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Heartless (The Raiford Chronicles)

Page 19

by Janet Taylor-Perry


  "I feel lightheaded."

  "Drink that one, and I'll escort you to your room."

  Loraine did go back to Parker's room with him. "Hmmm," observed Parker. "If he's in, he's alone."

  "How do you know?"

  "No scrunchie on the doorknob."

  "A signal. How nice."

  Parker and Loraine entered. "Nobody's home," she whispered.


  Loraine closed the door. "This scrunchie?" she asked indicating the one on the inside doorknob.


  Loraine put it on the outside, closed the door, and locked it. "Is your bed by the window?"


  Loraine took Parker's hand and led him to his bed. They sat down and she initiated a long, hot, passionate kiss.

  "Whoa!" breathed Parker.

  "Relax, Parker," coaxed Loraine. "I know your commitment. We're not gonna have sex. I'll just make you wish you could."

  She slipped off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans. Her mouth started on Parker's neck and she worked her way down. Parker groaned crudely as he stiffened. "I think you like this," whispered Loraine.

  "Mmm. Come here," Parker requested.

  Loraine ran her tongue back up Parker's torso until she found his mouth. Parker had her completely undressed within minutes. That night Parker pushed the physical to the edge.

  22 Love Is More than Sex

  Dexter came in about two o'clock as Parker slept. Parker sat up when Dex turned on only the lamp on his desk and kept his back to his roommate.

  "Dex? Are you okay?" asked Parker groggily.

  "Yeah. Fine," Dexter snapped.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Did you screw her?"


  "Did you cheat on Sheena?"


  "Get close?"

  "Yeah." Parker sighed heavily.

  "Parker, if you put yourself in the path of temptation,

  sooner or later you'll give in."

  "I don't know if Sheena still wants me. Every time I call

  her, she's out with Alex."

  "So? Was tonight an experiment in revenge?"

  "I don't know." He ran fingers through his hair.

  Dexter turned around.

  "Good God!" gasped Parker. "What happened?"

  Wearing only boxers, Parker got out of bed. He went to the

  small refrigerator and emptied the ice tray into a washcloth.

  "Sit down," he commanded.

  Dexter sat gingerly on the edge of his bed, leaning on his

  hip and elbow. He ground his teeth and an agonizing groan

  escaped his throat.

  Parker put the ice on Dexter's right eye first.

  "You're touching me," said Dex. "Aren't you afraid you'll

  turn gay?"

  "No. Don't be ridiculous. Who did this?" Dexter's eye was

  black and swollen and his mouth was bleeding.

  "It doesn't matter. I broke up with Rance. I don't like being


  "Rance Thomas?"


  "Did he do this?"

  "No." The word came out choked.


  "Parker, don't get involved." He jerked his head away. "Hold still." Parker forced his roommate's face back toward

  the makeshift icepack. "Dex, I'm not gay, but I am your friend.

  Who did it?"

  "Some of the other football players."

  "Is that all they did?"


  "Take off your shirt."

  Dexter had trouble slipping off the blue oxford shirt. He

  moaned, and unwanted tears escaped his eyes. Beneath his

  clothing, Dexter looked as if he had been used for a punching


  Parker could not help but notice that Dex's chest had a

  more feminine texture than the average eighteen-year-old male.

  "Good grief," he growled. "I'm taking you to a doctor." "I'm okay."

  "I got beat up a few years back. I thought I was okay, but I

  lost a kidney. Let's go."

  "You gonna force me to go?"

  "I'll carry you over my shoulder if I have to. As small as

  you are, it won't be hard. Did they rape you?"

  Dex gripped his bedspread in anger. "Yeah."

  "You can't let it go."

  "I have to, Parker. They aren't gay. They just wanted to hurt

  me. You know what hurt most?" His voice broke.


  "Rance acted like he was one of them. I was his bitch all

  the way through high school, but he made like he barely knew

  me, and I was just a little pansy who had a crush on him. He

  didn't hit me, but he didn't stop them. Then, when he took his turn, he said ugly things. He was just heartless." Dex's lip


  "You're better off without him. Now, let's get you to a


  "I won't tell who did it."

  "The bastard doesn't love you, Dex, not if he let this happen

  to save himself."

  Parker dressed quickly, slipped one of his larger hooded,

  zipper-front jackets on his roommate, and led Dexter to the

  elevator where Loraine got off. "Parker?" she questioned, her

  eyes wide.

  "Loraine, what do you need?" His tone showed he was not

  glad to see her.

  "I left my bracelet."

  "Can you get it later, please?"

  "What happened?"

  "Dex had an accident."

  "With somebody's fists."

  "I need to get him to a doctor. Will you drive us?

  Otherwise, I'll have to take him on my motorcycle." "Sure. I drove over here from the sorority house. My car is

  running in the parking lot."

  Parker and Loraine got Dexter into the back seat of her car

  and took him to the emergency room at Baton Rouge General

  Medical Center. He was taken back rather quickly due to the

  seriousness of his injuries. As they waited, Parker said,

  "Loraine, I like you, but I can't let tonight happen again. A

  person can only resist so much temptation."

  "You really do love that girl."

  "I do."

  "You weren't unfaithful, Parker. Is she dating?"



  "I don't know." He stood and stared out the entrance at the

  parking area. An ambulance squealed in with a cardiac arrest.

  He watched EMT's doing CPR as they rushed the patient

  inside. Feeling a sudden ache, he placed a hand over his own

  heart. "I don't want to know."

  "You shouldn't have to be alone."

  "I almost did something tonight that I promised myself I

  wouldn't do except with my wife."

  Lorraine came to stand behind him and lowered her voice.

  "Are you a virgin, Parker?"

  "Yes. By choice."

  "Wow!" She stepped back. "Unbelievable in this day.

  Sheena's lucky to have you. I would have tonight in a New

  York minute if you had just said so. You're one in a million." "Loraine, you're terrific. If I didn't love Sheena, I'd be with

  you in a heartbeat."

  "That's sweet." She patted his hand. "Parker, I can be just

  friends if that's really all you want."

  "I'd like that."

  Dexter came out with his ribs in an elastic and Velcro rib

  belt. The doctor came with him. "Does either of you know

  what happened?" he demanded. "Mr. Marchant refuses to file a

  police report."

  "It's obvious," said Loraine. "Somebody beat the hell out of


  "Do you know who, Miss?"

  "No. Dexter, you should tell."

>   Dex shook his head. "Didn't see their faces."

  The doctor said, "Mr. Marchant, just because you're gay

  does not give anybody the right to do this to you. This is a hate


  "I'll live."

  "It's your choice." The doctor turned to Parker. "See if you

  can talk some sense into your friend. In the meantime, make

  sure he takes enough pain medication to cough using a pillow

  splint and does some deep breathing. I want him back in here

  in forty-eight hours. No strenuous activity. If it gets worse, get

  back in here."

  In the car, Parker said, "The doctor's right."

  "Leave it alone, Parker. Thanks for caring, but leave it

  alone." Dex refused to talk.

  Close to dawn, Parker helped Dexter to bed and gave him a

  pain killer the doctor had given him. As he helped his friend lift his feet onto the bed, he said, "Get some rest. Dex, you didn't deserve this. We'll talk when we wake up."

  ♥♥♥ While Parker was having a rollercoaster night, Sheena Johnson was being wined and dined by Alex Burlington. He never took her to normal college haunts. He was, after all, a law student.

  The weekend before finals, Alex took Sheena to a five-star restaurant on the Cape. Sheena's family was not poor. They lived an upper middle class life, possibly a lower upper class life. Terry Johnson made a six-figure salary with Bertram and Gautier, and Carol Johnson's second income was in the upper eighties. Nonetheless, Sheena was not accustomed to eating in restaurants without prices on the menu.

  She asked innocently, "Alex, how can we afford to eat here?"

  Alex laughed. "You don't have to pay for anything, darling."


  "Ooh, yes."

  The chowder, seafood, and steak were exquisite and incomparable. Sheena ate heartily, but she felt awkward when Alex refused a doggie bag. They left the restaurant and drove along the shore. Alex parked. He suggested, "Let's walk and watch the ocean by full moonlight."

  Sheena objected, "It's cold out, Alex."

  "Oh, yes." He reached into the almost nonexistent back seat, not really a seat, just a space for there was nowhere to sit. "Since you'll probably be very busy with finals, I have your Christmas gift." He handed her a large box.

  "You shouldn't have. I didn't get you anything."

  "It doesn't matter, darling. I can afford it. I enjoy doing things for you. Open it."

  Sheena opened the box to find a mink coat. She gasped. "Alex! This is too much."

  "Nonsense. You deserve more. You shouldn't be cold in that. Walk with me."

  As they picked their way carefully along the rocky shore to sit on a large boulder, and watch the moonrise, Alex cradled Sheena's hand securely. "Isn't this beautiful?" asked Alex.

  "The waves' crashing so ferociously is a little scary. It's violent."

  "A nor'easter is brewing, but tonight is dramatic."

  Sheena shivered. Alex put his arm around her. "You're safe with me." He leaned in and kissed her passionately. "I love you, Sheena. Check the pocket of the coat."

  With her hand shaking, Sheena felt in the coat pocket and found a ring box. She opened it with apprehension. Inside rested a spectacular diamond.

  "No," breathed Sheena. "No, Alex. I can't marry you."

  "I love you, Sheena. I can give you the world."

  "I don't want the world, Alex. I want Parker."

  "You can't seriously love that little boy. It was a high school romance. You're a lady, deserving a life of greatness. I can give that to you."

  "Alex, you're sweet. I like you, but I don't love you. No, I can't marry you." Sheena put the ring box in Alex's hand. "Take me back now. I don't think I should see you anymore. I can't return your feelings. I won't lead you on."

  Alex sighed, but held Sheena's hand as he walked her back to the car, a red Ferrari Enzo. He opened the door for her as he brought her back to her dorm. Sheena got out and left the coat on the seat.

  "Your coat," he said.

  "Alex, it's too extravagant for a friend."

  "Please. I can't take it back."

  Sheena exhaled frustration as she looked back at the garment. She slipped the coat back on and felt the lush fur. "Thank you. I'll cherish it, but don't do anything else like this. Good night, Alex."

  "Sheena." Alex kissed her again. She tried not respond, but Alex was an amazing kisser. "I don't give up easily," he crooned.

  "Alex, please. I can't see you again." Splayed fingers on his chest, she pushed back.

  "Are you afraid you'll succumb to my charms?"

  "Yes, but it would be only physical."

  He rested his hands on her shoulders. "Sheena, have you ever been with a man?"


  "Not even Parker?"

  "No. We agreed to wait."

  "Don't wait. Go to the Cape with me for the weekend." He gestured outward and away with his hand. "We can drive there right now."

  "No! Good night!"

  Sheena ran into the dorm. She called Parker. There was no answer.

  ♥♥♥ Before the sun rose fully, there was pounding on Parker and Dexter's dorm door. Parker staggered to see who it was. He had only been asleep about two hours. Sluggishly, Parker opened the door. A campus police officer and the resident hall assistant stood there.

  "What?" asked Parker.

  "Dexter Marchant?" asked the officer.

  "No. I'm Parker Reynolds. Dex is asleep."

  "Wake him up."

  "Why? He's had a long night. He needs to sleep." "Wake him up. We need to talk to him."

  Parker sat down on Dex's bed and gently shook him. "Dex,

  wake up. Security is here. They need to talk to you." Dex mumbled, "Did you tell 'em?"

  "No. Wake up."

  Dex struggled to wake up from the Percocet he had taken.

  "What?" he asked.

  "Dexter, did you know Rance Thomas?" asked the security


  "Yeah. We went to high school together."

  The officer cleared his throat and spoke with a harsh tone.

  "Dexter, wake up fully, please. Rance is dead."

  "What?" Dex sat up painfully. "How?"

  "He hanged himself. He left a note addressed to you." The

  security officer handed Dexter the note inside a plastic

  evidence bag. It read:

  Dex, I'msrry.Please,orgieme.Isouldhvesopedthem. Ioveyu. Rance

  Dexter shook his head. "Rance didn't write this." "Are you sure?" asked the officer.

  "It's not his handwriting." Dex tried to get out of bed. "Oh." "What do you need?" asked Parker.

  "In my desk drawer. I have some notes from Rance.

  They're in my journal."

  Parker got the journal and handed it to Dexter who

  retrieved a dozen letters Rance had written him. "Look for


  The security officer looked through the letters without

  actually reading them. "You appear to be correct. Mr.

  Marchant, if Rance didn't write the suicide note, maybe he

  didn't hang himself. You need to tell us what happened." Dex shook his head.

  "Dex!" Parker huffed loudly.

  "No," Dexter said again.

  Parker turned to the officer. "Give us a minute alone,


  Security frowned. "So you can synchronize your stories?

  Perhaps Mr. Marchant killed his lover."

  "Get real!" Parker stood. "Rance Thomas was a football

  player." He pointed at Dex. "Look at him. Even healthy he

  couldn't have killed someone twice his size by hanging, and

  right now he can hardly move."

  "Maybe a faithful friend helped."

  Delusions of grandeur! Cop wannabe. Parker spoke firmly.

  "I'm about to call my father, Police Chief Raiford Reynolds.

  We won't say
a word until he gets here unless you walk out of

  here and let me talk to my friend for a minute."

  With a grunt, the security officer and resident assistant left

  the room.

  Parker squatted in front of Dex who stared at the floor.

  "Listen to me. What happened to you was a hate crime. What if

  those jerks killed Rance? They might hurt somebody else." Dexter lifted frightened eyes. "He scares me, Parker." My God! He looks and sounds like a girl. "I'll be right here

  with you, Dex. I won't leave your side, and I will be calling my

  dad. Trust me."


  Parker let the officer back in. "We don't need you," he said

  to the RA. "Just the officer. Give Dex some privacy." The security officer nodded for the RA to leave, and when

  he spoke again, his tone became much gentler. "Mr. Marchant,

  what happened?"

  "Rance and I met at a club like we usually do to be

  together, but I didn't dress like a girl this time because when I

  came back to the room after the game and a couple stops at a

  few parties Parker had company." He gave his roommate a half

  smile. "Rance didn't want the team to know he was gay, but

  some of the other players showed up and caught us holding

  hands. He jerked his hand back quick and tried to make it we

  were shaking hands. The fellows harangued him a while and

  left—we thought. We left the club and came back here, but

  Parker still had company. So, we drove to the park. We figured

  nobody would be around with all the celebrations going on.

  Rance kissed me in the car, and then we walked a bit.

  Suddenly, the other players were there. They started shoving

  us. They asked if I was his little bitch. Rance told them it

  wasn't like that, that we had been friends a long time. They just

  laughed and started punching and kicking me and held Rance.

  They raped me. They took turns and then made Rance. They

  said that is if he really wanted his little faggot. He did. They dragged him off, and I got back here in Rance's car. My blood is on the driver's seat if you want to check." He glared at the officer. "It's in the parking lot. Parker was asleep, but he woke up and took me to the emergency room. My cheek bone is cracked, and I have three broken ribs. The doctor did a rape kit. Parker brought me back, and I took two Percocet and sort of

  passed out 'til you came."

  "Who were the other players?"

  "I don't know all their names."

  "Can you identify them?"


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