Book Read Free

All You'll Ever Need

Page 14

by Sharon C. Cooper

  Zack grabbed his toothbrush and the remote control to the television mounted in the corner near the second sink. His mother thought it a little excessive to have a television in the bathroom. He wasn’t a big TV watcher, but he liked to watch one of the national sports stations to catch up on the latest in sports, while he got ready.

  “Damn,” Zack said when he saw the photo plastered across the television screen of him and Jada leaving the restaurant the night before. Brushing his teeth, he turned up the volume.

  “Now here’s someone we don’t see in the news often. Last night Cincinnati Cougars’ running back, Zack Anderson, was spotted leaving the popular restaurant and nightclub, Zydeco,” the first announcer said.

  “Terry, I think the last time we saw him in the news was over six months ago when his fiancée at the time, accused him of domestic violence. Granted it turned out to be untrue, but last night he was with an unidentified woman. It appears Anderson got a little hot under the collar with a paparazzo. Do we have a clip?”

  Zack groaned when he watched himself on television lunging at a reporter. Damn that was close. Frank had grabbed his arm mid-swing and shoved Zack into the car. Whenever he needed a driver, he always requested Frank. As a former Marine, he was good at detecting problems before they happened. The last thing Zack wanted was his name attached to some nonsense, especially before he retired from the league.

  Zack hoped none of his teammates saw the clip, but he knew that was wishful thinking.

  An hour later, he strolled into the locker room. It seemed everyone had arrived before him, which was unusual.

  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Photogenic,” one of the defensive linemen said as Zack walked passed him to get to his locker. “All I want to know is who was the cutie pie you were with last night?”

  “Rumor has it you’re pretty serious about this woman.”

  “I heard she’s a construction worker,” someone across the room added.

  “No way she works construction,” another teammate said.

  Everyone added their two cents, but Zack kept walking, shaking off those who shoved him playfully. He dropped his duffle bag on the floor next to his locker and slipped out of his jacket. With all of the talk about Jada, his mind immediately backtracked to the previous night.

  His lips tilted into a smile. She had stripped for him, and all thoughts of Zydeco, pushy fans, and aggressive paparazzi slid from his mind. Her love for sexy underwear showed in the numerous styles and colors she wore and the night before was no different. The look of the red satin and lace bra with the matching string-bikini would be forever embedded in his mind.

  “You know what they say man,” Becker, one of the team’s offensive lineman interrupted his thoughts and pounded him on the shoulder, “once you go black, you never go back.” Everyone burst out laughing. Zack shook his head and chuckled.

  He turned his back to his teammates, who were still laughing and cracking jokes. Had it been anyone else, or a different group of men, he might have had a problem with the comment. Except these guys were the best. Closer than brothers, it wasn’t uncommon for them to joke good-naturedly.

  “I see my man still knows how to pick them.”

  “Does she have a sister,” someone else asked.

  This is going to be a long morning.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Days later, Zack stood at the wall-to-wall windows of his sunroom, looking out over his massive yard finding peace in the stillness of the night. Snow flurries blew around, but no accumulation was expected despite it being the first week of December. Cincinnati hadn’t seen but a light dusting of snow the week prior, but Zack knew the flurries would soon turn to outright snow soon enough.

  “You do realize this birthday party is for you don’t you?” Carol Anderson, Zack’s mother, asked from behind him.

  He turned from the window to find her standing in the middle of the room holding a glass of wine. In her early sixties, his mother was still as young and vibrant as he remembered her to be during his childhood. Zack always appreciated her love for life despite all that she had experienced over the years. Somewhat eccentric in everything she did, she pushed the envelope, especially with her style of dress, even tonight. Her long reddish hair was the perfect accessory to her red rim glasses and red pinstripe suit with matching shoes.

  “Why are you hanging out here by yourself? Is something wrong?”

  “Everything is fine, Mom. I just came out for a little breather. It looks like you and Jada invited everyone and their mother.”

  “Is that what this is about? You’re upset because we threw you a birthday party?” Her hand landed on her hip, and she shifted her weight to one leg. “Do you know how many people didn’t live to see their thirty-third birthday? Every year is a gift from God.”

  “I know, Mom, and it’s not that I don’t appreciate the party. I love you and Jada for doing this for me.”

  “Life is too short. You have to celebrate every moment.”

  “Is that why you’re marrying Haverty?”

  “I thought you said you were okay with that.”

  Zack shoved his hands into his front pants pockets. “I never said I was okay with my mother committing immigration fraud. I get that you’re trying to help your friend stay in the country, but marriage seems a little extreme. I want you to remarry, but I’d hoped you’d marry someone you loved, and someone who loves you.”

  “I don’t think love is in the cards for me.” She sipped her wine. “Although, I am glad you found love. The more time I spend with Jada, the more time I want to spend with her. She’s such a sweetheart. She reminds me a little of myself.”

  Zack smiled. He recognized the similarities early on. Their love for family being the first thing he noticed. Over the past few months, he also noticed they both enjoyed shopping, eating out, and throwing parties.

  “Haverty is very special to me. If he has to leave the country then I’d have to visit him all the time, and I don’t want to do that. I’m hoping for some grandkids in the near future, so I need to stay close to Cincinnati, or wherever you and Jada will be.” She winked.

  “Mom, your fiancé looks like he’s really having a good time with that champagne fountain.” Shane smirked, his long blond hair falling in his face, over his left eye. Zack’s oldest brother made it clear earlier when they received the news that he hated the idea of their mother remarrying.

  Carol shook her head. “Gee, thanks, son.” She swatted Shane’s arm on her way out of the room.

  “Happy birthday, little brother. You’re doing it big this year.” He nodded toward the glass wall, where they both could see into the kitchen and through to the family room. “There’s a lot of folks here.”

  “Yeah, I know. I have Mom and Jada to thank for this,” he said dryly. “What’s up with you? How’s the new job?”

  “It’s a job.” He took a swig of his beer. “It’s only been a month and already my boss is starting to act like an ass. I need to just go ahead and get my own thing going.”

  His brother had been in and out of work for the past three years. Zack was pretty sure his inability to hold onto a job had more to do with his brother’s negative attitude more so than anything.

  “Well, it’s only been a month. Give it a chance.”

  “I guess. So um …” Shane looked down at his shoes before returning his attention to Zack, “I was wondering if I can use one of your spare rooms for a few weeks.”

  “What’s wrong with your place? Why do you need to stay here?”

  “Does it matter? You have more than enough space. I asked you for a place to stay, shouldn’t your response be, sure, no problem?”

  Zack folded his arms across his chest and studied his brother. Twice in the last eight months, Shane had moved into one of Zack’s spare rooms, staying for a couple of months each time. Zack was okay helping his brother out occasionally, but lately Shane had been asking to borrow money, begging for football tickets, and borrowing his vehicle
s. Yet, he gave nothing in return. He never paid the money back, never offered to replace the gas he used, and he walked in tonight with only a happy birthday. Now that Zack had asked Jada to move in, if she agreed, his brother would have to find someone else to mooch off of.

  “Let me think about it.”

  His brother stiffened as if Zack had hit him. “Think about it? What the hell? Why you gotta think about it?”

  Zack’s attention immediately shifted to Jada, who walked into the kitchen and headed in his direction. His gaze traveled the length of her body. He still couldn’t get over how hot she looked. Her dark gray, one shoulder dress that wrapped around her luscious curves did wicked things to his libido. Yet, it was her shoes that caused his mouth to drop open earlier. The matching stilettos with the rhinestone straps around her ankles were the sexiest shoes he’d ever seen on a woman.

  “Shane, I’ll think about it and get back to you.”


  “Hey sweetheart,” Zack said when Jada walked into the room. He ignored Shane’s low growl as his brother stormed out without acknowledging Jada.

  “I don’t think he likes me.” She stepped into Zack’s waiting arms. “Every time he looks at me, I feel like running for cover.”

  “Forget him.” Zack placed a lingering kiss on her cheek. “All that matters is that I love you.”

  She batted those long eyelashes and flashed that smile that always made him feel like the luckiest man alive.

  “You’re right, but I want your family to like me.”

  “My family does like you.” He caressed her cheek, sensing that their acceptance of her was important. “My mother is already envisioning you as the mother of her future grandchildren. My sister considers you her sister from another mother, and my youngest brother wants to know if he can clone you.”

  She rewarded Zack with a smile. “That’s sweet. I think they’re pretty amazing too, but Shane—”

  “It doesn’t matter what he says or thinks. My heart belongs to you.”

  “Aw, Zack. You always know the right thing to say.” When her soft lips touched his, it was as if everything else disappeared. The phrase – she completes me – floated to the forefront of his mind. This amazing woman brought a level of peace in his life that he never knew he was missing.

  Jada’s small hands framed his face, bringing him back to the present when she ended their kiss. “Though I would love to keep kissing you, it’s time to cut your cake.”

  “Instead of cake, I’d rather have you.” Between the sexy outfit and her tantalizing scent, he was about ready to kick everybody out of his house, carry her upstairs, and have his way with her.

  Zack planted soft kisses along her jaw and worked his way down her long, graceful neck. “You already have me,” she said on a moan. He made it to her shoulder, but she stopped him. “If you can make it through another hour or two, I’ll let you see my new underwear.” She wiggled her eyebrows and eased out of his grasp.

  He couldn’t help but laugh. “What color are they?” He followed behind her like a puppy being promised a treat. “Are they see through, lace, what? You gotta give me something here.”

  “Oh, I have something for you alright, but not now. Later.”

  She pulled him into the huge dining room where many of his guests had piled into, while the rest spilled over into the attached formal living room.

  “Well, it’s about time,” one of his teammates said.

  Before he could respond with a smart remark, everyone started singing happy birthday. Zack appreciated Jada’s and his mother’s efforts, but he didn’t like being the center of attention.

  “Make a wish, baby.” Jada nudged him closer to the table.

  He snaked his arm around her narrow waist. “My wish has already come true.” He kissed her as the women in the room released collective sighs, and the men groaned.

  “He’s a goner,” someone behind him called out.

  Zack blew out the candles to a round of applause. Still holding Jada close, he thanked everyone for coming and for celebrating with him. Maybe he didn’t enjoy being the center of attention, but he did enjoy having his family and friends near.

  Zack roamed around greeting people he hadn’t yet spoken to and tried not to think about the birthday gifts that Jada had been promising him all evening. Since his team had a bye week, giving him four consecutive days off, he wanted to spend every one of them with Jada. He had tried talking her into going away for the weekend, but she and his mother had already planned his party.

  He walked down to the lower level of his home where he had a theater, game room, and a lounge. Combined it was the man cave he’d always wanted. Surprised that there weren’t as many people down there, he waltzed toward the door leading into the theater.

  “Zack, look who just showed up.”

  Zack turned to the sound of Donny’s voice and a grin spread across Zack’s face.

  “What’s up, old dude?” Luke Hayden one of Zack’s best friends from college shook his hand and pulled him in for a one-arm hug. “How’s it feel to be a year older?”

  Zack laughed. “I’m just glad to see another year, man. I wasn’t expecting you in town for another couple of weeks. What’s up with that?”

  “I have an interview with a downtown law firm later this week.”

  “I can’t believe you’re thinking about leaving New York.” Donny grabbed a hors d’ oeuvre from a passing waiter and plopped it into his mouth. “How you gon’ leave the big city of dreams?”

  Luke chuckled and shrugged. “It’s time.”

  Luke, an attorney, moved to New York right after college. Recently he had told Zack that with all of the loss that he had experienced in his life over the past few years, he was ready for a change and ready to leave New York. Leaving his fast-paced life for something quieter was all Luke talked about lately.

  “I’m glad I was able to come to town a little early. Otherwise, I would’ve missed this big shindig you’re having.” He waved his hand around at the eloquent decorations. “Looks like you’re finally spending some of that money you have stored away.”

  “Actually, my mother and Jada are spending it.” They all laughed, and Zack was a little surprised that Donny hadn’t made a crack about Jada since he thought she was high maintenance.

  “So when am I going to meet this woman of yours? As much as you talk about her, I feel like I already know her.”

  Zack glanced around wondering where Jada had disappeared. “She’s around here somewhere. Hey Craig, have you seen Jada?”

  Craig walked toward them shaking his head. “Not for a while. What’s up, Luke? I haven’t seen you in over a year.” They shook hands.

  “I had to come and celebrate with this old guy.” He nudged Zack. “But I hear congratulations are in order. Heard you got married.”

  Craig nodded. “Yep, Toni and I were married almost four months ago. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Sounds like you and Zack have both lucked out. I’ve known this guy,” he pointed to Zack, “for years and have heard more about Jada than any other woman he’s ever dated. I need to meet the person who has turned him into a big marshmallow.”

  “A marshmallow?” Zack punched him in the arm. “Really? Of all the things you could call me, that’s all you could come up with?”

  “Hey, I call it like I see it. She must be a helluva woman to have you going on and on about her over the last few months.”

  “I’m surprised you didn’t see her when you first came in,” Craig said. “She and Toni were standing near the front door a few minutes ago.”

  “I saw her in the kitchen talking with the caterer right before I came downstairs,” Donny added.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll meet her,” Zack said to Luke. “Then you’ll see why I’ve been going on and on about her. Mom,” Zack spotted his mother across the room, “can you find Jada for me?” She nodded and disappeared into the crowd.

  “If you’re fr
ee tomorrow, have Zack bring you over to the Jenkins’ for Sunday brunch,” Craig said. “There’s a couple of Jenkins’ here tonight, but tomorrow you’ll be able to meet all of the female cousins who work for Jenkins & Sons Construction.”

  Donny gripped Luke’s shoulder. “And you’ve never seen a bunch of fine ass women until you’ve seen them. Man, I’m talking downright gorgeous.”

  “So we have Craig, who’s married to one of them. Zack is crazy in love with another one. What about you?” Luke directed his attention to Donny. “Are you involved or interested in either of them?”

  Donny shook his head. “Nah man, I’m a one woman man and Sabrina has my heart.”

  Zack caught sight of Jada and Christina coming down the stairs. He wondered if years from now if his heart would still beat double time whenever she walked into the room like it was doing right then. Damn I love this woman. She still hadn’t agreed to move in with him, but at least he got to see her practically every day.

  “Hey ladies, I want to introduce you to a good friend,” Zack said. He wrapped his arm around Jada’s shoulder. “Sweetheart this is Luke Hayden, a friend of mine from college who is visiting right now, but might be moving here in the near future.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Jada shook his hand. “And this is my cousin, Christina.”

  Zack tried to hide his smile when he noticed his friend thoroughly checking Christina out. They shook hands, but Luke still hadn’t released hers. Zack couldn’t blame the guy. Jada had had the same effect on him months ago, and since then he hadn’t been the same.

  “Well, I’m going to find my beautiful wife so that we can head out,” Craig said, bumping fists with Zack. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

  “Wait up, Craig. I’m heading out too.” Donny gave Zack a fist bump and hugged Jada. He waved at Luke and Christina, who were already deep in conversation.


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