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Tamar: Before He Was King

Page 2

by Shan

  I laced up my tennis shoes, pulled my hat over my head and checked my reflection in the mirror before heading out for the day. Although I didn’t want shit to do with my pops, Tavon and Keylan was dealing with that nigga on a few things that kept a few dollars in our pockets. The money wasn’t nothing like what I wanted, but my attempt to get at a plug out in Miami didn’t quite work out.

  Seeing that I was only sixteen years old, them muthafuckas laughed in my face and sent me on my way. They wouldn’t even allow me to speak to the boss, and told me to come the fuck back when I grew some facial hair. I half-way wanted to murk every last one of they asses, but knew they was only talking that way because I hadn’t made a name for myself just yet. I had to get out there and pound my feet into the pavement real deep like so everybody in fucking Georgia and the surrounding states knew who the hell I was.

  There was no way I was going to get that doing this little petty block shit and fucking around with these hand to hand sales. I needed to come up on some major paper and score some heavy weight. My fuckin’ pops had us out here slaving and shit for a few dollars thinking that because it kept us fed with a few nice fits and kicks that we were gonna be satisfied. Shit not me, I had my eyes on the bigger prize. My mind was on some BMF status type shit. I wanted to move and be paid like them, only smarter.

  “Look, make sure your ass don’t too much of that shit cause I need you to run me to Alabama to drop off this package,” I said to Shalea as I watched her snort a line of coke up her nose. I shook my head and walked out of her bedroom. I knew Shalea had been into the shit when we first met and I was cool with it cause she claimed she only did it whenever she partied which wasn’t often.

  But ever since her ass stopped working and started hustlin’ alongside of me, she’d been using more frequently. She had to know how much that shit turned me off though. I was looking to upgrade my lifestyle as soon as I possibly could and there was no way I wanted an addict on my arm.

  For now, I had to keep her around because she was everything I needed for what I had going on. She drove me to Alabama every week to drop off packages and make money on the side that my pops knew nothing about. She also helped me while out on the block.

  We would sit back and talk about my plans for the drug ring that I would one day have. Her input and her output was something that most chicks out here couldn’t match and I had to respect that. Sadly as much as I fussed at Shalea about how I hated her putting that bullshit up her nose, she only seemed to use more and more.

  I hopped in Shalea’s ride and skirted out of the neighborhood on my way back to the house so I could holla at Keylan and Brandon. I had to talk to them about what the fuck we were gonna do about our current situation. My ass was too muthafuckin hungry to be playing around with this lil’ boy bullshit. This lil side money I was making only gave me a few extra thousand a month, but the money wasn’t pouring in fast enough. We had to get together and brainstorm on some shit, because I was becoming impatient. I had a plan to be a millionaire before I was even old enough to drink.

  “Got damn, that bitch fine. Shit!”

  I pulled Shalea’s Honda Accord over to the curb where I spotted a fine ass red bone walking down the sidewalk. She was wearing a small ass pair of booty shorts, a wife beater, and some thin as sandals on her feet. I could see the tiny beads of sweat that had formed on her body as I pulled closer to her and leaned on the horn. I pressed the button to lower the window and smirked when she turned around with a mean ass mug on her face.

  “Where you going? You need a ride?” I asked her.

  She placed her hands on her hips, let out a deep breath, and then looked around before bringing her stare to me. I dropped my head back in the seat and gave her a couple of seconds before I pulled off. She was fine as shit, but ain’t nobody have time to baby her ass. Either she needed a ride or she didn’t. It really didn’t matter to me.

  “I’m going all the way to the south side. I went out with my home girl last night and her ass got drunk and won’t get up and take me home. I was about to catch the fuckin’ bus,” she said flashing a gorgeous smile, and batting her eyes.

  “I’ll take you. I’m about to head that way right now.”

  “Cool,” she said. She let out a sigh and made her way over to the car. Once she got inside, she rushed to put her seat belt on, and began to fan herself with her hand. I reached over and rolled the window back up and then turned the a/c up a couple of notches.

  “What’s your name? I ain’t never seen you around the South before. I live over that way.”

  “Well, I’ve been away at college for the past year or so and I only came back because my mama got sick and needed some help taking care of my little sisters. My name is Sunny, and I know who you are Tae. I’ve seen you around plenty of times.”

  I chuckled, “What you know about me? You must’ve been watching me ‘cause I know I keep it low key.”

  “Whatever you and your brother Tavon be all over the hood making noise. I know Andre, Brandon, Keylan and your cousin Roderick too. I know who all of y’all are.”

  “Damn. You do know a lot. Maybe a little too much,” I joked.

  “Nah, it’s not that. You know how females be talking about the who’s who and shit around the way. That’s all. My home girls just wanted to make sure that I was well informed when I came home.

  “Oh okay, Ms. Sunny. That’s what’s up. So, you in college, huh? I like smart women.”

  “Well I was in college. Hopefully I’ll be able to go back by the spring of next year. My mama too sick for me to leave her right now.”

  “Just keep your head up ma’, you’ll be back at it before you know it.”

  “You right. I ain’t even tripping about it like I was at first. I know I’m a go getter so it’s nothin’ for me to bounce back.”

  “Already, I hear ya’. So what you got up for later on tonight. A nigga trying to get into something,” I said looking over at her shapely thighs that seemed to a tad bit thicker now that she was sitting.

  “Tae, you are too young for me. I know you only like 15 or 16 years old,” Sunny said with a giggle.

  I shrugged my shoulders and went to turn the volume up on the stereo when Sunny stopped me. She copped a feel along my arm and then looked over at me while licking her luscious lips.

  “How old are you?” she asked me with curiosity riddled in her voice.

  “Do it matter? Either you wanna fuck with a nigga or you don’t. I ain’t ask you how old you were obviously because I don’t care.”

  “I’m just saying. I’m 19 and wouldn’t it be against the law for me to fool with you?”

  I shrugged again and went for the stereo. All I did was break the fuckin’ law so this conversation was not one I was trying to get into. As fine as Sunny was, it was plenty more like her that was just as fine if not finer. I wasn’t about to beg her for her time, when bitches were waiting on Shalea to fuck up just so they can step up.

  None of them gave a fuck about my age and I knew it was because they knew I was a young hustler that was on my way to the top. All these hoes were trying make their mark in me and my fam however they could. It was too many of them out here to beg one. Sunny had me fucked up if she thought I was gonna play around with her.

  “You didn’t have to turn the radio up on me like that you know?” Sunny yelled trying to be heard over the music. I shook my head and just ignored her ass all the way to her house.


  The moment I had dropped Sunny off at her house, she did everything possible to try to get me to come inside. I threw that bitch the deuces and went on about my day. She wanted to play hard to get so I was gonna make sure I played back with her ass.

  I pulled up in front of my house, and jumped out the car. Before going inside, I looked around feeling like something wasn’t right. I reached for my side and checked to make sure my piece was there before walking up the walk and into the house. I froze when I spotted my pops sitting on the sofa looking a little t
oo comfy for me. It had been years since I’d seen him or even spoke to him.

  Anything that he had to say to me always went through a third party. Everyone, including him knew that if I had ever saw him face to face again there was no telling how I would react. After all this time, I still hated him. Nothing had changed besides the fact that he’d gained a few extra pounds and had grown in a beard. He also seemed to be sober, something I wasn’t use to associating with him.

  The fact that he was still alive and well caused the hatred I had for him to grow stronger. Everybody kept telling me that we needed to let our little rivalry go and be about business so that we all could keep getting that bread, but I didn’t need him to eat. It was too many ways to make money and I had the heart of a hustler.

  With or without him, I was gonna shine and you can believe that. Truth be told, he was just a step on the ladder I was trying to climb. I couldn’t wait till I got to where I wanted to be so I could toss that shit his face and show him I was everything without him. He was a coward and a bitch and shitting on him would be everything to me.

  Ever since I was old enough to remember he’d always picked on me more than the others mainly because I never cowered down to him. But now just looking at him, I knew that he would never in his life fuck with me again. I could see something in that I had never ever seen before and it was nothing short of respect.

  “Tae, how are you?” Tahj, my pops said to me as I dropped the keys on the coffee table. I nodded my head and moved towards the kitchen.

  “I came here today because I have good news. I already talked to everyone else and although they didn’t feel like it was a good idea, I need to talk to you about some business—alone.”

  “Alone? For what?” I asked grabbing a beer from the fridge and slamming the door shut. I walked out of the kitchen, and took a seat in the recliner. I spotted a half-smoked blunt sitting in the ashtray and I quickly reached over and grabbed it. Pulling a lighter from my pocket, I brought flame to the tip of the blunt and inhaled the Kush into my lungs.

  “Trell has offered me to partner up with him a few weeks ago and we met with the Mexican Cartel. They extended us a deal that we couldn’t refuse. They starting us off with 50 kilos a month, half were fronted to us. I’m giving you all the fifty that were fronted to move for me. I want you to all to push it through the hoods out here and beat the blocks down with this new product I got coming to you all.”

  “Okay, what the fuck you need to talk to me for—alone?”

  “Because you are what everyone needs to stay on track. It’s gonna be some people that are not happy about this takeover that’s about to happen. I need you to run these streets with an iron fist, put down anyone that is against you all and make sure that no one plays about my money.

  You might not believe me when I say this, but I see something in you that I expected to see in Tavon or even Taron, but no it’s just in you. It’s like you’re me—”

  “Chmmp, what them figures looking like? Run me these numbers and you can save the rest of that other bullshit,” I said blowing a cloud of smoke in the air. Fuck is he talkin’ about I’m him. The nigga that questioned whether or not I was his for over half of my damn life.

  We could skip all that sentimental shit he was trying to get on and get to the figures. I knew my pops was mad stingy when it came to handing out paper that he never did shit to make. I wasn’t about to tear the city up for his ass if it wasn’t going to be worth it for me.

  “I told everyone else that you all can take 15% off each kilo and for you personally because I know you will put in more work than anybody—I will give you an extra ten thousand a month.”

  “Nah, I’m good. Not about to slave for your ass for that little piece of change. We’ll be on the block forever fuckin’ with you.”

  “Everyone else was fine with it.”

  “Yea and if I was anything like everyone else then you wouldn’t be pulling me to side to talk to me alone. 30% off each kilo and I’ll take an extra 20 bands a month. That’s what I want or I’ll figure out another way to get my paper up. Trust that.”

  Tahj sighed and stood up from the sofa. He began to pace back and forth between the tiny space in the living area. I sipped on my beer and puffed on the blunt as I watched him closely. Even that little thirty percent that I was asking for was nothing compared to what he was going to be making. That nigga was tight and it was sad that I was the only one to stand up say something about it.

  Fuck is wrong with them niggas man. This nigga would offer they ass a dollar a bird and they’ll go along with that shit like it was written in stone or something. Bum ass niggas; I thought to myself as I tossed the roach in the ashtray and stood up from the recliner.

  Just as I was about to dismiss my pops and tell his ass to get the fuck out with that Uncle Tom shit he was on, he picked up a duffle bag from the side of the couch and tossed it at my feet. I looked down at the bag and then up at him with a frown on my face.

  “Alright, 30% and I will give you 15 a month to start with. If you prove yourself then I will raise it to twenty. Do we have a deal because we only have two weeks to get rid of this shit before The Cartel expects us to re-up?”

  “That’ll work I guess.”

  And that was how it all started with us.

  4: Shalea

  I sat in my car blowing some weed and watching as Tamar and some dark skinned chick mingled like they were madly in love. The sight of the two of them was making me sick to my damn stomach. I guess that’s what the fuck I get for messing with Tae’s young ass thinking he was gonna be a good man to me when that nigga wasn’t even a man yet.

  I don’t know why I let his cute ass charm me and make me think that he was gonna be different than the other niggas before him. He was just as bad if not worse. Sad thing about Tamar was that although he was only sixteen years old, he was cocky as fuck. He knew that big ass dick between his legs was worth more than gold. Not because he was on the money train either, but because that nigga knew how to use his shit. Hell that was the only damn reason I hadn’t left yet after all the bullshit he’d put me through.

  Tamar had me sprung off his young ass. It was too many niggas out here that had that cheddar and way more than what he had. I knew I could have any nigga I wanted too, because I’ve had plenty before. But before I had never been in love the way that I was now. I was in this shit deep and I knew running away from Tamar thinking the next nigga was gonna do, was just a bunch of bullshit. I was crazy over this dude and I damn sure didn’t want to make the wrong move, only to come crawling right back to Tamar, begging for him to take me back.

  “Can’t believe he just right here in the open with his shit like it’s not gonna get back to me,” I fussed.

  “What the fuck you gonna do cause sitting here in this car staring in the dark is fuckin’ with my high,” my sister, Peaches said. I had almost forgot that I had her with me. I called her up a couple of hours ago because I had a feeling that Tamar was up to no good when he said that he was getting ready to the leave the house.

  When he’d gone to take a shower, I told Peaches to hurry up and meet me at Tae’s house and the moment he left, we followed him here. I had moved in with Tamar and the fellas three months ago after my people put me out. I came from a good home with parents who actually gave a fuck about me, and they didn’t fuck around with it came to anything illegal.

  I had lied to them about Tamar and told them that he was twenty-one years old and worked at Best Buy or some shit like that, but of course my mama’s nosey ass did some digging and found everything that she needed to know about him. She seemed so disgusted when she found out that he was underage and even more outraged that he was selling dope and that I was helping him.

  I had always been a rebellious child when it came to my parents, but I never expected them to turn their backs on me like they had. At the end of the day, Tamar was all I had, another reason why I couldn’t just up and walk away from him. My sister Peaches went from nigga to
nigga and didn’t even have a stable place to stay for herself so I for damn sure couldn’t count on her.

  “What am I supposed to do Peaches? If I go up there and put my foot in that hoe’s ass, Tamar gonna throw a fit and try and put me out like he did the last time I asked him about some bitch. I’m just sick of this shit,” I said with a roll of my eyes. Tears slid down my face as I watched Tamar wrap his arms around the lower half of the chick’s body. He began to kiss all over her neck and rub his hand down in between her legs.

  “Well if you not gonna do anything, then I will.” Peaches reached for the handle of her door and I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, but it was too late. The inside light of the car came on and the warning signal loudly beeped signifying that the key was still in the ignition. Just as expected, Tamar’s head shot into our direction and just like that we were busted. I watched as he squinted his eyes and veered at the both of us. I let out a deep breath and knew that I was about to catch hell behind this shit.

  “Damn it, Peaches! Now he done spotted us!” I yelled and forced her to sit her ass back down before he reached us. “Let’s go before he makes it over here!”

  Peaches dropped back down into her seat and hurriedly cranked the car up. She placed it in drive and smashed down on the gas, peeling away from the hoe’s house just before Tamar could make it to the car. My heart was racing as we bent the corner practically on two wheels. I placed one hand over my chest and slapped Peaches on her arm with the other one. She always had to be on that extra shit even when I told her to be cool.

  “Why the fuck we had to leave for? You should’ve knocked that bitch out and then him too. I know like hell she knows y’all together Shalea. Everybody knows y’all together. Besides that nigga is a fuckin’ baby and I wish you would leave him the hell alone. Damn!”

  “You don’t understand Peaches so it won’t matter what I say,” I cried. I never thought that I would ever feel this way behind any man, especially not one as young as Tamar. My feelings were too hurt. Although it was dark out, the girl that Tamar was with didn’t seem that much prettier than me. I was bad ass chick and she looked hella average.


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