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03 Atavism of the Ifrit

Page 12

by Jr H. Lee Morgan

  The huskier Titan placed the three platters of food, careful to not step on Methrom’s tail and passed the final tray humbly to Gaia, moved aside and let the drink carrier heavily drop the kegs with writing on them in Japanese, but Ethan’s bracelets only translated words. Thankfully, Kanade was a repository for most written languages, dead and alive. And he had been learning at a pace which boggled the mind. And the Japanese writing merely translated to two being a sweet white wine and the other a strong liquor of mead. Odin’s lone eye honed in on the mead as if he could smell it already.

  Kyoko said “That will be all.” They bowed and a nearby pair of Elves sent them back to Japan in an instant. “We may begin.”

  “Be polite.” Kanade said while taking a log of cheese and bread.

  “Alright, but I’m not hungry.”

  “Neither am I, but Kyoko was kind enough to supply it.”

  Ethan grabbed a cold, recently butchered lamb and brought it over. Before he or Kanade could do anything Panther pulled a piece from each bite of their food and chewed before swallowing. Ethan didn’t bother asking why as the looks from the Lords made it seem normal. It clicked right before Panther said “The food is safe.”

  A silver flame sparked as he gently cooked his meal. Methrom, Dileep and Sarimee chose their meal raw. Eagerly eating the meat. But Ethan said “Raise your hand if you want your food grilled?” Gaia, Kyoko and Odin raised a hand. Flames of grey burst on every plate, cooking the meal. Thanks were given as he made their meal nice and hot.

  Just because he wasn’t hungry, it still felt good to eat. The wine was likewise tested for poisons by Panther before either of them could take so much as a sip. Little was said and most everyone else seemed to be hungry, also giving gratitude to Kyoko for supplying it. But Kyoko did speak in hushed tones with Dallare and Shigure for a few minutes. Ethan caught Kanade glancing suspiciously, but still she remained silent. Whatever Kyoko said to the two women both pleased and saddened them. Shigure sashayed back into the trees afterwards, but the Elf stayed close. Gaia and Methrom though ate as if not having done so for many days. Only the Demon Lords, Ethan, Kanade, Odin and Floa ate. Panther merely sampled without being in the way. His speed lending the most benefit.

  When stomachs were sated, Ethan resumed talking. “Kyoko, since it was your meal this will be up to you, but I think your guards would like a bite. There is still plenty.”

  “Such is why I asked for two of my Titans, Ethan-sama. Dallare-chan. Clear the table and send the dishes back to my castle.” Everything vanished. But behind, at the tree line, the last heaping dish and cask of wine lay on the ground. The guards quickly took their needs and ate back in their previous position.

  “Thank you. Let’s get back to business.” Ethan crossed his arms. “We’ve already agreed in twenty seven days Kanade and I are going to Demon World so I can meet the old man. But sitting around all that time won’t be much fun for my last days on Earth. I also know that you five are still negotiating your new territories before more Demon Lords come to stake claims. Today, it will be settled. I’ll make sure of it.” Commanding eyes went from one to another. “I want my last days to be fun compared to the crap I’ve gone through recently. There is so much I haven’t seen. As you all keep reminding me, I’m young. I’ve yet to experience the world I was born on. So after today’s meeting, Kanade and I want to travel the world. I want to take a wiz off the Great wall of China. Race through the Grand Canyon. See Tokyo, Paris, and London. I’ve lived in Gairlochty almost a year and I’ve yet to see Scotland’s ancient wonders. And I want to ensure Order and Chaos here on Earth doesn’t suffer another Sheedan or Michael Zing. I get there will never be lasting peace. Both sides are too damn stubborn, but I’ve seen the good and bad sides of what you both are capable of. I want better for everyone. This is the real reason I called everyone.”

  “Good luck, Lad. It’s been tried before. Peace is a pipe dream.”

  Ethan glared at the Viking. “Well I’m going to sure as hell try, even if I have to curse you like Armid, at least for a short time. I mean it. My mom and grandparents believed in tolerance. Punish those deserving and help those in need. And since I can destroy this galaxy with but a thought, you will damn sure help or find someone better suited to replace you.”

  Odin’s grin was challenging, but he said “Fine, lad. If you get the Lords to settle their affairs before sunset, I’ll go along with whatever you plan… within reason of course.”

  “So noted.” Gaia said officially. Odin realized he just sealed his own fate and sighed. All the frustration came out from his clenched fist. Floa giggled and gave Ethan a green thumbs up.

  “Tell me, what are the most major issues you five are finding difficulty negotiating.” Ruby eyes scanned the table, leaving the table open for discussion.

  Gaia, as the record keeper of the Demon Lords had perfect memory so she said “Dileep and Methrom’s territories have been negotiated and finished. Methrom’s more arid and desert lands are under his rule and Dileep controls North America and much of the oceans. My lands are in dispute by Kyoko who wants northern Europe, Russia and parts of China. Sarimee is also contesting India with Kyoko and minor minion skirmishes between them have gotten rather hostile. How would you proceed?”

  “Since Dileep and Methrom are momentarily content with their larger claims,” Both the demonic horse and Dragon nodded. “let’s start with you and Kyoko. I understand Kyoko’s need for northern lands for her kind prefer ice and snow while yours prefer mountains you make your homes in. I can see that being a touchy issue. Tell me where and why you are fighting and for what you wish to gain and give up. Gaia, you start.”

  The Titan was indeed impressed at how calmly he commanded the table, taking no sides, but listening equally. “Three hundred and twenty three years and ninety three days prior to this one, I made a home in Transylvania’s mountains, but was forced to abandon it when my main home in Greece was threatened by an army led by Odin. I managed to drive him off, but in the three weeks I was absent, one of Lords you vanquished in the battle for the House you singlehandedly fought, took it over. Kyoko wants it to house her Dragons and Titans.

  “I want Iceland as it is where my kind has found wonderful hot springs fit for our size.” She touched her bare breast. “Other parts of Europe I need to feed myself and minions. In sixteen oh six, I again lost territory in what is now the Ukraine to another foe, but my Arachne wish to return to their old nesting grounds and I wish to reclaim my old armor I wore in combat and to visit the tombstones of an old companion…” Gaia went on like this, spouting dates and giving a clear image of her wide European territory and where she wished to expand or reclaim.


  The regal Yuki-onna said “I own Greenland, but want Iceland as it would be beneficial for certain business ventures I’ve got planned. I want the Ukraine for my Arachne as well. The terrain and habitat is ideal for their breeding. Finland is where I want to rehabilitate the demons who assimilated from the remains of Sheedan’s forces we divided reasonably equal.” She gestured to the others. “But Gaia wants it to plant Cultivated Humans for…”

  “Hold on a damn minute, what are Cultivated Humans?” He asked with trepidation.

  Sarimee answered. “It is not what you think. We are not butchering real humans. It is a unique plant that evolved in a likeness of humans, but has no soul. They are meat for when the human-eaters can no longer resist man-flesh. Titans in particular must eat five humans a day or Cultivated Humans planted in rich soil fed by demon magics. Your kind as well as Yuki-onna and mine require man-flesh, Young master. Dragons can go three years. Cultivated Humans taste identical to real humans, but does not breach the Accords as they have no soul, but are difficult to raise.”

  “You mean, I will have to… eat people too?” he swallowed.

  “From what I learned, you ate a Succubus and a Lamia before. Same thing. Prey is prey. It is Ifrit nature to be a predator.” The Kitsune said with indifference.

  “As I was saying, Gaia wants it to harvest and I want a place to make my new minions not bring down my system or look unsightly. I will instill hygiene or kill them myself. Sheedan truly is as horrid as my aunt. If they cannot overcome being a beast, they are out. Fifty years ago I also tried claiming…”

  For the next twenty minutes Kyoko spoke on her claims for the areas she and Gaia butted heads on. When she was quiet for a half a minute, Ethan closed his eyes and privately conversed with his beloved. His gaze opened and he said “I think I’ve got a solution. Mostly, the two of you are having issues in three locations. I’ll start with the easiest. Ukraine. Both want it for your Arachne breeding grounds. So let them go there neutrally. Set up that place like a sanctuary for Arachne, for all of you to oversee its safety and make sure they behave because I know a certain Amazon who loathes Arachne.” Odin and Ethan glanced at each other and chuckled. Queen Gra of the Amazons despised the spider women above all other demons. “So neither of you have to give in since your Arachne are the heart of the matter. Dileep, Methrom, Sarimee what…”

  The Kelpie shook his mane. “My Arachne are already enjoying North Dakota’s ample spawning grounds.”

  The Dragon grunted. “I keep no Arachne. Too delectable to resist in my Flight.” Flight meaning group like a herd of cattle or pride of lions or school of fish.

  Sarimee said “And mine are already spinning webs in the rainforests of South America.”

  “Then it will be your two’s neutral ground.” Ethan said. “Neither will own. Just allot the land for the Arachne.”

  “But it could be the breeding ground for revolt or a place for an undetected Demon Lord to gain a foothold.” Kyoko admitted.

  “Not if you keep population records and send unannounced inspections in the form of spies to make sure all remains well.”

  “I’m amiable.” Gaia said.

  “Seconded.” Kyoko finalized after a moment to consider it.

  “Same thing with Iceland.” He went right on without missing a beat. “Kyoko, you want Iceland to expand your dealings in technology and Gaia wants the luxury of an outdoor hot spring fit for a Titan’s size. Again, make it neutral. Gaia doesn’t solely have a monopoly on Titans, like you already proved an hour ago. Let all Titans go like a resort. And since it snows, your ventures won’t last with year round constant results. Not like Japan’s climate. Either make it neutral, or divide it in six month intervals. Gaia gets winter and you control summer.”

  “And your reason?” The titan queen wondered.

  “Actually from Greek mythology. Persephone stays with Hades half the year in myth and Demeter makes it snow when he has her in that time. People are less productive in winter, staying home. Kyoko will get greater results during such time and if you can’t agree to be neutral, you get the springs in winter.”

  “I much prefer alternating.” Kyoko admitted.

  “Neutrality is more reasonable.” Gaia admitted.

  “Had I known of these hot springs, I would have fought for my giants.” Dileep admitted.

  “As would I have.” Sarimee agreed.

  Outnumbered, Kyoko mildly seethed, but said “Very well. But I want amnesty for my ventures and should wars hurt my minions, I request Order to my aid without deals to claim Iceland as mine.”

  “So long as we are allowed to freely without molestation while it remains neutral.” Odin countered.

  “Seconded.” Gaia allowed with a satisfied smirk while Kyoko’s flawless featured remained forcibly smoothed.

  “And as for Transylvania, I see it as Gaia’s property. If you can’t dispute she dug the mountain out with her own four hands, she has all rights to it.” Again the Good Mother smirked with triumph. It didn’t last. “But Georgia should go to Kyoko as it is commonly a place of high tension her people can ease, not inflame. A Yuki-onna’s ability to turn humans into sex crazed zealots will balance the war-torn people.” This time Kyoko smirked.

  “Fair.” Kyoko said an Gaia glared, but didn’t disagree.

  “Alright, now to your and Sarimee’s issues.” Ethan looked to the Yuki-onna and Kitsune.

  Again came more head butting over rights and historic dates. Only these two had more issues that took three hours to finally settle. When that was over all five, along with Odin aired their grievances. Not all Ethan’s ideas were gold medal worthy, but he was listened to and taken seriously. It was clear how hard he tried. When debates turned to anger, a respite was taken and topics were returned on cooler heads. Luckily the ocean was right there and served as an outlet for some frustration. It was especially a surprise when Dallare asked for permission to reinforce the stone he gave her and upon the return trip she brought a two piece Bikini for her mistress to swim. Though Ethan and Kanade didn’t join, he caught her struggling with something as she watched the snow woman swim. Then more discussions after. Kanade hardly spoke, but in Ethan’s mind she was an invaluable help. Many compromises were her idea, but she didn’t want recognition.

  The sun steadily crept overhead. Morning and noon were long gone and just as the edge of the sun was about to touch the horizon Methrom announced “Alas, we come to the final issue.” Slit eyes once again lowered to the fellow fire manipulator. “Your protection.”

  “Go on.” Ethan said.

  “Though General Panther is indeed plenty, which there is no doubt, a Flight is only so strong as the number faced. Order has once again proven to have a hidden standard. The attempt on your life twice is proof. For a fortnight, you will be nigh impossible to be preyed upon. Since we are blood-bound, neither us or our minions will dare attempt to do harm. A guard must be put in place from this day forth and especially when traveling to the sights you wish to soar.”

  “I’ve already made arrangements to stay here and guide Kanade-chan. I will return on the morrow to begin once I’ve finished readying for a leave of absence.” Kyoko announced.

  “Really?” Ethan asked and felt a soft hand lay over his forearm.

  “Yes, Darlin’. Kyoko and I made arrangements earlier. She’ll stay with us until she guides us around Japan.”

  “And we will likewise guide you in our newly finalized territories.” Sarimee announced. “But I believe we should all send our best guard to protect you while we settle our own affairs as you do your own.”

  Floa finally piped up, growing to a size she could be heard from. “Not just from you demons. I like both these kids and right now they also need friends.”

  “We cannot trust anyone from Order after what your true leader has done.” Gaia stated flatly.

  “Well, what of his team? They knew him before any of you did.” Gaia raised a challenging eyebrow.

  “But you cannot promise like we can. Your free will is a weapon with a double edged blade.” Sarimee likewise wasn’t happy.

  “Then he can curse us like he did to the Spirit King!” Floa couldn’t have hoped for such an immediate reaction. It had passed over everyone’s minds. “If he can stop the Spirit King from continuing to harass him, cursing his own team should be a piece of cake. If I have to be spelled then so be it. I love Kanade. Raised her myself. And I love Ethan too. If getting bound is what it’ll take, it’s a tiny price. I want the all time I can take with what’s left with my little girl.”

  “Wife…” Odin really didn’t like that idea.

  “Don’t wife me.” She nearly hissed. “If Fate or the Spirit King told you to kill these kids, your oaths are just as binding. You would pursue them relentlessly till a weakness could be found. They can’t, but who can say one day they figure a way to break it and come for vengeance? I can’t tell you what to do, but if you want me tonight you need to respect my decision in this.” Nothing he could say would change her mind, everyone saw it clear as day. “Ethan, what do you say?”

  “He’ll do it.” Kanade answered for him. “We need all the help we can get. Insurin’ we survive is all that matters.”

  “But on one Condition.” Ethan said, not to the Pixie. “My friends are off
limits to be fed off of. I’ll supply the emotions and energy for anyone who stays. Word of warning for both sides, first to harm another will be cooked well done.”

  “Seconded.” Methrom allowed.

  “Looks as if you lost the wager, Odin.” Dileep snickered and hinted to the sun that touched down in the west.

  Jaw muscles twitched. “I never would have believed it… Fine, what do you want of me, Lad?”

  “Later. I’ll collect one day soon. It’s getting late. Everyone, thank you for coming out.” Ethan said, standing up and brushing the sand from his furry legs. Others likewise rose and the guards all came out from the tree line. “Safe trip home.” Waves and farewells followed, along with a wink from Kyoko still in a bikini that showed curves in all the right places, but Ethan realized he wasn’t the target. Turning, Kanade was blushing brightly.

  “Ow!” Kanade yelped and turned to find a Pixie grinning, holding up a long feather that lost its glow after being separated. It was still pristine.

  “Told you I wanted one. Shiny! Shiny!” She giggled, stuck out a pink tongue and skipped to her husband mounting the legendary Pegasus himself. “See you tomorrow, Girlfriend!” With a clap they disappeared.

  “Bitch!” Kanade grumbled while massaging the sore spot that got plucked.

  In a few moments only three stood on Blue Angel Island.

  “Don’t know about you two, but I can sure go for some peace and quiet. Anyone up for a swim?” Ethan said, walking to the water, leaving the huge table where it is. No need moving it. Likely more meetings will be needed. Kanade stripped to the buff and joined him. Panther merely watched from shore.

  Chapter 5

  Gentle and repeated blows drummed in sets of three in a tiny section of a near infinite consciousness. For a few minutes it went on and on till it annoyed the once thought Fire Elemental from bed and drew him outside in the dawning morning. “Someone’s knocking.” He answered Love’s unspoken question as she followed.


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