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The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced

Page 29

by Marissa Honeycutt

He pulled her forward onto the bed and turned her on her back. He held her hands above her head and leaned over her. “Alex is not here. I am.” His eyes were black and cold. “Don’t let your attention stray again.”

  Anna tugged her arms to try and free herself, but he held her firmly in his grip.

  “Yes, Devin,” she whispered, blinking away tears. Would he hurt her? He wasn’t supposed to, but didn’t think it was a good idea to remind him.

  He leaned down and kissed her neck and caressed her breasts with one hand. He held her hands with the other one. She whimpered as he twisted her nipple.

  “You’ve gone soft, Anna,” he murmured against her breast. He nudged her legs apart and thrust inside her with one swift movement.

  “Aack!” she cried out as he forced his way into her body. “Please, Devin. That hurts.”

  He gave her a wicked grin and thrust hard while holding her hands. She wiggled, trying to get away from the pain. She hadn’t been hurt in a long time and she wasn’t used to it anymore.

  She struggled against his grip and tried to get her knee in between their bodies. “No, Devin. Please don’t.” She was afraid he would hurt the baby. The thought made her indignant and her eyes flashed with anger. “No! I am an Elder-Mistress,” she said in a commanding tone. “You are to treat me with respect.”

  Devin narrowed his eyes and slapped her across the face. “Don’t you dare take an arrogant tone with me, bitch.”

  She cried out when he hit her and couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. She used all her strength to fight against him, using her legs especially. She managed to get her knee up and pushed him off enough that she could scramble off the bed, but he caught her before she got more than a step away.

  She screamed as he pulled her back in bed by her hair and pushed her face down onto the bed. He held down her upper body and she felt him press his cock between her ass cheeks.

  “No!” she screamed, but he pressed forward and ripped into her ass. It had been months since she’d had anal and it felt like her first time all over again.

  He grabbed her hair and pushed her face into the mattress. She couldn’t breathe and felt herself getting dizzy and she stopped struggling. He pulled her head up and she gasped for air.

  “Don’t you dare say no to me,” he said between clenched teeth. He kept his body weight on her, but released her head.

  She sobbed as he rammed himself into her ass repeatedly until he came.

  He pulled out and stood. “Get some sleep. We leave early in the morning.” He put his pants on and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Anna trembled as she scooted underneath the covers and curled up into a ball. How could he treat her like that? Didn’t he know that Alex would be furious?

  Alex! She cried out silently. Her heart broke with missing her loving husband, but despite the pain in her body she fell asleep, crying for Alex.


  She stood in a large room. It looked like a study, with bookshelves all around her. Several men in black knelt on the floor with their heads bowed and their arms behind their backs. Three men stood above them, looking menacing and holding large machine guns.

  A tall man with dark hair sprinkled with gray entered the room. He had a neatly trimmed beard and blue eyes. He stood for a moment, looking at the men, then pointed to one of the kneeling men. Another man walked behind the kneeling man and pulled him to his feet and then pushed him forward. The man’s face was badly bruised, but his blue eyes were defiant and he stood tall in front of the bearded man. She felt she should know him. Felt...something. But her mind refused to identify him. As if some barrier—time, distance?—separated her from the knowledge of who he was.

  The bearded man spoke in an unknown language. The blue-eyed man glared at the bearded man and spoke in the same language. The blue-eyed man was angry and spat in the bearded man’s face.

  The man who had pushed the blue-eyed man forward put his hand on the blue-eyed man’s shoulder and forced him to his knees. It was a struggle and only after the blue-eyed man had been kicked in the legs and knees several times did he fall to his knees, panting heavily. His hair was pulled to bring his face up to look at the bearded man, but his eyes were still defiant. His eyes narrowed and he spoke in a threatening tone. The bearded man laughed and the blue-eyed man struggled to stand and lunged at the man. The third man hit the blue-eyed man in the head with the butt of his gun and he slumped to the floor.

  The room faded from sight.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  “Time to wake up, Anna,” Devin said softly. He nuzzled the back of her neck and Anna opened her eyes, the threads of the enigmatic dream leaving her confused.

  “Yes, Devin,” she said automatically. She sat up without looking at him. “How long do I have to get ready?” she rubbed her eyes, willing her headache to go away. She felt sad. She hadn’t been sad in a long time. She didn’t like it.

  Devin slid his arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder. “About an hour.”

  “Yes, Devin,” she whispered. She didn’t move until he let go of her and then went to the bathroom to get ready.

  She didn’t speak at breakfast except to answer questions that Devin asked her. She ate, but only for the baby’s sake.

  As they were leaving the hotel room, Devin grasped her upper arm. He lifted her head with his finger and gave her a gentle smile.

  “I’m sorry I got angry last night, Anna. I....” He sighed. “This is an important weekend and I’ve been under a lot of stress.” He petted her hair. “I shouldn’t have hurt you the way I did.”

  Anna blinked in surprise. He was apologizing? That didn’t happen often, if at all. She gave him a small smile. “It’s okay, Devin,” she said softly.

  He kissed her gently on the mouth and when he pulled away she was breathless. He certainly knew how to kiss.

  Devin took her hand and led her downstairs to a waiting limo, similar to the one they used in Washington DC. Memories of what happened on the way to that Gathering made Anna shudder as she got inside and saw some of the Elder-Sons.

  Tommy smiled warmly at her when he saw her and she smiled back.

  The rest of the Elders and their sons arrived shortly thereafter, and the limo pulled away from the curb, heading north out of San Francisco.

  Devin spoke with the other Elders and kept his arm around Anna. Relief flooded her body as time passed and Devin kept her by his side. She wouldn’t have minded spending time with Tommy, but she didn’t dare ask Devin to do so. She didn’t want to anger him again.

  Anna stared out the window and played with her wedding rings absentmindedly. She daydreamed about being with Alex again. Only a few more days and he’ll be home.


  They arrived mid-morning to a heavily wooded and hilly area. Several long lodges lined the road leading up to a gigantic grassy field, similar to the one from the Summer Gathering, only there was no lake. Just trees. A giant, polished-stone eagle sat in the middle of the far side of the field. Large pavilions lined the other three sides of the field. There were more here than at the last Gathering.

  They got out and Devin took her to the largest pavilion, set up close to the eagle. Maggie and Ian were there waiting for them.

  “Any problems?” Devin asked Ian as they arrived.

  “No, sir. The girls are here and getting ready. No one else has arrived yet.”

  “Good.” Devin turned to Anna. “Remove your jewelry. All of it.”

  Anna stared at Devin dumbfounded. “But Dev-”

  His hard eyes stopped her mid word. “You are not Alex’s wife here. You are my Mistress. I don't want there to be confusion. Take. It. Off.”

  Anna sat down on a cushion and removed her bracelet, her necklace and her rings. Maggie handed her a silk bag and told her she would put it with her clothing after she changed.

  “Thank you, Maggie,” Anna said softly. She put the jewelry in the bag and handed it back to Maggie. She felt
naked and vulnerable.

  Devin stepped behind her and fastened a necklace around her neck like the one she wore before she was married. “Maggie, get her changed and then bring her back.”

  “Yes, Master,” Maggie said and took Anna’s hand and led her back through the woods to a large wooden lodge.

  Anna could hear giggling and chatting as she approached. The women greeted her in unison and she smiled nervously and said hello. Her confidence in being an Elder-Mistress had been shattered last night with Devin’s rape. Maybe in Germany she could be treated respectfully, but not here.

  Maggie took her to a small room and got her ready with oils and perfumes, and then dressed her in a knee length white dress. It was sheer as usual, but with an empire waist to hide her belly. The top barely contained her breasts.


  Devin was in their pavilion lounging on one of the chaises when Anna returned. Kaveh and the two other Immortals were there as well. She glanced at them nervously, wondering why they were there.

  Devin smiled. “Good, you’re back.” He stood and took her to the bed in the second room of the pavilion. “Lie down.”

  Kaveh had followed them and stood over her like a giant bronze statue.

  She glanced at Devin and then lay back on the bed on her back. Were they going to have sex with her?

  Devin took hold of her hands and held them while Kaveh sat on the bed and lifted her dress up to put his hands on her belly.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in a shaking voice.

  “Checking the baby,” he said, closing his eyes and concentrating.

  “Why?” A sickening feeling came over Anna as she watched Kaveh smile as he ran his hands over her skin.

  “Because I have to make sure it’s ready.” He opened his golden eyes and looked at her steadily.

  “Ready? Ready for what?”

  A grin spread over Kaveh’s face and he looked at Devin. “You didn’t tell her?”

  Anna looked between the two men. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  “It was more fun to let her think what she wanted to think.” Devin chuckled.

  Frightened tears came to her eyes. “Devin, what are you talking about?”

  Devin looked at her with such cold eyes it chilled her to the bone. “Your baby. I gave it to you. It’s not Ben’s baby. It’s Kaveh’s. He impregnated you so I could have it tonight. I need a...sacrifice.”

  Anna’s eyes widened in horror as he spoke. Her baby! Hers and Alex’s baby. No, it couldn’t be true. She shook her head and tried to get up. “No, this is my baby. Mine and Alex’s.”

  They both laughed and held her down on the bed. “No, Anna. You are carrying it for me. An Immortal baby is very powerful. Exactly what I need to...solidify my position in the Brotherhood.” Devin grinned wickedly. “And I am going to take it from you. Tonight. You can’t stop me.”

  “No!” Anna screamed, and fought as hard as she could to get up. But the two men were much stronger than her.

  Devin held her hands down and Kaveh held her ankles with one of his huge hands and pulled out his enormous cock out with his other. “Just some last minute...infusion, shall we say?” Kaveh said and opened her legs. He held her knees against her chest so she couldn’t kick and pressed himself inside her body.

  Her stomach churned as he pushed further and further inside. She screamed as he went especially deep. “You don’t like me in your womb, Anna?” Kaveh asked sarcastically. “I’m hurt.”

  Every thrust sent pain shooting through her body. They held her so tight that she couldn’t do anything but lay there and take it. She sobbed and begged him to stop, but he ignored her. He moaned and enjoyed himself while she cried.

  He gave one last thrust as he emptied himself into her womb and groaned.

  When he pulled out, she whimpered and rolled to her side when they released her, holding her stomach in pain. Her face was wet from her tears and her heart ached so badly she thought she would die.

  Alex wouldn’t have allowed this to happen. Why did he have to get called away this weekend? He would be enraged when he got home and found out what Devin had done.

  No, she couldn’t let Devin take the baby. It was their baby. But it wasn’t. It was Devin’s baby.

  But what if Devin was lying? Why did he want the baby? How would he take it? Would he take it like he took her? Is that what he meant?

  Oh, she couldn’t think straight. She was hurting so badly. Maybe a nap would help clear her head. She closed her eyes and tried to think about Alex. Her beloved Alex.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Anna awoke to a cool breeze on her face. She looked up and saw people in the distance, but the pavilion was empty.


  She had to escape. She couldn’t let Devin take her baby. No. She would run. Alex would find her.

  She looked around and sat up slowly. Her shoes were nowhere in sight, but that couldn’t stop her. She had to flee. The road wasn’t far and there were shops there. She could call Aaron or Wilhelm. They would help her.

  Slowly she stood and backed away to the curtained back of the pavilion. She felt around for an opening and slipped through it. Looking around, she saw a faint path leading into the woods. She crept silently along the path, keeping a watch for any movements. She saw nothing but trees and kept going, quicker this time. Rocks cut her feet, but she couldn’t stop; she had to escape.

  She heard a sound and stopped and crouched down. Holding her breath, she looked around and saw a man close by. He looked vaguely familiar, but didn’t know his name. By his dress, she guessed him to be from Devin’s Manor. She kept low in the bushes and crept away.

  She stopped a few minutes later to look back and he was gone. Anna sighed in relief and straightened, but continued walking as quickly as she could. The rocks and twigs cut into her feet, but she couldn’t think about that now. She walked for several more minutes and then the path stopped.

  “No!” she exclaimed softly.

  She looked around, but saw no signs of the path. As she contemplated what to do next, she heard a shout behind her. She turned and saw the man from earlier walking toward her. Instinct kicked in and she ran as fast as she could through the trees. By the sound of his crashing footsteps, he was not far behind, and she searched desperately for a hiding spot. She couldn’t outrun him. She had to hide. She looked up at the trees as she ran, but she wouldn’t be able to climb fast enough.

  Suddenly the ground before her disappeared and she skidded down an embankment into a creek. A very cold creek. She heard the man shout and she looked up to see a shadow across the creek behind some vines.

  A hiding place?

  She scrambled through the freezing water and found a narrow pathway to what turned out to be a shallow cave. The vines weren’t vines, but blackberry bushes. She ignored the thorns and pushed through the thick leaves, disappearing into the shadow just as the man appeared at the top of the opposite embankment. She could see him through the limbs of the bush, but he didn’t seem to be able to see her. She sighed silently in relief.

  Two more men appeared behind him and they looked around.

  “I saw her go down,” the first man said. “She had to have gone this way.”

  They made their way down the embankment and stood by the creek.

  “She couldn't have gotten far. She’s barefoot.”

  They split up, taking the opposite directions on the banks of the creek, and the first man crossed the creek and climbed up the other side, passing very close to where she was hiding. She held her breath until his footsteps disappeared.

  Anna sighed in relief. She was safe...for now. She leaned forward and rested her head in her hands. She hurt, inside and out. Her feet were bruised and cut, and the scrapes from the thorns started to sting. She shivered with cold and fear; she was still wet from falling into the creek.

  How long would she have to wait? She realized she hadn’t planned this well. Or at all. She just ran. She should have looked around fo
r her shoes at least. Then she wouldn’t be at such a disadvantage.

  Anna didn’t hear anything for a long while and decided to try to make it further away from the Gathering. She had to get away.

  As she crept out of her hiding spot, she heard men shouting. She gasped and flung herself back into her cave just as the men came into view. Devin stopped at the top of the hill. She could see the fury in his face, even from this distance. He looked around for a few minutes, and his eyes locked on her hiding spot. She could feel him looking at her through the cover of the bushes.

  “Anna, it was very foolish of you to run away,” he said in a calm voice, making his way down the embankment. “I will always find you. I am still bonded to you. I can feel you.”

  She clasped her hand over her mouth to keep from whimpering. Her eyes widened as he walked right to her hiding spot. She scooted back as far as she could, but it wasn’t far enough.

  “Get rid of these bushes,” he said, turning back to the men.

  Several men came forward and pulled at the vines. They cursed as the thorns bit into their hands, but picked up branches to pull the vines aside.

  Anna huddled in the darkness as her protection slowly disappeared. When the vines were gone, and she could be seen, Devin stood at the opening of the cave, frowning down at her.

  “Very foolish, Anna.”

  He grabbed her arm and hauled her to her feet. She cried out in pain as he pulled her out of the cave and made her stand in the ankle deep freezing water.

  “You look like shit. Clean yourself up.”

  Anna shivered and looked at him. “Here?”

  “Yes.” His eyes narrowed and blackened.

  She bent down with trembling legs and splashed the icy water on her arms and legs.

  “Faster,” Devin growled, then pushed her forward so that she fell onto her hands and knees in the water.

  She shrieked and stood quickly, trying to escape the cold of the water, but Devin grabbed her hair and pulled her back. He pulled her forward several feet to where the water was deeper and dunked her under the water. She squealed and gasped as the cold enveloped her body. He pulled her out for a moment before wrapping her hair even tighter around his fist. Once more, he forced her down, pushing her face under water. She gasped for air as he yanked her up.


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