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COWBOY ROMANCE: Devon (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 2)

Page 95

by Amanda Boone

  She couldn’t agree more, but Ana was more nervous to see him again after all those years. Their parents were getting married the next weekend, just to make it all more unseemly and to make it seem as bad as it really was. He didn’t know of course, she was sure of it. Dante hadn’t been bothered to come home in many years and he had long since forgotten about the girl down the block that he used to fool around with. If only she had been granted the same reprieve to forget about him, maybe she could have moved on in the last few years. Instead, Ana was reminded of him on a daily basis.

  “Are you okay dear? You have been really quiet this evening.”

  Ana shook her head. “Yeah, I guess I am just tired is all. I have to run to Mary’s for some studying.” Ana started to get up and her mother frowned.

  “Well I thought you were going to meet Dante dear?”

  “I will be back later mom. Really, we will have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

  “Okay. I just want everyone to get along.”

  Ana took her daughter’s waiting hand and headed over to her friend’s house. She really didn’t need to study, but she had to get away from all of them. Ana had one last semester in school and she would graduate with her Bachelors. When she dropped out of high school, she thought she would never get to go back, but she found a way and now was almost to the end of the tunnel. Ana knew then that no matter what, she would be able to take care of her daughter. She had no illusions that she would have any help, so her plans were for her to do it all alone.

  And she was fine with that, she really was, but the idea of having to be around Dante, left her questioning everything. No one knows who the father of Christine was and Ana didn’t know if she should even say anything to him. If Christine didn’t have the same dark eyes and hair as her father, no one would ever guess. Would he notice that her eyes were the same as the ones he saw in the mirror every morning? Should she say something or just let it go and be however it is going to be?

  “Where are we going mommy?”

  “We are going to see Mary and Ashlea baby.”


  She fastened her into her seat and Ana started towards her friend’s house on the other side of town. Mary was actually the only person in Orson that knew who Christine’s father was. She was the only person in the world that she trusted to not say anything. She had to tell her the news that she had heard. Dante was going to be back in town that night. It wasn’t just his daughter that he had left, he had left her dying inside and she wasn’t sure if she could stand to be around him again. All the pain of when he left came back three-fold.

  They pulled up to the small clapboard house and Christine was out of the car before she could stop her. She was at the door banging before she got her purse out. “I wish I had that kind of energy” She thought to herself.

  Mary let her in and she bounded to her daughter’s room. The girls were almost the same age and they even had the same teacher in school, fast friends that were never apart for more than a few hours. It was heartwarming to see their kids playing, as they had when they were girls.

  “So I got your text, what’s up? You said you had some big news?”

  Ana shook her head and took a sip of the coffee her friend had waiting for her. “So guess who is back in town?”

  The blonde-woman shrugged, her short curls bouncing with her uncertainty. “You know I hate that game.”

  “And you know I love it. Just give it a shot.”

  “I don’t know, Billy?”

  Ana sighed. “I forgot how much you suck at it. You ruin it every time.”

  “Jeez, this better be good cranky ass.”

  “I have a right, I swear.”

  “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  “Dante is back in town.”

  “What? How do you know?” Mary sat up in her chair and her eyes widened.

  “Because I am supposed to meet him before the wedding.”

  “What, why? This doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Well Jeffrey is his dad. When we were dating his parent’s had split up and Jeffrey had moved out of the state. Well when his mom got remarried, he moved back, met mom and the rest is history.”

  Mary was on the edge of her seat. It was enough drama to keep the masses entertained and she was there in the front row. If only there was popcorn, she thought to herself. “Okay so Christine’s dad is back in town and will soon be your stepbrother?”

  “Don’t laugh. It is not funny.”

  “I know, but Ana come on. You can either laugh or cry about this. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up.”

  “Yeah I know. Such an excitement in my life.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  Ana shrugged. “I don’t know. He has changed I hear. Jeffrey says he barely recognized him last time he went to D.C. to visit him. What if he doesn’t remember me?”

  “Is that what you are worried about? You guys dated for almost a year. I think he will remember you. I was talking more about Christine. But, I like where your mind is going.”

  Ana sighed. “This is a damn mess and I don’t know how to fix it. I can’t tell him or anyone else. He is only supposed to be here for a couple of weeks and then he will be back living his life and won’t even think of me. Just like last time.


  Chapter 2

  Dante did think of his high school sweetheart from time to time. He was her first and he still remembered her face when he had told her that he was leaving and not coming back. She was the only thing he regretted, but even as he drove back to the familiar place that had seemed a cage in his youth, his mind went back to Ana. He wondered if she was still around, figuring that she had moved on. She was probably married with kids, he thought to himself.

  He was home because he had to be. His father was getting married to a girl from Orson and the wedding was that weekend. He had a few stepsiblings he was supposed to meet and though it didn’t matter what he thought of the new family, Jeffrey had asked him to come. His father didn’t ask for much, so he figured he had to do at least that one thing for him. Dante would be his best man and though it was far different then what he did nowadays, it was nice to be back as a civilian.

  Dante had gone into the Navy with his heart set on the SEALS program. He wanted to be the best and he knew that if he could become a SEAL, he would be able to help more people. His mother had been victim of a deadly mugging in the city and he knew that part of him leaving was to run away from that. In the military he could hide his feelings of what happened, as well as position himself to help others or stop similar things from happening. He got to get the really bad guys as a job and Dante couldn’t think of anything better than that. It had been a win-win in his eyes, except for the girl he had left behind, her sad blue eyes haunting him for the past six years. She was the stick that others were measured from and none of the women he had dated ever measured up.

  Pulling up to the old house that his parents had fought over and his father had finally received in the divorce, Dante realized he was slightly nervous. He hadn’t seen his dad in over a year and he knew that meeting his new fiancée was important to him. They were actually getting married. It made him think of his own love life or the lack there of. If his old man could find his love in his late forties, Dante figured it was about time for him to find his own lady to love. Ana. Why did she keep going through his mind? It surely must be because he was back home and so many things reminded him of her.

  Jeffrey was at the door, opening it as he got out of the car. He smiled big and moved down the stairs to give him a hug. Dante was still in uniform and it impressed his dad. Jeffrey beamed with pride, proud of what his son had accomplished. It was not every day that he got to see him, so it was several minutes before he let him go in the house. The questions started as a barrage and he even forgot to introduce him to his fiancée.

  Dante took the offered hand of the fair-complexioned woman that was standing in front of him. Her eyes were dark blue,
the same as the one he was thinking of. He wondered if it was a sign that he was supposed to find out what had happened to Ana. Ana was a little darker, but she had the same eyes and the same features. Clenching his jaw, he told her he was happy to finally meet her, the one that had changed his father along so drastically.

  “It’s nice to meet you Dante. You have certainly grown since the picture was taken that Jeffrey showed me. You are quite huge!”

  He chuckled. The training made him grow out every muscle he had and then some. When he had left he was not scrawny, but his muscles had been wirier, whereas now he was bulky. Jeffrey sent his to-be wife a look. She was practically fawning over him.

  The threesome went into the kitchen and they all got something to drink. “We are planning to go out to The Village Inn that you liked so much, but we are waiting on Carol’s daughter.” He turned to Carol. “Sweetie, why don’t you call Ana and see when she is going to be here?”


  “Yeah, you guys used to go to school together. She and Christine will be here in a bit.”

  “Is Christine your other daughter?” His throat was dry, but he hoped that she was. Then it would not be the Ana she was thinking about. Surely her daughter wasn’t his Ana. Or was his Ana.

  “No, that is her daughter, my grandchild. I know I don’t look old enough to be one, but Ana insisted on starting early.”

  There was a moment of silence and the older woman went into the other room to make the call. Dante waited until she was out of ear shot and leaned in. “What is her last name?”


  The color drained from his face and he realized then that he was going to get to see his old flame, a lot sooner than he had expected. Guns, grenades and bombs didn’t bother him, but the very idea of seeing Ana again, made his heart lurch in his chest like it wanted to escape. He was not ready to see her, but then the front door opened and a small little girl with dark brown curls ran into the kitchen and gave Carol a big hug.

  The little girl named Christine, turned around and stared at him for a minute. Her dark brown reflected his own consternation. “Who are you?”


  Chapter 3

  “Now Christine, don’t be rude. Why don’t you introduce yourself first sweetie?”

  “How do you do? My name is Christine Ross. What is your name?”

  Ana smiled, “Better.”

  Dante was at a loss for words. He looked up at his soon-to-be-stepsister and his heart made the final jump into madness. She was right there in front of him and he didn’t know what to say. As many times as he had played it in his head, he couldn’t have actually accounted for the way he would feel to see her again. He could still see the young girl that was crying in his truck as he told her the bad news.

  “His name is Dante, Christine.”

  “Yes, sorry, Dante Everys.”

  “Your eyes are just like mine.”

  “So they are.”

  Ana broke the moment up, the man looking too closely at his own offspring for her liking. She didn’t want him to figure anything out. He was just going to be there for a couple of weeks and she didn’t want him to change his plans because of some feeling of obligation. Dante had always been big on doing the right thing and that was the reason she had never told him. If he had come back, she was afraid he would have resented her for the life not led, or even worse, stayed because of Christine. Ana didn’t want that kind of existence and she had thought the best thing was to let him go once again. She just had to shut off the silly heart that pitter-pattered for him now that he was near.

  “Come on Christine. Why don’t you go potty before we go out to the restaurant? They have your favorite, shrimp alfredo.”

  The small girl cheered and ran up the stairs to do as Ana asked. She had been thankful for such an obedient daughter.

  “Do you guys know each other?”

  Ana looked to Jeffrey. “Yeah, you could say that.”

  “Well good, then we won’t have that awkward silence in the beginning.”

  “Yeah.” Ana didn’t know what to say. She had always thought about seeing him again, but it was not going the way she had thought it in her head. Her only saving grace was the way that he had looked at her when he had come in. He was happy to see her. It was clear on his face.

  “Yeah, you look real good Ana. Not much has changed since I saw you last.”

  She nodded, though it was hard not to note that his eyes landing on her breasts. They were quite a bit larger since she had Christine and Dante definitely noticed. For the longest time, he was the only one who had seen her in all her naked glory. Her eyes looked down as she saw the lust within his. He had always turned her insides to jelly.

  “Alright now Dante. That is going to be your sister in a few days.”

  Dante turned towards his dad, his face slightly red. If his father knew what he had done with his sister, they would not have been so eager to get them back together. He could already feel her underneath him. The noises she would make turned his blood to boil.

  “You look good in your uniform. I can’t believe you actually did it. I knew you could though. Did you make SEAL?”

  “You remembered.”

  “Of course.”

  “I did. Just a few months ago, but I finally did it.”


  “Thank you.”

  “I’m ready!!”

  Christine announced herself and was pulling everyone’s attention off the two lovers that were meeting after so long. Ana noticed that Christine looked at him in a strange way, but she tried to ignore it, to tell herself that she was just seeing things. She was seeing what she wanted to see, like there was a bond that didn’t need anything but shared DNA to exist.

  The little girl insisted on holding his hand, as well as her mother’s, swinging between them. Ana caught a glimpse of Dante in the corner of her eye. He was looking down at his daughter and for a second she worried that he knew. After seeing him in his uniform, obviously doing much better out of dead-end Orson, Ana was even more determined to make sure she let him go.


  Dante was enamored with the two girls in front of him. Ana had a daughter so different than herself. While one was loud, the other was quiet, the coloring was opposite, as well as their eyes. He would have never guessed she was hers, but it was noticeable sometimes in the way Christine smiled. Dante liked to see Ana so domestic, something he thought he would like the idea of so much. They had been wild teens, but Ana had talked of wanting children one day. The very idea had scared him to death and he remembered never wanting to have kids or the responsibility that comes with it.

  The real surprise came with the food and he watched the little girl separate everything, putting her shrimp in a little pile on the side. She ate every group individually, meticulously almost. He looked down at his own plate and noticed the same pattern, yet he had learned to be less noticeable about his quirks. He caught Ana’s blue eyes for a moment, but she looked away without saying anything.

  The parents tried to get the kids to talk. They were not aware of why they were acting strange, but neither one could act like they did not feel the tension in the air. “So Dante, what do you plan to do? Are you going re-up for some more time or?”

  Dante pulled his eyes from the little girl that had finally made it to her grilled shrimp. “I had thought about going civilian, but I don’t think I can. I just finished the program, so now I pretty much have to reenlist.”

  “What’s reenlist?”

  “It means that he will help keep the country safe for a little while longer. That is his job.”

  “Oh. That’s a good job.”

  Dante nodded. There was something about the girl that pulled at his heart strings. He just told himself that it must be because of who her mother was.


  Chapter 4

  “So are we really not going to talk about this?”

  Her heart panicked for a minute, her min
d going to Christine, but when she looked at him confused, he quickly went on. “You know, about us and being together before.”

  “No, why would we? It is all ancient history and I don’t want to confuse the weekend. Let them have their day and when it is all said and done, we can say something. But I don’t think we should ever tell them. You will be gone soon, so there really is no point.”

  “No point. I guess you are right, though I will not deny that I hoped that you might want to make history again.”

  She groaned. “You are just as bad as before, never really getting anything.”

  She moved away and he still had a look of puzzlement on his face. Dante knew that he had seen desire in her face, her chest rising and falling rapidly with her excitement. He stopped her with a hand on her arm. “Are you telling me that you do not want me? I bet if I slipped between your legs, I would find no panties and a very wet pussy.”

  Ana pushed him away. “Stop, you can’t possibly think that this is a good idea. Our parents are getting married in a couple of days. I am going to be your sister.”

  “Stepsister. Tell me I am wrong Ana. Tell me you are not dripping wet for me right now and I will walk away.”

  She couldn’t and she knew that he knew, so there was no point in even trying to deny it. His hand moved down her body, his own pressed up against her from behind. Dante had slid into the bathroom right after her and now she was locked inside with a man who was about to know how much she needed him. “I’m not wet.”

  Dante was not taking her shaken words for the truth and he called her a liar low in her ear. They could hear the people in the other room, moving plates around and talking. She whimpered as his fingers moved higher, his other hand trying to coax her legs apart. “Please don’t.”

  He paused for a moment, but he couldn’t resist. He had thought many times about how wet she would get. She was like a sauna and he had always thought it was the way it was supposed to be, until he found out that she was the exception. Ana had always been soaked and waiting for him. He was an inch from finding out if nothing had changed.


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