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Tamar: Before He Was King

Page 4

by Shan

  I backed away trying to get lost in the crowd in case the niggas that was after Tamar tried to come after me. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on or why they wanted him. Tahj told us that we were bound to have plenty of problems coming from niggas now that we were on, but things had been good. Nobody had stepped to us wrong, and was mostly trying to figure out how they could be put on. We had no problems that I knew of.

  This was all hella suspect to me. I ran my hand over my head and let out a huge sigh. I was about to pull my cell out to give Keylan a call so that I could see where he was at when Britt and her home girl stepped in front of me.

  “What the hell is going on?” Britt asked me.

  “I don’t know. Y’all okay?” I asked seeing the worried looks on their faces.

  “Yea we’re fine. We’re scared to walk to the fuckin’ car though. These niggas all out here shooting.”

  “Hold up. I’ll walk you to your car in a minute. Let me see where my bruh at,” I told her. I dialed Keylan up and placed the phone to my ear. The line rung a few times before he picked up on his end.

  “Aye, where the hell you at man?” Keylan answered.

  “Looking for your ass. What the fuck going on? Yo’ I ran outside and seen two niggas running after Tamar,” I said suddenly feeling nervous as I looked around.

  “I don’t know what the fuck going on. Some nigga walked up on me in that bitch and started getting hostile and I shot his ass.”

  “That was you up in there shooting?” I asked and should have known that Keylan was the one behind those bullets.

  “Hell yea, that nigga came at me wrong talking about he ain’t like the way we doing things around here and he wanted to go outside so we can address the shit. I told that nigga to let’s address these hollow points and laid his ass out. But fuck that, I think he was only supposed to distract me because I know for a fact when we first came in that I seen him with two other niggas.”

  “Damn, the niggas that was running after Tae,” I said putting two and two together. “Have you talked to him? Where you at?”

  “Yea, I talked to him. I caught a ride with Sunny and he about to meet me at her crib. Find a ride over there.”


  I hung up the phone and asked Britt if she could give me a ride to Sunny’s and she agreed. Carefully, we walked over to her car and got the fuck off that block as soon as possible. I told myself first chance I got; I was going to get my hands on some heat. I had to get over this fear I had of guns and man the fuck up.

  I could’ve easily taken care of them niggas if I had been strapped and I know that if had been me being chased like that, Tamar or Keylan would’ve handled that shit with no questions asked. I had to have their backs like they had mines. This was the last time I would ever get caught slipping like that again.

  6: Tamar

  I parked my car behind Sunny’s house and walked around to the front as I waited for her and Keylan to make it here. After she chased me around for a good three weeks, I finally gave her what she’d been looking for. She was cool as fuck in the beginning and I loved kicking it with her, but after a couple of months she started becoming too fucking demanding as they always did.

  She wanted me to leave Shalea and be with her and she wanted me to stop hustlin’ and go back to school. I definitely wasn’t trying to hear that shit and started to pull away from her only messing with her every so often. It wasn’t long after that I ran into Ariel and felt like I had finally found the woman I had been looking for.

  Ariel was nineteen years old; she lived on her own with her two-year-old son and worked as a cashier for Wal-Mart. She was cool as fuck and never sweated me about my relationship with Shalea. She knew she wasn’t the main chick and she played her position, never trying to interfere with what I had at home.

  Being that I truly liked Ariel, I promised her that if she gave me some time, I would eventually leave Shalea to be with her. Shalea had always been a temporary situation. It was something about her that just wouldn’t allow me to love her in the way that I knew she loved me. It wasn’t even the fact that she was a cokehead that had me feeling like she could never be wifey either.

  It seemed that anytime the two of us were alone, we just didn’t click in the way I felt like me and my future wife should. My grandfather used to always tell me stories about how it was when he first met my grandmother. He said that it was a strange feeling that hit him when he touched her hand that made him feel like the piece of his heart that was always missing had finally been found. My grandparents had an unbreakable bond. My grandmother was that ride or die chick for my grandfather and I wanted that shit. I didn’t know if it was Ariel for certain, but it definitely felt like it.

  Over everything else, I knew that I was headed to the top and I couldn’t have anything less than the right woman going with me. I hated to do Shalea wrong because she had been there for me when I had nothing, but I was gonna see to it that when we finally parted ways that I set her right. Whether she was my soul mate or not, besides my niggas B and Key, she was definitely my right hand. We had one helluva business relationship for sure.

  Unfortunately, I just couldn’t force myself to feel something for her that I knew I would never feel and I hope she could respect that. At the end of the day, she had to know that shit was off between us. Ever since she moved in with me a few months ago, it seemed like we spent less and less time together and just last night her dumb ass followed me to Ariel’s place and saw the two of us together so she knew what was up, especially being that I failed to come home.

  I sat down on Sunny’s porch and lit a cigarette to calm my nerves. Two niggas just tried to fuckin’ kill me as I sat in my car minding my own fuckin’ business. I knew something wasn’t right though. I’d been feeling like my life was on the line for the past few months and I hadn’t been wrong. I didn’t even get a chance to see who them fuck niggas was that came at me and that shit further pissed me off.

  Soon as them shots rang out inside that house party, I looked up to see them bitches running at me and I quickly got the fuck out of dodge within seconds before they were able to murk my ass. I shook my head and took a heavy pull of the square. This shit had me so damn heated because I didn’t mess with anybody.

  There were so many niggas that I wasn’t too fund of, but I wouldn’t give a fuck about them niggas. As long as the next nigga ain’t interfering with my money, I could give two fucks. Sadly these hating niggas could smell from a mile away that I was on the come up and was trying to take me out before I could even get started.

  “Finally,” I sighed and flicked the cigarette to the ground when I spotted Sunny and Keylan pulling into the driveway. I stood up from the porch and waited as the two of them approached me. I could see that Keylan was just as heated as I was.

  “You good my nigga?” Keylan asked, as we slapped hands and gave each other a brotherly hug.

  “I’m A-1 bruh. Just wish I had a chance to see who them fuck niggas was,” I told him and for the first time looked Sunny over. I had briefly saw her at the party, but had too much on my mind to notice how good she was looking. She had on a yellow halter-top and some short ass booty shorts that had her looking like she just stepped off the set of a rap video.

  “Don’t even worry about it. Soon as I get the government on the clown that tried to come at me sideways, it’ll be nothing to figure out who he run with. I’m on it baby boy, don’t even worry.”

  “It’s nothing,” I said knowing that Keylan had my back in full.

  “I’m going in the house. Can you see me before you leave, Tamar?” Sunny said as she brushed past me. I turned around to check out her backside and tossed her a half-nod. I knew what she wanted, but the way she be acting, I wasn’t sure I wanted to give it to her. I had to ration the dick out to her and only give her a little taste here and there to keep her crazy ass in line.

  All that shit she was talking about in the beginning about me being too young for her meant nothing like I knew
it wouldn’t. She was hooked off the dick and only moments away from asking a nigga to marry her. Maybe if she’d played her role, she could’ve had a chance.

  “So, where that nigga B at? You talk to him?”

  “Yea, I told him we were all about to meet up over here. He should be coming through here in a minute.”

  “Shit, just hit him up and tell him to find somewhere to lay his head at tonight and you take my car and do the same. I don’t think you even need to chill with Toya tonight because them niggas might know where she live at.”

  “I ain’t worried about that. You know I stay ready, so I don’t have to get ready. I’ll text him and tell him to be about his business and I’ll get up with you in the morning. Keep your phone on you lil’ nigga,” Keylan said and snatched my keys from my hand.

  “I parked around the back.”

  “Bet. Be easy and keep your eyes open boy. For real, for real.”

  I nodded my head and went inside of Sunny’s house. Her little sister and brother were asleep on the couch while the TV played an episode of Sponge Bob. I walked past them and into Sunny’s room. She’d already come out of her clothes and was sitting sexily across the bed with nothing but her bra and panties on. I licked my lips when she patted the bed for me to come over to her.

  “So, who was that nigga you was up in there with? Trying to make me jealous?” I asked as I kicked my shoes off and then placed my pistol onto Sunny’s dresser.

  “He wasn’t you. Just some lame ass nigga that told me he could put it down like no other, but of course I only have eyes for you.”

  “Yea, whatever you got mad game for real.” I got completely naked and headed towards Sunny ready to dip my dick right inside of her. “Hold up,” I said remembering that I’d left my pistol sitting on her dresser and after a night like tonight, I had to make sure it was within reach at all times. I snatched it off the dresser and went and laid across the bed, sitting it right next to me.

  Sunny immediately took my dick into her mouth and had my chin dropping to my fucking chest. I gripped the back of her head and pulled her back slightly in attempt to get her to ease up a little. She was acting like she was fucking hungry the way she went at my dick like it was a damn smoked sausage.

  “Calm the fuck down. I ain’t going no where.”

  “I know baby. I just missed the hell out of you. We barely have any time together anymore,” Sunny whined, as she slid her tongue along the side of my dick.

  “You know why. I told you I ain’t with all that tripping you be doing.”

  “Babe, I know and I thought about that. I’m trying to do better. I just never knew that I would have feelings like this for you. I don’t know how to deal with my emotions sometimes.”

  Sunny began to bob her head up and down on me again when my phone started ringing in the distance. I ignored it the first time, but when it immediately started ringing again, I pushed Sunny away so that I could answer it.

  “Baby, no. Let it go to voicemail,” Sunny said as she grabbed my arm. I pushed her away, grabbed my pants off the floor, and then pulled my cell out just as it began to ring again. It was Ariel. I started not to answer it being I was with Sunny, but seeing that she was constantly calling had me a little worried.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Babe, my sister just called me and said that she seen Sunny at the party talking to some nigga—”

  I cut her off, “You called me for that shit?”

  “No listen. The same dude she said Sunny was talking to is the brother of one of the dudes she said she later saw chasing you down the street with a gun!”

  I turned my head to look at Sunny when everything in her home went black. The ceiling fan stopped. I could no longer hear the TV that was once playing Sponge Bob in the front room. The power was all of a sudden gone. Nothing could be heard but the sounds of Ariel’s voice calling out my name over the phone as it dropped from hand onto the floor, and the faint breathing of Sunny from my hands being wrapped around her throat once I reached her.

  I could feel the life leaving her. She was only seconds away from her death, but when her bedroom door came crashing down, I had no choice but to let her go and try to retrieve my banger from the bed.

  I couldn’t believe this shit. Sunny had fuckin’ set me up.




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