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The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced

Page 32

by Marissa Honeycutt

  He studied her as she ate. She looked as if she’d never been pregnant. Her adorable belly was gone, replaced with that sexy stomach she had before she’d gotten pregnant. Her breasts were back to normal as well. Aaron liked her pregnant breasts. They were full and very nice to peek at when he danced with her. She had scolded him teasingly about his gaze many times. Not that her normal breasts were too small or unpleasant. Quite the contrary. They were very enjoyable. Still....

  Stop the inappropriate thoughts, Aaron. This is not the time to be thinking about Anna’s beautiful body.

  “Will you come to class tomorrow?” Aaron asked, getting his mind off the sordid topic.

  Anna nodded. “It will help me feel better.” She gave him a sad smile. “I guess I don't have to worry about not being able to dance in Jewels now, huh?”

  Aaron nodded. “I was really looking forward to dancing with you.”

  “And I, you. I love dancing with you, Aaron.”

  Aaron beamed at her. Stephanie, his Sugar Plum Fairy, hadn’t been very happy about stepping aside for Anna, but no one could deny her talent. The critics were looking forward to the opening of Jewels and more displays of Anna’s dancing. She was the youngest female principal in the history of the SFBC.

  They watched a movie in the bedroom after dinner until Anna fell asleep in his arms. Aaron debated if he should stay with her or not. He decided to. At least until Wilhelm came.


  The alarm went off and Anna didn’t want to wake up. She was held in a cocoon of big strong arms. Her mind registered Alex before she remembered he wasn’t home yet. Besides, Wilhelm wasn’t quite as muscular as Alex, though his limbs were as long.

  But Alex would be home today, she told herself. Anna smiled at the thought. She needed Alex. She needed his assurance that everything would be all right. Soon. In the meantime, dancing would help soothe her soul. And Wilhelm’s presence as well.

  She stretched her arms and legs and sat up. Wilhelm was still asleep, which made Anna smile. Alex always woke up the second Anna was up, if he wasn’t already awake. One of the many things she loved about him.

  Anna scooted out from under the covers and glanced back at Wilhelm as she walked to the bathroom to get ready.

  When she emerged a while later, Wilhelm was sitting up in bed and looking at his phone.

  “Have you heard from Alex?” she asked. Anna had already checked her phone several times.

  “Nein, not yet.” Wilhelm looked up with sympathetic eyes. “Anna, it’s very possible he won’t be home today. Things can take longer than expected sometimes and he can't communicate that to us.”

  Anna managed to smile and nod. “I know,” she whispered. But her heart fell. She needed Alex home. Today. She needed his arms around her. She turned around, pretending to be busy with her dance bag, trying to control her tears.

  Wilhelm came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Anna, don’t be afraid. He’ll be home. He always comes home.”

  She squeezed a point shoe in her hand and blinked several times. “Okay.” She turned to look up at Wilhelm. “I should go eat breakfast.”

  Wilhelm kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry. Dance wonderfully today. He’ll be home as soon as he can. I know he will.”


  At every break, Anna checked her phone, but the screen remained unchanged.

  He’s okay. It’s just taking longer than he thought it would.

  She knew he was in Russia and it would take a while to get home as well. She just had to be patient.

  When rehearsal was over, there still had been no word from Alex. Since Wilhelm had arrived, Aaron had gone back to his house, but told Anna to call him if she needed anything. Her house was only a few minutes from Aaron’s. She liked being that close to him.


  The next few days, Anna didn’t go anywhere without her phone. She kept it by the barre during class and slept next to it at night. When Saturday came around, fear began to grow in Anna’s heart. Wilhelm tried his best to calm her nerves, but she knew even he was getting nervous.

  She sat in the on the couch in the living room and stared out the window, willing the two black SUVs to come driving around the corner. Devin had allowed her to stay home from the Gathering Friday night, though Anna suspected Wilhelm had something to do with it. Devin didn’t sound very happy when he phoned her Thursday afternoon to tell her.

  “Anna, let’s go do something. Out of the house.” Wilhelm came and sat next to her.

  Anna shook her head. “I want to be here when he gets here.”

  “Liebling, he’ll call when he gets to Frankfurt. Remember, he’s stopping there on the way home. We’ll have plenty of time to get home before he arrives.”

  Wilhelm’s words were reasonable; Alex wouldn’t just show up at the house without calling first. And he wouldn’t arrive in Frankfurt without calling her.


  For Anna’s sake, Wilhelm kept himself calm, but his stomach churned every time he thought about his son. Alex was very good at what he did. He planned his missions down to the tiniest detail and was rarely off on his timing. Maybe a day or two, but he’d never been off this much. Four days late was too long. Wilhelm began to worry.

  If he got a minute away from Anna, he would call Vitaly in St. Petersburg. He and Wilhelm had a friendly relationship and if anything had happened, Vitaly would know. Especially since it was Vitaly who had called Alex. He’d at least know if the objective had been accomplished.

  Wilhelm took Anna to a movie and they walked around Fisherman’s Wharf and had dinner. She remained quiet and worried. His heart went out to her. She needed Alex home, safe and sound. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if Alex didn’t come home.

  But Alex always came home. He and his team were the best of any of the special ops teams the Brotherhood had.


  Anna tossed and turned as she lay in bed with Wilhelm watching TV. She’d been trying to hold out for Alex to come home for sex, but her body physically hurt from lack of sex at this point. Alex had told her that if she needed comfort or release, that she could sleep with Aaron. But what about Wilhelm?

  But Wilhelm was her father-in-law. Was that taboo now? She had come to understand that having sex with her guardian was very socially unacceptable, aside from the whole abuse thing. Surely her father-in-law would be in the same category. But he was also an Elder.

  “Anna, are you all right?” Wilhelm asked as she fidgeted in the bed. He lay his hand on hers.

  Anna stopped moving. “I...yeah,” she said lamely. She didn’t want to offend him. She liked having him hold her when she slept. It comforted her. She didn’t want him to think badly of her.

  He cupped her chin and turned her face to his. “What’s wrong?”

  She gazed into his blue eyes and fought herself from leaning in to kiss him.

  His eyes searched hers and then darkened when he saw the desire in her eyes. “Liebling...,” he whispered. “Do you need touch?” He stroked her cheek with his finger and she leaned into his hand.

  She bit her lip and nodded hesitantly. “I’m sorry Wilhelm. I...I can call Aaron. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  He slid his hand around the back of her head and pressed his lips to hers, his tongue demanding entry between her lips. When they parted, his tongue stroked hers and she moaned and pressed her body to his. His hands tangled in her hair and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He rolled her onto her back and lay gently on top of her, kissing her passionately and flexing his hips against her thigh. She could feel him, long and hard, against her leg. His lips moved down her jaw and to her neck, where he sucked gently on the skin. She pressed her head into the pillow and sighed as his tongue moved down her neck and to her collarbone. He pulled the straps of her tank top off her shoulders and kissed them, then moved down to the tops of her breasts. Her nipples grew taut and she arched her back, wanting him to take them into
his mouth.

  He pulled her tank top up over her head and tossed it on the floor. He looked down at her breasts and trailed his fingers around the bottom curve and up to her nipple.

  “Wilhelm,” she sighed. “Please....”

  His tongue trailed around her nipple before taking her breast into his mouth, using suction and his tongue to make her wiggle and moan beneath him. She cried out as he tugged on the ring before moving to the other breast and giving it the same attention.

  She tugged on his t-shirt and pulled it off. His chest hair brushed against her stomach, making her giggle.

  He glanced up at her with an affectionate smile. “Making love to you is a pleasure I would never turn down.”

  She gazed into his loving eyes. “But you’re Alex’s father.”

  He shrugged. “Do you desire me less because of that?”

  Anna shook her head.

  He bent down and kissed her nipple. “My feelings for you haven’t changed. I just keep them hidden so I don't make you uncomfortable.” He gave her a tender smile. “I never, ever want to come between you and Alex. But I am happy to step in if you need me.” He chuckled and Anna giggled. “Besides, I am technically still your Master as well.”

  He kissed down her stomach and then pulled off her sweatpants. He kissed her pubic bone and then licked her clit gently, making her hips flex towards him. He chuckled again and looked up into her eyes as his tongue circled her clit.

  Anna’s eyes fluttered closed as Wilhelm lavished attention on her neglected pussy.

  “Oh, Wilhelm,” she sighed as he spread her open and pressed his tongue against her slit. She tangled her hands into his hair, pushing his mouth into her swollen folds. He lapped and sucked on the sensitive skin.

  “Oh! Oh, yes!” she cried out as sweet release radiated up and out of her body. Wilhelm held her hips down and sucked on her clit as she screamed out her orgasm.

  She panted and gazed at Wilhelm as he stood to remove his pants. She licked her lips when she saw his cock, long and hard, jutting out from his hips, and sat up quickly to take him into her mouth.

  He murmured in German as he held her head gently. Oh, she loved his cock! She licked him from the base up and sucked on the tip, licking the pre-cum from his slit. She hummed in delight as she took him in as far as she could, making him groan.

  He pulled himself out of her mouth and she whimpered. He chuckled and lay her down and positioned himself between her legs. His lips captured hers and he slowly entered her body.

  She sighed in ecstasy. He was such a gentle lover. So different than everything she’d been through the previous weekend. She matched his rhythm as he thrust slowly in and out of her body. God, he felt good! Exactly what she needed. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her as he loved her.

  Their movements increased as one and they exploded together. Her legs held him inside and didn’t relax until they had both returned to earth. He rolled over onto his back, bringing her with him and she rested her head on his chest.

  He stroked her hair as she listened to his heartbeat slow, and fell asleep to its soothing rhythm.


  Anna’s eyes snapped open as a familiar body slipped into bed behind her. “Alex?” she exclaimed, turning around.

  “Nein, Liebling. I’m sorry. It’s Wilhelm.”

  “Wilhelm!” She flung her arms around his neck and he held her close. He was the next best thing with Alex out of town. She savored his familiar presence and buried her face in his shoulder. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she murmured.

  “Always, Liebling. I will always be here for you.” He kissed her cheek and rubbed her back.

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Wilhelm didn’t get a chance to call Vitaly until Monday morning when Anna went to class. He had stayed positive for her sake, but he was very worried. Vitaly told him that he had heard from Alex when they arrived, but hadn’t heard from him since. The target was difficult to find and that could be why it was taking so long. Wilhelm thanked him and ended the call, then sat back on the couch in the living room, tapping the edge of his phone on his lip.

  What to do now? Calling Alex could put him in danger and likely wouldn’t do any good even if he tried. They kept their phones off except for emergencies to keep from being traced.

  His phone rang a few minutes later. Wilhelm growled when he saw it was Devin. What the hell did he want? “Yes, Devin. What can I do for you?”

  “Where are you?” Devin asked cautiously. “Is Anna with you?”

  “No, Anna is at class. I am at my son’s house. Why do you ask?”

  There was a pause. “I need to speak with you. In person.”

  Wilhelm sighed. He didn’t want to deal with Devin right now. His nerves were on edge as it was. Devin’s presence would only agitate them more.

  “Please, Wilhelm.”

  Devin’s tone concerned him. “You are welcome to come over if you would like,” Wilhelm said in an even tone. He didn’t like Devin one iota, but Devin sounded...worried.

  “I’ll be there shortly.”


  Anna glanced down at her phone for the umpteenth time this morning. She was sure she would hear from Alex today. She had to. Her last shreds of sanity were quickly unraveling.

  It was the end of class. The dancers moved into the center for révérence. She began the slow steps to cool down and stretch before break. As she turned in arabesque and returned to face the side of the room, a movement near the door caught her attention.

  She looked up to see Wilhelm in the doorway looking very pale. Devin stood behind him with a concerned expression on his face. Her leg dropped and she stared. The entire class froze and the pianist stopped playing.

  Wilhelm held his hand out. “Anna...,” he said softly.

  As if in a trance, she walked to where Wilhelm and Devin stood. Wilhelm put his arm around her shoulders and led her out into the hallway.

  “Anna....” Wilhelm began in a broken voice. “There has of Alex.”

  “Is he hurt?” she asked in a tiny voice.

  Wilhelm’s eyes filled with tears as he shook his head. “He is....” Wilhelm cleared his throat. “He is...gone, Anna. Devin received...a letter and....” Wilhelm pulled something out of his pocket. A small silver colored circle.

  Anna held out her hand and Wilhelm put Alex’s wedding ring in her palm.

  “Some villagers found...their bodies outside St. Petersburg,” Devin said slowly. “The letter arrived this morning. I am so sorry, Anna.”

  Anna looked back and forth between the two men. They couldn’t be serious. No. Alex couldn’t be gone. But he would never take off his ring. He said the only way it would ever be removed is if he were...dead.

  Anna shook her head and backed away. Tears streamed down her cheeks. “No,” she whispered. “He can’t. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t do that to me.” Her voice rose with each thought.

  “Liebling.” Wilhelm stepped to her and pulled her close.

  “No,” she repeated emphatically.

  And then she screamed.


  The scream chilled Aaron to the bone and echoed through the building. He ran out of the studio to see Anna collapsed on the floor with Wilhelm hunched over her. Her wails made him shiver. The entire class followed behind him and heads poked out from the other studios.

  “Anna!” he exclaimed and ran over to her and Wilhelm.

  “What...?” His words caught in his throat as he looked at Wilhelm’s wet, pale face. “Alex...?” he whispered.

  Wilhelm pressed his lips together and nodded. “He is gone, Aaron,” Wilhelm said in a cracked voice and buried his face in Anna’s neck.

  Aaron sank to his knees and stared at Anna. There had to be some sort of mistake. He looked up at Devin, who looked solemn.

  But Alex was so...full of life. He couldn’t be dead. What the hell had he been doing that got him killed? Questions ran through his head even as the tears began to run down
his cheeks. His best friend was gone.

  He glanced back up at Devin. “What about Seth? And Tony? And the others?”

  Devin turned his gaze on Aaron and shook his head sadly. “I’m sorry.”

  Aaron stared at the floor and shook his head in disbelief. How could this be possible? How could his best friend be gone? He leaned over and put his forehead on Anna’s trembling back.

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Wilhelm stared at the ground as he sat in the chair next to Anna’s bed. His son. His oldest son was gone. And his nephew as well. And Alex’s men. He knew them all. The ache in his heart was unbearable. The bond between Anna and Alex only prevented Devin from being involved with Alex’s death; it didn’t mean he couldn’t be killed on a mission or any other countless ways people died every day.

  If only Sebastian could return to tell him what happened…but that was unlikely. Mission deaths were not uncommon. There was no compelling reason for the Immortal to risk returning to share the story. Alex’s job was dangerous. Two years ago, another Brotherhood assassin had been killed during a mission. It was just part of the job.

  Alex was the best...but even the most talented still get killed sometimes. Devin had said he’d tried to get more information on what happened, but no one seemed to have heard anything. It wasn’t unreasonable for that to happen. Alex and the others were good at their jobs. No one would have known they were there.

  Wilhelm was torn, even as his heart was aching unlike he'd ever felt. He wanted to go home to his family, but he couldn’t leave Anna here. It had been twenty-four hours since he’d told her and she hadn’t spoken or moved voluntarily since. He’d taken her home and given her a bath and tucked her into bed. She just lay there with her eyes open, staring out into space.

  Leaving her here would make her vulnerable. Devin had been kind and sympathetic, but Wilhelm didn’t trust him to put Anna’s needs above his own desires. There was no love lost between Alex and Devin, and Devin was probably glad about Alex. Wilhelm hated to think what would happen to Anna when he left.


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