired him almost as much as she lusted after him.

  Before she could dwell on the unsettling thought, she turned her attention to the deputy who rushed up, gun drawn, gaze scouring the landscape.

  “I came as soon as I got the call,” he said in between huge gulps of air. “I was right in the middle of Wednesday-night bowling. Just threw a strike.” He drank in a few more drafts of air. “So where are they? Where are the perpetrators?”

  “False alarm, Dan.”

  “But I ran two blocks just to get to the squad car on account of mine is in the shop and my wife dropped me off at the bowling alley.”


  “But you said we had trespassers. Two of them.”

  “They turned out to be just a couple of kids taking a shortcut on their way home,” Jesse added. “No harm, no foul.”

  Dan glanced around a few more seconds before shoving his gun back in his holster. “Doggone it. I shoulda known it was too early for any real excitement. That TV show doesn’t air until next week. It’ll be the usual snoozefest until then.”

  “Not true. It’s bingo night at the Ladies’ Auxiliary tomorrow night. That should mean at least three catfights and maybe even an incarceration,” Gracie re
minded him.

  “Stop trying to cheer me up. You need a ride home?”

  “I’ve got my car but thanks.”

  “You folks take care, then.” The deputy turned. “If I hurry, I should be able to get back before the game is over. Not that I’ll win now, on account of I missed my turn....”

  “So?” Jesse eyed her when Dan walked away. His gaze darkened and the temperature seemed to kick up a few degrees.

  Every nerve in her body went on high alert because she knew something was about to happen between them. She knew and she couldn’t make herself walk away. “So what?” she managed, her lips trembling.

  “Are you going to finish what you started with that kiss or not?”


  “I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER you kissed me.”

  A grin tugged at his lips, but the expression didn’t quite touch the depths of his eyes, which were a deep, mesmerizing violet. “Then are you going to finish what I started?”

  Yes. No. Maybe.

  The answers raced through her mind and her heartbeat kicked up a notch. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said, despite the fact that she knew. She knew because she knew him. The wicked gleam in his eyes. The heat rolling off his body.

  Even more, she knew herself. The bad girl buried deep inside who urged her to take the initiative and make the first move. And the second. And the third.

  She swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat and tried to get a grip. “I think you’re misreading the situation.”

  “You want me and I want you.” He stared deep into her eyes. “We should do something about it.”

  “Not happening,” she blurted, despite the yeah, baby echoing through her. “I’m the mayor.”

  “Soon-to-be mayor.”

  “I can’t just go around hopping into bed with every cowboy who propositions me. I mean, yes, I liked the kiss, but that’s beside the point. We’re all wrong for each other.”

  “You say that like it matters.”

  “It does.”

  Pure sin teased the corner of his sensual lips. “I don’t want to date you, Gracie.” His gaze collided with hers. “I want to have sex with you.”

  She wasn’t sure why his words sent a wave of disappointment through her. It wasn’t as if she wanted to date him. Sure, he’d changed from the wild, careless boy he’d once been, but he was still Jesse James Chisholm. Still off-limits. Still temporary.

  And Gracie had sworn off temporary when she’d turned her life around.

  “It’s obvious there’s something between us,” he murmured, his deep voice vibrating along her nerve endings. “Something fierce.”

  “I think—”

  “That’s the problem,” he cut in. “You do too much thinking. You ought to start feeling again. You might like it.”

  Before she could respond, he pressed a key card into her hand, kissed her roughly on the lips and walked to his truck.

  The engine grumbled, the taillights flashed and just like that, he was gone.

  She stared at the plastic card burning into her hand. The Lost Gun Motel. It was the only one in town. Right on Main Street, next to the diner, the parking lot in full view of anyone who happened by.

  Not that she was thinking about taking him up on his offer. Having sex with Jesse Chisholm would be the worst idea ever.


  Because they were polar opposites. He was wild and exciting and she wasn’t. At least she was doing her damnedest to prove that she wasn’t.

  And that was the problem in a nutshell. Jesse called to the bad girl inside of her. He made her want to forget the past twelve years of walking the straight and narrow. Forget the pain of losing her brother. Forget the promise she’d made to Charlie.

  To herself.

  Not happening. She had an image to uphold. A reputation to protect. She was the mayor, for heaven’s sake.

  Sort of.

  She hadn’t actually taken the oath.

  Anxiety rushed through her as she climbed into her car and started for home. As committed as she was to the path she’d chosen, she couldn’t help but feel as if she’d missed out on something.

  On life.

  On lust.

  Forget the slutty college years. She’d spent hers taking extra classes at the university so that she could graduate early and earn an apprenticeship with the city planner’s office. She’d missed out on so much. That was why she was feeling so much anxiety about the upcoming inauguration. Once she took her oath, her life would be set, the commitment made, her chance lost.

  She wanted one more night with Jesse. One more memory. Then she could stop fantasizing and go back to her nice conservative life and step up as the town’s new mayor without any worries or regrets.

  She would.

  But not just yet.

  She slammed on the brakes, swung the car around and headed for the motel.

  “Okay,” she blurted ten minutes later when Jesse opened the motel door to find her standing on his doorstep. “Let’s do it.”

  And then she reached out and kissed him.

  * * *

  THE MOMENT GRACIE touched her lips to his, Jesse felt a wave of heat roll through him. The real thing was even better than he remembered. She felt warmer. Smelled sweeter. Tasted even more decadent.

  Her tongue tangled with his and she slid her arms around his neck. Her small fingers played in his hair. Heat shimmered down his spine from the point of contact.

  His gut tightened and his body throbbed. He steered her around, backed her up into the hotel room and kicked the door shut with his boot. Pulling her blouse free of her skirt, he shoved his hands beneath the soft material. She was warm and soft and oh so addictive against the rough pads of his fingertips. His body trembled with need and he urged her toward the bed.

  He shoved aside the duffel bag sitting on top and guided her down. He pulled back, his hands going to the button on his jeans. He made quick work of them, shoving the denim down his legs so fast that it was a wonder he didn’t fall and bust his ass. He’d spent so many nights fantasizing about her and now she was real.



  A passing spray of headlights spilled through the windows and she seemed to stiffen. As if she feared someone would bust through the door any moment and see them together. Because as much as she wanted him, she still had her doubts. Her fears.

  Jesse fought for his control and steeled himself against the delicious heat coming off her body. He could wipe away the doubt if he wanted to. All he had to do was speed up and push things along as fast and as furious as the heat that zipped up and down his spine. She would be so mindless that she wouldn’t care if they were standing on the fifty-yard line of the local football stadium at half-time.

  But he didn’t want her mindless. He wanted her on the offensive. He wanted her to want this despite the consequences.

  He wanted her to want him with the same passion she’d felt so long ago.

  That meant slowing down and giving her the chance to think about what was happening, to feel each and every moment, to forget her fear and give in to the heat that raged between them.

  He closed his hands over her shoulders and steered her down onto the mattress. His fingers caressed the soft material of her blouse, molding the silk to her full breasts.

  Easy, slick. Just take it easy.

  The warning echoed in his head and he managed to move his hands away before he could stroke her perfectly outlined nipples.

  He would. But not just yet.

  He scooted down to pull off her heels and toss them to the floor. One hand lingered at her ankle and he couldn’t help himself. He traced the curve of her calf up to her knee and smiled as he heard her breath catch. Then his fingers went to the button on her ski
rt. His heart pounded and his pulse raced and an ache gripped him from the inside out. He stiffened, fighting the lust that roared inside of him.


  He grabbed the waistband and helped her ease the navy material down her hips, her legs, revealing a pair of black lace panties that betrayed the prim-and-proper image she fought so hard to maintain.

  He knew then that there was still a little of the old Gracie deep inside and his heartbeat kicked up a notch.

  His fingertips brushed her bare skin, grazing and stirring the length of her legs as he worked the skirt free. The friction ripped through him, testing his control with each delicious inch.

  Finally he reached her ankles. He stood near the foot of the bed and pulled the skirt completely off.

  His gaze traveled from her calves up her lush thighs to the wispy lace barely covering the soft strip of silk between her legs. He grew harder, hotter, and anticipation zipped up and down his spine.

  He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. With a sweep of his tongue he licked his lips. The urge to feel her pressed against his mouth nearly sent him over the edge. He wanted to part her with his tongue and taste her sweetness.

  Need pounded, steady and demanding through his body, and sent the blood jolting through his veins at an alarming rate.

  He dropped to the bed beside her and reached out. His fingers brushed the velvet of one hip and that was all it took. Suddenly his hands seemed to move of their own accord, skimming the length of her body to explore every curve, every dip. He lingered at the lace covering her moist heat and traced the pattern with his fingertip. He moved lower, feeling the pouty slit between her legs.

  She gasped and her legs fell open.

  He followed the scrap of lace, his fingertip brushing the sensitive flesh on either side. The urge to dip his finger beneath the scant covering and plunge deep into her lush body almost undid him.


  But he wouldn’t.

  Because it wasn’t about what he wanted. It was all about her at that particular moment. About convincing her that this was right. That he was right.

  About making sure that this moment exceeded her expectations and made it impossible for her to turn her back on him again.


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