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The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced

Page 17

by Marissa Honeycutt

  He stood and stretched, then went to look out the window.

  The sun was rising on his wedding day. The day he would become Anna’s husband. Part of him was scared to death. He didn’t want to cause Anna any more pain, physically or emotionally. He wanted to be a good husband to her. But what if he inadvertently hurt her? What if he lost his temper in front of her? She would be terrorized.

  As soon as they were married, he would put the word out that he and his team were unavailable for a few months. It would give him and Anna time to get used to each other. They could settle into their new life and new house.

  Alex grinned to himself. He couldn’t wait to take Anna to the new home he’d bought her. It was a palatial residence in the Presidio Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. He’d found it when he was out in August and Kurt had signed the paperwork for him when he was there in December. When Alex took her home, he would take her straight there and carry her over the threshold like a proper husband. They could have a wedding reception there and celebrate with their friends.

  As much as Alex loved Germany, he missed his friends in San Francisco. It would be difficult to move home when it became necessary. He hoped everything would be settled with Anna before that happened. He couldn’t bear to leave her behind. But as long as she was tied to Devin, San Francisco was her home and he couldn’t take her away.

  That was his next course of learning: to find out how to free Anna from Devin once and for all.

  Alex hummed to himself as he dressed and went to his father’s room at the Schloss. He wanted to get home and get ready for the wedding. He couldn’t wait to have Anna as his wife.


  Anna’s eye snapped open and she grabbed her stomach.

  “Not again,” she moaned and ran into the bathroom, just making it to the toilet before losing what little was left in her stomach.

  She rested her head on the cool porcelain of the nearby tub while she regained her breath. A soft knock sounded at the bedroom door.

  “Come in,” she called weakly.

  She heard a door open and the sound of something being set down on a table. “Fraulein?”

  “I’m in the bathroom.”

  A girl a few years older than herself walked in. She wore a black dress with a white apron over it. Her brown hair was neatly tucked back into a bun and her bright smile faded when she saw Anna on the floor.

  “Oh, Fraulein,” she said earnestly. “Are you all right?” She went to the sink and wet a washcloth and pressed it to Anna’s forehead and cheeks. “Are you ill?”

  Anna shrugged weakly. “I don’t know. I’ve never been sick before. I’m feeling better now.”

  The girl helped her to her feet. “Let me help you back to your bed.”

  When Anna was settled back under the covers, the girl spoke again. “I am Brigitte. I will be attending to you while you are here.”

  “Hi, Brigitte,” Anna said softly

  “I have brought you breakfast. Would you like to try to eat?”

  Anna looked over at the tray on the table and nodded. She was hungry and it smelled good.

  Brigitte brought the tray and positioned it on legs over Anna’s lap. “Is there anything else you need?”

  Anna shook her head. “No, thank you. It looks wonderful.”

  Brigitte curtsied. “I will let der Herzogin know you are up and that you are not feeling well. I will return in a few minutes.”

  Anna dove into her food. As she ate, she began to feel better and even allowed herself to get excited about the day.

  She had almost finished eating by the time Ilsa and Brigitte returned. Ilsa immediately went to Anna and felt her forehead. “You do not seem to have a fever,” she said in her accented voice. She looked at her closely. “Alex said that you were ill on the plane as well.”

  Anna nodded. “But I felt better after I threw up.”

  “Are you feeling better now?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Ilsa sat down on the bed and studied her closely. “Is there anything else going on?” she asked softly, taking her hand.

  “When is there not something going on?” Anna gave her a wry smile.

  Ilsa laughed gently. “I meant physically.”

  “Oh.” Anna smiled, embarrassed. “I’ve been tired, but I also haven’t been sleeping well. Ever since....” Anna swallowed and looked down at her hand.

  “Ever since what, Liebe?”

  “Since Ben died,” she whispered and started crying.

  She shouldn’t be crying. It was her wedding day. It wasn’t that Anna didn’t want to marry Alex. She did. But her heart ached for Ben. For his life that had been taken because of her.

  Ilsa scooted up and held Anna as she cried.

  “I’m sorry. I just...I’ve been crying so much lately,” Anna said between sobs. “I feel like such a mess.”

  “Oh, Anna. It is all right. It has only been a few weeks since he died, correct?”

  Anna nodded.

  “Grief does not go away overnight. It might never go away. But it will soften. With time.” Ilsa stroked her hair as she spoke. “It will get easier.”

  When Anna’s tears subsided, Ilsa smiled at her. “Would you like to see the dresses I picked out for you? You can choose any of them to wear today.”

  Anna sniffed and nodded. “Wedding dresses?”

  “Not the elaborate styles that most American brides think of; that would not be practical for a German civil wedding. I understand you have a beautiful dress for New Year’s Eve, though.”

  Anna smiled brightly. “Oh, it’s so beautiful.” Her face fell. “But I don’t know if Kaitlyn was able to find one that fit. The one she picked out originally was too small.” Anna burst into tears again. “I’ve gained weight. I don’t fit into any of my clothes anymore.” She looked up at Ilsa. “Will Alex be upset?”

  “Anna, if you have gained weight, you were too thin to begin with. You are very thin. Alex said he thought you had lost weight.”

  Anna stared at her. “How is that possible? I don’t understand.”

  Ilsa was thoughtful for a moment. “Sometimes it just happens, Anna. Women’s bodies have minds of their own sometimes.” She stood. “Let me go get the dresses and you can pick one out. I am sure we’ll find something you like.”


  “Wilhelm? Are you in there?”

  Wilhelm looked up at the sound of his wife’s voice in the hall. She sounded distressed. “I’m here, Mausi. What’s wrong?” He stood and walked around his desk to meet her. He had just returned home a few minutes ago.

  Ilsa walked into his study and closed the door behind her. “I think Anna might be pregnant.”

  “What? That’s not possible, Ilsa.” He didn’t want to discount his wife’s instincts. They were normally right on. But the likelihood of Anna being pregnant was next to zero.

  “She was ill this morning. She was ill yesterday on the plane. She said she’s been emotional, tired and not sleeping.”

  “Ilsa, she’s been under a lot of stress lately—”

  “She says none of her clothes fit her anymore, but Alex said she looked like she had gotten thinner.”

  Wilhelm thought for a moment. Anna had looked different last night. Her breasts were fuller for one thing and she just looked...different. He’d had a lot on his mind last night and it hadn’t completely registered. But now that Ilsa brought it up.... But, how? There were ways for her to get pregnant, but they tended to be mystical in nature, though there were physical things that could be done. Perhaps she’d had a particularly intense night with Ben. Intense emotions had been known to make it happen. She had loved Ben, Wilhelm didn’t doubt that.


  Ilsa’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. “I’m sorry, Ilsa. Yes, I suppose you could be right. I know your instincts are usually correct.” Wilhelm sighed. “Don’t say anything to her. If she is, I highly doubt she knows it. It would never occur to her. I don’t want to upset her.

  “You still want her to marry Alex if she’s pregnant with another man’s child?”

  “If it was anyone else except her, I would handle things much differently. But Anna is different. And she is meant to be with Alex. Of this I am sure.”

  Ilsa frowned. “His first child will not be his. That’s not fair to anyone involved.”

  “Ilsa, I appreciate your concern. But this wedding must take place. Alex will handle it. He loves her.”

  Ilsa sighed. “I know. But what will people say?”

  “No one has to know. She can’t be very far along. A baby could easily be conceived today, at least in other people’s minds.”

  “Should we tell Alex?”

  Wilhelm thought for a minute. “Not until after the wedding. Let them have this happy day before life intrudes. Waiting a few days won’t hurt anything.”

  “All right. If you think that is what’s best.” Ilsa set her mouth in a straight line.

  Wilhelm could sense that she wasn’t happy about his decision, but wouldn’t contradict him. “Ilsa, please. It’s not Anna’s fault. She’s been told her whole life that she will never have children. She needs our support and our love.”

  Ilsa looked at him closely. “You love her, don’t you?” she asked quietly.

  Wilhelm hesitated. He loved Ilsa with all his heart. He had since he was sixteen years old. She was the best possible wife a man could imagine. And he never lied to her. They were always completely honest with each other, even if it hurt. It was what kept their marriage strong. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

  “Yes, Ilsa. I do. But she will be Alex’s wife. I would never, ever replace you for another woman.” He walked over to her and pulled her close. “I love you, Ilsa. I have always loved you. My desire for you is as strong as it was when we were first married.”

  Ilsa leaned her head against his chest. “I know, Wilhelm. I suppose it’s only fair. You’ve not fallen in love with anyone else our whole marriage. I suppose I can’t say the same thing.”

  Wilhelm had decided when he became Elder that he would give Ilsa the decision to have a lover if she wanted one. It wasn’t fair for him to be surrounded by young women and her to be at home alone in a cold bed.

  They had gone to school together with the son of the French Ambassador. Maurice had fallen in love with Ilsa when Wilhelm had, in secondary school, but Ilsa had chosen Wilhelm, and Maurice married a woman from France. Maurice’s wife had died a few years before Wilhelm became Elder and Ilsa had chosen him for her lover. He knew she loved both of them. Wilhelm was thankful she’d found a lover who cared for her as much as he did. Ilsa was loyal and discreet. If plans changed and Wilhelm was to be home when he was supposed to have been gone, she told Maurice that she couldn’t see him that night.

  Wilhelm had never found another woman that he loved like he loved his wife. Yes, he participated in the Brotherhood activities, and there were girls that he had cared about and took care of. But he hadn’t loved any of them.

  Until Anna. Anna was special. Ilsa would see that as she spent time with her. At least he hoped so. Ilsa wasn’t a jealous woman, and he hoped that his feelings for Anna wouldn’t sour the potential relationship between her and Anna.

  “Please, Ilsa. She needs a mother figure. She is so lonely and lost.”

  Ilsa smiled up at him. “I know. She is very sweet. I can see why you love her. And Alex too.” She reached up to kiss him. “I love you. I will not say anything until you decide they should know.”

  “Thank you, Mausi.” He kissed her again, then stroked her cheek. “I love you too.

  Ilsa gave him a last smile and then turned and left the room.

  Wilhelm leaned against his desk, thinking about what Ilsa had said. If she was right, this could be a good thing for Anna. He believed that Alex would do the right thing and hoped he wouldn’t be disproved.


  Anna paced in her room while she waited for Ilsa to return. Ilsa hadn’t looked pleased when she left. Had Anna done something to displease her? She didn’t want to upset Alex’s mother. She was more used to being around women now that she had been out of the Manor for a while. Katherine had embraced her and had kept in touch after the funeral. But sometimes, they still intimidated her.

  She was staring out the window when someone knocked on the door before opening it. Ilsa walked in followed by Brigitte pushing a rack of white dresses.

  “Oh, my!” Anna exclaimed, looking at the rack. There were so many of them.

  “I selected a wide variety of dresses since I did not know what style you liked.” She turned to the other girl. “Brigitte, would you please pull them out so that she can take a look at them.” She turned back to Anna. “You can try on as many as you would like. We have plenty of time.”

  After trying on several dresses that she liked, and getting discouraged that some she liked didn’t fit, she finally decided on a tea-length lace A-line dress. Brigitte put Anna’s hair up in a loose up-do and put white flowers in her hair.

  Ilsa had gone away to get ready and returned as Brigitte was buttoning up her dress. “You look beautiful, Anna.” She laughed softly. “Alex is pacing downstairs like a caged lion. I have never seen him so excited.”

  Anna blushed. In a few minutes she would be going downstairs to see Alex. Her groom and future husband. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach and her nausea returned.

  “Anna, are you all right?” Ilsa asked with concern in her voice.

  “I...I don’t feel well.”

  Ilsa said something in German to Brigitte, who rushed out of the room, and then led Anna into the bathroom. She wet a washcloth and put it on the back of her neck.

  “My mother used to do this to me when I was ill. Breathe deeply, Liebe.”

  Brigitte returned a few minutes later with a fizzy drink like Anna had on the plane. Anna drank it quickly and her nausea disappeared a few minutes later.

  “Thank you,” she said weakly. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately.”

  Ilsa gave her a warm smile. “It is quite all right, Anna. Things happen.” She led Anna back out to the bedroom and sat her on the chaise next to the fireplace. “I have something for you.”

  Ilsa handed her a necklace. “I wore this on my wedding day. Alexander’s grandmother wore it on her wedding day. It goes back many generations.” She smiled fondly. “Wilhelm and I would be proud if you wore it on your wedding day.”

  Tears fill Anna’s eyes as she looked at it. The pendant was a cluster of diamonds in the shape of a flower with a pearl hanging from it. “Thank you, Ilsa. It’s so beautiful. I would be honored to wear it.”

  Ilsa smiled and helped her put it on. She gave her matching earrings and a bracelet as well.

  Ilsa looked her up and down. “Beautiful. Are you ready?”

  Anna nodded nervously as she stepped into her shoes. Brigitte handed her a white satin purse and then Anna followed Ilsa out into the hallway.


  Alex paced in the large entry hall. He’d been up for several hours and was dying to see Anna. His leather shoes tapped out a steady rhythm as he walked the length of the room over and over again. He straightened his tie for the hundredth time and turned to stare at the staircase, willing Anna to appear.

  Now that the hour was upon him, he also began to worry that he had overlooked some important detail, and that something would happen to prevent their marriage.

  “Alex you’re going to wear out the marble,” Kurt joked as he reclined on a bench in the hallway. Alex had asked him to be his witness at the ceremony.

  Seth, Tony, Greg and Sebastian stood nearby. They would go in the vehicle with them. Michael, Jesse and Jason were already in town, keeping an eye on the Standesamt, where he and Anna would be married.

  Alex had pulled every string in the book to get this wedding to take place so quickly after Anna arrived in the country. There were benefits to being an Elder-Son. A few requirements were bent, but
for the most part everything had been done in the proper fashion, just hurried. It had been tricky to get Anna’s signatures on some documents without her knowing, but Isaak had been helpful with that. He hoped Anna would forgive him for his deceit, but if Devin had found out...Alex shuddered to think of what might have happened.

  Alex heard footsteps on the stairs and wheeled around to see his sisters and Gretchen coming down. Gretchen had Otto wrapped in so many blankets he looked like a blue bear.

  Alex sighed, disappointed, and walked over to the table where a single, perfect pink rose lay that he would give to Anna. Whenever she saw pink roses, he wanted her to think of him.

  “Don’t I feel like a valued sister,” Greta teased, walking up to Alex and hugging him. She looked very pretty in her blue silk dress and he told her so. She beamed at him.

  “Vati, where is she?” he groaned. His physical discomfort was escalating his impatience.

  “I heard that she got sick,” Gretchen smirked.

  Alex’s concern rose and he looked at his father.

  “All right, Alex. I will go check on her. I’m sure she’s fine.” Wilhelm patted his shoulder and made his way to the stairs. He was just a few steps up when he smiled. “There they are.”

  Alex picked up the rose and made his way to the staircase as Anna, holding the railing very tightly, came around the curved section and into view. His heart pounded so hard, it wouldn’t have surprised him if his entire family could hear it.

  He couldn’t have imagined a more beautiful picture. Her hair softly curled around her face. Her cream lace dress accented her figure perfectly. It was just low enough to show a bit of cleavage, but not immodestly. Her legs were encased in silk stockings and he could see the calf muscles flexing as she stepped down the stairs. She had fantastic legs. Hell, she had fantastic everything.

  Her face, although pale, glowed with happiness and her eyes sparkled as her eyes met his. It humbled him to think that he was the cause of that sparkle and glow.

  He must have been staring, because she stopped and looked away, her cheeks turning pink.


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