Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2 Page 1

by Mz. Lady P

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  6 Months After The Nuptials

  Chapter 1 - Trish

  My wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life. The other greatest day of my life was the day I gave birth to my son, Markese Jackson Jr. He is a blessing from God. Sometimes I find myself standing over his crib and watching him sleep.

  I am so over protective of my first-born son. I don’t know why I have a fear of losing him. It’s been three months since I gave birth to him and I love him more each day. I just wish his father would acknowledge the fact that he is here.

  It’s sad to say, but Markese has purposely been avoiding him. Markese is questioning his paternity. He hasn’t come right out and said it, but I know that’s why he is behaving this way. Lil Markese is the spitting image of me. He looks nothing like Markese.

  I know for a fact that this is Markese’s baby. The timing adds up. There is no way Mont is the father of my son. Mont was already dead when I became pregnant. So much for my fucking fairytale ending.

  Markese can continue walking around being an asshole. I really don’t have time for this shit. Disrespecting me is one thing, but disrespecting my son is a different story. I have sacrificed so much for Markese. I’m raising his children that were the product of an affair. To top it all off, I assisted in getting rid of Carmen so that he could get out of jail. He has me fucked all the way up. I’m not the weak ass Trish that he used to know anymore. The shit that I just went through made me grow up and become a stronger woman. He will not see me fold under pressure. I’m about to see if he can handle the monster he created.

  Markese doesn’t understand how hard it is to raise three children and still get up and go to work. Markese promised me that he was getting out of the game. However, he was right back at The Towers as soon as we came back from our honeymoon.

  He comes home at a decent hour, but that doesn’t mean shit to me. He needs to spend more quality time with these kids, especially Gabriella and Juan. He is the only biological parent they have left. I have stepped up and took on the mother role, but one parent is just not enough for these kids.

  At first, I was mad about him not leaving the game. I had to remember hustling is all he knows. We live the way we do because of all his hard work in the streets. I can’t knock the hustle. My lifestyle is grand because of it.

  We just recently moved into a 1.5 million dollar mini-mansion in Romeoville, Illinois. Markese just purchased his and hers 2014 white on white Range Rovers. I’m kind of worried about all the money he has been bringing in lately. After all that we have been through, I think it’s too soon to jump right back in the game. I keep my concerns to myself because Markese doesn’t listen to anybody. He thinks he knows everything. All I can do is pray that he makes it home safe every night.

  Despite the way he is behaving, I am still so in love with my husband. The older he gets, the sexier he gets. I love the way he keeps his hair cut low and goatee trimmed. His light colored skin is so soft; no bumps or blemishes. I get lost looking into his beautiful hazel eyes. He is six feet of pure pleasure.

  Since getting married, it’s been a minute since Aja, Niyah, Nisa, Stacy, and I have been able to kick it. On the other hand, Rahmeek, Markese, Boogie, Killa, and Hassan are always hanging out and handling business. I’m glad Rahmeek is giving Aja a birthday party next month. I am in desperate need of a drink and adult conversation. Motherhood and working every day at the shop has a bitch wore out.

  My shop is doing great. I recently expanded it by adding more booths and hiring more stylists. I have been so busy lately so I decided to cook dinner for Gabriella and Juan. They love when I cook for them. At first, all they liked to eat was Mexican food. I broke them out of that. I had to introduce them to soul food. They are completely hooked on it.

  I decided to cook pot roast with white potatoes, carrots, cabbage and smoked turkey tails, and cornbread. After dinner was done, the kids and I sat down and ate as a family. As usual, Markese ass was not there. I wish I would put him up a plate. His ass can starve as far as I’m concerned. After eating dinner, I cleaned the kitchen and got the kids’ uniforms ready for school. I decided to go to sleep as well. Lil Markese was sleeping so well. I have to get sleep when he sleeps. If I don’t, I will not be able to function properly.

  When I woke up, I looked at the clock and it read three in the morning. It felt odd to me because the baby wakes up crying every night like clockwork. I decided to get out of bed to go check on him. I walked down the hall to his nursery. I entered the room and saw Markese sitting in the rocking chair holding him. His back was towards me. I walked over and touched his shoulder. He turned around and I got the shock of my life. The person holding my son was not Markese. It was Mont. His face was disfigured, but it was definitely him.

  “Why are you keeping my son away from me?” His eyes were blood shot red. He looked like the devil himself. I kept trying to take Lil Markese from him, but he kept pushing me away.

  “Give me my son! He is not yours! He belongs to Markese!”

  I rushed towards him and he disappeared into thin air. I jumped from my sleep and I was sweating bullets. I looked over at Markese and he was knocked out. I was glad he slept through yet another nightmare. Mont is haunting me from a fiery ass grave.

  This shit has been happening almost every night since we killed him. Markese still doesn’t know what really happened the night we killed Mont. I can’t tell him because I don’t want to get Aja, Nisa, and Niyah involved. They would have to explain to their husbands what their roles were in Mont’s demise. I owe it to the girls to keep our secret. I don’t know where I would be without their help.

  The next morning, Markese got the kids off to school. The baby was sleeping so I took a shower. As soon as I was getting relaxed, he started to cry. Markese knew that I was showering, yet he let our son cry.

  Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I hopped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around me, and ran to his nursery. He had cried for so long that he cried himself to sleep. His tears had started to dry on his face. I have been trying to remain calm and hold my composure but this shit was the final straw. The tears fell rapidly as I ran downstairs fast as I could to confront Markese I found him in the movie theater.

  Markese was sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the table. This nigga was smoking a blunt and watching Sportscenter. Instant rage set in. I grabbed a lamp off the table and threw it at the flat screen that was mounted on the wall. The whole screen shattered and it fell to the floor.

  Shocked, Markese stood to his feet and looked at me. “What the fuck, Trish?”

  I walked towards him so that we were standing face to face. “Really? You would sit there and let our son cry like that?”

  “I didn’t hear him crying.” Markese sat back down and fired up his blunt.

  “That’s bullshit and you know it! You have been avoiding him and I want to know why. You won’t hold him, feed him, change him, or even acknowledge the fact that he is here!”

  “I have been busy.” He was being so nonchalant about the whole situation. It made me want to hit him upside his fucking head with the other lamp.

  “You know what? Fuck you, Markese. Since you want to act like a bitch, I’m leaving and I’m taking my son with me!”

  I attempted to walk away, but Markese grabbed my arm with so much force that I thought he pulled it out of the socket.

  “I made a promise that I would never put my hands on you again. You’re talking real slick right now. You’re about
to talk your way right into an ass whooping. Stop trying to provoke me. Since you like breaking shit, I expect a new TV when I get home,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Well, your ass is going to be waiting. I’m not buying shit!”

  Markese grabbed his keys and left. As soon as the door slammed, I picked up a vase and threw it at the door.

  “Ahhhhh!” I screamed.

  This shit has got to get better. I can’t keep living like this.

  Chapter 2 - Markese

  The thought that my junior may not be mine is eating me up. He looks nothing like me. Gabriella and Juan are the splitting image of me. I think that Mont is his father. That’s why I won’t bond with him until I get the DNA test back. About a week ago, I swabbed his mouth with a home paternity test. The results are supposed to be back later on today. I made sure to get rid of all the evidence. If Trish finds out that I tested him, she will leave my ass for sure. I can’t wait to receive the call. Not bonding with him has been tearing my ass up on the inside. I know what I’m doing is hurting Trish, but I have to do this for me.

  I watch her take care of home day in and day out. It warms my heart to see her take care of my kids the way she does. Trish is still as beautiful as she was the first day I laid eyes on her. She has the softest mocha-colored skin. Her small baby face resembles that of an angel. Her doe- like eyes have a hint of mystery behind them.

  Trish is flawless at all times. She never has a hair out of place. Her makeup is always so perfect. She never leaves the house without being dressed to the nines. There is nothing like having super model material as a wife. My baby deserves to be on the cover of a magazine. Hopefully she can forgive me for my actions.

  Since the events that happened last year, the whole crew and I have been on some getting money shit. The drugs we took from Juan’s house were gone before we made it back from our honeymoon. We had to come up with a Plan B. Luckily for us; Rahmeek was doing business with Chico Maldonado while he was locked up.

  Chico Maldonado is head of the Maldonado Crime Family. He has heroin fields all over Mexico and Colombia. That shit we were getting from Juan wasn’t shit compared to the heroin we’re getting from Chico. Money is flowing abundantly and we all living real well. Married life hasn’t slowed us down at all. I love my wife and my kids, but I got to get this fucking bread to secure our future. Trish will thank me later.

  I’m glad I decided to link up with Rahmeek. Our decision has proved to be lucrative for all parties involved. All of our operations are now run by all of us jointly. Our newest operation is in the Ashland Terrace Apartments. We now have three operations bringing in over fifty thousand a week each. I try my best to spend time with my family, but the way my drug operation is setup I am on call twenty four- seven.

  It’s a rare occurrence for Chico to call for a sit- down, so I was surprised when he wanted us to meet him at his warehouse. I arrived at the warehouse at the same time as the rest of the crew. Rahmeek, Boogie, Hassan, and Killa were in attendance.

  Since Killa and Nisa got married, he refuses to let her live the street life. Nisa is not too happy about that. However, I respect my nigga for making that decision. No wife of mine will be out here doing the shit Nisa was doing. I take my hat off to her though. Nisa is as thorough and gangster as they come. She doesn’t have a problem with letting her trigger finger do the talking.

  As we entered the warehouse, it was filled with Chico and some of his armed bodyguards.

  “Welcome! Welcome, my friends!” Chico said as he walked towards us and shook all of our hands. “I’m glad you all made it on such a short notice. I know you’re wondering why I called you all here, so let me get down to it. I have some urgent business back in Mexico that I must go handle. I’m not sure how long I will be gone.”

  “How are we supposed to re-up if you are out of town?” Rahmeek asked.

  “You guys have shown me that you are capable of handling large quantities of heroin. So I am leaving you with one hundred kilos. I trust that I will get my money on time like I do every month. If you need me, you can get in contact with me at this number.”

  Chico handed us the number and walked out of the warehouse. I couldn’t believe the way Chico does business. I won’t complain though. I’m bringing in duffle bags of money every motherfucking night. We all walked out of the warehouse, jumped into our cars, and went our separate ways.

  On my way to the Towers, my phone rang. It was the DNA company with the results. The young lady on the other end informed me that I was Lil Markese’s dad. Instead of going to The Towers, I went straight home to apologize to Trish. I stopped at the toy store and grabbed a couple of items for the baby. When I entered the house, I found Trish upstairs in the baby’s room.

  “Your daddy loves you, baby. He’s just mad at Mommy right now. I made a mistake before you got here. We will be okay. I promise baby.”

  Trish kissed him and placed him back into his crib. I immediately started to feel like shit.

  “Trish, let me holla at you for a minute.”

  I grabbed her hand and we walked back to our bedroom.

  “Listen, I’m sorry for the way I have been treating my son. There is no excuse for my behavior. I was just so scared that there was a possibility it was Mont’s.”

  “So what made you have a change of heart all of a sudden?”

  “After the incident this morning, I knew I had to cut the bullshit.” I had to lie to Trish. There was no way in hell I was about to say a DNA test confirmed he was mine.

  “How could you do that to him? We wanted a baby for so long. Finally, we got him and you pushed him away. You missed out on three months of his life. Markese, you can never get that back.”

  Trish was crying. I took my thumbs and wiped her tears away.

  “From this point forward, I will never turn my back on him. I promise.”

  I kissed her on the lips and I was glad she let me. We haven’t had sex since before his birth. So I definitely needed to release some tension.

  I was so eager to feel Trish. I missed making love to my wife. Her pussy fit my dick like a glove. God had made her just for me. I unbuttoned my dress shirt and unbuckled my pants. Trish pulled her shirt over her head and removed her underwear. I laid her down on the bed and opened her legs as far as they could go. I positioned myself in between her legs and gently placed my dick inside her. Her pussy gripped my dick and was holding it hostage.

  “Damn Trish, your pussy so fucking wet.”

  “Mmmmm, Markese, that feels so good.”

  I slowly pumped in and out of Trish. She was feeling so good. I knew that I was about to bust at any moment.

  “Damn Trish, you about to make me cum.”

  Trish pushed me off of her and climbed on top of me. She slid down on my dick with ease. She began to slowly rock back and forth. I placed my hands on her waist and our bodies became one. Trish knew I was about to bust so she hopped up and placed my dick inside her mouth. She sucked my dick until I came.

  “Oh shit.” I grunted.

  Trish literally sucked my ass to sleep. Make up sex was definitely the best. I need to piss her off more often.

  We were exhausted after going a couple of more rounds. As soon as we fell asleep, the baby woke us up. I told Trish to go back to sleep and I would get him. I changed my little man’s diaper and fed him. He’s a greedy ass boy. I couldn’t believe he was drinking eight-ounce bottles. I brought him back into the room and put him in between us.

  “No Markese. He will get spoiled if we let him sleep in the bed with us,” Trish said as she rolled over and started playing with his hair.

  “Bring his crib in here. I don’t want him sleeping in his room alone.”

  I missed out on some precious time and I’m about to make up for all that lost time.

  Chapter 3 - Rahmeek

  Married life has truly given me a run for my money. Aja be on my ass like white on rice. I can’t breathe too loud without her questioning it. That’s because she is
so worried about losing me. I make it a habit to reassure her that I’m not going anywhere. I love my wife and my first-born son. That little boy gives me life. Being a father to him is the greatest feeling in the world. He keeps me on my toes. Aja has baby proofed the whole house because he always in some shit. She has been the best wife and mother a man could ever ask for.

  Aja's birthday is next week and I planned a surprise party but somehow she found out. I know Niyah told her. Her ass talks too damn much. She is so lucky she’s pregnant with my niece and nephew. That’s right; Hassan got two shorties on the way. I have spent so much money on this party, it’s crazy. The party is going to be held at an upscale ballroom. Nothing but the best for my baby girl.

  We just moved into our new home. I remember she told me what she wanted her dream house to look like when we first met. She wanted the interior to have marble floors, a winding staircase, chandeliers made of Swarovski crystals, bathrooms made out of gold, and a backyard with a rose garden and a gazebo. I gave her that dream and more.

  Aja told me when she was a kid she always wanted a Black Stallion horse to take her away from her fucked up childhood. I brought her that and her own stable. My wife and son will never want for anything. Lil Rahmeek is set for life. He has a trust fund set up already. I’m going to get this money or die trying.

  I promised Aja that I would get out the game, but Chico was practically giving us kilos for little to nothing. When I met that nigga in the penitentiary, it was on and popping. He was the man with the master plan and I was that nigga to carry out those plans. I just wish he was released from prison the same time that I was. I never would have had to fuck with Juan or his psycho ass daughter.

  After leaving the meeting, I went to The Courts to collect the day’s earnings from my workers. We have recruited a couple of niggas to do the legwork. We just sit back and collect our money. I’m not taking any shorts or losses so niggas already know the drill. Run me my money or meet the Grim Reaper.


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