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COWBOY ROMANCE: Devon (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 2)

Page 158

by Amanda Boone

  “Folks have been hunting that gold for a hundred years,” Jonah said. “No one’s found so much as a nugget. That map you have is likely fake, too.”

  Andy laughed. “Then why would the guy who owned it die trying to keep us from stealing it?”

  Caroline felt sick. “You killed someone for a map?”

  “The lady needs something to eat and drink,” Jonah said before the other man could reply. “Otherwise she’ll be too weak tomorrow to find anything.”

  Andy muttered something rude before he picked up Jonah’s pack, dropped it in the cowboy’s lap, and then untied Caroline. Once her hands were free he sat back down and held the shotgun on her. “There’s food in there. Hurry up and eat.”

  Caroline rubbed her sore wrists before she opened the pack and took out the sandwiches and thermos inside. “He needs something, too.”

  Andy smirked. “Well, I ain’t untying him, so you’ll have to feed him.”

  Chapter Two

  “I’m all right,” Jonah told her. “You go ahead.”

  Caroline opened the thermos and filled the lid with coffee before taking a long drink. She then brought the edge to his mouth. “Your turn.”

  Jonah drank a little. “You have the rest.” For the first time since he’d caught Caroline in his arms by the lake he realized her paleness was natural. Some Nordic ancestor had gifted her with flawless ivory skin, and long, straight hair the color of summer cream. Darker golden lashes framed her sapphire blue eyes, and the heat of the coffee made her pretty lips go rosy.

  She ignored his urgings and kept sharing the coffee until it was gone. Generously she did the same with two of Buck’s chicken sandwiches. As she fed him, she used her fingertips to brush the crumbs from his lips. It should have felt ridiculous, being hand-fed like a pet. Somehow Caroline made it feel sweet and intimate, as if they were on a picnic. If they made it out of this mess alive, he’d have to take her on one.

  On the last bite she gave him, Jonah kissed her fingers. The fear faded from her eyes, replaced by a shy longing. “Thank you.”

  “There are strawberries,” she murmured, lifting one to his mouth. “Here.”

  Biting into the tart-sweet fruit made Jonah imagine kissing those lovely pink lips. When she took a nibble, the juice stained her lips even darker. As she licked it away with the tip of her tongue he nearly groaned.

  “Dinner is over.” Don Travers yanked Caroline to her feet as his brother did the same with Jonah. “Time for bed.”

  The brothers marched them back to the spare bedroom, where Andy held the shotgun on them while Don untied Jonah.

  The big man stepped back. “Take your clothes off. All of them. Both of you.”

  ‘What?” Caroline’s expression turned to horror. “Why?”

  “Can’t run off if we’re naked,” Jonah told her, stepping in front of her as he began unbuttoning his shirt. “Get in the bed, Caroline, and undress under the covers.”

  Don’s upper lip curled. “What, you’re not going to let me watch her strip?”

  “Leave the lady a little dignity,” Jonah told him.

  Once Jonah undressed, he handed his clothes to the big man before he turned and took Caroline’s from her. He eyed the younger brother, who looked uncomfortable. He’s the weaker one. Without a word Jonah climbed into the old brass bed beside her.

  “Grab the railings.” When they did Don tied their wrists to them and then smirked down at Caroline. “Don’t look so worried. He won’t be able to cop a feel. Now sleep while you can, because in the morning we’re heading up on the ridge.”

  The brothers left, shutting off the light and slamming the door. Jonah heard the scraping sound of something heavy across the floor in the hall, and guessed they were wedging the door shut with his grandmother’s pie safe. Then all he could feel was the shivering slender body pressed against his side.

  “He’s right,” he told Caroline. “Try to get some rest now.” He heard her sob and turned onto his side to face her. “We’re okay.”

  She uttered a watery, humorless chuckle. “We’re naked and tied up together in a bed, Jonah. Tomorrow we’re going to die. There is nothing okay about this.”

  “Shhhh.” He shifted his head forward so he could kiss her brow. “We’re still alive, and they’re just plain stupid.” He wrapped his fingers around the railing, and as quietly as he could popped it out of the top frame. Once he slipped his hands free he reached over and did the same for her.

  It took a few minutes to unknot the ropes, but once he freed her hands she quickly released his. Jonah got up and took the cover from the bed, draping it over the door before he switched on the bedside lamp.

  Caroline averted her gaze from his body as she wrapped herself in the sheet and went to the window. “Can we climb out through here?”

  “Not naked.” He checked the dresser and the closet, but found them empty, and then went to the door to test it.

  “Wait.” Caroline switched off the light and came to him. “If we try to open it, do you think they’ll hear us?”

  “Probably.” He leaned against the door, and then took down the coverlet and folded it to wrap it around his hips. “Sorry.”

  “Come on.” She took his hand and tugged it. “Come back to bed with me.”


  The fact that they were trapped alone and naked in the dark didn’t scare Caroline. Jonah’s quiet courage gave her a little hope. Still, she knew they likely wouldn’t survive another day. She didn’t intend to waste what might be her last hours of life mired in fear.

  Once they got back into bed Jonah spread the covers over them, and put his arm around her as she cuddled against his side. “We’ll get out of this tomorrow.”

  “Distract me.” She rested her hand on his chest, and felt his strong heartbeat under her palm. Even in the dark she thought she could see his exotic dark eyes glowing. “Tell me something no one knows about you.”

  He stroked her hair. “You mean, like writing poetry, or having my ass tattooed?”

  She smothered a slightly hysterical giggle. “I already know you don’t have a tattoo there.”

  “I don’t write poetry, either.” He fell silent for a moment. “I like jazz. Old jazz. Big-band music, too. I listen to it in my truck so my brothers don’t rag me about it.”

  Caroline could smell the strawberries on his breath, and realized how much she wanted to kiss his firm, masculine lips. “How many brothers have you got?”

  “Six.” He turned to face her and propped his head on his hand. “Your turn. Tell me something.”

  “I got my pilot’s license last year. My parents are worriers, so I didn’t them that I’d been taking flying lessons. I’ve been saving up to buy my own plane.” She thought of all the weekends she’d spent in the sky, gloriously free of the cares of her job and friends and family. Knowing she’d never get a chance to do so again made her heart ache. “I loved flying.”

  “You love flying.” Jonah got up and took the cover off, using it to drape the door before he turned on the lamp. “Love, Caroline. Not loved. I’ll be damned if I let you give up now.”

  She turned away from the sight of his big, hard body, but then he climbed back into bed with her, and pulled her back against him. “They have guns. We have nothing. Jonah, we’re going to die.”

  “No, we’re not. We have each other.” He touched her shoulder, stroking it with a comforting motion. “There will be a time tomorrow – a chance to end this – and when it comes, we’ll take it.”

  “And what if you’re wrong, and they shoot us anyway?” Angry now, Caroline turned around to glare at him. “Don’t you see? You only tried to help me, and now . . . now we’re both trapped. It was bad enough that I was going to die for nothing. Now I’ve stolen your life from you, too.”

  “Then we die, Caroline. We all do someday.” He caressed her cheek. “But you and me, we die trying. Not giving up. Not going out with a whimper. We give them hell on our way out.”

  She saw t
he determination in his dark eyes, and it made something burn inside her. Without thinking she moved closer and touched her mouth to his, kissing him with all the fear and hope and need inside her.

  When Jonah didn’t respond, she pulled away and ducked her head, utterly humiliated now. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to – forget that I did that.”

  Jonah caught her before she rolled away and pushed her onto her back, his hands pinning her to the mattress as he kissed her, his mouth hard and hungry.

  By the time he lifted his head Caroline was gasping, and he looked all over her face before he said, “Now kiss me again.” When she started to protest, he nipped her bottom lip. “I like how you taste. Your lips are so soft, too. Maybe I should tie you up again so I can kiss you all I want.”

  “Jonah.” Caroline felt her face burn. “You don’t want this. It’s just, I don’t know – the stress of the situation.”

  He glanced down. When she followed his gaze, she saw his penis had grown swollen and thick. “Looks like I’m pretty good at faking it when I’m stressed. How about you?”

  She’d been wet since the moment she’d seen his big, gorgeous body. “You don’t even know me,” she whispered.

  “I know you taste like strawberries.” He brushed the hair back from her eyes as he dipped his mouth to hers and slowly licked her lips. “You’re not involved or married, are you?”

  “No.” She twisted her lips. “I’ve always been so busy. I thought I’d have more time – what about you?”

  “I’ve got something going now,” he said, startling her. “There’s this pretty girl who’s a geologist, and surveys mountains and explores caves. I’m trying to get to know her a bit better.”

  “Jonah.” He was going to break her heart. “You really don’t know me.”

  “I know you’re beautiful and brave, and you can fly like a bird, too.” He touched his forehead to hers. “I want to fly with you tonight, Caroline. Take me with you this time.”

  Chapter Three

  For a quiet man who didn’t write poetry, Jonah Boone knew all the right words to get to a woman’s heart. Caroline wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his mouth down to hers to kiss him again. This time he answered her passion with his own, stroking her tongue with his and gathering her up in his strong arms as he rolled on top of her.

  The delicious weight of him pressing her down made Caroline twine her legs over his to hold him there. He kissed his way from her bottom lip to her collarbone, and then filled his hand with her breast.

  “Look at you.” He caressed her hard nipple, and ducked his head to stroke it with it tongue. “You’re like velvet.” He suckled her tenderly, and when she made a low sound he lifted his mouth from her. “I could do this all night, you know.”

  “I hope you don’t, ah, limit yourself to just that.” When Caroline felt the nudge of his penis between her thighs she arched her hips, rubbing herself against him. “Jonah, please.”

  “You want me right now?” He propped himself up and reached down between them, guiding himself to her.

  “Yes.” As he slowly stroked her damp folds with the bulbous dome, Caroline gasped. He felt so good she curled her hands on his shoulders, and said, “I can’t wait.”

  “Good. Me either.” He made a low sound as he pressed in, his jaw tightening as he breached her. “Oh, that’s it, that’s my sweet girl. You’re like honey inside, Caroline.”

  The more he pumped into her, the more pleasure she felt pour through her, until at last he filled her. When she felt his body hair against her throbbing folds, she pressed her hot face against his chest. She tightened around him, and beneath her cheek felt the rumble of his groan.

  Jonah kissed her mouth and her cheekbone and her ear. “You keep doing that,” he muttered, “and I’ll go wild on you, girl.”

  “Then go wild on me, boy.” Caroline arched her back to rub her puckered nipples against him, and then clenched around his thick shaft again. “I want that. I want everything, Jonah.”

  He went still, and then he drew out and plowed into her, his muscles coiling as he fucked her harder. Caroline held on, meeting his thrusts as he dragged out and pushed in, over and over, her own body straining. Sweat soon slicked their skins, and Jonah’s mouth ravished hers as he clamped a shaking hand over her breast.

  “Don’t hold back.” He kissed her again and drove deeper. “Coming for you, Caroline. Coming now.”

  That sensual promise sent bright hot streaks of delight through her, pushing her over the edge with him. Her head filled with a humming darkness as they came together, his shaft swelling and pulsing inside her fluttering softness. The climax took Caroline apart and remade her all at once, and when he tried to roll away, she clutched him to her.

  “Don’t you dare.” She kissed his damp neck as the aftershocks shook them both, stirring him and softening her around him. “Jonah, is it always like that for you?”

  He shook his head, and then nodded. “Starting tonight it is.”

  Tears stung Caroline’s eyes. “Tonight may be all we ever have.”

  “Then we should make it count.” Jonah touched his mouth to hers, kissing her with tender, lingering absorption. “Can you go again?”

  Caroline nodded, and gasped as she felt him swelling inside her. “How can you . . . do that . . . so fast?”

  “You make me hard, girl.” He thrust gently inside her. “And I make you wet, don’t I?” When she nodded, he drew out of her. Once he’d shifted away and stood, he pulled her to the side of the bed.

  Caroline rolled onto her belly, arching her hips into his hands as he brought his slick penis head to her. “Yes. All you have to do is touch me. Jonah.”

  He made a low, shaky sound as he pressed in, filling her so slowly that she pushed back to impale herself on him. “Easy, sweetness. I’m going to take care of it, right now.”

  This time he took her tenderly, stroking more than thrusting, his body comforting as much as it was arousing. Caroline moaned as his hands rubbed her back and hips, and then slipped under her to caress her breasts.

  “Jonah, oh, please.” The sweet dance of their bodies and constant caress of his hands made Caroline shake all over.

  “There, now you feel it again, don’t you? That’s what I want. You give that to me, Caroline.” He pumped deeper, his shaft like a silk-wrapped spike in her, his fingers squeezing her aching mounds. “Come on my cock again. Come all over me.”

  The pleasure shattered her this time, harder and hotter than before, and dimly she felt him shuddering and jerking. Then he flooded her with his cream, smooth and warm, and she curled her fists into the sheets.

  All her life she’d wanted this – wanted a lover like him – and now she was going to lose him in a few hours. It made Caroline want to scream.

  “We best get situated for when they come for us in the morning.” Slowly he drew out of her, and retrieved the cords to tie her wrists together. “Are you a gambling woman, Caroline?”

  “Sometimes.” Willing herself not to weep, she lifted her bound hands to slip them over the railing, which he fitted back into place. “Why?”

  “Back home, I’ve got a great bed. I special-ordered it from this place in Helena. Feels like you’re sleeping on a cloud.” He switched off the light and retrieved the cover from the door. Once he draped it over them, he looped the cord around his own wrists, tightening the knot with his teeth. “I bet when you try it, you’ll love it so much you’ll want to spend a week in it, with me.”

  She closed her eyes tightly. “And if I don’t?”

  “Well, then,” he said, replacing his railing, “I guess I’ll get your name tattooed on my ass.”

  She didn’t want to laugh, but the sound burst from her lips, and then she couldn’t stop. Not even when she began sobbing.

  “Hey.” Jonah wrapped his leg over hers to scoot her closer. “Don’t cry. I’m here. We’ll get out of this, I promise.”

  He meant it, too. He would die trying to save her, Caroli
ne realized, and his courage made her feel ashamed for being so weak. She turned her face to dry her tears on her pillow, and then nodded. “All right.”


  After making love to Caroline, Jonah could have slept for three days. Instead he allowed himself only three hours. When he woke again, he held his slumbering lady close. With silent, methodical deliberation he thought through everything he might do to save them both.

  He aimed to keep Caroline alive. A nobler man would have considered sacrificing himself to do that, but Jonah wanted the chance to live, too. He suspected now that loving and looking after Caroline was all he’d ever ask of life again.

  In the thin gray light of dawn, Andy Travers came in. He dropped their clothes on the bed before he untied Caroline.

  “Here. I found these in the hall closet.” He tossed some jeans and a jacket on top of Caroline’s dress. “Don’t want you to freeze on the trail, gal. When you come out you can use the bathroom, and then we’re leaving.”

  Caroline’s hands shook as she released Jonah. Once they’d dressed, she hugged herself with her arms. “I dreamt we were sleeping in your bed last night. You’re right, it’s pretty awesome.”

  “The real thing’s even better.” Jonah smoothed down her tousled hair before he took her hand. “Keep close to me today. When our chance comes, it’ll be quick.”

  As they walked out of the room, Jonah felt glad he’d taken good care of Merlin yesterday. With the hay and the meltwater trough in the little barn, the big gray would survive. It wouldn’t be long before Jonah’s brothers came looking for him. Ethan knew his habits, and when he didn’t radio in he’d ride out to the cottage and find Merlin. Somehow Jonah had to keep Caroline alive until nightfall.

  After they used the bathroom, Don Travers tossed a water bottle and a granola bar to each of them. “You’ll have to eat breakfast while we’re hiking up to the ridge. Let’s go.”


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