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COWBOY ROMANCE: Devon (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 2)

Page 41

by Amanda Boone

  “Try this. I'll wait outside the door,” she said, then turned and left Mindy in the bedroom as she closed the door behind her.

  Mindy opened the box and pushed aside the tissue. A beautiful pale pink gown was neatly folded inside. The bag contained a shoe box with the perfectly matching shoes. She held back her squeal as she stripped down to try on the gown. The thin straps crisscrossed around her back, and the silky material bunched at the waist before flowing down past her ankles. The neckline was adorned with beautiful diamond colored rhinestones, and the delicate lace dripped from underneath the gown. It was beautiful. She slipped on the designer heels, feeling like Cinderella as they slid on for a perfect fit. She exited the room and revealed herself to Tracy, the hateful blonde in her living room.

  “You’re amazing!” Mindy exclaimed.

  Tracy’s lips curled into what closely resembled a smile. “Ok, no need to return it then? Everything fits?” she asked.

  “Yes, it all fits perfectly. It's beautiful. Thank you,” Mindy answered.

  “Thank Mr. Young,” she said, and then walked herself out of the door.

  Mindy stood in front of her full length mirror admiring the dress. She knew this was the dress that would end up on the floor next to her bed tonight. She couldn’t wait.

  Carefully undressing and placing the gown back into its box, she stepped into the shower. She took extra attention when shaving and grooming, just in case tonight was…the night.

  When the doorbell rang, she answered to find Kevin standing outside in a beautiful designer tuxedo. He held a dozen pale pink roses in his hand, and she could tell by the look on his face he was pleased with his secretary’s selection of gowns.

  “You look breathtaking,” he said as he extended the flowers to her.

  She could feel his hand tremble as she accepted the flowers, and as she placed them in a vase of water, she giggled to herself at his nervousness. It excited her that she had this effect on him.

  The driver was waiting for them outside as usual, and he held the door open for her as she climbed inside. Kevin had champagne on ice and two glasses, which he immediately opened and shared. It was obvious he needed a drink. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.

  The opera was everything she had dreamed of; their balcony seats overlooked the exquisite auditorium, a sea of beautifully dressed people below. During intermission they shared insight into the meaning of the performance, and she felt sophisticated, beautiful, and smart.

  After the opera ended, she felt the tension build. The car ride home was silent. Kevin had his eyes locked onto hers, her hand tightly intertwined with his. She was nervous. She was ready.

  Kevin followed her to her door as he had every other night. Once there, he paused instead of kissing her goodnight.

  “Would you like to come in?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  The key trembled in her hand as she worked it into the tiny hole in the door. Inside, Kevin took a couple steps into to the apartment he had been in so many times before, but paused as if it were a new invitation.

  Mindy walked to the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine, then grabbed two glasses from the rack where they hung. She smiled at Kevin, as he seemed nervous in the apartment for the first time since they had met. The thought of becoming the aggressor was growing an excitement inside of her that was new and slightly uncomfortable.

  As she handed Kevin a glass of wine, she moved to the couch and sat. He followed her lead and sat beside her. She felt his eyes burning through her, the intense silence only increasing the tension. She sat her glass on the table, then gently took his, placing it next to hers. She stood up and extended her hand. His eyes danced as they stared at her. He took her hand and followed her as she led him into the bedroom.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered as they stood extremely close to the bed.

  “Yes,” she whispered back, and then turned around, looking at him over her shoulder. “Help me with the zipper?”

  Kevin’s hand trembled as he struggled with the zipper. He finally found his groove and glided the metal down towards her back, revealing her smooth bare skin.

  Mindy turned to face Kevin as she let the material fall from her shoulders, then away from her bare breasts. She pushed the gown around her hips, and when it hit the floor, she gracefully stepped out of the dress pooled around her feet.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  He pulled his jacket off, placing it on the bedroom chair. Mindy unbuttoned his dress shirt as she stood before him in nothing but her lace thong and pale pink high heels. She pushed the shirt away from his body, revealing a smooth tan chest. He kicked off his shoes, and then reached down to remove his socks one by one. He tugged at his belt until it loosened, and then undid his pants.

  Mindy sat down on the bed, then pushed herself to the middle. She laid back and let him take in her body as he finished undressing. His hand held her ankle, and then slid up to her thigh. He gently pulled her leg up, softly kissing her along the same pattern his hand had wandered. She loved his silky lips.

  His hand lingered over the lace of her panties, then moved to her exposed breasts. He circled her nipple with his thumb, leaning down to take her round breast in his mouth. He sucked on her nipple, gently gliding his tongue around the sensitive skin as it hardened in his mouth. He nibbled at her neck, then her earlobe, and then parted her lips with his tongue for a passionate kiss. Mindy felt the tingling between her legs, and suddenly felt as though the lace material was suffocating her. She needed him to strip her of her panties. She needed him to enter her now.

  Kevin took his time exploring Mindy with his mouth and hands. He slowly tugged at the lacy panties until they pulled free from her skin. She heard him let out a gasp as she let her legs fall open to expose her soft pink flesh. His thumb slid back and forth, tracing her opening and then pushing against her clit. She arched her back, moaning each time he came close to slipping inside.

  “I need you,” Mindy gasped. “Please don’t tease me, baby…”

  Kevin’s body slid on top of hers, creating a beautiful pressure. She felt his mouth on her neck, then her breasts as his obvious pleasure stood waiting at her entrance. She opened her legs wider, and then pushed up against his erection until he burst through her tight entrance. The sensation of him entering her was climatic. She was already teetering on the verge of orgasm as his slow strokes teased her with anticipation.

  His moans were driving her wild, causing her to thrust her hips harder against him. She wanted to bring him to a climatic end. She wanted control over his orgasm as Vince had taken control over hers. His hands were sliding across her smooth skin before they gripped tightly at her hips. He rose up and began thrusting hard inside of her, pulling her towards him with each motion. It was obvious that Kevin was not willing to give up the control of his pleasure as he guided her hips at the speed he wanted.

  Mindy let out a loud moan as Kevin’s hard cock pushed through her body. She felt herself clench and release, and then pulsate with a rhythmic motion. “Please Kevin, don’t stop,” Mindy heard herself blurt out in the midst of her explosion.

  His thrusts became hurried and less rhythmic as he released his pleasure into her throbbing body. He fell onto her chest and nuzzled her earlobe as he tried to catch his breath. Mindy felt her legs quivering beneath him, the aftershock of her orgasm making her body twitch.

  “You’re everything I've been looking for, Mindy,” Kevin whispered in her ear.

  “Agreed.” Mindy smiled, even though Kevin was pushed into her neck and couldn’t see her.

  Chapter Four

  Mindy was on cloud nine after her night with Kevin. He was such a sensitive and gentle lover, something she had never experienced before. He lay with her all night, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, his soft breath soothing the back of her neck. When he left that morning, she felt an ache in her stomach that told her without a doubt that she was falling for him. She hoped he was fall
ing for her too.

  She sat on her large sofa, wearing Kevin’s tuxedo shirt and nothing else. She loved how cute he looked with a jacket over his bare chest as he left that morning. She loved even more that he agreed to leave like that because he said she was too sexy in his shirt.

  The beep from her phone made Mindy jump and come back down to earth from her fluffy cloud.

  Vince: Are you wearing panties?

  Mindy’s heart sank and then pounded hard against her chest, as if it were trying to escape. She stared at the phone, trying to figure out how to respond. She hadn't been thinking about Vince much at all, with the exception of a few lonely nights—and maybe once in the shower.

  Mindy: No

  She waited for her response to be read, and then felt guilt rush through her as she realized she couldn't play both men. She needed to let one go. She needed to let Vince go.

  Vince: Good girl

  A jolt of electricity shot through her body. She couldn’t figure out why pleasing him got her so excited.

  Vince: I think a long ride is in order. I know of a great place to eat there…

  Mindy felt the panic in her veins. She couldn’t have Vince just show up there, not now. Not after last night. She knew she was going to have to tell him she didn’t want to see him. But… she did want to see him. At least a part of her did.

  Mindy: Not the best time. Been very busy :(

  Vince: Too busy for me baby doll?

  Mindy: Just a lot going on here at work

  Vince: Do you not want to see me baby doll?

  Mindy: I do, but it’s just not the best time :(

  Vince: I get the feeling you are hiding something from me baby doll

  Mindy felt the anxiety climb through her body. She was hiding something. She was hiding Kevin.

  Vince: Hello?

  Mindy: I’m here :)

  Vince: Maybe I should check things out for myself :)

  Mindy: What do you mean?

  Mindy: Hello??

  Her phone remained silent. No more texts. She was freaking out inside trying to decide what to do. She wasn’t sure if Vince would actually take that long ride to “check things out”, or if he was just bluffing. She wasn’t sure she was willing to take that chance.

  She called Vince’s number and felt relieved as his voice answered on the other end. She told him that she was busy, that she wouldn’t have any time for him, and begged him not to take that long ride for nothing. Vince laughed as he told her he had no plans of riding that far. He promised he was only teasing, and Mindy felt the anxiety leave her body.

  “Baby doll, we are too far apart for a relationship. I just miss playing with you,” he told her, laughing.

  Mindy felt a tinge of irritation at his words, but they were still a relief if it meant he wouldn't randomly show up at her doorstep. She knew she had given Veronica her address, but she couldn’t imagine that she would share that information with Vince, would she?

  Once Vince finally hung up, Mindy texted Veronica to cover her bases, just in case.

  Mindy: You didn’t give Vince my address did you?

  Veronica: Last week I did, why?

  Mindy: OMG! Why would you do that?

  Veronica: He told me you stopped by before you left and you invited him :( I’m sorry

  Mindy: It’s ok, I doubt he will come all this way

  Veronica: You want me to tell him to stay away?

  Mindy: No, I’ll talk to him

  Mindy realized she had no choice but to tell Vince she had met someone else. She hated to hurt him, but the thought of him destroying her life in New York scared the hell out of her. She held the phone in her hand, staring at Vince’s last text, before finally ending things once and for all.

  Mindy: I’ve met someone here, I’m sorry :(

  She felt guilt, pain, and relief from her text. As she saw the little icon appear under the bubble, indicating Vince had read her message, she felt tears well up in her eyes.

  Vince: I won’t bother you no more

  That text shot a bullet into Mindy’s heart. But she knew she done the right thing. Their relationship was just about sex anyways. She couldn’t imagine that Vince had any real feelings for her, even though she was sure she had some for him.

  Chapter Five

  Mindy rolled over to find Kevin had already gotten out of bed. She tip-toed out of her bedroom and caught him flipping pancakes like a short order cook in her kitchen. She leaned against the wall, watching as he hummed a tune and stacked the pancakes on top of one another. He was absolutely adorable.

  “Oh, you’re awake.” Kevin gasped as he turned to find her spying on him.

  “God, I love you,” Mindy said.

  “I love you too, my dear.” Kevin gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then went back to his cooking station.

  The last month had been a whirlwind. Kevin had brought Mindy to meet his parents in the Hamptons, her parents had made a trip to New York to meet him, and the “L” word was being thrown around so freely over the last two weeks that Mindy finally felt like she was in a real adult relationship.

  She sat at the table and watched Kevin plate her breakfast. He sat down beside her, then placed his head in his hands as his elbows rested on the table.

  “I’m happier than I ever thought possible,” he whispered.

  “Me too,” Mindy agreed.

  “Good, now enough mush. Eat up… We have a big day,” he ordered playfully.

  Mindy scarfed her pancakes down like a professional eater, and then disappeared into the bedroom to get dressed for the day. She had been looking forward to this day ever since she had arrived in New York. The annual art festival was beginning, and Mindy knew that all the new and upcoming artists would be setting up early. She wanted to be the one to discover the next Jackson Pollock, or even the next Vincent Van Gogh.

  She thought about Vince for the first time in weeks as she dressed, his face popping randomly into her head. She hoped he was doing ok and that he did not hate her.

  Kevin was already standing at the door when Mindy emerged from the room. She was dressed in a short white skirt, strappy sandals and a pink tank top. Kevin was wearing white shorts and a soft green collar-shirt that had pale pink stripes to match. They were ridiculously in love, Mindy knew that.

  The art festival was everything Mindy had hoped for. New artists displayed their best work on the sidewalks while spectators, buyers, and art directors all inspected their favorite pieces. Mindy had found a young artist who caught her eye with paintings surrounding his plastic orange school chair. His work was rustic and edgy. She could tell that he was using less than quality paints, and Kevin showed little interest in the man that was covered in grunge with a long black beard. Mindy refused to walk away, and before Kevin could stop her, she purchased the entire collection for the gallery.

  The man was so grateful that he hugged her right there in the street. He smelled of bug spray and urine with a hint of whiskey. Kevin pulled her away from the man, and then told him to come by the studio for a check. He then made a call to have someone from the gallery pick up the work, and then rolled his eyes at the elated Mindy.

  “With the right tools, this man will be great!” she exclaimed. “And those old pieces we just bought, those will be the ones to bring in the real money once he is established.”

  “So, you plan on storing all of those…for how long?” Kevin laughed.

  “For as long as it takes,” she admitted.

  “This is why I hired you.” He chuckled, holding her hand as they walked across the street to grab lunch.

  As Mindy told Kevin about the agreement she made with the man, he took bites of his BLT, occasionally swirling his spoon in his tomato soup. When she told him she only offered the man a quarter of the art’s worth until he delivered new work with the tools she supplied him with for a showing, he raised his eyebrows.

  “Sexy and savvy,” he praised.

  Mindy felt good with Kevin. She felt smart, sophisti
cated, and sexy. She loved how he looked at her, how he hung on her every word, and how he actually listened to her ideas.

  The loud roar of motorcycles drowned out Mindy’s words as she tried to explain the rest of her plan. Six motorcycles sat at the corner waiting on the light to change. Mindy couldn’t resist looking. She missed the vibration between her legs and the wind in her hair. She missed Vince a little at that moment.

  As the light changed and the bikes started down the road, Mindy’s eyes widened and her stomach flipped upside down as she noticed Vince with someone who looked similar to that skanky blonde who'd hung on him at the bar the first time they'd met.

  “Are you OK?” Kevin asked.

  Mindy pulled her attention back to Kevin, trying to hide her confusion and her jealousy. “I’m fine. I just thought I seen someone I knew,” she said.

  “The bikers? You know bikers?” Kevin’s voice was boisterous as he laughed. “You never cease to amaze me, Mindy.” He smiled widely at her while she shoved her sandwich into her still hanging open mouth.

  Mindy couldn’t help but wonder why Vince was there. She hoped it wasn’t for her.

  Though a small part of her hoped it was.

  Back at the apartment, Kevin left with the promise to return for a night on the town to celebrate her amazing discovery of the day. Mindy ran upstairs and showered, and then dressed for a night of dancing, drinking, and forgetting about Vince riding through her city.

  Every time Mindy heard the rumble of a motorcycle outside her window, she rushed to check for Vince. Each time she expected him to be parked outside her window, revving his engine and calling out her name like Sylvester Stallone in the Rocky movie.

  Kevin arrived promptly, as usual, and was dressed to kill. He complimented Mindy on her sequined blue cocktail dress with the low cut neckline and swirling skirt, and then they headed off into the city for some fun.

  “It’s a new place. I hear they have the most amazing appetizers in the city, and some of the strongest drinks,” Kevin answered when Mindy asked where they were headed.


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