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The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced

Page 20

by Marissa Honeycutt

  She wanted nothing more than to make him happy. She was safe now. The least she could do was relieve his suffering.

  He kissed her deeply. “I don’t want to go in until you’re ready. I’m...uh...larger than normal.”

  Anna’s eyes widened. “Is that possible?” Alex was plenty big for her already. It was hard to imagine him being any bigger.

  “Apparently,” he murmured, kissing her cheek. “But I think you’ve grown as well.” He kissed her erect nipples and looked up at her.

  She opened her mouth but didn’t know what to say.

  He smiled tenderly. “I don’t mind, Schatzi. Not at all. I like them.” He took her left nipple into his mouth and sucked hard.

  Anna moaned loudly and arched her back to press her breast against his tongue. It felt so good and almost hurt at the same time. Her breasts were tender, but his mouth was incredible.

  “This is my breast,” he murmured, kissing it all over. “This is my breast, too,” he said, kissing her right breast all over. This was the breast with Devin’s piercing, but Alex taking possession of it felt so right. He kissed down to her belly button. “This is my belly button.” He twirled his tongue inside, eliciting another moan from Anna.

  He sat up suddenly on his heels and fiddled at his shoulder and waist and then pulled his robe off, revealing his perfectly sculpted chest. Anna bit back a moan at the sight. He was so incredibly beautiful. His skin glowed bronze in the firelight, and his chest and abdominal muscles flexed as he put his robe on the floor next to him.

  Anna eyes trailed down from his chest down to his six-pack-abs and...oh, my! He really was bigger. Anna sat up and tentatively reached out and caressed his cock gently with her hand. He was harder than she’d ever felt any man be before and the veins were very visible.

  She traced his new piercings. “Do they hurt?” she asked in a whisper, looking up. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted as his chest rose and fell with shallow breaths.

  “Not really. My whole cock is aching.”

  She leaned forward to kiss the tip of his cock, then lay back down. “Make love to me, Alex,” she implored softly.

  He looked down, his handsome face a mixture of shadows and bronze with the firelight to the side of him. He smiled and she could see a chiseled dimple in his left cheek she’d never noticed before. His hair fell across his forehead as he leaned down and kissed her, spreading her legs apart with his knee.

  He looked at her as he positioned himself at her entrance. “Anna,” he said in a strained voice. “Stop me when it hurts. I will go as slowly as you need me to go.”

  Anna nodded, suddenly nervous. She had forgotten, until now, about her new “virginity” and realized that with Alex as engorged as he was, this was going to hurt. A lot.

  He pressed forward slightly, making Anna gasp, and then rested his weight on his forearms on either side of Anna’s head. He nuzzled her lips with his as he pressed forward. Anna grasped the back of his arms and closed her eyes, trying to diminish the pain.

  He eased in so slowly, but it did nothing to help Anna from feeling like she was being torn apart. If she didn’t know how much Alex loved her, she would have begged him to stop. Tears filled her eyes and she dug her fingernails into his arms as he moved. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, and tasted blood.

  “Schatzi,” Alex said softly. He stopped moving. “Anna, look at me.”

  Anna turned her tear-filled eyes to his. His eyes were so tender and full of remorse. He hated hurting her as much as she hated the pain.

  “Breath, Schatzi.”

  Anna took in a shaky breath and tried to relax.

  “Concentrate on breathing, Anna.”

  Anna nodded and Alex began to move again. She closed her eyes, but the tears leaked out the corners anyways. Alex bent to kiss the tears away and whisper words of encouragement as he continued to move forward. Her fingernails dug into his triceps.

  “You’re so brave, Schatzi,” he whispered. “I’m so proud of you.”

  She jumped as he hit her barrier. Oh, it really was a complete virginity thing, wasn’t it?

  Alex stopped moving. “Try to relax, Anna. I’ll wait a moment until you’re ready.”

  Anna was trying very hard to be brave for Alex. She knew he needed release badly, but he was being so patient with her. Sex was often painful in her life, but nothing like this. The only time it had been like this was at the bonding ritual, but there had been no stretching then. Sebastian said she would stretch this time and it would feel good once she had. She hoped he was right because right now it hurt so bad she wanted to cry.

  She took a deep breath and was pleasantly surprised to find her body adjusting to Alex’s girth. She took another deep breath and then nodded to Alex.

  “Schatzi, this will be very painful. I’m so sorry I have to do this.” His eyes were wet as he spoke.

  She gave him a brave smile, but didn’t speak for fear of starting to cry.

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded.

  He closed his eyes and pulled back slightly, then thrust forward, pushing through the membrane. Anna stiffened and cried out loudly, tears pouring down her cheeks at the pain. Alex wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek.

  He didn’t move an inch, instead he held her trembling body whispered in her ear. When the pain subsided she felt herself relaxing.

  “I’m so sorry, Schatzi. I hate that I hurt you.” He cradled her cheeks and wiped her tears away. “But you are mine now. I have taken your body as you have given it to me. We are now truly husband and wife.” He kissed her lips gently. “Nothing can separate us now.”

  He kissed her more urgently and began moving slowly inside her.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed as his piercing rubbed against the top of her channel. She was so full and the metal balls stimulated her.

  Alex mumbled something in German and moaned. Anna’s head spun at the sensations filling her body and cried out suddenly in pleasure as she came. Fireworks erupted behind her eyes and her body exploded. Alex held her tightly and groaned as he came, releasing all his pent up tension into her body.

  She closed her eyes and felt their bodies merge into one. Their souls touched, exchanging parts of themselves that would remain forever within the other person. They truly had joined together and would never be separate persons again.


  Alex gasped for breath. He was careful to keep his weight off Anna, but he shook so badly it was a difficult feat. Anna’s arms were locked around his neck and she trembled beneath him.

  He nuzzled her neck. “I love you, Schatzi,” he whispered. He sighed in relief. She was safe. She was his. Devin was not yet defeated, but had lost a significant portion of his control over her. And there was nothing Devin could do about it.

  His climax had been intense. He could almost feel his seed filling her. He wished with all his heart that they would have had the opportunity to conceive when they consummated, but she was already pregnant; he would have to wait. If it was Ben’s child, and there was little chance it would be anyone else’s, she would be happy. He would be happy for her.

  He wished their first child could have been his, but maybe this would be best for Anna. Something to make up for Ben’s death. Alex would, of course, raise it as his own. He would never let the child suspect that he wasn’t his. Alex needed to start thinking of the baby as his, or Anna would suspect he wasn’t happy about it and be hurt.

  There was one last thing they needed to do before they could leave. Her piercings. He’d never before considered how difficult a wedding day could be on a Son’s wife. He needed to make sure that he and Anna had some quiet time together before they went back to San Francisco.

  Anna stirred beneath him. He looked down and into her bright eyes. She looked happy. He kissed her and then slowly pulled out of her, causing both of them to groan.

  He lay on his side and traced her breasts with his finger. “How are you feeling, Schatzi?” he asked
in a quiet voice.

  “Okay,” she answered in a shaky voice. “Are you feeling better?”

  “Yes, much better.”

  Now that he had come, he could feel the discomfort of his new piercings. But Anna seemed to like them. Once the pain had subsided, she climaxed quickly, which pleased him. He had been concerned that she might not be able to. But then again, she had been trained to come under any circumstance.

  “Alex, have you taken possession of your wife?”

  Alex jumped at the sound of his father’s voice. He’d forgotten there were other people in the room. Anna had jumped as well, making him think she’d forgotten, too.

  “Yes, my lord,” he answered, smiling at Anna and then looking up at his father. “I have taken possession of my wife. Our union is sealed.”

  “May we examine the evidence?”

  Alex found it amusing that the Elders needed to see her virgin blood on the furs beneath her. As if her cries and screams of passion weren’t proof enough. He sat up and moved Anna’s legs apart to display the pink stain on the white fur.

  Her pussy was wet and swollen. Alex could feel his desire for her rising again. He shook his head to clear it. She’d been through enough. He could control himself until tonight. Then he would make her come over and over again until she was completely satiated. He loved the idea of sleeping with her in his bed. For the rest of his life.

  Vati nodded his approval and then handed him the piercing gun.

  Alex looked apologetically to Anna. “Anna, I need to re-pierce you.”

  Anna closed her eyes and nodded.

  Vati sat on the floor next to her and held her hand. She opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise. He kissed her forehead and said something quietly to her. She nodded and then looked at Alex, giving him a brave smile. Alex’s chest swelled with pride for his brave wife.

  He leaned down and kissed her swollen pussy and then positioned the piercer and did the two piercings as quickly as possible. He saw the strain in Anna’s face, but she didn’t cry out. She clung to Vati’s hands, her knuckles white.

  He tossed the gun aside and pulled her into his arms, rocking her and kissing her head. A few minutes later, he felt her relax and looked down to see her sleeping. Alex smiled affectionately, then looked up at his father.

  “She’s asleep.”

  Vati chuckled. “Good. We’ll let her rest for a bit. It will help her feel better sooner.” He reached out for her. “Let me hold her and you can dress, then take her to your room.”

  Alex handed Anna to his father and reached for his robe. “How long can we let her sleep?”

  “An hour, maybe. I’ll have a light lunch prepared and you can eat here, then we’ll go back into town to go ring shopping. I’ll call your mother and let her know we’ll be later than expected.”

  Alex finished fastening his robe and took Anna into his arms. “All right. I think she expected that anyway.”

  Vati chuckled again. “Your mother is a very smart woman.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Anna heard her name spoken and her eyes flew open. She lay in a dark bedroom and the voice she heard sounded familiar. Who was it?

  “Anna, are you awake?”

  “Alex,” she sighed, smiling and looking behind her.

  “Hello, Schatzi. How are you feeling?”

  Alex sat on the edge of the bed, dressed in his white dress shirt and pants. His collar was unbuttoned, giving her a glimpse of his firm upper chest.

  “Good.” She grinned. “No, very good. I mean,” she frowned, “We are married still, right?”

  Alex laughed. “Oh, Ja, mein Ehefrau. We are most definitely married.”

  “Then I am very good.” She reached for his hand and intertwined her fingers with his. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy.”

  She felt...confident. Fears that had been her constant companion since her parents died seemed to have disappeared. She didn’t even feel afraid when she thought of Devin. That was most definitely unusual.

  “That makes me very happy, Schatzi. I always want to make you happy.”

  “Do you...I mean, is it okay to be happy with you...even though Ben....” She felt like she shouldn’t be happy. Her heart still ached when she thought of Ben, but it was not as painful as it had been. And she really was happy she had married Alex. She loved him. She the world was right. For the first time since her parents died.

  “Anna, Ben was very good for you. From everything that I heard about him, he was a good man and loved you very much. But Devin would never have allowed you two to marry.” He stroked her hair. “You know that, don’t you?”

  Anna nodded slowly. Yes, she knew that. “I just wish that Devin had...I don’t know, made me break up with him instead of killing him.” Tears stung her eyes. “Why did he kill him?”

  Alex sighed and pulled her close. “I don’t know, Anna. Devin does things that I don’t understand. I wish I could have prevented his death. It was a cruel thing to do.”

  “Alex, it’s not that I’m not happy we’re married. You know that, don’t you?”

  Alex kissed her head. “Ja, Anna. I know. You feel guilty?”

  Anna nodded.

  “I understand, Anna. But Ben would be glad that you are safe. And I’m sure he would want you to be happy. The pain will ease, I promise. I hope I can be of help.”

  She pulled away and cradled his cheek. “You already have,” she whispered and kissed him.

  Alex groaned, then pulled her away gently. “If we’re not careful, we will end up naked again.”

  Anna giggled. “Would that be a bad thing?”

  “Nein, except that we need to find our other wedding rings. And my extended family has come into town as well. I am eager for you to meet them.”

  “You have more family?” she asked, astonished.

  He nodded. “My uncles and aunts and cousins.”

  There was a knock on the door and Jutta entered carrying a tray. She said something that sounded like a greeting in German. Anna smiled at the way she looked at Alex. A mixture of admiration and lust.

  “Herzogin, when you are finished eating, I will return and help you dress.”

  “Thank you, Jutta,” Anna said.

  Alex stood and brought the tray over to the bed, putting it between them when he sat on the end of the bed. “Eat.”

  “Yes, Master,” Anna said with a sparkle in her eyes.

  Alex grimaced until he looked into her eyes. “You’re teasing me?”

  She paused and bit her lip. “Is that okay?”

  Alex grinned. “It is perfectly okay. I want you to be comfortable with me. I’ve told you that. Tease me. Argue with me. Yell at me, though only in private please. I want to help you find yourself Anna. To be who you are meant to be. To be the person that was stolen from you.”

  “I think I’m the luckiest girl in the world,” she said softly, gazing across the bed at her new husband.

  Alex looked uncomfortable. “Nein, Anna. It is I who am lucky. All your pain could have been prevented if I hadn’t been so arrogant.” He looked at her with determined eyes. “I will not fail you again, mein süße Frau.”

  “I know, Alex.” She gave him an adoring smile. “I feel safe and without fear for the first time since my parents died. I know you will protect me.” She smiled shyly and looked into his eyes. “I’m not afraid of Devin anymore.”

  “You’re not?” Alex’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “Is that okay?”

  “Ja, Anna. Of course. I’m thrilled.” He gave her a half smile. “Though it does overwhelm me a bit that you trust me so much. But in a good way,” he added quickly. He held a strawberry by the stem and held it out to her. “Eat. I have more diamonds to buy you.”

  Anna grinned at him and leaned forward to take a bite of the juicy fruit.


  “Do you like this one?”

  “Anna, I want you to pick it out. I want it to be from you.”

>   “But I don't know what you like.”

  “I will like anything you pick out.”

  Anna stuck out her lower lip. “You are very stubborn.”

  Vati laughed. “You are just learning this, Liebling?”

  Anna narrowed her eyes. “You could have warned me.”

  “Would it have mattered?” Vati asked, still laughing.

  “No.” Anna wrapped her arms around Alex’s waist and rested her head on his chest. She sighed. “I like that our German rings match. I want our American rings to match too.”

  “Schatzi, American rings are different. Men’s and women’s rings are very different. If you want, I will show you which one I picked out for you. Will that help?”

  “Yes.” She grinned up at him.

  Alex was finding Anna almost as stubborn as himself, though in a different manner. She wanted to please him, which he loved. But he wanted the ring she picked out for him to be from her, not just something he liked.

  He turned to the shopkeeper, Jakob. “Will you please get my wife’s ring so she can see it?” he asked in German.

  Jakob nodded and disappeared into the back of the store, returning a few minutes later with a small box, which he presented to Alex.

  “Thank you.”

  Alex opened the box and handed it to his precious wife. Her eyes widened at the sight of the band of round diamonds. He had special ordered it so that each diamond was of the highest quality and sparkled like her engagement ring. The main diamond of the engagement ring was just over one and a half karats and considered as perfect a diamond as could be found. Colorless, flawless, and perfectly cut. Anything larger wouldn’t have been as high of quality.

  “Oh, Alex,” she said breathlessly. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Just like you,” he said, kissing the top of her head. She was so small next to him, it was the easiest place to kiss her frequently. Plus her hair was like silk and smelled delicious. Vanilla and raspberries. “So, is that enough to help you pick something out?” he teased gently.

  Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. “I just want to make sure you like it.”

  “Anna, I told you. Anything you pick out I will love, because it is from you.”


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